(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess D,

they suggest i on aircon to cool baby down, fine, i on aircon. Next my MIL says bath the baby but CL says cannot.. then both look at me and say u are the mummy so u decide. End up having a quick bath coz baby perspired a lot last night even in aircon room so i think better to bath, i believe the CL over-swaddle him.

TBF no need drink water, what about feeding on FM, need to drink water or not? Paedi says no need but MIL keep saying must drink. Now baby seems heaty CL blamed on my BM she says becoz i eat lotsa sesame oil and ginger so baby becomes heaty drinking my milk, I say fine, baby will continue to have my BM which is already very little, and i'll stop taking confinement food from now on.

I think one house really cannot have more than 1 women.. frustrating lor! One says to clean baby tongue at night the other says morning, One says sleep pillow one says don't, after that both look at me again want me to decide. aiyo!!! I think i solo take care of baby better! Such a stressful confinement!


princess D,

I just called the clinic, like what you say, they advise that I can bath the baby and it's good to sponge baby. They say the nurses in hospital bath baby at 4am in aircon room, it's harmless. I remember paedi says baby scare of warm, so dun keep baby too warm and dont overswaddle.

On drinking water: Was told by PD to not feed water at all. Something about water having zero nutrients and may affect baby's delicate body chemistry ... if need to supplement milk, can feed glucose water.


Absolutely true!! One household cannot have more than one woman ! I know!!

Relax.. U think it is time for you to make a decision on taking care of the bb like how u want it to be..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did bring him to PD and he said he dun look having jaundice leh. Is it polyclinic sop like that huh? I also asked if too much blood drawn but the doc said no. But if I dun let bb take the test, hw I know if the jaundice go away??


How to tell if jaundice too high n needs medical attention? Baby was cleared of jaundice when discharged but mum kept telling me that he looked yellow recently n kept asking me if need to see doc, made me gan cheong also. His pd apptm is tomorrow but wondering how to tell if jaundice is really really too high after tomorrow's apptm.

One more question for mummies with boys. How to clean the penis huh? Just wipe on the outside is it? No need to pull foreskin to clean? Too young?

Hello Mummies!

Empress, wah!!! It's really hard on you lor, so many woman in the hse. Isn't your CL cooking for you? How come comment on the food intake too heaty?! so funni lor. Just do what you find is right.

One of my friend tell me that mummy that are doing their confinement during the first month, no matter how heaty the food that they take wont get sick wor. This I find very true lor, cos we are recuperating our health.

Seabreeze, good to hear good news abt bb. YOur CL really comes with everything, from tonic soup to medications.. Good thing is that you are feeling okay now.

Zuen, my bb also no jaundice un the beginning too n when back home, we start to see him a bit yellowish..by pressing lightly on his cheek, arms, pressed skin remain yellowish means jaundice indication. My coll asked me go polyclinic check cos can do blood test and immediate result. That's why I went to polyclinic this while.

Zuen, there's no medication to jaundice. Depending from tge result of blood test and if it's above the norm range, bb need admit hosp for phototherapy.

Mummies, ask you hor, how you trim your bb's nails? Did you buy the baby cutter to trim the nails? or use the small scissors to trim their nails?


Yalor she damn farni! she cook my food lor! Aiya she's the anti-bf type la so everything also target my bm. she keep saying my milk so little, going to stop soon la bla bla bla. sianz.. no matter how little i also want to pump, better then nothing.

Nurse say to trim fingernails only one mth later coz now too small very dangerous. When my friend heard this she told me becoz some people superstitious, i have no clue what is it about, anyway, you guys trimming when baby's asleep or awake?

princess D,

you are right! it's time i be firm and make decision, also to let the MIL realise that i'm the mother of the baby, not her!

Mummies ...

Yar my CL comes prepared and my fren drank her BM Booster before thats how I know abt it. My fren say ok ler ... think its just me lor and now super scared of wind liao hahaha

Yap its really a relief to me that its just hormones hywire for my gal and not a medical condition. I almost cried when she told me that the THS failed and she quickly explain on the T4 thingy.

My PD said that bb looks ok for jaundice ... no need to go back though.

My gal oso keeps waking up at night ... think my CL is going crazy with waking up ... bringing bb to me ... change bb diaper cos poo and bring bb back to me for BM then waking up 1hr later.

But the gal can zzz in the day for abt 2hr interval before waking for milk ... so now I on the TV when she zzz so as to create some noise at home and to distinct day and night.

Snoppy ...

How lil Joel's janudice?

Princess Dia ...

I got the contact liao ... v pretty ler the cupcakes. Does it come with the tray and decor?

Vivian ...

Me going to order from Angeli too ... maybe will call them tom to book the date first.


Yes, comes with the cupcake stand! V pretty hor ?? Loved it! Best part my guests said it is not too sweet!!


I cut Meghan's nails with a bb nail clipper ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Empress, i really pity u. U need to put yr foot down. Yr e mommy afterall. As mommy whatever u say goes. N yes i agree cannot have more than 1 woman in e hse at e same time la. I dun mind having my mom or mil visit baby but i forsee such thing will happen when they stay over. So far ive never invited any of em to sleepover. Except my mil, insist wanna sleep over dunno for wat also. But i let her on one condition that my hubby must b ard to act as buffer.


I'm ordering from Angeli too.

Any mummies know where to get nice ang ku kueh for 1st month party? I remember there was one near Lorong Ah Soo, but forgotten what's the shop name. =(

Suwaiwai, my sofea lagi terror. Twice last wk, she was awake every hour from 3am to 2pm demanding for milk!! She even had eyebags my poor baby. Then my massage lady helped to massage sofea, finally she could sleep. Dunno wats wrong. But thank god now she's back to her 3hrs sleep/feed interval

mummies, can i ask how often do we need to take fenugeek in order to see the increase supply of milk?

Also, do u all sleep in room with fan or aircon 24hrs? Which is better?

hi mummies and ian, had a horrible night last night.. whole morning and afternoon spent catching up on sleep so didn't log in to chat.

what happened was baby didn't seem to want to sleep at all the whole of last night. or maybe she really wanted to, but something was wrong and she was unable to sleep fitfully. kept startling herself and waking up. if put her on the chest and pat pat her to sleep, she will. but put down on the bed, she will fidget, make noise then start crying. tried swaddling her once she seemed to be asleep, but after like 15 minutes, she would struggle to be free. really very very tiring and draining. then this morning, she seems to be better all of a sudden! yesterday morning and afternoon was quite challenging but today like sudden change. once finish drinking milk, burp her a bit, change diapers etc. she can sleep rather well without waking up so many times. i'm REALLY praying that she will keep this up tonight and sleep well.

motherhood seriously not easy... :/ in one day i can feel all sorts of emotions. wonder if i can cope on my own after confinement or not.


i don't pump in between every feed. will really feel like a cow lor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i can only get very little out if i pump after a feed. like 30-40ml only. but if i drag the timing and pump every 3-4hrs, can get like 80-100ml. so now back to square one, trying to up supply and expressing out to monitor baby's feed amount.


think gynae's reason for not feeding on demand is to not 'spoil' baby and train her from young to expect timed feeds. didn't ask him in detail. he was rattling away so fast. your boy seems to be drinking quite a lot! Jadelyn's highest feed volume is 70ml. i think it's also 'cos she's a small baby. her feed volume also a bit haywire. sometimes can drink 70ml, sometimes as little as 20-30ml. btw, thanks for the well wishes on my wedding anniversary. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


with the catheter, will you be resting in bed most of the time then? hope after it is removed on friday, life will be back to normal and you can start bonding with baby and enjoying motherhood properly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: vaccines

when can start taking baby to polyclinic for vaccines? when she is 1 mth old? think my gynae's charges will be pretty steep. thinking of bringing baby to polyclinic instead. when she was born, she was given BCG and Hep B 1st dose already. btw, the pneumococcal vaccine can be administered at polyclinic too? how much per dose? gynae charging me $198 per shot. is that very expensive??


where do you get the vaccines done? find dr lim's charges quite high. every few days go see him with baby is like $70++.


thanks for the link! i will check it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats on the birth of baby Ivan and welcome to motherhood! about fussiness at night, my gynae said it's a phase babies go thru. just have to be patient and it will soon go away. i am also co-sleeping with baby for now, easier for me to attend to her in the middle of the night.


thanks for the encouraging words. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think the main problem i am facing now is lack of proper rest. the first week was still okay, can manage. these few days were terrible plus baby couldn't seem to sleep fitfully. my supply dropped and gotta supplement with FM. then mum and grandma also know nothing about BFing, but they are also being nice and trying to help so offered all sorts of suggestions which a lot i didn't agree with and got stressed out. today a lot better le. hopefully things will only get better from here!


i think 100ml for 28days old baby is okay! i mean i'm speaking based on what i read on the tin of Similac FM for infants. 1 mth old baby should be given 120ml per feed. Jadelyn now 17 days old. so she's having like 60-70ml, which is pretty consistent according to the guide. but it is still a guide lah... have to monitor from the pee and poo.


hope your baby recovers from jaundice soon! can be so heartbreaking, i know. do you have to sun baby? can't help with BF jaundice. my girl was on TBF then also kena pricked. her jaundice reading was 204 then. we sunned her, bathed her with the ng kee and continue with BF. after that doc checked (no blood test) and said no more jaundice like 2 days later.

re: baby nails

i use the tiny scissors specially for baby's nails. best cut after bathing baby when nails are soft. and do it when baby is relaxed or sleeping. otherwise can cut wrongly when baby fidgets!

Can I check with mommies on total EBM, is it true that the milk ss will dwindle after awhile if baby doesn't latch on?

I'm trying to get grace to latch on again, she is fine with left one, but rejects the right breast le! How to get her to 'like' it?


yalor my MIL also insist to sleep in, haiz.. I cannot tahan already, one more comment i'm goin to chase one of them out, see who unlucky.


my bb is the same, can sleep so soundly during the day and very fussy at night. Yesterday brought him to take passport photo, no matter how we disturb him he also don't want to wake up or open his eyes!! At night is opposite, everyone have to talk softly and move slowly so worried to wake him up, even so he still wake up and making a lotsa noise. does your bb make lotsa noise when sleeping?

finally got some 'me time' to log in.

baby is sleeping now after feeding. Faced with a lot of problems at home with the naming of baby n also the full nth celebration.

prob with MIL and my parents. haiz.. got deferring views. Well, somehow feel that MIL shows more favour for my BIL's son. Well, both my boy n theirs borned in the same yr, but theirs is Jan baby. First grandchild. So i think they favour them more.

Everything also muz suit them. Damn shity lor.

I'm still carrying the cathetha ard, but getting used to it n hopefully can take it off on Friday. Still got 3 days to go. Now sleep only can turn 1 side also. Damn uncomfortable.

Brought kayden for his 1 week check this morning. He has put on weight and is now 3.9kg at 6 days old. Really happy that he is growing and gaining weight. that means he is drinking well.

His jaundice level is also ok. so everything is good.


jia you!


U will get to see ur baby very soon..excited?


3.9kg aly? I m bringing Isaac for his pd apptm tomorrow n I hope all r well too. My mum says that Isaac seems to lost weight. Made me so gan cheong. Haha.


hmm.. how about putting bb in the springy "yao lan" maybe she will feel more secure n will lessen startle???


i am using bb nail cutter, n i trim bb nails during feeding time. i will cuddle her n trim her nails while my mum or maid will hold bb bottle for me.


whoa, what a chubby bb.

Hi Ade

Ang Ku Kueh

u refering to molly's nonya kueh?

Fussy bb

lately mark tends to whine for companionship.. think cos mom has been playing with him when she helped out last week n now that I am on my own no time to entertain him! He also wants to suckle before he settles down to sleep at nite.

Tell u a joke .. Tried the rubber nipple shield to c if it works n guess wat... Baby made a yucky face twice! Haha was joking with Hubby that he likes the 'real' stuff hohoho!!

Don't know what wrong with my baby? Pooped & cry until face very red & tearing, very hard to soothe. Tmr shall bring him to doc. Haiz... Poor thing. He had rashes on his forehead & body, don't know is it due to the fm that he is drinking. Btw, anyone knows if there's any baby clinic at yishun area?

Vivian, my girl slightly older than urs, been drinking that amt or sometimes lesser than that also.


Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary Jac and Princess Diamond.

Congrats Amber, Shirlz and Pinky.

i remember someone was asking on brand of fm. I am using nan pro 1.

IRISH n APPLE!!!!!!! u r missed!!!!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Claudia

I just brought my bb to a bb clinic at blk 417 yishun ave 11.

They are a husband and wife team,heard used to be from kkh.so far so good,my elder boy has seen them a few times too.sembawang sucks..no pd now :S

clinic name is ooi baby clinic

Cherry, I got a long life, appear at the same time when u asked abt me. Handling baby alone is not easy, esp overseas, no time to make lunch too nor breakfast needless to say. but at least no one to nag me.

These few days a bit better n when Hb is at home, watch SG dramas. Watched the 3 designers n baby Xuan xuan really like wat is happening now kekke.

Thanks Trish,

I shall called up my pd tmr & tell him abt baby's situation then see if need to bring him to see doc? Then shall bring him to ooi clinic as the pd I used to see is quite far, at MA. My baby very poor thing. I realised he uses a lot of strength when he poo, then he will cry loudly after tht. He can pooped up to 6 times every day! Is it normal?

This sat wld be his full mth party, really hard pain to c his rashes. Hopefully it will go away soon. Plus his aunty alway kiss his face.. Yucks.. Well.. Cannot stop her from kissing

Just fed baby and settled her down to sleep.. I myself now wide awake and cannot sleep!


Jadelyn doesn't make noises when she is really in deep sleep. But if it's that kind like drifting to sleep, she will fidget a bit, make some grunting sounds etc.


You've a chubby boy! Can be a fatty bom bom like princess d's Mehgan. Heh heh!


You also using the yao lan? My mum suggested that but we thot baby's still far too young for that. Contemplating leh.


Hi!! Havent 'seen' you here in a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Make sure you eat well too! When Hebe sleeps for like 2-3hrs, you'll have some time then right? I've also been watching a lot of dramas lately. Some old ones which are on repeat telecast in the afternoons. Quite nice actually. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pooing up to 6x a day is normal. Jadelyn does that occasionally too. Check the colour and consistency of the poo though. Blood streaks will indicate constipation and shld see doc asap. If everything consistent, it's fine, although I'm not sure why he poo so hard and cries. Maybe shld check with PD at the next appt.

Do you all check baby's diaper after every feed? For Jadelyn, I sometimes skip checks after feeds 'co's she's already sound asleep. Scared if check her she will wake up and hard for her to go back to zzz. Is it ok to skip checks though? But if I smell her distinctive poo smell (really like fermented beans!!) then I will change her.

Claudia... My coll also bot her kids to ooi clinic in yishun. Hope your bb be ok soon with the rashes.

Re jaundice

Talked to hubby on the test that polyclinic recommended to do, we decided not to send our bb for this check. I feel personally doc in this polyclinic not so good. Everytime I asked a qn, their reply seems so standard/general. I can even get the ans from this thread lo. Afterall they are just GP. will cont to sun him which my mum has always been doing and bathe him with the yellowish herbs. I will cont BF him as well but thinking to reduce and give more FM feeds. After which, will bring him see PD (perhaps @ ooi clinic) to access his jaundice.

Can I check with mommies whom express bm. The day before one of my breasts seems engorged or duno wat hap got painful at the breast. I tried to massage but the pain dun go away. I realised when I express that side, very very little milk can be expressed. Is it norm to hv lesser milk bt breasts? I can get 50ml at least from the other side & the other like merely 20ml or less?

Jac, catching some posts here and there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We changed her when she started crying, or before feeds, not at regular interval.


The other time I bought Jadelyn to polyclinic for jaundice blood test also like that. Ask them qn and the reply not satisfactory. Her PD didn't ask me to stop BFing her even though jaundice. Said it's good and asked me to continue BFing her. Think your painful side has blocked ducts that's why engorged but cannot get much BM out. Try feeling for small little lumps and press hard on those? Must clear them to prevent mastitis.


On some days I also barely got time to log in so just scan thru posts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for replying on the diaper changing! Check and change everytime before feeding?


Kayden doesn't seem too chubby leh. But he is heavy. Think mb cos of bone density ba. See his arms n legs not the ba ba kind.

Kayden always poo while feeding halfway or after feeding. Very on time one. So far he has been waking up every 3 hours to feed. Timing quite accurate.

Ive decided to let CL feed the EBM for night feeds so that I can get to at least sleep slightly longer though still need to pump. So far I managed to pump out abt 40ml after 10 mins. Is that considered a lot? I also dunno.

Morning everybody

Ian, did the gynae suggest to induce bb out? Think u can't wait to see yr little darling... Yr wife started her maternity leave?



I also kept saying no signs the other time. It'll come suddenly one. I gt no pain just tummy kept hardening at regular intervals. Ask ur wife to monitor.

Meantime, talk to baby n ask him to come out.

Dear mummies,

Can I ask how u all know that need to increase the amt of milk baby drinks? Currently Kayden is drinking 80ml 3 hourly. How wld I know that can increase his intake?

tigger>gynae mentioned if bb nv come out by this friday..then he will talk to us abt inducing bb out liao..

xin>my wife also never experienced intense pain yet..but she mentioned that her tummy is hardened on & off..but did ur waterbag break b4 u admit into hosp?

Starry... Re polyclinic vaccination packages

Enhanced vaccination 5in1 package $320 (4 doses of 5in1 DTPa/Hib/IPV) & enhanced vaccination 6in1 package $360 (3 doses of 5in1 DTPa/Hib/IPV + 1 dose of 6in1 DTPa/Hib/IPV/Hep B) payment can be made by CDA.

Pneumococcal $160 per dose. Payment can be made medisave/CDA.

Rotavirus $90 per dose. Payment by CDA.

As for my painful breast, there's no small lump. Juz pain there leh. I'm trying to get bb latch on and maybe he can unblock it?

Xin2... Hmm your bb can last 80ml of milk for 3 hr means he quite satisfied? Slowly increase 10ml and see if he can take it..

Ian... Bb in the way le... Get ready!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, yar almost before every feed or whenever require. But sometimes I very tired then won change if she sleep after feed then I leave it but if still cry aft feed then changed.

Princess D & Seabreeze,

Joel is still jaundiced. Am under PD's orders to watch & bring him back if he looks very yellow...& to sun him if I can....which is tough with the haze.


Hi Cyn,

My baby also has mild jaundice, the PD asked me to bring her for review on Friday.

But I will be going to the polyclinic, called the service hotline just now, for newborns, we will have priority queue and recommended to go before 10am.

Won't be going so early cause it's always very crowded in the early morning. Oh, remember to bring birth cert and the health booklet along!

Hi mummies,

Can i ask how to supplement BM with FM? I prepare the FM first then pour the BM in. Is it ok?

