(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

re: tiredness

me too.. lately my energy levels are at all time low. =s at nite, can't seem to haf restful sleep and day time, will feel so sleepy!

for past 3 nites, i got home ard 930-ish and i end up sleeping 1030 or 11... but due to lack of restful sleep, i was feeling really exhausted. when i got out of the car yesterday, i was literally using whatever strength i haf left.. and i practically dragged my feet home. when i got home, i almost wanted to cry out in exhaustion and relief.

now i'm gonna make sure i get enuf rest.. i doubt i'll be doing much shopping during weekends either.. =(

no wonder women are encouraged to give birth when young.. cos the last trimester is really quite trying. sigh!



Morning mummies,

Re: tiredness

*yawn*.. feeling so sleepy and eyes really feel liked closing already.

Just cant seem to have enough sleep. Really muz tahan for 2 more mths!!

Last trimester is really not easy with the bigger tummy and also all the heartburn and tiredness.

Jac, was sleeping, din have a good sleep. Wake up and sleep wake up and sleep.

And I just woke up not long with labour dream connected to The next unrelated wet dreams omg. Think because I was having stomachache n contraction? All into one I dunno.

Jac, I know way too early but hor I before preg already so forgetful, preg mow I can forget wat I want to say just in 1 min maybe?

Apple ...

My #1 is in the child care ctr so they the ctr is closed on teachers' day. Typically I will take leave if not my mum cant cope with 2 kids at home. Take this chance to bring him out and spend some quality time with him too =p

Tiffy, thanks.

Seabreeze, where is City Square Mall huh? I suddenly can't rem or I really lost touch Liao. I only know city link at city hall there and city sq in jb.

Mummies who are ordering pump from USA ...

I just ordered mine from addalittlelove and want ship via borderlinx and realise that they have have this fuel surcharge imposed with effect from Aug.

So ended up my order + some accessories + shipping + fuel surcharge is over $400 and was charged GST. Had to pay like $115 for shipping + tax.

Found this promo code online which gives a 10% discount off shipping - 163887 (till 30 Sep) and that helped to keep the total purchase to less than $400 and shipping is only $80.

Tot those who are ordering can find this useful.


any idea how to check which month the pump was manufactured in?? i opened up my freestyle (bought from ready-stock BP at $475) but cannot find any dates.

Hi, sorry, I wanted to ask a question abt the abdominal binders that we're supposed to wear after giving birth (think Groovy2009 and some other ladies were talking abt them).



Does the abdominal binder look something like this? How do you tell whether it's a good binder or not?

Am thinking of getting this from the mummy brand which I bought my maternity support belt, but I have to buy it without touching/feeling it, have to base my decision on pictures.

Any advice is much appreciated!

Sept will burn a hole in my pocket too. There will be 3 birthdays to celebrate: my hubby, my DD1 and bub! Hehehe..

Went for my 34-weeks checkup yesterday. All is well. Complained about braxton hicks contractions. Backaches and pelvic pain. Gynae thinks that this being my third, my body could respond early to everything and also sometimes #3 can be quite naughty and want to come out early kekee. So she told me to rest a lot and gave me a medication to relax my contraction. I think it's a mild medication. Asked me if I want more MCs but since I have almost used up all my MCs, i just told her I only need one for yesterday. I'm contemplating on asking my boss if I could work from home because all the movement might make me go into labour earlier and he will miss me before my replacement comes! Last month, at 31wk checkup, bub was 1.5kg. Now he's a little over 2kg. My weight gain since last month is 500g, which goes to bub 100%. Hence my total weight gain for this pregnancy is lesser than 1.5kg. Again, I asked gynae if this is normal or should I be concerned. She said priority is on bub's weight gain and since I have no other serious problems, I shouldn't worry about it. This is the lightest pregnancy I've ever experienced. Pre-preganancy I was bout 62kg. Now I'm only 63kg+.

here's bub's latest scan. i get 1 scan picture at every visits lei. pre-admissions procedure done as well. will see gynae in two weeks' time. i'll be 36 weeks by then. hope that bub will be at least 2.5kg.



how come your hubby puked all the KFC chicken? is he having sympathy pains?


you're like me. sometimes my hubby gave me the opportunity to nap at noon but I just couldn't bring myself to nap even though I was constantly tired.


i so feel you on tiredness! when i'm tired, my whole pelvis will ache. sleeping will become a torture b'cos that means i couldn't change position or lift my legs! sometimes my right thigh went numb due to restricted blood circulation. it's weird, never had that before. that's why i really need to change position from left to right vice versa while sleeping.


you avoid ML 100 days after delivery or before delivery huh? i will start my ML intensive course in the last week of my EDD kekeke. b'cos it really helps to speed up dilation and softening of cervix!


i got my abdominal binder from Guardian. just a simple kind, S-size. i always pack it with my hospital bag and used it after delivery. that, together with total breastfeeding could quickly reduce the size of your tummy. you would feel your tummy shrink while breastfeeding with menstrual cramp aches.

hi mummies and Ian! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway would like some advice regarding circumcision. Anyone here sent their son for circumcision after they were born? I researched and they say easier to recover for newborns.. The older they get, the more painful it is..

Any idea what's the procedure like? Kindly share with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also ben having braxton hicks le...haha think being 3rd maybe it kicks in earlier...then hor that time gynae checked for me and see if my cervix got shortened or not....which if YES be premature labour...luckily never...now hope bb guai guai stay until the right time then come out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good le no put on much dun have to shed much...

is it?? really ah??? so which means last week of EDD we should ML then we wun overdue? LOl


Based on your previous deliveries, you got overdue or not? Mine no lei. Don't think that I wanna wait till nature take its course. I am aiming for 37 or 38 weeks delivery. Now getting very uncomfortable. Do you have pelvic pain? I do and everytime I moved I grimaced in pain. My feet has started to swell as well

My Gynae said squatting can help make bub engaged faster too while ML can help with dilation. Cervix can shorten? What does that mean?

Is it common in Singapore to send boys for circumcision? I don't think I will do that. Kind of traumatising. A father once commented he felt so bad wiping blood for his son everyday and the son was crying and crying...

Elle, shin,

Yeah its quite common among my Malay friends. Doctors or hospital can perform it. With modern medical technologies, they heal very fast and shouldn't cause prolonged bleeding. I am considering it too for hygiene purposes. Call up your family GP and ask if they perform such services.

hope everyday is having a good weekend!

Melissa, you are my heroine! So effectively you have lost weight on yourself cos the placenta and amniotic fluid also has weight! And to do intensive ML? wow...I can't even imagine it cos of the big bump and the pain in the pelvic. My DH will definitely think I'm nuts to suggest it :p


mine both no over due. One is 3 days earlier and the other is 5 days earlier...so i presume this probably be 7 days earlier...LOL oh i don't have pelvic pain or anything....37 or 38 weeks ah...i see i see..ur previous ones also the same? then u be inducing???

Cervix shortening means labour coming soon lor...

Elle/ Shin

I din do so for my 2 sons le...think just have to pull back the fore skin and washed and keep clean will do...I also feel traumatic having to circumcise at such a young age le....

Melissa, Elle, etelle

Yah think it's more for hygiene purpose.. That's why I'm asking if any mummies have been brave enough to send the kid for it.. Lol..

Will only be deciding on the PD next visit so by then we'll ask him abt it..

Melissa, are u going to ask gynae to induce at 37/38 weeks? Do theyallow that w/o any medical condition? Actually i thot of asking my gynae also can or not coz im feeling so so uncomfortable already

Hi All,

I have a

1. Brand New Rocia Baby Cot (unopened) + Fiberlux Mattress+free new bedding sheet for sale at $300, because i received 2 same present and i dont need 2 cots for my son.

If anyone is interested, pls PM me.

2. I also have a used Medela Freestyle Pump to let go at $500. Only use for 1 month as i didnt breastfeed.

If anyone is interested, pls PM me


morning mummies and ian

horrible sleep last night... the pelvic pain seem to have worsened. Now even the sides are hurting! And I still have 6 weeks of these pains to endure... sob sob...

Moring mummies

I thought i am in my 34 weeks now..in the end is only the beginning of 33 weeks...counted wrongly...ah....still a long way to go......having problem sleeping at night....

Sob! My new helper quitted on me after 1 month! Haiz.. She said that she misses her family + stressed over my dd's rejection. I will b without a helper for e next 2 weeks at least. My dd had been very difficult recently and that definitely is not helping. Sob.


You win liao, put on even lesser weight than snoopy. I am struggling not to put on weight. Any magic wat's not to gain weight or pass them all to e bb? Hehe.

Good morning mummies,

i feel so stoned. slept 4 hours but pee 3 times! i just cannot sleep through these days, once i wake up to pee at 3/4am, i just can't sleep no matter how tired i am. baby not even kicking hard, no pelvic pain or back ache, but i just cannot sleep!!!!!

apple, melissa,

i think the kfc toooooo oily, nothing wrong with kfc cos i was ok, maybe cos i never eat much of the skin.

re: baby's weight

i went for gynae's appt, detailed scan last friday @ 33w3d she weighs 2kg. Doc say she is growing well =)she also measured the amount of amniotic fluid and say it is ok, got enough fluid for baby.

re: fringe

why did i listen to my hairstylist and cut my bangs?? now it is growing out and poking my eyes... @%$@^%$@^#$@^#!$!!!

Melissa, thanks for the tip on the abdominal binder. Will go check it out, popped by a Guardian over the weekend but didn't see it (maybe the outlet was too small).

empress, if it doesn't matter what kind of sea salt, maybe u can buy the type of sea salt for cooking ? Big supermarkets will have them e.g. Carrefour, Fairprice finest. But not cheap!

ZuEn, I remember my KK class saying that bb plus water plus increased blood flow plus etc will only account for 4 kg, which means that if u only put on 4 kg, hopefully everything will disappear aft the birth (coz placenta is expelled etc). ?? But no way for me to do that unless I diet now...

I caught flu from hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Last week I have piles, then this week after the piles better, I caught flu. Huhuhu...

Some more I only left with 3 days MC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Still 8 weeks to go to my due date. So I don't want to waste my MC like that. huhu..

Morning everyone,

v sad this am! Was looking at the mirror & saw wat look like pink short marks on my tummy leh!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tts SM? Tt means clarins doesn't work on me!! Boohoo!!

Now still can save mah? I brot my cream to work tdy.

Intend to apply everytime I go toilet!

Re: weight

melissa! So envious no much gain for u!

I put on abt 12kg le but I hv been losing a bit of weight since last mth. Is it ok??

Hi mummies,

I got an Avent single pump to let go. Only motor has been used for a period of 1 week because i sent my old motor for repair. The rest of the pump are in brand new condition. Comes with Avent VIA storage pumps,breast pads and a bag to hold everything. Whole set letting go at S$280. Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

sob sob...just learned that i failed the GD test... got to go in tomorrow to get the machine and learn how to use it.


sorrie to hear that. Did they tell you how much u fail by?? I am also using the machine and pricking myself 2 days a week ( 7 times a day). Dun worry k control diet...everything be fine de...


yeah think its SM le...sometimes Sm cream doesn't work on some people but it may help to lighten dun fret okie...after a while it become silver lining le....losing weight is okie as long as eveyr visit the baby is growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have been losing weight over the last 15 days lost about 3.5kg but bb still growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

etelle, they didn't say... can share your diet? I'm at a loss of how to control. 7 times a day? ouch...that sounds painful!

Good morning mummies and daddy to a brand new week. Hope all had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

ZuEn, oh no. Will you be able to get a replacement soon? Anyone in your family that can help out?

Groovy, hope you recover soon.

Emmie, hope your reading and result will improve. Hang in there jus a couple of weeks to go.

gsm, jus a couple more weeks to go hope you are able to get better sleep this week.

Melissa, your bb growing well and you put on so little. Very good leh.... nothing to loose after delivery....

Shin, sorry for late reply. I'm glad for the uneventful delivery. Hoping and praying this will be the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can only confirm closer to date. Big Big boss visiting SG next week, not sure of his schedule as yet. My gal cc also closed on 1 Sep and I hv medical appt on 3 Sep. So hv to discuss my leave plan with boss.

Shin ...

Not necessary to circumcise your boy. When they are like 3mth old or something, you can start pulling the skin down to clean the 'birdie'

Will be tight at first but do it everyday and slowly it will loosen and eventually you can pull it down to wash the inside.

hi mummies and ian. good morning!


i am also very stoned today. need coffee to perk me up. otherwise really CMI. actually the whole weekend was packed full of activities... no time to take a break at all.


i found some pinkish short marks just above my bikini line also. not very visible, must use handheld mirror then can see. itchy leh.. anyway, not very obvious so i am not caring so much lah. just continue to apply my palmer's cream every night. i think once these marks come out, it's no help le.. but they will get fainter and fainter after delivery.


the machine is to test your blood sugar on a daily basis? how long you need to use it for?

re: detailed growth scan

i forgot to ask gynae about this when i saw him yesterday! dang! oh well... he nv mention anything about it, just told me to come back to see him in 2 weeks! getting excited again, just like during 1st trimester. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: baby's weight and my own weight gain

now at 31weeks and baby weighs just a bit below 1.6kg. gyane said she is a bit on the small side, but if she is active and i feel her moving often, it's okay. to date, i've gained nearly 12kg!! seems like 99.99% of all the MSW ice cream and mcdonald's i ate goes to me lor.. boo hoo!!


sorry to hear about the maid. hope you can find someone reliable to help you out during the transition period!

any mummies here still going KTV at this stage?? i just went the other night. K-ed till like 2am. don't know whether baby irritated by the noise or what, kept squirming about. hope it is still safe to go to loud places at this stage.

Thks ladies for the SM woes.

I will slap on my SM cream every few hrs now, hopefully to control it.


jac, I nvr go ktv for along time le. Used to love it.

Think now no breathe to sing. Hahah.

But I went for jay Chou concert. Gynae says it's fine.

As long as not constant loud music for manyany days.


dun be sad! Before u knew it, bb pop le! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good morning mummies and Ian!

Today is my first day back to work at my 1 week rest at home and i am totally hating it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, my boss told me to start my maternity leave early, so i got to start it by end september....

Momotan - those pink marks you saw are most likely SM. I've got alot of SM now and no amount of clarins SM cream or the tonic oil i just bought can help me now...

Jac - i think as long bb healthy, the weight does'nt matter, furthermore yours is a girl girl, so maybe she's petite like mummy!

To date i put on 15 kg already, at my 31 weeks plus now , i'm feeling like a giant and finding it too difficult to walk. I waddle like a duck when i walk :p

Groovy - hope you are recovering well, take care!

