(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Oh dear ! Slipped disc is going tp give you long pain! I suggest you visit a chiropractor ... Swimming help ! My HB did MRI and completed his physiotherapy ... It only can give Jim temporary relieved[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He visited a chiropractor at Forum , apparently his pain is not as bad as before n he can sit longer ( normally pinky can sit for 5-8mins)....

A massage help too but please get an experienced n reputable masseur ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hugs!


Stella, I already taking fenugreek and also sacred tea.

I oso realised if I delay and pump at 4hrs I can get 140-150ml, 2.5hr get 70-90ml. Mathematically seems tt pump 4 hrly get more milk hor? Should I do this then?

Destitonia, actually i realized the longer the delay the more milk. My record was 6 hrs 400 mls. If ur not latching I think it's ok to pump 4 hourly. But I built up my supply first by pumping 3 hourly til I got abt 140mls. Now 3 hourly seems to hv dropped amt though. But hv to agree that jus a 1 hr delay seems to make a difference.


her bday is 25 sept, how is your dd's name pronounced? I get quite a lot of funny pronunciations like ma-eve, muave, mave. but my dd is mae-V, written as Maeve. I wanted to add a hypen when I did her bc but in the end didn't...

Are mummies aware of some abs muscle abnormality? I just knew from my Gynae, if abs can put 2 and half fingers inside means not really normal.. Must go physio...

Hihi all

Do take care Ann. Slip disc is no joke I think you better go to a chiropractor like what Princess recommend. Don't lift heavy stuff. Your sleepy wrap is ergo friendly?

Meeting tomorrow

Feel like joining. But not confident of going so far alone with baby. =P Do enjoy your outing mummies!


Please add me [email protected].

I want to see the northern mummies pic too!

Frozen bm

Can I check how long can we keep the frozen bm? 6months?


So sorry to hear about your slip disc! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can imagine how much pain u are under.. How come u have it? U still looked okay during our gathering. Better don't anyhow get massage done. Check with ur doctor first and go thru the suggested treatment. The earlier u do the better also! For now pls rest and don't even try to carry baby or do any housework.. If hubby can't cope, get part time maid okay? Really, REALLY hope u get better! *hugs*!!!

My hubby is in real bad shape after the standchart marathon.. The ML I booked SMSed to say that her gradma passed away. Actually I dunno whether to believe or not?? Anyway, forget it lah. I had to massage for him. Sub standard but gotta make do. Haha! He cld hardly walk lor! If he is not better by tmr I may have to forgo the gathering and stay home be his MAID! Grrr...


Relax.. Babies will get less fussy as they get older as they will be able to express what they want better. Jadelyn doesn't fuss much lately because most of the times I know what she wants already. There are still occasions when she fusses without any known reason but they usually don't last more than 15mins lah.

Re: Pupsik pouch... U find it low? How come? Take a pic post on FB and show? Cld be ur positioning or cloth not adjusted properly... When I put Jadelyn in it's just nice, at the exact level for cradle hold. Her butt is at the part where the seam is, legs crossed, arm placed inside the pouch just below the padded edge (sometimes I let her arm hang out of the pouch) and her head is only partially in the pouch, partially supported by padded edge..


What do u mean by putting 2.5 fingers into the abs? I cannot picture it.. Is it flabby abs?


U managed it with Celeste the other day at JP. Shld be fine in orchard too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ur hubby did the whole 42km? If really full marathon really will be super shag!

Hehe… if Celeste not cranky tmr n not raining I will try go down n meet u all.


Yah, he did the full marathon... I say he's paying money to get major muscle ache! Lol! Hope I can make it tmr and hope to see u there too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies, quite tempted to join today's lunch but dun really want to bring baby! hehee...

btw if I'm out the whole day, the milk i pumped outside, if i store in the cooler bag with the ice block ok rite? planning a shopping day on tues. Not bringing lucaso got to bring pump but not sure if the cooler bag with ice block cold enough for the ebm to last til i get home to store (ie milk already more than 4 hours before storing in fridge)


So your gal is jie jie. Haha...people dunno how to pronounce and asked how to pronounce. Clinic nurse called my name instead of bb's name.

U r right. It is written as Maeve, but pronouce as Mae-V (May-V).

brought my elder boy out on sat n left baby with MIL. Though I brought the pump out, we couldnt find a place for me to pump. So I was practically bursting by the time we got home...a good 9 hours later.

MIL happily reported that baby likes to drink water n says that I shd give him. Told her no need as BM is mainly water, not heaty like fm. then she changed tack...say i shd still give, in case baby rejects water in future *faintz*

re : LC

my sil saw doris fok earlier this year. then she paid $50 per hr of consult but must go to doris' home. No house call. I'm deciding whether I shd just pay double for another LC to do house call as I'm lazy to bring the baby out.

Mummies thanks for ur concerns n suggestions


Painkillers i took is safe for bf. BUT.. i feel there is bo use. Still painful. Decided not to take it anymore.

Hope u get better soon too n be able to walk normally again..


Is the ciropractor ex? Wgats the rate like? N if i go there one time will i get much better? Im really worried abt bby n kinda miss holding him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sleepy wrap.is ergonomic. U shld try smtimes. Really comfy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My mum is coming tmr to help out BUT im actually worried too coz nikolas is now 6.2 kg n she also hs bone problem. Haha.

At least no need to worry abt food n housework.

Wah my house is like a farm now. Really messy.

I believe it is caused by lifting baby bathtub with the water inside. I wanted to throw away the water n prepaee for next bath. The pain just come suddenly like that on fri afternoon.

Mummies enjoy ur gathering!


actually its abt same distance frm ur place to orchard n to jp, i think?

Maybe u cn try taking bus this time he3


I remember frozen ebm cn only keep for 3 mmths in separate freezer compartment.


Ur hubby take leave tmr to recover from his expensive muscle pain?? Hehe

i also always say the same thing to hubby. Every year he joins biathlon. He does nt like the running part but he can swim well. Therefore he wants to join to experience swimming in the sea hehehe..

Funny part is he is always be the first few swimmers who reached changing point but takes really long to finish his run!!


Mummies cn add me too [email protected]

im very lost with fb mobile. Actually with my mobile phome in general. Dunno how to copy n paste the email addresses


Hehe, I got my new pump liao. Life saver ESP when my boy only latch one side during e 1st night feed.


Never pump for 9 hrs!! Crazy!! Did u leak milk frequently? Hehe.


Haha, ur hb joined an exp marathon. Muz take leave to recover somemore.


I oso lost with fb. I onli wait for pple to add mr. :p

Morning mommies!! Enjoy yr gathering later.. I really wanna join but my sisters been in icu since last wk.

Ian.. I envy u!! Everytime i leave baby wif mom to go out for shopping or dinner, i feel so guilt!

Ann slipped disc ah? Ouch! Hope u get it fixed soon!

Im sooo sleepy!! Sofea woke up every 2 hrs last nite!!

good morning mommies n daddy


I remember he pAid around 2k+ for a package! He has seen many doctor, Dr Ong an orthopedic from MtE refused to operate on him cos his disc has already degenerated over the years ! My HB live in pain... He has seen many doctors, sinseh .. Non help unfortunately until he visited this chiropractor ..the session only takes 3-5 mins n he always walked out with a smile ! Not that it will cure slipped disc but at least he can walk ,sleep n sit as a normal person ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your must sleep in a hard surface n no wAterbed please .. Will make it worse..

My has got slipped disc since 13yrs bk !

hope you get well soon ..don't lift up heavy things .. And have a correct poisture .. Got get a binder with a lumbar support to put on in the mean time

Ann, jia you and take care!

Emmie, I pump in the toilet ! Haha I asked hb u take e milk can drink, he say ok. Mybb drink Liao no prob hehe

marissa> no need feel guilty one la~ my son cant wait to be with his grandma, so that he can continue to 'bully' her!

re: slipped disc

i also have this condition, minor one..but enough to cause pain that will leave my shoulders swollen if i over-exert my back..

no cure for slipped disc..not even op is guaranteed 100% success~ just gotta take gd care of ur back by having the right posture always.

Thanks marissa desti.


U just add me in fb rite? Confirmed u.. Hehe


The thing is that i do not hv normal bed in my house. In the guest room is a sofa bed and although quite comfortable is very low!i had hard time getting up frm it.. Luckily it has the incline machine thing. But sill hurt. Think i was stuck for almost one hr there just to get out. Huhuhu.

How?!?! Shl get new bed?!?! The physio also said the same thing but where else can i sleep?

Will tell hubby bout this chiroxxx n the bed haha thanks for the info. 2k looks big but i believe if i go to physio will also hit the same amt...

Thanks again mummies..

I cried last nite. Cant hold the tears. Feel like vegetable leh.... Even though i still an move n help out a bit.

Thanks marissa desti.


U just add me in fb rite? Confirmed u.. Hehe


The thing is that i do not hv normal bed in my house. In the guest room is a sofa bed and although quite comfortable is very low!i had hard time getting up frm it.. Luckily it has the incline machine thing. But sill hurt. Think i was stuck for almost one hr there just to get out. Huhuhu.

How?!?! Shl get new bed?!?! The physio also said the same thing but where else can i sleep?

Will tell hubby bout this chiroxxx n the bed haha thanks for the info. 2k looks big but i believe if i go to physio will also hit the same amt...

Thanks again mummies..

I cried last nite. Cant hold the tears. Feel like vegetable leh.... Even though i still an move n help out a bit.

Morning everyone.

Re: Bottle feeding

Although people say that changing teats will cause confusion, you need to first change to find the "right" teat. I use pigeon isoprene teats which was recommended by my LC during my #1. Not too hard which may result in rejecting breast. Also try to get someone else to feed. The person may or may not need to use a t-shirt belonging to you.

There are days when baby may reject breast or reject bottle for a while. Just keep trying. I went through 1 week where baby rejected bottle (after his injection. guess he was afraid). After that, he switched to rejecting breast. Faintz.


Do it slowly, stretching it 15 mins at a time. Else may get blocks or supply may reduce. Dun worry about not having milk when your baby wants to latch. Your body will produce milk when your breasts are empty. Dun worry.


Do take care.


You get other's opinion but my Hb foud it more comfortable when sleep on a hard mattress!

he was left alone in a hotel room once because he couldn't move from his abdomen down to his ankle...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]The bed was too soft..

you cannot sleep in one position for too long too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i suggest you get a binder to support your back for now then attend your physio's n slowly go from there..

there isnt any cure for slipped disc,even after a surgery to replace a new disc doesnt give you a 100% comfort[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]that's y my Hb's doc refused to opreate on him..

i you have a chance,swim...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zuen, strangely didn't really leak alot. but was rock hard! could feel the milk ducts being swollen. and must walk slowly... no sudden movements or jerks. :p

destitonia, your hubby will drink it? wow! I dare not even try it. IF ask my hubby, he will give me a "You must be crazy look!"

hello mummies


Then mine is Maeve jie jie, yours is Maeve mei mei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so won't confuse liao :p


Sorry, late night tired so never explain, when u do half crunches, u feel your abs where there supposed to join, 2.5 fingers width means quite bad... best ones are those that are already joined.

Thx again hor..


im alrdy wearing binder with metal back support from physio.

Talked to hubby, i think will continue with physio.

Bed, maybe will get queen size bed for baby n straight away put him there instead of cot.

I can sleep with him for a while.

Will see how till tmr session with physio see what they said.

Gripe water,

Gave gripe water to baby again because of the wind problem. Really leh he sleeps a lot during the day now. Is it really sedative? But hubby said maybe the stomach feel beter so he can relax n rest.

Again he woke up at 2~3 to poo. Have to trial n error what tine is best in giving he gripe water.

Few days ago he slept 6~7 hr straight in the night.


I gave baby gripe water too for the first time yesterday also, she also slept for the whole day! I was wondering why because she seldom sleep in the day! Is it really a sedative??

hello mummies n daddy ...

Brought all 3 kiddos out to J8 yesterday for lunch. When sake sushi n bb woke up for milk, so she was drinking under my nursing shawl, while i was feeding myself. Hb was busy entertaining my #2 who kept asking for more food even though he had lunch at home n #1 asking for help w to cut up his chunky chicken tt came w kid's meal n hb oso busy feeding himself. Wat a sight man!! haha Shld have taken a photo ...

When i brought her to change at the bb room, she almost scream e whole bb room down! Told my hb ppl might mistaken her for some abandoned bb haha

The lunch n shopping was less than 4hr but felt like we went out for 12hr like tha haha but can see my #1 was super happy to be out. #2 was cranky cos he wanted to zzz n down w slight flu.

Think i need to rest for 5 days just so that we can survive the weekend haha


Just u n hb brought 3 kids out? Applause! I went out with mum n helper n 2 kids for only 3 hrs n I was dead tired too. Didn't even eat outside. Whenever we brought the 2 kids out for meal, it will b war. Bb hates to nurse under shawl n jiejie fussing and not behaving properly. Hoho.


I also dont know whether it is true or not. But before this my son has started to be more alert during the day n after giving it back he sleeps like 4~5 hour during the day?

N wake up 4~5 hrly (meaning he slept less than 5hr each) during the night again.

For abt 3 days, frm wed, he is awake during the day. N sleep 6~7 hr at night. (7~8 hour feeding interval)

Now is like back to square one. I was starting to be happy..


I went out for half day with hubby n baby, felt like i went on 4 days vacation. Really tired. Salut u can bring all three out.


salut u too can bring 2 out!! I dont think i can handle even one...

Maybe i should have only one child hehe...

Hihi mummies n Ian

Didn't manage to make it for the gathering. Baby was cranky today. Keep wanting to be carried! The moment put her down she cries… don't know whether is it becoz went out whole day yesterday n she was being pampered n carried most of the time.

Ann hope ur back is better. Ya my place not far from orch but must take bus or cab which is dependent on traffic n waiting time for bus n cab!

I rem my colleague told me swimming is good for the back. Her hubby also suffered from back prob due to playing too much golf! But now under control after swimming regularly.


My baby does that all the time. Sucking her fist now after I took off her mittens. Sometimes she even suck my neck until look like I got lovebites! >_<

hello everyone!

went over to the chalet to celebrate Aedan's belated baby shower. IT WAS SUPER TIRING!!!!!

have to take care of baby like a nanny.. entertain friends, clean up etc.... totally no sleep at all and when i reached home ytd.. was totally knocked out!! wahhahahaa...

surprisingly, my boy slept like log during the chalet with ocassional fussing. Wonder if its the aircon.. he was as though on sedatives.. kept sleeping in the day and night.. hahahhaah

Hi Cin Cin

my girl sucks both her mittens and sometimes if her mouth falls within the arm range of whoever is carrying her, she sucks on it too! :p I find it so amusing when she does that.

Thr are times when her mittens are wet fr her doing.

cin cin,

nah..but there was one occasion when my son attempted many times to lick my wife's thigh..he wriggled his way to her thigh..super hilarious sight~

Cin Cin:

My boy also starting to put his hand to his mouth. Mittens will be wet lor. Think it's naturally for babies to do that.

When I carry him, he'll lick my shirt if his mouth is within reach. Haha.


Thks for ur reply. Well, I guess I understand what is feed on demand Liao. Tot u have a fixed schedule for Meghan. I find it so rewarding to be able to breastfeed my bb. The bonding that we can hv.

Glad that I decide to fully latch my bb after CL leaves n not continue with bottle. So much more convenient also without having to sterilize bottles etc. Only downside is that dunno hw much bb drinking now.


Not sure if I'm using the sling correctly leh. After putting bb in, the sling liked drop to my tummy there. A bit low rite? Wonder if it's becos of my positioning on the shoulder.

Hi mummies,

Can I know if your feet size increase during pregnancy? Mine increase 1 size and my old shoes can't be worn. =(

Will feet size return to pre-pregancy? or will remain big?

Cin cin: my boy also puts hand in his mouth, especially feeding time n sleeping time.

Nycmum: my feet size went up 1 size n has stayed there aft delivery the past 2 months. Even though water retention is gone. Think the weight over 10 months caused my feet to broaden. Had to buy all new shoes lor.

Today talk to Doris Fok on the phone abt my latching prob. She said at this age bb might b too interested in the world to be patient enough to breastfeed especially w slow flow. She told me to go back to pumping according to his feeding times 2-2.5 hourly to meet his needs. Even less slp again... She told me to try kangaroo care n maybe he might b interested in latching then if he latches can use SNS to reward him... Sianz think I hv to resign myself to pumping. Knowing my boy he is a tough cookie to crack...


Haha, my hb said e same thing too but we already popped liao, too late to regret.


My boi sucks mitten too. He will suck other pole's arm if it is feeding thing but no milk!


Tot just share that if ur bb is 6 weeks old, can remove mitten already cos thats when they start exploring their body parts hence the 'eating' of finger.

Re: going out

Yap it was just hb n me cos we dun have any helper. My mum's helper come over to clean my place on weekend so that relief me fr hsehold chores.

I rem that when we had #1 we felt its so challenging to bring a bb out. Now with 3, we think even bringing 2 is a breeze haha but my #1 is already 5yr old n v independant (sometimes overly confident) so we just need to look out for his safety o/w v easy to handle.

We were all dressed up to go out but the moment we sat in the car, we decided to just go J8 that is just round e corner for a start haha my hb is the one who itchy backside n kept complaining v bored at home.


ya..my boy sucks his mittens til they r really wet.. he also sometimes drools in his sleep!

i dare not remove mittens cos he tends to rub his face v v roughly n no matter how i trim his nails,he will still scratch his face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

he likes to lick n suck on whoever the carrier's shirt or arm..

pupsilk sling

i bought 1 but i find the sling hanging low when i put bb in.. is it ok for 7week bb to be slinged? my mom made a comment that there seems to be no support for neck n back..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hubby cant wear the sling cos too small for him so i got a MIM one for him heehee. i used it once but found myself still carrying bb's head le cos i still dont feel secure ... is it normal???

