(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Morning mummies!

welcome Syann!

Yday went to see gynae and was told to watch my food intake and sugar level, weight gain is 3.3kgs for just 3wks+. This i really cannot understand wor.

Gynae commented that bb is growing bigger by one wk size than it should. heehee.. now weighing 571g. Haiz.. now i dunno what i should eat wor, I'm already not taking a lot of food that i used to take liao, but can still put on weigh. haiz.. dunno where the weight goes to.

nausea and no appetite, i'm still having that on and off... like tht other mummies said, i think it's the food that we take that might be causing these.. keke..


mummies here having nausea, is it returning or it has never gone away? if really uncomfortable, try drinking a bit of Bovril with hot water. helped me tons during the 1st trimester. i also eat The Natural Confectionery sour gummy bears.

suddenly craving for icecream now. since early this morning. i really like sweet things in this 2nd trimester le.

Teong: How many weeks u pregnant now? My baby boy only weigh 352g when I went for my detailed scan on 20wk 4d. Gynea say mine is a M size baby and she was glad that baby absorbing well although I vomit alot and never put on much weight.

Weight Gain until now 23wks is 3kg

Teoong ...

Cos usually if weight gain too fast ... they are worried of gestation diabetic hence the 'warning' fr the gynae.

My detailed scan is 2 weeks and super worried abt my weight too ... been eating lots of junk cos sometime got funny after taste in the mouth ... so need salted food to get rid of those taste.

Last night had craving for Roti John hahahaha luckily hubby couldnt find in the hawker ctr if not its another 200g hahahaha

Thank You ladies.. Glad to be in this thread.

I should be 19.4wks today. Still can't really feel the movement of my baby. Really looking forward to the kicking. Hee...

Now bb 22wks & 3days.

heehee.. EDD date also change to late Sept base on yesterday scan. Now dunno what to eat liao, really got to control control control.. going Sugarless soon, but so hard for preggie not to eat right?

Shirlz & Jac,

I had bad constipation and piles too. No urge at all, wondering where do all the food go to. Sometimes, I feel like a walking bag of shit. Oops. I am resorting to fybogel. I hope that is more natural than medicine. But not taking regularly, I hate the taste. Yucks.

Re: Baby movement

I am happily feeling its movement now. Used to be as paranoid when I dun feel anything, but I think it is just natural's way. Mummies who haven felt much dun be too worry much ya. Soon, soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Belly Band

mummies any of u start using belly band already? Can recommend any good one? I feel that for this one, I'm carrying it very low ...


I dun think i can rest more at least for this 2 weeks. Was so hectic that mc also cannot use.

And ya, school holiday also need to work coz we shifting campus. Need to pack my whole desk and whatever into boxes during these few weeks. sigh...


For me, sterilizer is an essential thing to get coz it is easy to use and can use to sterilise breast pump also. Just throw everything in and press a button. No need to boil water and monitor the flame. I got friend who almost got her kitchen burn down one time coz she forgotten that she is boiling her bottles. End up the bottles and teats melted lor... very scary. So to me, I rather pay a bit, we relax plus it can be used all the way for long time. I used mine till my ds is 1yo. So up to you lah.

Oh, I have piles from 1st preggie and now still have.

Mine is quite bad so it will protrude out if i gek too much lor. And easily bleed. Gynae say it will be better once baby is out. Nothing much you can do to it now if you got it.

As for whether you have or not, hmm, if it is out, you will know one. (sorry for being gross though) But not necessary bleeding is equals to piles.

Felt bb 1st strong kick 2 days ago when i turned to the side when sleeping.... was so happy and i tried it again... another wave of strong kicks.... keke. bb must be reali uncomfortable with mi squashing.

going for detail scan later. hope bb cooperative and let the sonographer hv a gd look @ his spine, organs.. and cfm the sex. counting down to 3pm.


have you started noticing baby's sleep-wake moments? mine always very active around late morning, before lunch time. then doze and move lightly in the afternoons. occasionally will wake up and kick around a bit during tea break then doze again till after dinner when it gets very active.

sometimes when i don't feel it, i will pat pat my tummy for a minute or so then it will shift or give a kick. i get quite a "kick" feeling that! haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yewee> I also went for the Tour at Mt. Alvernia last Saturday.. My session is the morning session. I can't remember seeing the western meal pictures. hm..

I register to deliver there after the tour. Hehe.. I only peek the double room in Our Lady Ward since in the morning no one checked out yet and it's full [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The tour guide shows us the picture of the single room though..

Hi groovy2009,

What time is your tour? Mine is at 12pm and the lady show us the photos of the meal ...

The Meal look very nice ...

I have not register. Maybe will do it this sat.

I visit double beded room in the normal ward (don't remember what is the name of the ward) and visit the single beded in Lady ward.

I went for the 12pm tour so some of the mummy already checked out so we are able to see the single beded room.

hi ladies, wats the topic for today? piles? hehe

I'm having abit of constipation also but was becoz i was on holiday over the weekend n purposely din drink enough water. Too scared to use the malaysian highway toilets.

anybody gone on shopping spree for baby? I bought a maclaren stroller yesterday at 20% off at baby hyperstore. Apparently mothercare also havinf 30% off on maclaren strollers but only selected colours.

Re: baby kicks

finally felt some soft kicks and flutters since week16. i'm 20wks+ today. the weirdest one was jus now during lunch time. I felt a kick like 2 inches below my left waist. More towards my back actually. and all these while i was waiting for my tummy to move lol

yewee> My tour is at 10 am..

I also applied for the Mt Alvernia Ladies Card. The price is $90 valid for 2 years. Becoz if you take the Single bedded room, $100 will be deducted from your final bill. hehe.. So it's a good deal.

It's actually my first maternity tour. Quite good, they give us free magazine and welcome drink :p

forum down again. sigh...


i haven't bought anything and can't wait to start this weekend. hee hee! oh, only bought the cloth diapers since they were so cheap. how much is the stroller after discount?

re: baby kicks

have always felt them in front, but not the back. i think because i have posterior placenta (at the back of the uterus) that's why feel nothing from behind. oh, baby moves more when i slouch in my chair. sometimes will kick my bladder, make me wanna pee! hee!

Jac, Im going for 2nd round shopping spree wif gfs this wkend too! strollerm i tink i bought at ard $540 from baby hyperstore. The ones at Mothercare going for $490 but only navy blue and charcoal orange, i saw e pics online, dun like the colors. But if u're not fussy, go down to Mothercare habourfront, sale still going on. It's maclaren xlr 2010. i like coz it's light but not flimsy. Seat wide enough and can use from newborn to 4 years old. And the handles are high enough for tall ppl like me and hubby. wahlau eh i like salesgirl..lol

re: baby kicks, at least u know how to get the baby kicking. I tried so many ways, baby dun move at all! only when she feels like it. that too very soft kicks

anyway, anyone knows where i can buy 2nd baby car seat? Or if u're selling PM me pls. I'm not fussy, as long as it's safe to use from newborn to toddler. Thanks loads!


hubby and i had our eyes on capella S705 stroller. we find the rest quite ex. will go see the maclaren one during babyfair this weekend too. for preloved car seats, you can check out the WTS thread on this forum. saw quite a number of those good brands on sale.

aiyo... so envy seeing that everyone started buying stuff for baby.

Me cannot buy anything yet leh since dun know is boy boy or girl girl... if boy boy, lagi no need to buy liao...

Stroller have liao, car seat have liao...

No fun one... sob sob.. *ENVY!!!*

Jac, we went to baby kingdom also.. just a few doors away from baby hyperstore. there's a few capella/combi strollers on 20-30% off.

actually i didn't intend to buy maclaren. just going around and comparing the feel and function of diff brands, My hubby was really keen to buy this peg prego pliko switch. damn solid. baby facing u somemore but $1k+!!

thanks will check out WTS


Mine is next thursday. 10 Jun.

Think mine should be the last person who going thru detailed scan... haha... coz my EDD is one of the latest in Oct!


$1K! wah.. really ex. i don't think need to buy so good one. there are a lot of models right now that allows the handle to reverse so baby can face you or outside very easily.

re: car seat

my hubby wondering if really need. 'cos definitely won't baby alone in the car and there will be someone carrying baby. if i am not wrong, he doesn't intend to get car seat at all. need to check with him again.


the waiting time really very sian right? i am counting down..

hi all,

hope all is well. been really busy at work! n having this terrible backache!

starrymommy: if Im not wrong, the child car seat is a traffic regulation for the safety of the baby. It is an offence not to put your baby / child in a car seat.

can someone correct me if im wrong? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivian: I also havent do my detailed scan leh. hehehehe

RE: Strollers

I think we will buy combi. We were looking capella too but capella is v heavy. If my mum look after the lil one and if she wants to bring him for a walk or out, the capella stroller might be too heavy for her to handle. Though I love the fact that its more stable.

all e best vivian!! *sprinkles pink baby dusts*

Oh this i've got to share! I had a leg massage at the spa in e resort i was in. and this lady while massaging me asked where do the doctor normally detect baby's heartbeat. I said left of tummy coz that's where gynae usually do scan. Then she said. "it's a girl!".

Then she asked me which foot normally hurt/swell and I said right ankle, then she went.. coz the veins on right foot is connected to baby on the left. must b v careful when walk esp right foot. Wrong step can cause miscarriage.

And now that i recall, my 1st MC, i tripped but din fall but at night i started bleeding.

Anyway hubby n i used her theory when we watch discovery home & travel Deliver Me. u noe like some couples dun wanna noe gender. So we guessed according to where the gynae scan tummy. and our guesses were correct!

Jac, i thot its a ruling to put baby in carseat?

lilac, marrissa,

i didn't know car seat is mandatory for infants! oops! :p ok, will have this checked out.


very interesting thing you have shared here! i sprained my right ankle quite badly 3 weeks ago. think i was 16 weeks then. couldn't walk well for 3 or 4 days, but really thank God that baby's well. very scary... i guess it is true to a certain extent. i always hear ppl saying not to go for foot massage when pregnant to avoid pre-term labour or MC.

Here's some pink baby princess dust for Vivian too! *sparkle sparkle* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ohh.. Marrissa that theory is interesting. Let me see if my gynae scan on left or right on my next appt. I cant rem where he scan the last few times hahahaha.. I tot is all over tummy...

Jac, me n my hubby also looking at Cappella S705. Will be looking out for it during the baby fair this weekend.

Arrgghh...so hot to be home today.. getting a mild headache coz of the heat. Just had a cold shower but still feeling the heat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jac, i haf a phobia when taking stairs. I try to take lift whenever i can coz i fell down the stairs b4.. but i wasn't pregnant then.

My spa package was actually for body, when they saw my tum2 they dare not massage me, said only light leg massage can. foot also cannot


drink some nice cool orange juice to relieve the heat? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we are going to compare the prices of the S705 from babyfair with what the cheong choon store at chinatown is offering then make decision. i personally prefer the 2010 version. nicer!


yah, that's why when after i sprained ankle, i dare not go see sinseh to do tui na. rather suffer the pain for a longer time. later anything happen i won't be able to forgive myself. now on and off will still hurt and my friends keep asking me to go tui na. some info here..


hello hello...

me just came back from town...

brought my IL for dim sum and some shopping....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow the thread moving so fast eh..


it piles...according to y gynae..those piles was inside b ut bcos i gek too much it came out..

was so painful last time ..this round ..touch wood so far so good..

last round me depend on the stools softener otw i will faint eveyrtime i go toilet cos is fresh red blood!!!


hahah..hope to see you then..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my class there are few that opt out next term cos 1 moving back to Ireland,a pair of twins joining their brothers at nursery and 1 left for full day childcare cos mommy giving birth soon!lol

but dunno if there are any waiting list or not!


3.3kg in 3 weeks?

hmm..better listen to doc advised..cos sometimes is the drinks..sweet drinks like juice or ribena we took unknowingly tt gives us the calories..

but so long you maintain a good diets.it should be ok!

i learnt my lessons and trying to cut dwn on my food intake!

My birnest too..no rock sugar!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can pack your hb along so he can help you?hahahha....

really tough on you!take care....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sprinkles some********BABY GIRL DUST********* TO you la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Girls!!

Marissa, I was on the NS highway over the weekend too! Had to use the highway toilets and I hate it!!! Why do they have SO many squatting toilets!!!! Its so hard to squat now, I'm thinking of avoiding driving up to KL till I give birth! hehe


Yes it is compulsory for baby to be in car seat. I also think its safer than being in the arms of an adult. We plan for our baby to be in a car seat as long as the baby is in the car. Hmm dunno how to do that if we need to cramp more pple into the car tho. It'll be quite rude to say sorry I can only take 2 adults cos of the car seat right?

I was looking at the Capella too but it is quite heavy ya. Do you know if the S705 is bi fold or single fold? Cos my car is a hatchback and I don't know if I can fit it into my boot if its only a single fold.

btw, is anyone suffering from swelling feet already?? My sis thinks my feet are swelling, and I think she may be right? I normally wear sandals/slippers so its hard for me to guage. How do you control the swelling?? I don't want to look like I have elephant feet so early!!

I just realised I have flabby arms today too! So demoralised now!!


hmm..i ve got a friend who sprained her ankle b4 during pregnancy..she went to the sinseh cos western medicine doesnt help!Overall it was painkiller that was prescript to her..the sinseh didn't massage nor press her foot but to applled some black stuffs on her ankle and asked her to changed the dressing every 2 days!

she was able to walk 1 week later after having an elephant leg..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im not a person who believes in sinseh..so i dunno whats tui na all about?lol


when i had Jade,i was at our Lady ward!that was in 2008!newly renovated for a year that time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry,you are not alone....me TOO!!

hahaha..i m just thinking of slimming an spa packages comes OCT!can't do much now..lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydes, hope u r much better, try to water parade, i Will be doing that later scare i might be turning heaty soon.

Seabreeze but foodie hard to control hor.

I m going to thé gynae to weigh later. very likely No scan thou. I hope My weigh gain is still acceptable range, not 10kg since preg. Pray pray pray.

Starrymommy, cant Rem but Think is a régulation to havé a car Seat if u havé a baby? I cant rem la....

Eh but i like to ask.... If take cab Dun need car seat rite? Then thé rules a bit funny but is for thé safety for thé baby la.

I sprain My left foot...thanks god n everything is fine. Everything Will be good.

Keep counting down leh for me. Hope Time pass fast fast I Want to see My Darling Girl Girl in Oct 2010 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivian sprinkle alot of girl girl babydusts to you. My Darling Girl Girl babydusts very power and powderful de. Kekkeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Suiwaiwai yar how to see if feet is swelling? I Dun Think i Will notice or noé thé difference.


Princess Diamond, so sweet of u to bring them eat dim sum. I like dim sum too n been thinking of it. Yummlicious n hungry.... Which place dim sum is Nice. I like thé one at Crystal jade at Vivo only for lunch Nice Nice nice. Got one at great world city aso v Nice....

