(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Good afternoon mummies and Ian!


my hb always ask me to stand on the weighing machine! he very funny lah! hahah.. Im gonna see my gynae this Sat... I think my boyboy should be about 1kg liao! hahah..

next time we have another gathering lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we go have ice-cream? hehe.. paiseh this time cannot join..

Pls update us on good deals from the taka fair! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah I agree with you.. so now.. i am "hiding" some of things i bought for bb.. hahah.. cannot let my hb see!!

re:working during ML/MC

actually what's wrong with all these bosses? If they expect you to work during your ML or when you are sick.. then what's the point of getting and APPLYING for the leave in the first place? So irritating!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That time I applied for leave with my ex-boss for holiday ONE MONTH in advance cos I needa to buy the air tickets. She said ok verbally liao.. and guess what? When the time approaching, I reminded her about it again and she said she FORGOT about it.. and she has booked her OWN tickets back to her own country for holiday so i must CANCEL my trip... cos either one of us has to be around at work.. cannot both go on leave. Whoah I was damn pissed off.

What's up with them man!


Grrr.. i jus heard a maddening news! My colleague who travel to SG last week kena H1N1.. Now made me so scare lor, cos he came back n even shake hands wth me! Then the stupid ah neh, beside me was in meeting with him the whole of last week wor. Stil he nvr bother himself to quaratine and come into office. $#@$@$#@!#$@ and no one bothers to inform me lor. SHIT! One nice colleague tell me about it and ask me go take blood test even though tdy is considered the 7th day window period to detect H1N1.

This ah neh can still act like nothing happens.. grr.. really maddening!


u look really skinny fr the gathering pics.

U can afford to eat more la. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ws! Tt ah neh no courtesy! Pui!

Then how now? Take vit c can help mah?

Shin, my colleague is SGP but he stations in Vietnam, come back for holiday in SG and go back Vietnam then detect kena H1N1. And this ah neh meet him in Vietnam for business review and come back to SG office lor.. Suay manz!

So far I feel alright, choy choy choy la! Luckily i had long wkend n took leave to stay home to rest since last Fri and back to work only today. So i hope I wont kena, cos min chances of contacts liao. But this stupid ah neh, really buay zi dong lor nvr quarantine & work frm home still come to office.

Now waiting for my colleague to give an number that I can dial to get the person to come my hse to collect blood test wor. Most likely I will be doing the blood test and work frm home this wk liao. Grrr.. My other colleagues forget to tell me and I shld not have come into office....


you're probably the skinniest among all of us. eat more!! haha!!


pai seh today then sms you 'cos last night nv check my PMs.


that's super irresponsible! does he know of the SOP??

momotan, jac, tiffy

Thanks!! haha.. i look skinny cos I very small sized marh... so relatively proportionate increase in weight lor..


don't worry cos minimal contact.. *touchwood* won't be so zhun one.. good for you to work from home now.. just in case.. maybe at the same time monitor your temperature... in the event it goes up, alert a doctor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can i ask you mummies if you experience sudden jerks from your baby? like baby is resting and not moving then suddenly the whole stomach jumps! initially i thought she was startled by some noises or what, but my office is quiet leh.. and i also nv go disturb or poke her. but lately this sudden jerking movement has been happening so wonder if it's normal. i did read that newborns will have the "startle reflex" where they throw our their arms and legs suddenly if they are frightened or what.

jac, me me me! my bb also like yours, will have sudden big movements wor. But she's alright leh, yday seen Gynae and he mentioned that bb is growing well, so i guess prob bb is having bad dreams cos i eat too much food at one go? heehee



Ice creamsssss!!!!! Yes please! Supposed to organized ice cream outtings last round! Haaa, hopefully next outing is going to be a successful one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


4oz desitin tube shld last for quite long if you dun use daily. I only buy for back up in case of diaper rash. So will take some time to finish 1 tube.

For daily normal usage, I use drapolene. Cheap and effective.

As for sudden jerks from baby, Rhea do that quite often too... I think it is normal...


oh no... i hate these ppl who are super inconsiderate one... last time when I am preggie with #1, I even got a colleague who came back to work with chickenpox!! His chickenpox was so bad that the doctor got to give him extended mc and yet he came back to work defying doctor's order. Scared the hell out of me, esp. when I haven kena before lor... I told him straight that he shld go home coz chickenpox is contagious and serious lor... PLUS I AM PREGGIE!!! Stupig ppl never think of others one...

Quite some time ago, I heard of someone who kena shingles while preggie coz her colleague spread to her when her colleague kena chickenpox lor. End up she got to terminate her pregnancy leh!! so sad...

You take care and stay away from office for the time being. If can work from home lagi best.

Hello Ladies, how is lunch?

Want to ask when to wear the binders? Like how many days after delivery?

I been on bed resting for quite a few days liao. Mainly because I am tired, also cos of the pressure, aches n pain. Yesterday after cooking dinner, my right thigh strained n hurts so much after standing for sometime, I cld not even walk properly fr room to toliet. Guess will have to be on bed even more now. The thigh hurts even on bed. Hope I will get better.

Did anyone have to go to hospital in wheelchair huh?

babydes ...

No lar ... I just wan to clarify that I am not making money from asking mummies want to buy or not heehee dun wan any misunderstanding cos the last round I ordered was abt $11 mar

Teoong ...

If you do not feel like you are going down with a flu ... then should be fine. Anyway I do have a colleague who was down with H1N1 during her pregnancy (that was the period that H1N1 was at its peak) ... she was warded to KKH.

Everything was ok and bb oso healthy =p

Shin ...

Think you should be still v skinny ... cos my hubby mentioned that he couldnt tell that you were preg when you collected the book that day.

re: Working during ML/MC

Frankly its up to you. If you feel that the 'rewards' of working during ML/MC are huge then go ahead. Otherwise I would suggest that you tell your boss that you are not working during ML before you go off. There are bosses who are totally not understanding - damn sickening!!

My division is still v reasonable and unless its v v urgent or stuff that they need me to clarify. Usually no action required from me and my bosses and staff oso know that they better know what I am doing so that they can take over when I am not around.

Jac ...

For the cream ... I use it daily. I tried drapolene before for my #1 and it didnt work. His whole butt was red and looked v painful ... so in the end I only use desitin for both of them. Works beatuifully and since buying fr USA is cheap ... 4oz can last for 1mth.


I also experience the sudden jerks!! You are not alone!! Sometimes will suddenly kick super hard!!

Princess d

Ok onz!! Next gathering will be ice-cream outing!!! Yum yum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha! Your hb said that? Lol

Actually a lot people comment my bump very small.. But despite that, baby growing very well leh.. Hopefully this sat when I visit the gynae, everything is ok too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade, I been getting emo but not lately. Is thruout the pregnancy. Freq increase to a few times a week, like this week. Feel helpless, weak, pek Chek with everything, the aches n pain and things that I cannot have control. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Been telling hb I really scare I go depress when alone with baby.

Seabreeze, early next yr if u buying things fr drugstore again let me know okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn, I met such kind of idiot boss. If really at any point u not feeling well, really got to go home n bed rest asap okie. Work can anytime do, baby healthy cannot be replace.

Been feeling hot and head pounding yet not those kind of headache kind around head area. Anyone experience similar feeling?

Shin ...

Tummy size has no implication on the well-being of bb lar ... my bump for #1 was v small too. Maybe like my current size only heehee

Apple & Ade ...

At least you know that you are emo and most impt you dun let it spiral downwards. Talking and crying does help ... vent it out.

Apple ...

No worries ... I usually order GNC stuff for my mum and MIL ... cheaper than buying from Sg oso.

Jac, ur idea abt calling the stupid boss fr 12 am to 6 am v gd. Pple who have not been thru it or does not have close one who are pregnant may not understand at all.

Re: Desitin

My 1 tube last me more than 1 year.

Re: Buying from US

Please note that shipping costs have increased... so do be ready to pay more than previous batches/sprees.

re: baby jerks

thanks for the replies! okay now i know it's normal. sometimes scares me quite a bit 'cos too sudden.

i just ordered the durian swiss roll and banana cinnamon swiss roll from the BP thread. trying out later. haha!! yumz...


really?? what's the link arh? i mean it's your colleague pumping milk mah. unless subconsciously you also feel the let down then that somehow stimulates your uterus too?


yah, ppl think going on ML is RELAXING lor. my colleague was just saying it's so nice that i have my ML to look forward to and i can rest. then i told her, "hello!! you think look after baby and wake up 6 times in the middle of the night is REST arh??" LOL!! if my boss disturbs me in the day, i will disturb him AT NIGHT. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i asked the seller if she can deliver on thrus to office, but she said only after 6.30pm so she ask today by 5pm can or not so i agreed lor!

Vivian, how did u tell the colleague who got chicken pox shod not come to work huh? Cos cannot gt to close to the person right? Very sad to hear abt terminating pregnancy cos of that.

My cousin was preg with no 2 n her no 1 got chicken pox. Luckily most of the time no. 1 is taken care of by the granny.

Re: Working during ML/MC

Thankfully my current boss does not expect me to work during my MC or ML. My work will be split between my colleagues though he will take some of the management/administrative parts. However, because of responsibility, I sometimes still have to "remote control" abit from home whilst on MC. I also agreed with him verbally that I will cut short my ML to return earlier shld the need arise (not known yet) but I did remind him that I will clear the remaining ML by taking 1 day off per week after that for almost 1 year. So overall my deal is quite good. Maybe is coz I have a boss with 2 young kids.

For my #1, I went back to work early too, after just 9 weeks of ML. Previous bosses allowed me to clear the ML by taking 1-2 days off per week but there were snide comments made sometimes lah - like I'm always not around. But since my performance gradings were maintained, I think my deal was quite okay too.

Jac ...

My colleague is pumping next to me hahaha she is using freestyle so got the pumping motor noise heehee now I on the classical music for her since she is 'awake'

To me ML is a time to bond with the child and 1st mth is really the most tiring stage. Once the milk is in and feeding established + know the bb pattern ... its actually q fun heehee

Cant wait to go on ML ...

My Hb was just saying yesterday that baby will only have good dreams, no bad dreams kekke n our darling baby must be dreaming abt food.kekek....

Yes I got that jerk too. Sometimes even feel like a bone trying stick out of stomach. When I touch my tummy can even feel it.

Dont worry about size of stomach.

A lot of pple said mine is very small but Gynae said to see the size of baby is when laying down not standing up. Dont worry trust your gynae.


Me, me! I get angry n frustrated so easily now. Every little thing I jumped. Sometimes get irritated with colleagues over small stuff n I feel tat my productivity has dropped so much! Hohoho. I must b a bad colleague to work with now.

Apple ...

Think its the sound of the pump hahaha now listen to classical music then go back to zzzz liao =p

ZuEn ...

Me at times oso like that ... its not my colleague but my big boss hahaha its shown all over my face!


I oso want to buy desitin leh. Count me in can?


np on the pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tml how I recognize u all? Nowadays quite blur. Duno can identify u all mah. Hahahaa.

Re: jerks

my bb is moving alot these days.

Smtimes quite painful! Can feel he suddenly jerk & stretch himself.

I actually laugh to myself in public those first few times.

Pple must think I'm crazy. Hahaah.

Abdominal binders:

are these the same ones given to us by those malay massage ladies??

Oh yah, tml need me to bring cam mah?

Can help u all to tk pics of ur beautiful nails!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, Sorry to disturb.

I'm a July 2010 mother. I have a complete set of the Pump In Style Advanced for sales. Bought on 26 July 2010. still with warranty & box. Receipt still available too. Full set selling @ $690.

I only open up to sterlize & use it once only.

Due to stress there is no more milk flow thus decided to sell away.

Interested buyer kindly sms to 91459082


do be careful when making online purchases. i'm caught in a fraud, someone managed tog et hold of my cc details to make purchases! luckily the bank called me to ask first and i denied. 4 transactions so far. so scary...

i'm peeping in from my hectic day to look at the post. So touch to see all you ladies showing concern for me . THANK YOU!

I think tomorrow i will bo chup and take my sick leave. If i feel ok, i will go meet u ladies in town. But also cannot go and get my nails done la, if not ppl sure gossip in the office... So tomorrow what's the arrangement? Or should i just sms jac tomorrow to check the details?

Gsm, which bank huh? Luckily that bank call you for verifications manz.. Heng Heng!

Any mummies feeling backaching alr? I cannot tahan sitting down for long leh.. now can feel my back aching after 1hr wor. So uncomfy.

Teoong ...

Me too ... super pain my butt!! Had to stand up and massage then sit down again ... clearing a paper now *sigh*

Read until got cross-eyes liao!!

i just tried the durian swiss roll and banana-cinnamon swiss roll. very nice! both very well accepted by colleagues. can order from BP thread and try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: gathering tomorrow

i'll be meeting cherry and irish for lunch. then bring irish to the nail place at 2pm. princess d and snoopy will join in at 3.30pm. there after is up to the mummies, see who wanna go for dinner. i will call up kiseki and make reservations for 7pm. see who wanna join in then? is this arrangement fine? let me know?


yeah, just sms me check for updates bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good thing the bank called to verify. was it a lot of money involved?


i'm more or less ok at work. mainly at home, tend to get frustrated over little things. especially when hubby not understanding about housework and such.



don't worry lah. we will look out for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] otherwise just call me!

