(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

I'm so amazed that so many of you already have a gynae, esp the first-timers. I cant even confirm my doc yet. Perhaps it's because of my autoimmune (thyroid) condition that I'm a bit more paranoid.

Hope to confirm on the doc after next Mon's scan with Dr TC Chang.


Jas: For #1, I fell down stairs leh during my second tri close to third tri because I couldn't see where I was stepping and someone had spilled coke on the floor. Think the patrons of Mcdonalds near the stairs all had a shock. I was fine though and totally unscathed! Must have been the angels promised in Psalm 91. =)

Regardless your faith and belief, keep an optimistic outlook on the pregnancy and don't worry too much. Sometimes we worry our fears into existence lah. ^.^"

Fisherbaby- Take your time to suss out. Dr. Loh was my friend's recommendation and I decided to book him at KKH for my first scan and for the rest of the duration of the pregnancy. =)

There is a Dr. Benjamin Tham that I heard a lot of great stuff about. He is at KKH now but moving to TMC in May- which is why I didn't go with him.

Hello Ladies...


HUHUHU....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]hubby came back from work and then he commented..."Now,you look pregnant"!

haiz....tummy hard and expanding le....kept thinking is air so drank ginger tea!Never burp or pass wind....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Only 8weeks now...dare not stand on the scale!Afraid i might be frightened by the numbers appear...

Princess Diamond- number 1 tummy not so big, but number 2 onwards the tummy supposedly tends to be larger than the first time round. I am not super slim but I am larger around the same time than when I had Kae. =p

Princess Diamond & Geri,

Me too..Im in my 8th weeks too. during then my no 1 tummy was still flat, now my tummy is so much larger than the first time round...am already look like 3 mths pregnant!

Hi Mummies!

am currently 8 weeks + and would love to join in the thread! This is my #2. #1 is 15 months now =)

snoopy, can i join in the table pls =)

edd: 9 oct

age: 28

baby #2

Dr Joycelyn Wong/TMC

Serangoon Gardens

princess diamond, geri, irish coffee... think im in the same boat as you guys! With #1 tummy was still flat during this time, but now its extremely bloated and i look 3 mths preggie as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and i keep having cravings for maggie mee! that is so bad!

geri,irish coffee...

unbelievable as i kept thinking that i only look bloated...hmmm..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wonder how will i look towards the next 2 trimester...sure faint! hahaha


hey,mee too..i craved for Mamee veg flav which i have not had it before????funny,it is especially tasty n yummy when come night time like right now..hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blustar, Irish Coffee, Princess Diamond- Well at least we now have somewhat reassured each other about tummy size hahaha =)

I am quite sure this is my baby bump not spare tyre. I can't suck in my tummy like normal and I look about 2 months plus along or so.

So far no cravings, no appetite problems, no MS. PHEW. Staying that way I want to believe. But I am seriously lethargic.

I get hungry a lot more so eating almonds - healthier snack. ^.^""

princess diamond

i looked pregnant too...haha with this #3, the tummy popped out immeidately when i conceived. Cuz i remember i still told my hb before we buy the test kit. I said "it's either i am pregnant or i have become fat". Thank God it's pregnant...haha still can shed off after delivery


i want to eat maggi mee but scared not so healthy le..but the past 2 pregnancies i got consume but nto so much...think eat abit is fine la...haha u make me feel like cooking myself a bowl of curry noodle with egg !!


i also feel lethargis, nap in the afternoon is a must then hor at night i used to stay up till 1-2 am but now i have to turn in by 11+ le....

last post for tonight...gng sleep le..nite

Thanks Ceila for that useful link.. My boss kept praising RH being a good hospital as its conducive and by looking at the percentile, its not that expensive as i thought!

Just had my lovely crabby feast (but i only took 1 gong) amongst with lotsa other seafood but all "donated' to my lovely toilet bowl.. somehow mine is not morning sickness but night sickness!

My tummy aint that big yet but i could buckle my pants after the seafood feast! Its only 6 weeks!

Welcome Adelyn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nighty nite etelle....sweet dreams,


My MS come and go!the past 2 days was fine but today it came back,mild one...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m so tired that every night after story time (for my gal i fell asleep together but until 2-3am!Can't sleep for long...THink tonight i am going to stay awhile more before heading to my bed!Yawn...(Such a tortured!heeheee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hee...Your toilet bowl,your buddy!heee...but must take care too,take lots of fluid after you merlion!So yours is not MS but NS..heee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]So cute la you!

Clueless- Lol! NS... befitting the fact that we are doing our "national service" for the government haha. XD

Princess Diamond- I know what you mean. Kae's 8 but he still loves having us tell him a bedtime story before he goes to zzz. =) Sometimes I end up playing free children audio books from NLB's website instead keke.

Etelle- I want to nap too but I cannot for now because need to rush out work. U see lah... almost 1am le and I am still up. =)

I guess the reason why I chose KKH is because if there are any complications (of which I believe there will be none), it is cheaper to treat at KKH as there are subsidies because it is govt hospital. But to go from private to govt, you can't enjoy those same subsidies.

When Kae was hospitalised for a combined bacterial and viral infection, I got to see how caring the nurses at KKH were. The wards were also airy and clean. The food was also not bad. =)

I guess that encounter gave me a better impression of KKH. Also, my friend who is a pharmacist told me that the other hospitals will send patients to KKH if there are any issues or complications becoz KKH specialises in women and children illnesses, etc.

I had Kae in MAH and it was really lovely, but I am pretty confident KKH will give me a great experience too. =)

Morning girls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You r gg to have your no. 2 at KKH? Private or subsidised? I am thinking of KKH too since I got complications for no. 1 and likely to experience the same for no. 2.

good morning ladies!

yes, i agree with all of u... it is so amazing to see the little fetus in there. i could make out the head and body and his/her little hands/legs!

yes, i've scheduled myself for the oscar test 3 wks from now...

princess diamond, yes, i think i look pregnant although there is no change in my weight. Especially so after a meal... i can notice my tummy bulging out and it is so obvious!

have you all told your friends/relatives/colleagues about your pregnancy?

gd morning ladies!


i've kept mum about it... since this is my first.. i felt it might be better to share the good news when it's more stablized.. only one of my buddies know because that time I needed her to help execute the plan for our another buddy's hens nite! haaa...

morning everyone too! starry_nite, I've only told a few close friends but not my family/in-laws yet cos of my previous MC (likely blighted ovum).. 'm waiting till I can see the little one next week then break the news ;)

Hi All Mum to be,

I'm new here....just found out i was pregnant last week and it was estimated that i'm going to deliver in Oct.

Lately i've been feeling very tired and suffering from Insomnia at night, anyone of you experience this?

This is my first pregnancy and i dunno what to expect, i've haven even find a gynae for my 1st check up yet... and ytd night, i think i had some bleeding...is it common?

I'm very worried now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Welcome Cynthia! It's common to feel tired when one's preggy.. as for insomnia.. personally, not so, except for times when I need to go pee which I may take some time to get back to sleep.

Suggest you see a doc NOW especially since you are bleeding...

Hi Cynthia,

Welcome!!! =P Hmm... I will automatically wake up at about 3am in the morning! Ehhz.. not to pee or hungry leh.. just woke up myself.. then after that will have difficulty sleeping back lor.. hahaa..


is it normal to feel a bit crampy down there?

Hi Jasmine, you mean abdominal cramps? From what I read, yes, it's normal to feel cramps at times as your womb adjusts to the pregnancy ;)


hahaa.. it's okie! hmm.. think i know what was the cause lah.. i went to do "big business" just now.. feeling much better now! haa..

over the past week i've been very negative and constantly in fear! because this little one is really precious to both me and SO..

went for RCIA yesterday... Felt that God was telling me that I should put all my faith in Him! And I shall do that! Trying to keep all the bad emotions away! Be happy and upbeat frm now on!!! =P YEAH.. heee..

Hi jasmine,

Its good to know that i'm not the only one who can't sleep at night...i've been waking up at 1,2 or 3am everyday and can't sleep after that.

Any mummies have good gynae to recommend? I'm thinking of delivering in TMC....by the way i am staying at Pasir Ris and am now about 6-7 weeks pregnant.

When do you start going to the gynae?

Morning ladies!!


whr did u attend rcia??

My husb promise me that he will attend fr this yr. I hope he is serious…


If have have bleeding, it is best to quickly book a gynea for early check up asap. At least u will have med to eat to solve ur bleeding problem. I started going to the Gynea at 5week preg cos i have pinkish discharge that time and was given a jab n med to eat. I am seeing Dr Eunice Chua cos she is my gynea for my 1st gal so this time i still go to her since i find her ok and nice.


it's not common to have bleeding. Pls seek gynae attention immediately. Bleeding or spotting in pregnancy is not to be treated lightly....

hi momo,

=) Christ the King at Ang Mo Kio. I am actually a believer in Christ before i even met my hubby. But not baptised.. attending RCIA bcos i want to know more about the catholic faith..


can see the sac and to see that it's in the right position and to make sure that it is not a ectopic pregnancy.


yeah at 5 weeks, the sac containing the foetus can be detected and at about 6 wks+ can detect heartbeat...best to see gynae to get pregnancy confirmed and start on folic acid if u have not do so.

Hello all.

I noticed some of you having the same things as me - NS! Night sickness!

OMG. I cannot take night sickness. It's like after dinner... then i feel like someone threw me in washing machine and then MERLION!

I really cannot eat anything much anymore.

AND NO PLAIN WATER PLEASE. I love plain water before i was preggie and now it's like NO WAY.

I read some of yr comments and opted for Ribena and at least I'm drinking now.

I cannot stand the bitter taste in my mouth too. It's like I nv wash my mouth for years lor but i actually brush every day. Now i brush most of the time. Gargle. Gah.

Seeing doctor later! Pscyhed!

Hello ladies...

Good morning and how is everyone doing?

I woke up with a bad headache n backache!

Was Also pondering over whether or not to chNged a new helper!!! My present one is driving me crazy,but hubby found nothing is wrong w her!blame it on my hormones??? Grrrrrrr......my MS get worsen by just looking at her..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Welcome Cynthia ,

take bleeding seriously!hope u r fine!

Good morning girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The forum is getting larger!! Welcome newcomers! Hope you're here to stay! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah i have night sickness too but the anti-nausea pills that gynae prescribed has been helping a lot but I also eat slowly and drink slowly. Every night as I sleep I'm always wishing that time can go a little bit more faster! Wish i could wake up to the 2nd trimester already! Hehehe.. Hey don't forget to scan your ultrasound printout and post!


bleeding without cramping is pretty normal for 5-7+ weeks of pregnancy. it has happened to me and the pregnancy is fine. usually it just means that you need to slow down on your activity and rest more often. but if it's red bleeding, you should see a doctor immediately. occasionally you will get the cramps and it should happen once in a while without bleeding. that's just your womb expanding. not forgetting the dull back pain.

Re: Looking Pregnant

Yah my tummy showing liaoz. So some of my colleagues know already coz they can see. I guess coz #2 so muscles already not so taut liaoz so tummy shows more easily.


Mine also more of night sickness than morning sickness. I am usually better off before 12noon. After lunch then start getting more jialat. Worst is after dinner.

Geri, Zuen:

I think in KKH, its better to be private paying patient for pregnancy. Coz you can choose your gynae. If you are subsidized, you are seeing medical officers who just grad and I really have no confidence in them.


Tired and yet insomnia is common. The insomnia is usually due to the discomfort you are feeling. However, if it gets too bad, please seek a gynae's help. Bleeding on the other hand is NOT normal. Its signs of threatened miscarriages. Please see a gynae immediately. Go to KKH's 24 hrs clinic for a start if you are not sure of which gynae you want yet.

At 5 weeks, the baby can be detected thru a scan already though it is VERY common NOT to be able to detect the baby on a scan. But the sac can usually be seen.


A little cramps is common. Pain is NOT normal though. So please see your gynae if it gets worst hor.

Hello everyone!

I would like to join this thread. I think I am around 5 to 6 weeks only and habing one os the latest EDDs here.

edd: 29 oct

age: 36

baby #2

Dr Selina Chua / Mount E

East Coast

My first is 18 months now!

Only 3 people (me, hubs and best friend) knows that I am expecting. I have my first appt next week and am hoping and praying (I'm Catholic!) that it goes well. I know that 30% of pregnancies end up in a MC so would not want to share much till maybe I cross the 10 week mark.

That's why it's great to join a forum like this coz I can share here!


=) i'm monitoring.. if it gets really painful or with spotting i'll go visit my gynae immediately!


harlow! welcome! =P

I'm trying my very best now to be POSITIVE! heee..

good morning mummies! woah, one day not in thread move so fast and so many newcomers! hope all of you are doing well and coping with MS, NS, back pain and growing boobies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raindroops, i remember that day you were complaining about not having enough MS. now you have NS. lol! i also have the bitter taste in my mouth. but it doesn't affect my tastebuds lah. i still get hungry all the time and wanna eat but also get a bit nauseous at the same time.

last night i had a bad dream le. i dreamt that i was bleeding and it was so bad i stained my undies and pants. so paranoid when i woke up that went toilet to check immediately. thank God nothing happened.

oh, some of you here also having abdominal pains. think it is the womb stretching. i get it like 2-3 times a day also. every time it happens, i get scared and will check if got blood or spotting. can't help it. paranoid lah...


That is my intention too, be a private patient and chose my gynae. But I got history of pre-matured birth and no. 1 stayed in NICU for 2 weeks. But that was an emergency case and I ended up at NUH and opted for B2 class ward so baby's NICU stay also subsidised. Need to find out more before I decide. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi lanolin, welcome in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am in 6 weeks plus now and will also share with more people after the 10 week mark! will feel a lot better and more secure after i see baby's heartbeat next week.

Zuen, Fifi: My gynae is the Head of Reproductive Medicine and a Specialist, and I am seeing him in the private clinic. The first visit is $102 and the following ones are $73 =) 2 other ladies from our group are also seeing him. My friend who is a doctor recommended him as he delivered her 2 kids =)

Zuen, why don't you have a look at KKH and NUH's wards and facilities before you decide? My friend is a doctor and she told me the best doctors in the area of women and children/babies care are in KKH. When the hospital cannot handle, they always send to KKH because they have special equipment yadayada. I would like to believe however, that your 2nd pregnancy will go great!!!! ^.^ Gambatte!

Cynthia: I found out abt my preg on Sunday evening. So that is less than a week ago. Hehe. I havent' had my first scan. See a doctor about the spotting but I am sure you're fine. HUGS!

As for cramps- I am also feeling crampy and stuff. Very sleepy but no insomnia problem- my work is keeping me up though so I am a bit sian. That is the thing about freelance writing... unlike office job where you leave the office and work from 9-5, you are expected to be avail 24/7 in the media industry. ^.^"




Pretty much similar to my first preg =)

MY nipples are super tender though... biangz.

Kae talks to the bump every night. Last night, he told his sibling "I believe you will do well in your studies like korkor." LOL!! I was like what was that about? Hahaha.

Jas, Lanolin and Momo- Fellow Christian here. I used to be Catholic but am now a Christian but really it is the same Daddy God, same Jesus, same Holy Spirit. ^.^ Anyway there is a really good book to read called "Supernatural Childbirth" by Terry and Jackie Mize. It shows promises in the bible over childbirth- all the blessings, wonderful things and it has many miraculous testimonials from mummies who experienced similar quick, pain-free delivery as the author after hearing her speak about her expc. Super encouraging read. I read it when I was expecting Kae and I dilated in less than an hour and gave birth in 15mins. No epidural. =D Check it out.

Additional HELLO to Lanolin! Congrats and welcome! =D My EDD is self estimated at 28/10 hehe.

Hi lanolin

welcome welcome....yeah i like to join forum thread to share share and also get advices when in doubt from experienced mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was told by thr nurses in my gynae's clinic that any form of bleeding or spotting has to notified them and see gynae immediately le...i dun think we should treat it as normal and leave it alone right? not safe hor... at least seek medical attention first then after that if same thing happens again gynae be able to advise you le...


I was having alot of cramps during week 5 plus to 6. There was once I was so worried I called the gynae to ask if I need to rest in bed. Ended up resting at home the whole week and cramps got better. You might want to rest more as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals,

Any good remedies for "morning sickness". Actually I dont really feel nausea but rather feeling of wanting to vomit at times (but did not really vomit out) and appetite is very poor and the worse thing is I am always feeling hungry very quickly.

I am now trying to drink lemon juice in warm honey water. Seems to boost the appetite a little. Will try out Ribena[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope it helps.

Etelle- I agree that it is better to have a doctor's confirmation that everything is a-ok.

Jas, Lanolin, Momo - Found a small extract of testimonies from the book's minature booklet about Mummies who experienced really blessed childbirth. http://is.gd/9EcMK ... Be encouraged! =D


The kind of "cramps" I getting now feels very "weird" like that kind of pulling tightness in the lower abdomen, like some kind of mild twinge, unlike the previous 2 weeks which is more like menstrual cramps. Yours also like that?

In fact when I sneeze I cam sometimes feel the pulling tightness. So weird.......

Time seems to pass so slowly nowadays, cant wait to be in 2nd trimester where things are more or less stabilised. Ya gals, I realised I getting very paranoid nowadays. Any slightess pain will cause me to worry the whole day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

By the way, my tummy seems to be showing (according to my friends and collagues) but my husband thinks it's mainly fats hahaa....put on so much weight recently. Hope will not exceed the 10-13 Kg weight gain by then[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think all of us gets paranoid all the time. we just have to come in here more often and get re assurance from all the mummy dearies here...u r not alone...preggies are worriers....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Adelyn- Lol. Remember you are eating for 1.00000something not 2. So dun overeat and you should prob not grow too big. I didn't put on much weight for my preg aside from the baby bump and whatever was inside it. =) I did put on weight before I got preg this time around so I was like Eeks. In fact I kept thinking I was getting fatter because suck tummy, tummy won't go in! Then I realise oh ya... it is my baby bump and it is a larger than the last time because I am bigger size and because my tummy skin already stretched before.

Dun worry too much. I was sharing with Jas sometimes we worry for fears into existence. The best is to just stay relaxed and everytime you feel fear pop up, just speak a blessing over baby and your health. =) HUGS!

