(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Happy to know that =D nothing matters more in the world than a healthy & active baby!!

Thanks dear, will try to post them up tonite, still in shock as at ytd hahaha ;p~ very unexpected!



Just send you an invite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *wink wink*


*pat pat* am sure things will improve, try to spoon feed her bit by bit to minimise the chance of her vomitting, burp her every 10 mins or so. Hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] added...oh i thought some mommmies dun want their name to reveal in forum for privacy purposes will just put their initial when asked,like for your case will be E.G [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and mine is A.O[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heehee.....

ADded you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thank you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]She is better now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes,like what lilbluey said,maybe let her rest in between and burp her?

spood feed need alot of patience and time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Reallyb not easy..

if its better to feed her more frequent but in a lesser amount?


no no...not many mommies have fb here mah...this is what i learned from others too!cos here we used nicks n some mommies dun wan their name to reveal here therefore ask for initial instead...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

who is Tin pei ling?



i also love musical. Hopefully im lucky enought o watch it in london!! Agree here the stage is not very grand n limited. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sometimes not worth the price hor.. like cinderella one. But im a fan of lea salonga.


Thats scary! Minimise the chance she ever goes out alone.


Who is tin pei ling n what happen to her?

Will add u later on fb


I was constantly worried when I left dd in maid's care n that was only from e time we leave hse for work until her playgroup at 10am. My mum will come over in e afternoon. For that few hours, I was already worried sick n my dd was already 2yo then. I had 3 Internet cameras at different locations but still have blind spots n I always panic when I lose connectivity.

I know ur worries. How do u feel abt ur maid so far?


HEY!Hi5!!I know i got kaki next time if wanna watch!Seriously my gf not very keen to watch in S'pore ..lol

Nex time when niko is older maybe we can wait and invite other mommies and babies for a play (if they have)i remember i watched song of Music here....gosh!!!I fell asleep!THe stage is very plain and small....hope MBS theatre is much better!

BTW,anyone wanna go n watch LION KING?Can ditch the babies for one afternoon??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OIC...that's the price to pay for being the youngest PAP candidate...


Me too actually,even till now and as a SAHM..i also scared!!I dunno how other momnies can do it?

Tell you ladies something ...LOL

was chatting with my neighbour!Idians from India....veyr nice neighbours and i see them a frequent visitors to Mustafa centre[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AS usual,when comes to motherhood....there are lots of things to share....

I told them i was taking FENUGREEK and they were shocked!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then i showed them the GNC btl and they still thinks that it might not help in many ways....fenugreek is a must spice to cook curry wor.!HEEHEEE.....

so they bought a small packet of fenugreek for me when they camen\ bk from mustafa![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I actually put a tablespoon into my Sacred tea and DRINK it!Quite nice though[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]dunno if i will have another Posh boobs filled with MILK!!!hahhah


Got.. We smear so much baby California on him everyday lor. Spent so much $$ on e cream. It is one of e more effective cream but does not work fully to control his condition. Haiz. Still sourcing for that magic cream.

Now that e weather is so hot, he wakes up irritated in e night. And he has learnt how to scratch, which is bad for his condition. E more he scratch, e bigger n raw e patches. Aiyo.


got error loading friend requests, will do so later.

hi ann,

lotsa news about her, once you enter politics, go geylang eat supper also got people criticise. alot of her past and her pics were dug up from facebook also. i think she quite poor thing la.

Re: Ezcema

Was reading thru the past postings and read that some babies are having sensitive skin/ezcema.

One of the TCM method is to buy "Jing Yin Hua" boil it and let the baby bath in it and use a hankie to rinse it and give the affected areas a wipe. It helps to removes toxins and clear the skin.

Another remedy that I came across an article the other day is to apply evening primrose oil on affected area. Apparently, one mommy faithfully apply it on her child for some time until she's completely healed!

HTH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning Mummies & Ian

Jac, rest a lot a lot and take good care. Nice scan. Bring back fond memories. Hope bb continue to move to give you the assurance. Hope that Jadelyn recover soon too.

Princess, Cae is better don’t cough so much but still got phlegm and we notice his nose tends to block in the night and early morning. Will check with PD this thu when he goes for his jab. So nice that your 2 gals can play together well. Shanessa is quite rough and can be quite loud so sometime Cae didn’t enjoy having the sis around. Ha ha ha ha. We have to keep reminding her.

Seabreeze, all the best to your first day at work!

Groovy, hope your helper is good and reliable. It is tough to trust them but since you have no choice you will have to learn to trust and yet monitor closely lor.

Zuen, pain pain. How’s Issac now still refuse to latch? I stop bf #1 cos of biting. I beat and scolded her one night and thereafter she refused to latch and she already 10 months so I wean her off also. I hear already also heartpain. Hope you manage to find a cream that can help him with his eczema.


I think I need to see the gynae soon. Last month menses came back as per normal average flow. This month it came about 1 week earlier and it is very light flow but not consistent. No need pad just liner and it lasted more than 2 weeks still going on leh. Anyone has same experience?

GSM, congrats yr bb crawling, very fast now that he can stand. Soon he will be walking and running around.

So happy, I met the 6 months tbf. Will probably start giving one or two fbm before starting on fm. Finally, manage to latch him outside last weekend. The first time I didn’t bring any chilled milk and hot water flask. At the same time, not looking forward to him having teeth, scare of biting.

Last night was bad. Cae was over stimulated at a birthday party. Jie Jie had too much fun and complained leg pain. I think her pain threshold is zero. Too much jumping, etc. her leg will pain. She insist that I sleep with her but due to the pain she keep making noise can’t really sleep. I also can’t sleep. Cae can’t sleep after waking up at 3+am. Was fussy and crying, latch also didn’t work and finally doze off 4+. So tired, can’t wake up this morning. My helper also one kind, she suppose to wake Sha up by 7.15 latest cos school bus arrives at 7.45. At 7.40, sha just starting to eat her breakfast. I ask my helper and she said, I wake Sha up at 7.15 but she didn’t want so I leave her to sleep until 7.30. Wah lau, what kind of reply???? Last night both of them fuss, me and hubby manage them ourselves and she sleep. If she so tired, and slept thru should have enough sleep. If she is also being disturbed, should know that both hubby and me very tired. We never once wake her up to attend to our children. She only wakes up if rains, need to close windows and recently always can’t hear the rain cos she sleep with the headphone and we are the one waking up to close windows.


thanks, gonna try threadfin. maeve is allergic to salmon. her face near her mouth has nasty rashes after she eats her salmon puree. put calendula cream also cannot totally cure lei. will try your tcm method. do u know if the epo in the article mentioned is in capsules form?


go london watch musical... wow!!!


yes, maeve 'scatches' alot too, bad habit!!! before sleep soh here soh there. eyes, ears... i take a cool wet towel, wipe her face, wipe her ears then she happy liao.


Hahaha....Maybe Sha too excited[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]SOmetimes JAde also like dat.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm....you n your hb must have been really exhausted last night....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sometimes these helper doesnt know that they are lucky enough no need to wake up in the middle of the night to attend the children...

Maybe gotta give her some stern warning??I have given up hope on mine too!


the jin yin hua comes in a packet?can get from EYS?


no need to wow la..i was there while working!Buahahhaahhha!!!!and managed to catch some nice play at Leicester Square [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i personally tried it ..long long time ago!It does work esp for scars!!I bought Seven Seas EPO and burst the capsules n applied on it!It contain high Omega3 and VitE that's y is good for skin but i should say tat its very fishy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] other than that it work wonders![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for all the kind words, mommies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm enjoying my medical leave at home. hahaha! but so timely, the little girl fell sick and nose full of mucus. haiyo... keep having to wipe her nose and mouth area.

btw, is it okay for her to take medication that cause drowsiness? my hubby was questioning me abt this and i was stumped. 2.5ml of the cough/cold syrup 3x a day and she can KO quite fast. in a way good lah, she can rest. but scared not good for babies.


pump during lunch time possible? otherwise engorgement is really no fun. although you get a really sexy cleavage. :p


your baby is crawling?! so fast!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LilBluey & princessd

thank you. thank you. I burpped her only after feeding. will try to burp between feeding.

zuen >> my baby had rashes on her neck around 2months ago. quite bad and worse and worse. when I see PD, she gave me one medicine to rub twice aday. it went away after applying 2 or 3 days. i forgot the name. will check and let you know. but don't know wheter can be able to buy over the counter.


my bb sleep will have korkorkor sound. sounds like come from nose. but no mucus/ no running nose. at first i tot aircon but i realised when she lie on bed, even just fan, she will korkorkor... what is it ah??


she koh stan i.e. reverse at mth 4, crawled forward at 5, stand in her crib at 6!!! but Maeve is a late september baby. =P

Hi ladies,

My mum survived the 1st feed using bottle, say yx takes around 100ml. Hmmm not alot for a 5.5mth bb hor

Went into my mail box n got around 1700 emails to clear, so average 300 mails per mth of which most are spam!!

Managed to pump 160ml just now, hopefully yield as good later.


v happy for u.

if possible, could u pls share w me how ur mum did coz my baby still not taking and my mum has to do spoon feeding when i am at work.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

300 spam mails per mth is alot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]how about locking it?

Gd Afternoon Ladies and Ian


ur gal is so fast!!!

my bb also have the "pig" sound when lying down. he's is due to block nose by dried mucus.

read that a few babies are not feeling well. hope all of them recover soon. mine just recovered from fever and cough. his nose is still block though.


EPO can use on baby? Hb just bought Vit E capsule last week and trying on Isaac now. We break the capsule and apply on him. Vit E heals the skin to heal. If not helping, then we are off to look for better alternative.


Isaac is having latching when we are outside now or if the environment too warm. The only time that he doesnt struggle is when he is half asleep. Haha. I am wondering if it is bcos he is getting ready for solids or he is too use to bottle when he need not suck so hard. Maybe I should start bugging my mum to feed him cereal. He is not on solids yet.


We wipe Isaac very frequently. He gets irritated when he gets hot and his ezcema acts up. He rubs his face on our colthes when we stop him from scratching. And his cheeks, eyes, nose turns red. Not a pretty sight at all. -.o"


Thanks, but that is probably heat rash. Isaac has baby ezcema. Not only neck but on all his skin folds. I always envy other babies with smooth skin now. His skin looks like those old people skin, crumbled and all. -.o"


I tot PDs dun prescribe medication for bbs? Jadelyn has turned 6 months but the dosage that the doctor described sound alot!

Hi mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just finishe pumping & lunch.

First time in my life hv to eat so fast.

I gobbled down my sandwich in 5mins!!



Back to work? Emails just del lor. Wahahha


nice picture you got of ur little beanie, your lil bub will be fine. Just rest well and eat healthily. Will keep u both in prayer

i had first bleeding in my 12wks while working. no pain or cramp just felt suddenly warmth down there and realised that the blood had soaked my pants. was warded for 3 days and soaked another 2 more pads in the hospital even while on bed rest. dr couldn't find out the cause of bleeding for both times and was just told to rest and take med. Time flies, tday my jadon is 6mths old liaoand i'm v happy and thankful

Happy 6 mths to Caelan too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my boy also like Issac, only latch when in half sleep mode and rejects bottle too. so now will spoon him ebm with cereal.


really happy for u that yx take to bottle. my notti boy rejects bottle and would rather wait for me to be home 9 hrs ltr then latch. took my mum 2 wks to finally feed him 90mls of milk. now he rejects my breast when awake and the bottle totally after he started cereal. guess will let him try sippy cups tml.

hi starry

My girls flu n cough meds are non-drowsy?

Maybe those drowsy meds can help them recover faster?

After meds I c them High n still running around ( for jade)


Wow! That's great! How's first day after a long break ?

I ll begin my btl routine again once Meghan is well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For the EPO, it's in the capsule form, squeeze out the oil and apply onto affected areas hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, it comes in a pack, not sure if EYS has it but I guess they have. Can check with them. Apparently, now their prices sky-rocket since their medicinal properties are known. Even adults could just boil and drink it to purge toxins from the body and it rids the liver of heatiness too.


Apparently research shows it can be used. Maybe u try out the Vitamin E oil first and see how.


Welcome back to the workforce! hahaha..when I was back from leave I had 12K plus of email to clear ;p~


Most cough/cold medicine cause drowsiness, as long as they are prescribed accordingly to the doc, shdn't be too worrying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the pd gave saline drops to "loosen", helps for that fews days but now it's back again, prob because he started sleeping in air con rm again. was told not to sleep in air con rm coz too drying.

my mum recommended this 育国小儿推拿 near kembangan mrt, it helped my nephew to clear his cough and phelgm yrs ago. will bring jadon there tomorrow to try out. will let u know the outcome

Thanks bibizai. Quite headache when they reject milk. Can understand how you feel cos Cae also reduce milk intake after introducing cereal. But he is still drinking from bottle and latch.

Momo, good that you manage to express. Not easy to do so especially during course/seminar or travel.

Zuen, i just go with the flow. Sometime, he prefer to latch, sometime he prefer bottle. So last weekend was the first time after he is born that we didn't bring ebm out. Also first time, I using nursing cover to latch him in public. Usually I will hunt for nursing rooms. He is quite active, I just have to hold the cover so not to exposure myself. ha ha ha.

Jac, what medicine did dr prescribe? So far Cae's medi is not drowsy. Could it be she is sick thus more tired and want to sleep more?

Princess, no need to give warning liao. Helper a bit switch off cos she is going back after contract finishes. I found a replacement. Do paperwork and may arrive in a couple of weeks.


12k emails???? Crazy or not? How much time u take to clear?


I used to latch isaac in public but cannot do so now. It is either he scratch himself crazy or persistently tried to uncover himself n refused to latch or wants to play peekaboo with me. We ended up struggling n he perspire n his ezcema irritates him n he become even angerier. So sometimes, he end up drinking very little outside.

Re: weaning

Is reduced milk intake a sign of readiness to take solids?


Oic,then she is just too irresponsible rite?

Well, that's good la!! At least u found your replacement!

Hope your new helper will n a good n dedicated one ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks, might drop by eys n ask about it!


Not kidding! really 12K delete until my system hang on me! lol ;p~ I took almost 2 days to clear everything!!


No problem, think they hv grades now for that herb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess_D, diveera> I found my helper is quite good in taking care of Josie..

It's just sometimes she can't hear if Josie has woken up from her sleep, because her room is very far away from Josie's room. And Josie is usually not making a very big noise when she woke up.. Huhu.. I've asked her to check on Josie more.. But maybe I can also pass the baby monitor to her when my hubby and I are at work..

Did anyone do that? Pass the baby monitor to the maid?

Mummies with maid, I actually overheard my maid's conversation with her mom, actually her mom is asking her to go back to Indonesia already. And my maid said wait until her debt is fully paid and she get some money which is maybe end of this year.. Is it true that they can just ask to leave without finishing their contract?

If that's the case, should we allow them? Then we need to find replacement from the agent right? :S.. Huhu..

I also confused later if Hari Raya arriving, should we allow them to go back to Indonesia to celebrate? But what if they are not coming back here if we allow them?

If we don't allow them, will they be asking to leave us earlier before the contract ends, saying they miss their family. Huhuhu.. I'm so afraid for these problems :S.

My maid has 3 kids that she left under her mom care in Indonesia. But maybe the reason her mom asking her to go back is because she never sent any money to them yet as she's still in debt..

She's just divorced from her husband. Actually I'm quite afraid the reason she goes here is actually to avoid her husband. Sigh..

Angel kkk

Think it depends on luck frankly cos my #2 had alot of problem taking bottle too n we were so glad when he could start solid. We also spoonfeed my #2 too. No tricks - pure luck!!


Yap now sort by sending and mass delete haha alot of password to reset n had to apply for many passwords haha cos they lock up everything once 3mths untouched.


Finally had my 1st lunch n shop around in peace haha happy even if it was just BK n go organic shop to see cereal.


Thanks for bringing that article up! It's indeed not right to talk about ppl that we don't know! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sigh... WZnna go back ? Aiyo I really hate this phase ... Can feel you ! After her loan , she can go home but air ticket have yi b borne by them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But if she leaves immidiatelh after loan , then where got money to go home ?

Think is best you discuss with your HB to get n replacement soon?she has how many more months to go before her loan ends?


hmm....When is HARI RAYA?

Are you going to grant her to go home for the festive season?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I dunno..if the maid is with you for long and trustworthy,maybe yes but then again its is your discretion....but if her loan is not finished n u allowed to go home..what i she dun come back..u have to pay the remaining debt the owed the agent le...


princess_d> She never mentioned that she want to go back as soon as her loan ends to me. But I just overheard her. huhu.. You know she's smart, so she won't tell me. Of course she'll be afraid if she tell me now, then I'll find replacement for her already.

Hari Raya falls on 30 August this year!

By that day, I remember her loan is finished already..

Just wondering whether mummies here allow their maid to go back home to Indonesia to celebrate Hari Raya. huhu.. I'm just afraid she won't come back once she's home!!

Sigh.. Really these maid problems are inside my mind since long time ago. Huhuhu..

