(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

good morning all! So happy no need to work today, instead later can have lunch, go taka baby fair, watch the other mummies do nails, tea break, shop some more then dinner. Haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the Swiss rolls are really good and fresh. They were delivered to me partially frozen yesterday and I left it on the office table for abt 2 hrs before cutting up to serve. By then still chilled but soft. To me they were just nice. My colleagues also said the rolls were not too sweet, eat already won't feel jerlat.

Yichen mummy,

thanks for sharing abt the credit card fraud. Really very clever of the caller to just ask for the last 3 numbers for verification!!


re: Magnum

If you are a magnum ... my bro was telling me now SPC got 1-for-1 promotion. Go grab! Dunno if supermarket got such offer heehee

Princess Diamond, yar yar, she is enjoying the magnum...whahah...Hopefully it will not contribute to my scary weight.

Ivy, so u at home now? Never mind, dun angry dun angry, if u r at home, at least more comfortable to work?

Singapore got Double Chocolate Magnum flavor? Chocolate is my all time favourite. My almost only choice whenever and watever hahah.....:p

Was eating that just now. kekek. I still got the new temptation flavor in my fridge, and the magnum mini.:p

Good morning mummies!

Yichen mummy,

thanks for sharing man! nowadays really alot of scams. moreover that Visa/master one is scam on scam!!

***My situation was Citibank fraud department called. asked if i ever went to this and that website. I said no. They tell me my card has been charged with 4 transactions all done on 02/08. The lady faxed me declaration form for me to declare i am not aware of such transactions. She also told me she will cancel the card and issue me a new card immediately as it is no longer safe to use that card. Then another guy called. He kept asking me if i am aware of anyone misusing my card, or if i had ever left my cc details and address with anyone, maybe filled a lucky draw slip somewhere. i said i really cannot recall. It was revealed to me that the culprit created an IP address from Singapore.( this is not a US hacker scam. )He even know my parent's home address! i haven't used that address for 2 years! That is why i am quite sure he got hold of my cc details and home address from some shopping site! The citi officer also asked if i could make a police report so that Citi can dig out the culprit based on the ip address. i told them i will cooperate. Throughout the phonecall, i was NEVER asked to reveal the last 3 digits. I also called Citibank to confirm that my old card was cancelled and a new one is on the way.***

Apple, ya lor.. working. Sianz man.

You not not asleep yet? I thought that it's wee hours in France now.

Aiyo, talk about ice-cream. Yday really got cravings lor, end up i dig out the Haagen Daz Belgium chocolate in my fridge n eat yday. Heehee.. shiok sia. But i find that now i cannot eat too much sugar stuff else will feel like puking again.. so scare tht the 1st tri symptons coming again wor. Crossing my fingers n pray hard. Counting dwn, 8wks to go liao..

Good Morning mummies!

Jac -what time you meeting Cherry later? I came to work today, most likely will try to leave at lunch time to meet u all...


both the citi officers are from citi's fraud risk management and they are investigating the fraud case. apparently i am not the only victim.

Jac ...

Wow your good review is tempting me ... wonder if I should just order 2 rolls but need to the delivery to be on Friday so that I can pass 1 to my MIL.

I cant see the photo cos blocked by my office website ... is the roll the big and thick kind or??


I'm meeting cherry ard 12.30pm at Taka. let me know of u coming. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


heh heh! Just order both and try lor. Anyway can freeze for 3 days and slowly eat. 1 roll can cut into 12 slices, the normal cakeshop kind of slice.

noted. Will sms /call you later. Even if i leave, can only leave office at 12.30pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ian ....

Aiyo ... the swiss roll does look good =)

Jac ...

I dun like banana so will only order the durain one. Ok I go and place my order now heehee

Going to buy 2 ... 1 for my mum and 1 for my MIL ... maybe just steal 2-3 pieces back for myself heehee

Morning ladies & Ian,

aiyo, early morning shown durian roll picture liao ah... so bad... makes me want to buy too... but I scared leh... tomolo doing glucose test... dun know will pass or not... if fail *TOUCHWOOD CHOY CHOY CHOY*, order liao, can see cannot eat leh... hmm...

Vivian, really choy choy choy la!

Endure endure we are in counting dwn mode liao. very fast after bb due and confinemt can wack liao... heehee, me super looking forward to it manz!

Vivian ...

Me doing my test next tues oso ... crossing my finger that I pass my test too heehee

Have asked for the delivery to be made next Fri only cos we going out for bday celebration with my MIL ... dun wan to bring the swiss roll there. Going to pig out this long weekend ...


yaya.. everyday counting counting... hee...


Hope both of us pass the test!! I shall order the durian roll to celebrate for that... haha... you rem how long do we need to wait for the test result or not har? I cannot rem my last time leh... only rem the yucky, make-me-giddy sweet drink nia.

I this weekend also eating cake. Last sunday my bdae and this sunday my hb's bdae so my SIL say celebrate together with a cake this sunday... hehe

vivian/ sea breeze

the glucose test will take approximate 1 hr after ur last drawn blood le...i got mine after 1 hr..

i gng for a review test tomorrow...have to fast from10pm tonight...pray for me....wish me all the best =)

vivian, haha my wife also doing the glucose test this friday..lol..if she fail..she can only watch me eat~ *hiakz*

My baby seldom jerks but he is usually rolls around in my tummy. Must b lazy like his mummy. :p


I felt hiccups yday too. Just a steady n soft "thud, thud, thud".

on my way to meet cherry now, Irish and cyn now!

Re: dinner tonight

I've finally managed to call through the Kiseki line. Wah... Didn't know they are so 'hot'. So hard to call! Anyway I've made bookings for 8 at 6.30pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope ur wife passes the glucose test!!


sometimes I feel jadelyn rolling ard inside also. But I think the space getting more and more cramped for her liao.. Occasionally can feel her knees, elbows, butt and head!


thanks for the info. Hope your review test also cleared!!!


so bad ah you... fail the test quite chiam one leh... hope your wife will clear it too!

hope all mummies can clear the glucose challenge!

re:baby movement

me feel bb rolling, stretching, curling up, jiggling, dancing...heheheh

Mummies, enjoy your pampering session later!

Baby move:

My baby has been moving a lot these 2 days. I'm enjoying it because in another 10 weeks' time, this feeling will be gone fr my tummy. kekekeke

Glucose Test:

Is it compulsory? so far my gynae nv say anything. Done at gynae clinic?

Ian: Aiyer why u post such a big pic of the swiss roll!?!! Make me HUNGRY!!!

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yichen mummy : thanx for sharing abt e credit card fraud incident..quickly informed my hb after I read ur post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jac: so we meeting at 630pm or 7pm at kiseki?

lilac white,

Glucose test is optional.

My case is becoz my dad got diabetes history so my gynae wants me to be tested for both #1 and current pregnancy. On top of that, I am also big in size, so higher risk lor...

The test is done in the clinic. Involving fasting before hand, drawing of blood a few times and drinking a horrible sweety drink.

If your gynae din mention anything, shld be ok bah. Dun worry.

tiffy/jac/vivian > thanks..i hope she clears the test also!

zuen/lilac..seabreeze asked for the picture ma..so i post lor :X


I made booking for 6.30pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sorry don't have ur mobile

no so wasn't able to SMS u the details just now.


Wahhhh Ian... U post the pic there somemore.. How to resist??? Ggrrrrr.. All these talks abt durian rolls and ice creams... Drool Liao woh!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and you so evil to eat the rolls yourself if your wife fails the test.. Hahaha so funny!!

Hope all mummies gg for the glucose test will pass it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re:cc scam

Whoah nowadays the scams so high class? Luckily u all share.. I better tell my parents and MIL also!

Hi jac: no worries..yest princess d SMS me liao n she mentioned dinner at 7pm..so think better clarify w u loh..thanx for organizing e dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivian: Oic cos so far nv hear gynae mention anything. So i a bit blur hehehehehe

Everytime come in here read the post sure learn something new. lol


same same lor..my dad has diabetes tooo that's why i have to do glucose test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but also good la in a way cuz hor we want baby to be safe safe mah....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilac white

yeah if gynae never say anything maybe u dun have to go for the test dun worrie about it, trust the professional [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the best for your review tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And to all mummies who are going for the gluoose test, hope you pass the test.

suddenly so quiet, think most of the mummies are now at the gathering n pampering themselves liao. ENVY ENVY..

Oh ya, i wana ask the experiences mummies, when do you start to drink essence of chicken huh? I heard my frd says smething like 2wks before due?? Need some advise leh


Hello All,

Just drop by Taka Bb fair earlier on, very comprehensive fair, bought some clothes but mainly for my No 1 hahaha ;p~ hb says defeats the purpose of going there diao diao hee hee...

There's some toys on sale too like Leapfrog, FP and etc...so mummies who are keen can pop by too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

