starry> for Josie to latch, I go to Mt A hospital LC in my 4th day! Then the LC that tried to help me to latch her still can't latch her. She called the senior LC (her boss!), Sister Kang. She check Josie's tongue, got nothing wrong. Then, only 1 try, Josie is able to latch my left breast!!! Sigh..
Drink left breast feels very full already so the LC can't make her drink to my right breast which has shorter nipple and ask me to come in the other day (as that day I came very late in the afternoon). LC said from my boob size, looks like Josie has drunk 50 ml or more, so she's so full already, cannot drink anymore from the right breast.
I go home, tried a few times to latch Josie, sometimes successful, sometimes not.. But really I can't latch her on my right breast at all, so I pump out the milk (really got 50 ml), and ask hubby to give botle.
The next day, PIL all super kancheong, because Josie still crying loudly at night and morning when she wake up but cannot latch, and said Josie is dehydrated!! ZZZZzzz. So we rush to Mt A hospital. Actually nothing happens to her!! PD said she's ok, and the jaundice is still at the border, no need to admit her to hospital, and ask us to come back on Monday instead to check her jaundice again where it supposed to be the peak of her jaundice. Also tried to make appointment with the LC, but all full book that Saturday, so we go on Monday instead..
Monday go and check Josie's jaundice, still on border, no need to admit to hospital.
Go to LC, that day no senior LC, so it's the LC that come to my ward during my stay in MAH. But she's able to latch Josie on my right breast after a few times trying.. After that, I gained more confident. At home I tried she's able to latch left breast all the time, but right breast still difficult. But I try and try and try to offer right breast first, finally she's able to.. And she gained her weight back very fast because of that [IMG=]
What I found is, when she's sleeping, and woken up because we force her to breastfeed, she'll be mad and we won't be able to force her.. But, if she pee/poo, she'll be wide awake, and when offered breast, she'll want that..
Those are good times for breastfeeding, UNTIL she's almost 1 month and start MERLIONING. huhuhu.. She has Reflux problem [IMG=]. Then 3rd month is the nursing strike problem, then both bottle and nursing strike so everytime we can only dream feed her. huhu.. Carry her until sleeping first before feed her [IMG=]. Then 4th month is totally don't want breast at all even in her sleep.. :S