(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Anyone mummies here feed their baby nestle Nan ha? Or anyone mummies here feed their baby mamex gold & have any problem like rashes, etc?


Hi starry

I feed FM almost every 2 hours - now trying to extend to 3 hours feed but then my baby cries and ask for milk every time after he urines and poo.

he seems to hate to have his butt wet as I was using traditional square cloth diapers (which my mom prefers to use).

Since last night, I just change him to use the cloth diapers hopefully this will keep him dry and let him sleep longer at night especially.

Regarding water, i gave up and let my mom feed baby with water as she kept nagging on it. I told her minimal is sufficient.

My BM is still not much every 2 hours can only express out 10 ml to 20 ml. sigh... so top up with FM to feed baby. I only latch him during night feeds as I too sleepy to express milk. Oh i try to time my expressing of milk before feeding and give it to him.

So I also slightly as per demand - now trying to "control" him by teaching him to wait. Will tell and coax him to wait till the "right" time. amazingly sometimes it works - he did wait for 5 to 15 mins before screaming again! ha ha.....


I am feeding my baby with Nan. So far no rashes nor poo problem. baby poo seems soft enough and not hard.

i feed Nan as that's what kkh feeds to my baby. I call the ward to ask and brought the same brand


How often do u express? Cannot b in btw every feed hor. Otherwise, either baby or breastpump attached to u liao. Hehe. How much can u express in btw feeds?


I find it a little risky n wondering if I shld start storing ebm so tat others can help to feed baby if need be.


Im also using e nursing pillow n got no Prob so far wor.


My bub was given mamax gold but until now only 3 fm feeds. Dun seem to hv any prob leh.

Morning mummies & daddies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woke up for nite feed, roughly scan thru the posts.

Congrats to all mummis who hv popped!

Amber / Pinky,

Cute babies! Thks for sharing their pics.

Starry / Princess,

Happy wedding anniversary!! "p


I'm oso ordering catering from chillipadi.

Used them for my church wedding. Reviews from frens were pretty good then. ^^


Why cnt feed on demand? So weird. U din ask reason??


Want to ask if I hv a guest list of abt 70pax, how much people shld I cater for?

Dun 1 2 waste food. Everytime cannot finish one.

BF / Pumping

U all v hardworking! I only pump 1 side when I latch baby.

Once I reach ab 50ml I gv up le. Aft bb latch finished 1 side, I will switch him over to latch the other side tt I hv pump to clr out watever.

If he's still hungry, I'll feed him EBM, otherwise store the 50ml & combine it with another 50ml EBM for emergency feeding.

Like tt my ss will drop mah? Not sure if bb hving enuff too.

Just now I tried to feed him abt 130ml, he managed to drink abt 120ml.

His appetite is quite haywire, smtimes alot, smtimes seems v little. Is this normal?

Hi mummies,

Wa. Really no time to read thru all the post.

I'm bk hm but still with the catheter. Will only take out on Friday. So inconvenient to carry it ard.

Re: breastfeeding

I'm still trying to establish a routine n find out wat is the best way. Curently trying to latch in the day n CL to feed EBM in the night. See hw it goes. Not too sure hw much kayden is drinking cos so far latching on demand. But he has been pooing n peeing a lot so j guess sld be ok.


Pump while latch n feed ebm if not enuff aly sound very hardworking to me lor. My ml ask me to pump out after latch if bb never empty breasts but I so lazy. Hoho.


my mil also ask me to keep baby water whenever he cry. My baby feeds every 2 hrs, she says keep feeding him, later tummy explodes, ask me to give water.


my baby has tiny rashes across his forehead, or it's baby acne , not sure if it's caused by the mamex gold. & every time he poop, he sure cry. Haiz.. Don't know wht to do with him

Mornimg mummies!!

Rgd vaccines any mummies here giving ur bb pneumococcal vac? Im thinking to give at 6wks or 7mths.. But i dun wish to introduce too much chemical to him... May i have your views??

Morning mummies ...

Yar yesterday was scary and my mum said the same thing as my CL. Vomit out better cos at least the wind dun get trapped in e body. Last night my CL gave me this huge tablet thing which oso used to get rid of wind ... burp whole night non stop!

Now getting ready to bring my gal for her thyroid blood test. Wish me luck!!


I will be giving. For dd, I gave all including rotavirus n chicken pox. Will do likewise for no 2.


Jia you. All e best.

good morning mommies n daddies

Thanks momotan !!!


Sorry , have yet to see your msg till this morning ! Btw I gave pneumococoal jab to Jade think us some where at her 3mths onwards! I dunno which is the jab too look g at her health booklet ...???? Haaa.. But I will do it to meghan when the pd suggest ! No point delay the jab where u can give it now ! Save the hassle if travelg!


Anyway, your pd should introduce the vaccine for you.. It's ok to take ... Once n for all!! I give every jabs to jade n will do so fir Meghan too!!


Fwahhh! Your CL came with medicine box ah ?? Lol

Hope the test is all good for your lil gal !!

Ladies that is breastfeeding exclusively ,do drink lots of fluids ! Cos your body will b very dehydrated n will show aging sign like flaky n dry skin! Take care![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But for pneumococcal 1st dose to be given at 6wks, if not start 1st dose at 7mths leh ... So dunno to give now or later cos this may cause fever le

starry, dr lim told me b4 also.. Must have discipline and feed at intervals.. Else diff for urself to have to feed when bb cries


I give dylan water when he cries and its not time to drink. As he's on full FM, its gd to give water else he'll have constipation

does baby have to sleep on a pillow yet?

After feeding, CL will put him sleeping on a pillow to avoid vomit milk, but MIL detest saying like that the head will not be round next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dunno which is true..


Actually it good to carry the bb n elevate her head a lil for awhile after feeding b4 u put her dwn !

I don't see a need to let bb sleep on a pillow due to their soft neck ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can gently move their head to face the side if afraid back of bb's head to be flat ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats,ur girl is beautiful, hope u recover well fm ur c-sect and enjoy ur confinement.

I still have 3more day till edd..like u i think doc will ask me try for induce first....so see how lor..


there's no need for baby to sleep on pillow as their neck muscles are not strong enough yet. We let babies sleep on the mattress & put a nappy cloth under the head to "collect" milk spills. like princess diamond said, can shift their head to sleep on the side. if ur MIL insist on a pillow u can also get those dimpled pillow - those with a hole in the middle.

thx princess d and pinky for the input, maybe will elevate will pillow for awhile, not for sleep. Thx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby's loud nasal noise is bothering me as he seems very xin ku when drink milk, how do u clean his mucus? Use cotton wool? I bought a pump but later found out that's only for baby with running nose.

MIL doesn't seems to get alone well with CL, both keep coming to me to badmouth about each other, I feel damn pek chek. Then the IL keep disturbing the baby when he's sleeping, i think baby need to sleep a lot during first month, he is lack of sleep! I also lack of rest becoz they keep coming in to my room to see baby, i can't even pump milk on schedule!

Happy Anniversary Princess Diamond and Jac!

Princess, your hubby is sweet to give you the surprise. Small little thoughts counts so much more leh. Your cl leaving today? I'm sure you are able to cope, have confident in yourself!

Jac, once with bb, all the birthdays and anniversary will be different. How's Jadelyn last night? This url maybe useful to you on fussiness http://www.mother-2-mother.com/cc-baby-B.htm#Fussiness. url kellymom.com offers quite alot of bf tips. you can check it out.

hi zebra,

jia you! jia you! don't worry, whatever method is fine as long as both mum and baby are safe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best!

Mummies ...

Me back fr PD. Good news is that the T4 is in the normal range but THS is still off the range. My PD checked w her counter part who specialises in such cases and confirmed that as long as T4 is normal then no real cause of concern.

Just wait for THS to drop to its normal level. Bringing her to do blood test again on Mon, the specialist actually suggested Fri n Mon but both PD and me feel that just Mon will do cause its for monitoring only n no point poke so many times. They draw 1 tube of blood from her hand. Got bruise type.

My PD is q sure that my bb gal is alright now my hubby is worried abt ME. Haha cos usually the thyroid hormons is from mummy but i dun feel any thyroid symptons.


I gave pneumoccocal jab to dd after she turns one to minimise e jab. Only need 2 jabs after 1 yo. Hehe. But greater exposure to risk lor.


If rest baby on pillow, must be careful cos sometime pillow too high and neck bend at angle ending up will obstruct breathing.


Jia you. Will be your turn soon. Motherhood is tiring but I seriously prefer to have e newborn on hand than in tummy. :p


baby cannot finish the usual 60ml of milk due to the nasal congestion, he keep open his mouth half way to breath.. I think he suck till too tired so fall asleep half way, and due to that he wake up every 1 hour for milk coz not full.


thx zuen, will monitor him closely.

Baby have a bit of fever 37.4, can bath or not? nurse says can, CL says cannot.. aduh! i'm goin crazy!

Hi Fellow Mummies,

Baby Ivan finally popped via c-section on the 18th of Oct. Had to opt for c-section in the end cos baby is big 3.845. Didn't show signs of labour, and head position was quite high, hence gynae was against induction.

Had to extend my hospital stay for 2 days cos Ivan had Jaundice, and PD don't think that i'll be able to sun the baby at home due to the hazy weather back then.

Now happily back home, but think baby's timetable went haywire. There are moments where baby fusses non-stop, and had to suckle for 1hr to 1.5hrs. My nipples are really sore .... tried using nipple shield, but stopped, cos the feeling is quite different, am not sure if milk is actually flowing...

I noticed that Baby Ivan sleeps better during the day ... through all the vacuum cleaner noise, construction noise, and TV, and visitors ... but at night, he fusses a lot more .... any mummies here with the same problem? any way to reverse the baby's "FUss-cycle"?

I've tried co-sleeping with baby for 2-days, and also tried to let the baby sleep with the maid. Am trying to minimize disruption to Hubby's sleep without having to sleep in separate rooms.... how are you mummies doing this?

Hi mummies,

Have been busy with some other stuff so did not come in for a while. How's everyone?

I started introducing bottle to my son already in preparation for returning to work (am taking 10 weeks ML only) as well as to get some "Me" time. So far so good.

hiya everyone,

me just finished pumping. Came in to kpo.

Starry, princess D,

happy belated anniversary...


from what i read, you seems ok with bf mah. Dun think too much just becoz the elderly said this and that. As you said, as long as jadelyn is pooing and peeing and gaining weight, everything is fine.

As for feeding on demand, I dun think it is bad. It is maybe just that you have less time for yourself, more tiring and there is a possibility that bb is sucking for comfort. Other than that, dun think anything is wrong. Dun worry too much.


read abt your situation. Hope you are recovering well now...


yeah... good to know that your girl is cleared of her T4. She will be fine...

Your CL a lot of pattern hor... got weird soup and tablet one ah... you also steady, take everything. My CL only keep telling me to eat eat eat... for the first few weeks, she keep telling me to make milo, eat biscuits after pump, eat and eat and eat lor... no wonder my weight not dropping leh.. now that my confinement is over, just now she actually told me to eat the ice cream in my fridge!!! haha..



wow... so many babies drinking 100ml and above ah... my girl now 1mth+ drinking 90ml every 3hrs only leh... my CL keep saying cannot give too much, wait her stomach explode ah...

my CL also give a bit of water after FM feed to rinse her mouth.

Angeli Catering


Oh ya, forgot to feedback abt this. The food is nice! My guests feedbacked and they liked the food. Hmm.. my auntie say a bit salty though. As for portion, ok lor. Coz I cater much lesser then the no. of guests I have so my food all CLEARED after 2.5hrs... They mentioned the hokkien prawn mee is nice (I can't eat so not sure), curry is very nice too. Dessert tau suan is GOOD!!


Mine too! Slept so much in e day then eyes wide opened in e nite n stare at me. Hoho.

My baby slps with my maid. I slp with hb n dd. Do latching on demand in e living room. Hehe.

Zuen, thanks for sharing, Am thinking of trying the same method tonight ... *fingers crossed* hopefully my maid can tahan also, cos I dun have confinement lady ... maid seems to be struggling a bit liaoz.

Empress, seems that a lot of babies are like that ... I keep thinking that he's hungry ... so sometimes can latch for a LONG LONG TIME.


I had the same problem as u! Baby fusses alot at night.

I tried bathing for baby this morning.. , as confinement gg to be over soon! This sat will be baby's first mth.

Try not to feed water after feeding breastmilk as that can cause colic.

If you are concerned about cleaning baby's gums after feeding, just use a wet cotton wool and wipe a little. =)

My mum used to insist on giving water too but I put my foot down as if you are breastfeeding, you can and should do it exclusively. Dun need water.


Because the initial flow of milk is THIN so it quenches thirst, then later on it gets thicker and baby gets the colostrum. =)

Older generation is not informed about such stuff so will insist baby also need to drink water etc. But that's not true. ^.-


Ur cl also power. I snack abit then my mum will ask me if I m hungry, as if hawking over me not to eat too much n grow too fat. Haha.

Last night, baby woke up at 12mn for 1st feed n latch on and off for 2 hrs! I was dozing off but he still wide awake. Lol!


Ya I'm wondering how to cope next week too! And like Sofea.. Grace is giving us a hard time at night! Last night she fuss from midnight till 4am!! I'm feeling so so tired now! Tried all tricks, fed her 2x (100ml some more!), changed diapers, even gave her the pacificer but she still not happy!!! When she finally crashed at 4am after ebm she slept till 8.45am!!! Gosh I'm so so tired!


Grace is 28 days old today.. do you think 100ml is too much?? I also think so but when I tried to reduce she got really fussy the whole day!

Oh another reason why my mom insists on giving water.. she says breast milk is heaty!! Can faint anot???

At the ployclinic now, my bb prolonged jaundice still doesn't fall below 100 reading. He's 128 from 135 last week. The doc suggested to take another blood test which is more detailed; Also to check if liver functioning well.more blood need to be drawn in this case. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my mum keep saying breastfeed jaundice should be ok, dun nid take the test... So stressed n controlling my tears...she keep saying dun nid; doc recommend to do.

Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary Jac and Princess!

And Congrats to Shirlz and amber who have popped! Amber - your girl is so pretty!

Seabreeze, the 'pu'tang ur CL cook really damm power! Glad to hear that you are ok now and your girl have cleared the test!

I wanted to ask mummies whose babies have jaundice, do u bring the baby back to PD for review of his jaundice or bring to polyclinic to do the test? I just went to kids clinic ytd for the PD appt ytd and the PD ask me to bring baby back for another review tml, i am thinking if this is necessary or can i just bring to polyclinc to check the jaundice level?

thanks diveera, Vivian n cyn...


Bb w fever can shower! Actually it is good to sponge them occasionally to bring dwn the temp!!! I dun feel good when those folks ask to keep the bb hot n perspire ! To me it makes things worst ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm doing ok so far ! Wahaaa.. Only the night feeds tat I'm worried !! Wahaaaa.. For the last few weeks I ve been sleeping throughout n only wake up to pump! Lol


My pd also said Meghan has breastfeed jaundice n when I suggested whether to conduct a blood test.. He said there's no need for breastfeed jaundice bb!!he said he dun prick the bb unneccessarily ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]and Alsi he reminded me tt this can last for months.. Y dun you bring your bb to a pd instead ?

BBlin, my Ivan also has BF jaundice. On the day of discharge, the jaundice level was 14.8. Went for follow up consultation with PD, baby is still a bit yellow, PD wasn't concern and told me to sun the baby when the weather allows. No blood test done. Was also told to monitor the poo and pee frequency. Jaundice should clear eventually.

