(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


gosh! your boss is really a tyrant! feel sorry for you. but at this point, rest is of utmost importance so don't worry about anything else. least of all the gathering. no worries, you haven't caused me any trouble. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just take care okay?


you can PM me your number. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

i thought it would be an odd combination 'cos the girl at the udders counter asked if i wanted the 2 scoops in separate cups or not but i thought since i am the only one eating then put together otherwise very leh chey. oooh, it was SHIOK!! purposely mixed the 2 and ate up everything. muahahaha~!!!

just went to google on Kiseki Japanese Restaurant @ Heeren. check this out! http://www.soshiok.com/critic/article/12234. looks so yummy leh... can't wait. hee!! this weekend see doc sure kena again for weight gain. tsk tsk!



ok, you call/sms me on that day after work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cherry and i will probably meet to go shop shop first.


binder is for baby's tummy to prevent "wind" from entering. how true i dunno lah, but this is what i heard. think it's useless.. 'cos weather is so HOT!

Empress 7

I think the binder u mentioned should be the postpartum abdominal binder, It is to be wore after giving birth, to wrap around your tummy and help to shrink back to your pre-pregnancy shape. Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oops its baby binder...i thought its the adult binder stated in the list...haha

I also think its useless cos its already so hot when baby already cover up with swaddle blanket.


Yes must try kiseki! Its really yummy with lots of choices. I do not know about the dinner crowd but lunch crowd is always packed with working executives.


i hv pm u my #. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


听话 ok. wat cld be more impt than u & bb.

ur boss is really horrible. dun be upset with this kinda 烂人!

Thx irish and jac,

the one i saw is small one i think is for baby one but i'm curious why nid to use, is it to protect the wound of ambilical? I guess if to avoid wind then wear rompers should serve the purpose liao right? kekeke.. coz i bought a lotsa rompers liao~

Btw, does the postpartum abdominal binder helps? I called the massage lady i think they are asking me to buy something like that, she says skin color, i suppose is to wear underneath clothing to keep in shape, but i imagine would be very hot and maybe itchy if no air-con..


you take care k? Rest well.. Pregnant mummies also tend to be more emotional so it's ok if you feel like crying.. Your hb can console you and you will feel better letting it out. Your boss is really an idiot.. oops [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is the same one you told us about at NYNY that time right? The one who is married but still don't like pregnant ladies. For her information, you are supposed to be on SICK leave lor... and she asked you to work. What's more important than a pregnant lady getting the rest she supposed to? ughhhh sorry i cannot tahan this kinda bosses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] You must quickly recover k?

Anyway I just came back from a super "full-filling" dinner at Swensens! And the moment I stepped on the weighing machine... AIYOH!!! Must be the ice-cream I ate.. Tried to curb liao.. instead of ordering the usual stick chewy chocolate .. i only ordered a single scoop.. my hb say if our baby comes out fat fat.. he gonna smack my ass.. hahhaas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ohh yah.. You said Mothercare was having sales for their items... so I went down just now and managed to get 3 pairs of socks at $7. There was another one 5 pairs for $12 but not really very nice so I didn't buy... Went next door to Kiddy Palace and found ..... 6 pairs for $17. So 不知不觉 I managed to get socks for my boyboy liao. hahaha so kiasu buy so many [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i very happy when i shop for my boy boy.. hahaha.. just that my bank acct not happy now!


Just call or email your boss that you are ordered bed rest by the doctor coz it will be very dangerous for you to go to work. In fact, tell her it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to report for work!! Is she going to be responsible if anything happen to you?? *choy touchwood* NO LOR...

Whatever it is, your health and baby is the most impt. Where got such ppl one? stupig...


I emailed you liao...

erh... I dun do bedsheets leh... for bedsheet, you can try Kiddy Palace maybe?

morning ladies and ian!

these days got to wake up early cos my boy on sch bus which comes at 7.15am *yawnz*

empress, the postpartum binder supposedly will help to make your tum smaller. My friend used it after she delivered. Think quite good leh. She could fit back into her normal jeans within a month and she didn't do any massage at all. I'm using it now at my pelvic area. :p

Hi mummies and Ian. Me looking forward to tmr's leave! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the baby binder u mentioned is actually not necessary. It's not to protect the umbilical wound cos by right not supposed to cover the stump, best to leave it to air dry and drop off on it's own. It's okay if covered with rompers though.


seems like we are ice cream fanatics. Hubby banned the weighing machine at home. Think he's scared later I go hysterical everytime I step on the scale. Haha! Still wish u could join us for tmr night's dinner!


are u feeling better?

Morning mummies & Ian!

4days to long wkend wor.. heehee..

Cyn, you shld jus submit your MC frm gynae and ignore your boss. TOO MUCH le! cos if gynae give you MC and u go back to work, choy choy la! anything that happen to you your company won't be held responsible. tht stupid woman really too much, pls lor, company still runs without us when we are on maternity leave... Grrr.. i see your post also angry for you!

Ice-cream ice-cream I want! heehee.. too bad can't join you gals again, got to go MIL hse wor.

Yday went to see gynae, no more scan pics of bb liao cos bb is bigger now at 31.5wks. Gynae was saying that est, bb weight now is 1.79kgs.. Hmm I was thinking that at this rate by full terms easily weight 3.5kgs? gosh!!!

Morning Ladies & Ian,


Hope u feel better tdy and wishing you a speedy recovery, tell yr boss off lar, in yr condition how to work? If anything happen (touchwood), is yr boss going to be responsible? Work is secondary now, do take care of yrself ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope u feel better too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest Rest Rest!


For baby no 1 the tendency to Buy Buy Buy is veri high! lolx ;p~

For me, I haven even get much stuff for my gal, hv been seeing you all posting yr loots, feel so "guilty" was telling my hb last nite, how come I dun seems to buy anything at all?! -_-""

Morning mummies & daddy!


hope u r not at work but at home resting!


u mean during 3rd tri we wun get pics of bb le??

Hi Momotan,

some gynae don't give scan pics anymore, only scan scan n let you see bb lor. Depends on Gynae one, cos my colleague her gynae still scan, but at last tri, only gives her scan pics of her bb head. heehee..

Hello mummies and ian,


maybe can try work from home? i know it is frustrating if boss not supportive, i would say relax whenever you can. it'll help. and pls! if u got MC just go home! can report her if she deny you your rest!

re: Postpartum binder

I want! i want! i wanna fit into my jeans in a month too =) Mummies, Go where buy??

re: Mothercare sale

haha, i also went to buy socks and 10 muslin cloth!! the "jio bor" remind me of the good old days... i used to have one as my blankie!

Re: Gender

I think somehow or other, there are a lot of MILs/Mums/Grandmas that want a boy. Thank God I now have 1 girl 1 boy. Whatever their preference, they shld be satisfied.


If you are supposed to be on bed rest, then tell your boss that you cannot be at work. If anything happen to you *touch wood*, she cannot bear the responsibility lor.

The last time I was on bed rest, actually a lot of things cock up. But also bo pian. Come back then settle coz I make it clear that to me, my baby is more important. I can work from home or give directions if need be but I need to stay at home.

Re: Baby Binder

Baby binder is good to help protect the tummy from wind. Its supposed to reduce colic coz of additional warmth at the tummy area. Furthermore, it helps to protect against wind entering when you open baby's clothes to change diapers (which is quite often). Get velcro kind & not the tie string kind. String always come out. I think this is a good to have and since its cheap. Just get maybe 2-3 enuff.

Re: Abdominal Binder

For C-sec, this is a must. It supposed to tummy and the wound. Good ones are segmented into 3-5 layers sewn together and are quite stretchable.

For non-C-sec, those massage lady ones are for slimming use.

morning ladies, thank you all for your concern.

I'm @ work now, just came out from my meeting with boss. Sighed...given more tasks to complete!I hope i can just sit quietly at my desks today and not be bothered too much by others cos my cramp is killing me!

Anyway, she has no plan to get a temp to cover my work when i go on ML (she's known to be stingy with $$$$), she say she gonna take over my work by herself. But right now judging on situation, i think she will most likely call and pester me when she can't get work done when i am on ML cos year end is a busy period. I've got lots of events line up and coupled with appraisal period, planning for next year etc, she sure cannot handle.

I always console myself, tahan a few more months, after ML can come back and throw letter at her and thank her for all the nasty treatment i received during this period. She should know better than to agitate a pregnant woman especially when i have history of spotting and pregnancy was'nt stable for a start. I guess yesterday was the breaking point for me that's why i could'nt stop crying when my hubby pick me up.

Anyway, hope you all have fun tomorrow...


what sort of cramps are you having? and your idiot boss unloaded even more work on you??? she's despicable leh~! can't believe you're given MC and not allowed rest. it is against the law lor! sigh.. anyway now you are at work, hope you finish fast then go home rest. during ML, SWITCH OFF YOUR PHONE!!


Yr boss is so unsympathetic twds you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiz...

If she doesn't want to get an additional help during your ML, tht's her biz, if she calls you just ignore her, you are entitled to your leave and not to be at her beck and call as and when she deemed fit!!! !@#$%^&*

Cyn ...

If you intend to throw letter aft your ML ... then you should just ignore her and not answer the phone during your ML. Cos once you start answering and doing work from home during your ML ... she will expect that you continue to do that for the whole period of 16 weeks.

If from the onset, you make it very clear that you are NOT working from home for the 16 weeks and she wont be able to get anything out from you. Then she knows that she has no choice but to pick up everything before you go off.

But check on the notice period cos I rem aft ML ... you need to work for at least a few months before you can throw letter.

Morning Ladies & Ian!

Cyn: Are you ok? Y not just take the rest of the day off? Dun bother with your boss. Your bb is more impt. Since you have a history of spotting and pregnancy was'nt stable for a start, the more you should rest instead.I agrees with Jacq, switch off your phone during ML.

Mothercare: Did anyone of you notice the graphic rompers that they are carrying now? It's so cute for both the boys and girls range. I'm trying to resist myself from buying them, coz my boy got a lot of hand-me down clothes from gor gor.

Jacq: I like hazelnut and MSW combi too! I always order the waffle to go along. I was there last week again, hoping to have the hazelnut, end up they dun have it for the day. So disappointing. In the end, had Alphonso Mango Puree Sorbet & Snickers Mars Honeycomb Vanilla. Both are nice, but doesn't go well with each other.

Ladies who are mtg up tmr, enjoy yourself and happy shopping. I will be going down to the bb fair with my hb & son too. Got to go get a car seat for my boy. He is so active now, difficult for him to sit down quietly. This is one thing that i regretted not getting when he was a bb. Now have to train him to sit quietly in his car seat b4 #2 arrive. If not, i really dunno how to handle both of them at the same time. See if i'm able to bump into you girls!

Ladies, any of you been feeling emo lately? I'm feeling a bit emo, small small thing started to cry. In-laws also kept getting on my nerves & i kept trying to pick up a fight with my hb. haiz...

Cyn, your boss is way too much! Grrr..

^%$@%$#^$#@, yes i agree with the others, DO NOT ANSWER her calls when you are on ML. She is the manager if she doesnt wana get temp its her prob. You need your rest.. If work till too piak chiak later, u shld just pack n go home anyway u got MC to cover you. BB is more impt than anything!


You need 2 car seats. Its an offence not to use car seats for children below 7 or 8 hor. Recently there was a road traffic accident also involving 3 kids. Lucky they din die wor.

I recommend you to get those that can use for many years kind. Does not cost a lot considering the number of years of usage.

And if your kid is used to car seats, it really makes going out much easier. My husband managed to teach my #1 how to get into the car, put her water bottle into the drink holder, hang her bag on the hook and then get into the car seat, including putting her hands through the harness. So we just have to lock her in.

Fifi: Yes, we will be getting the car seat for #1 1st. For #2, my hb's fren will be lending us his newborn car seat 1st. Too siong to get both at the same time.

re: desitin diaper cream 4oz from USA

Anyone want to buy?? Cos I am ordering some stuff from drugstore. Its amlmost 50% cheaper than Sg cos in Sg ... its $15-$16 for 2oz but its abt $11 (aft shipping) for 4oz in USA

Let me know =)


aiyo... you went back to work ah... stupig boss gave you even more things to do!! &*^$@#$

It is her own problem if she dun want to get a temp to share load with her lor, not your problem.

Once u on ML, just ignore her. She cannot handle, just ignore her. She is paid to do her own job too.

Your ML is your entitlement hor. My last ML, I only suga suga then answer my ex-boss call coz I know he sure ask rubbish one... :p

Aiyo... since you mention that you have history of spotting and unstable start for preg, you shld take care of yourself even more...

Talk to hubby and us here if you feel frustrated. Dun keep it inside lah. AND REST REST REST!

After talking will feel better... we are here for you okie...

Babydes ...

Me wan order other stuff from drugstore so checking if mummies here wan to order the cream or not heehee cos order more stuff will be cheaper shipping mar ... me not making money ... just wan to save money heehee

Good morning Ladies and Ian


Im so sorry to hear what had happened and what's happening now!!!

Terrible boss you have..

But as like what others said....YOU Should just listen to doc's advise and rest!

What's more important than the your baby?

Don't cry over this...If you hvae no choice but to stay and complete the tasks...do it slowly and rest if you need,okay..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DO not rush through the job..why should you?

YOu have doc to certified you unfit for work and given a bed rest notice...DOn't she understand how severe it is that she don't comply and forced you to work?

She might not know what's pregnancy is all about but im sure there are employees rights too!!!

THere are no "out of good will i will do it" my dear...your health comes first!

GIven my temper..sure RESIGN!!!


Are you okay?

I think some of us are going through some emo sessions but relax...you have to keep calm!If shopping helps..go out and enjoy your family time!


yea,definitely!!Must go for a cuppa before you leave!I hope this will not be our last gathering before we pop!HOpe there are more...hahhahah

like the next in-fill sessions???hahhahha...


I can't wait too!!My nails are in VERY BAD shape and heels are all cracking up!!

hey, sidetrack abit... heard from my finance team that USD dropped to 1.35 today and will drop further to 1.30 so if you all wanna spree and buy breast pumps or what, can buy these 2 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn, your boss so inhuman, heartless and unfeeling. Ren ren ren for the paid 16 weeks leave. For now just do what you can - don't work too hard - can jiao cai will do. Must take good care of yourself and baby.


yeah, good time to buy from USA sites now with the drop in currency. how long can a 4oz tube last for? keen to buy also! is it cheaper to buy direct than from the BP threads though?


it's normal to get emo at this stage. and i know it can be very hard to control sometimes. heard that for some mummies, this gets worse postpartum. so have to take heart and be aware of your own emotions before they get out of control. for me i don't tear up, but i get angry/frustrated easily. small thing can spark me off so and sometimes i'm amazed by my own short fuse. hopefully our hormones return back to normal levels quickly.


yest already ordered lots of items from my BIL

s wife tt is coming bk from NYC next week!!!!all my beauty products!so excited le..heard tt usd drop i straight ask her to buy for me

talking about ML - When I asked my boss to get temp staff for the additional work and also to cover my duty, he said ok and added that he expect me to work at home during my ML?!

I told my colleague that for every single day he made me work at home, I will inform HR I am extending ML to replace it.

Since then I always give him sulk face whenever possible. he also squeeze us (admin staff) - always telling and make us to take over manager work but pay us same admin salary. Whatever his manager cannot do pass it to admin to do!

Ren for the 16 week benefit!


your boss is mad. feed baby every 2-3 hrs 24/7, need to squeeze in nap times already difficult. still want you to work from home??? you try lah, call him at every 2-3 hrs interval from 12am to 6am ask him about work lor! see whether he can tahan waking up to answer your call or not. just give him the excuse that the only timing you have available for work is between 12am - 6am!! he sure don't dare to disturb you after that. another stupid fella..

re: working from home during ML

some of us here have extremely intolerable bosses. my ex boss would have been like cynthia's, expect me to come back even though on MC. i know because she had done it to me before. even when my hubby hospitalized for scheduled nose op, she didn't allow me to leave till i finished everything in the office! what an b***h. !$XX&*^#*!!! that was when i threw in the towel and QUIT!

anyway, since our bosses wanna set expectations, we should set ours as well. if he/she demands us to work during our ENTITLED LEAVE, then i think we have all the reason to demand compensation if they demand us to work from home, eg. pay based on per project per hour basis. of course best case scenario is that they don't bother us at all unless really super urgent, need to locate some files etc, i think that's acceptable. anything more than that is really "eating" into our entitled leave, given by the government.

Seabreeze no I not saying you want to earn money, just sharing the BP link as I tot might be more convenient just to get from the seller since she has ready stock. =D

Aiyo how come got so many unreasonable bosses ard!!

Jac your ex boss so bad. wait till someone in her family need to go for an op - see if she can still work. idiot. good for you to quit and leave. not worth to work for.


the bp link u post come in time for me. actually wanted to order desitin fr the supplier that irish coffee mention then i take out this item fr my shopping list liao.kekeke

