(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Morning Mummies

It's Monday...argghh...weekends seem to fly by so fast..

Hmm.. I like Shang's The Line buffet too. They were having a 38% discount promotion which ended just last month.

Jac go check out other promotions they have before u go.

Melt at The Oriental also quite nice.

Princess D, I think my June trip also gone. Till now still no plans. sigh...

Fifi, your spree, I think the end date got typo. ;-)

Counting down to Thursday for my detailed scan!

Baby: 20weeks 2days

Me: still can't really feel baby's movements. I thk too much fats in my tummy. =P



having a foodie baby is good! better than having a finicky eater, next time difficult for you during weaning. my brother was a foodie too, and eats ANYTHING when he was being weaned. he was not one of those fussy babies that doesn't like veggies. he will even eat durian seeds! think it was my mum's diet when she was pregnant with him also.


Opps.. dunno why I am still living in April.


My gal is quite a foodie too... but only when it comes to our food. Her own food she alawys dun want de. Sigh.


your girl always have her meals with the "adults" is it, that's why she prefers your food over her own? i watch "Bring Home Nanny" and the nanny always recommended for kids (especially toddlers) to have their own meals separate from the adults, and always feed them first, to prevent them from being picky and want adult foods. until they are older then they are allowed to join in with the rest of the family.

My gal has her meals seperate from us. But she's a bit fussy then. After which, when we eat, she wants to join us and eat our food as well.


hmm.. then i don't know le. my mum is babysitting a 5 yr old boy, very cute and playful kid. he's been with her since he was 1 yr old. same thing, very fussy in the beginning, want to eat adult food even though my mum feeds him first during mealtimes. when he fussed with his food, my mum took his plate away and won't allow him to eat anymore. of course he threw tantrum but my mum put him on "timeout" until he calms down then allowed him to continue eating. after a while, he stopped that habit. when he fussed while my mum was eating, she would give him a little bit and tell him very firmly no more. fuss some more go timeout. worked very well for him!

hello ladies

thanks lilbluey, yes I'm having another prince! He's been bringing me small monetary luck...been striking small lucky draws... :p

I'm half-way through my pregnancy! yippee.... feeling good abt that.

Feeling rather emotional actually. Hubby is leaving for a 2 week biz trip tomorrow. Somehow I'm feeling upset about it. Not the first time he travels though. Kept smsing him today. :p

hi ladies, how are all of you feeling?

I had a great weekend, spent saturday shopping for new clothes for myself. Total damage :400 bucks but i am not feeling the heartpain yet since i got new clothes to wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am excited and looking forward to seeing Dr.Woody next tuesday and see if there's any luck to find out baby's gender. Alot of my collegues commented that my baby might be a girl cos my skin still look good (even though i dun think so).

Weight gain - 7 kg (now in my 18 weeks) gosh, i feel so fat!!!

Afternn mummies.. had a tiring wkend, attending Wedding on Sat and sleep thru'out on Sat.

Talk abt The LIne.. hmm.. yummy.. i also wana go! I love it there! great food and ambience!

Cravings, absolutely no cravings since preggie till now. Haiz..

MS, still have now and then.. jus hope for the better. Still cant take seafood / fish, after tht sure feeling queasy! the feeling sucks! this means that whenever i go wedding dinners now, sure to forgo the sharks fin and fish.. haiz.. poor me..

Hi mummies!!

Good day!! I just woke up aft seeing doc. Shiok!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

got 2 days mc bcos caught the flu bug from kelic.

Doc was saying H1N1 is back, if kena, will hv infection for mummies.

So everybody take care ok…


I did another round of shopping again last weekend too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think I will faint when my card bill comes. Hahahaha.

So good u seeing Dr Woody again so fast??

My next visit still 2-3 weeks away!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: buffet

I had the line before. Pretty good!

But hor, now we can take seafood & sashimi mah??

I like the fresh oysters there, if cannot eat, it's v sad.

I agree the Equinox high tea is really not worth it.

I had this breakfast buffet at this Fullerton chn restaurant.

It's v v v good!! But the reservations need a few mths.

I waited for 6mths last time but I think it's due to the big group I went with.

Hello , I'm back!

Fwahhh So tired today ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry ,

Hmmm I went there few times for lunch buffet! We like the fine dine a-la-carte menu n also the hor'duerves on the buffet corner ! Found the environment is kinda serene too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it's not one of those that with wide spread but the food offers are quite exclusive I found[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe the last time I went, they have foie gras.... Anyway you like! Hahshah .. Sounds like I'm a glut!

Anyway The Line is very good! The variety of food is amazing n it's fro

the great chef of Shang Palace! Thumbs up!!!!! Go try it , tot of going there for hb's birthday but ..... Hmmm ... JapNese sounds better rite ? Fwahhhahahahaga...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you should try The Line!hmmm... So hungry now!


yea, it's such a disappointment rite ? Booo.. But I expected mine to be gone looking at HB's schedules! So boring! Blehhhh... Never mind la, short trip oso can be a good break![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

foodie babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmmm.... As your child gets older ( at toddlers age) they will have to learn to eat with the rest n table manners to be taught too! My girl always havd her meals separately from us n always take her time to finished her meals!

I'm agaisnt it, so a doc suggest to us to eat together more often, that's gives us a healthy food served too bcos of her!

So we aren't afraid of her having our food or not!

I nvr restrict her With just porridge , porridge n porridge ! O

I exposed her to variety of food simply bcos I dun want her to be choosy !You ll b able to tell how choosy is the bb by age of 1.5 yrs old!

I started to put my girl on the dinner table at the age of 18mths! Struggle n messy! When she refused , I took away n no food n drinks for her! 10 mind later offer her again! She eat n finished her food now n only asked to be brought down from her high chair when everybody finishes dinner! There will be time when we are out n kids running around, we make n exception but not at home![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snything she dun eat, I stop n re introduce to her 2weeks later till she eat!lol! It can be a headache feeding your child![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but well, they somehow must learn[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats for having another prince! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea, my check up is tmrw at 2pm! Now still wondering if the bb gonna play with transformer or Barbie dolls!???? V


Today at school, an Irish mommy who is pregnAnt w her second kids joined the class! She looks good n tummy is compatible to mine! Hahaha... Then one mommy asked her, how far along are you.... Her reply was .... Oh I have another 5 WEEKS to go!!!!!!

I wanted to hide myself! So shy! Hoping she won't asked but did! I told her, ... Ooh I have 5 MONTHS to go!!! She n another mommy just nod! Silence felt for few seconds n she turns back! WhAt? ( with a frown) n the silence broke into laughters .. Lol

Laugh n eat more then you ll be like me!

momotan, i got to see Dr Woody 2 weeks back because there's something wrong with my blood test.... actually these days, my appt is always 1 time once...such a long wait! I can't wait man, going for my detailed scan on 3 june too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You went shopping again? This time for baby stuff or ???


when you feeling blue, come to the forum and chat with us bah. we will cheer you up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow! you also another shopping queen, spent $400 one shot. i don't think i'd be able to do that! even buying stroller have to think and think and think. lol!


better stay away from sashimi and fresh oysters for now. in fact, throughout pregnancy, best eat thoroughly cooked foods. no raw or half-cooked meat. veg and fruits are ok though.

Princess D,

ask bb to be good to show u gender tml! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

keep us posted!


oh yah. u mentioned before.. so hope everything is fine for u??

i shop for myself again loh! hahahaa... the girly things are nicer to buy. din really see anything nice for boys wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


haiz.. so sad..

i was actually looking for a gd buffet for a few days liao.

but most of the buffet comes with free taunting fr the seafood selection.. arrggghhh..

princess diamond,

oii go and measure your belly lei. i wanna how big your belly is! mine is 33".


you poor thing. my hubby just got this new job where it requires him to work like 17 hours a day! they say no choice b'cos too much work and too little manpower and even had to work on Sundays! so when he gets home he's too tired for anything he'll sleep like a log! so i get to see him at days but untouchable. also equally sian. now he's actively looking for other jobs.

jac - actually i very stingy one. Everytime want to buy something, must think and think so many times before i decide to buy.

But these time, i decided to pamper myself a little since i have been feeling down for quite some time. Plus - with 7kg weight gain, i can no longer fit into most of my clothes. If i don't go and buy myself new clothes, i think i will start to look 'aunty' and my hubby will not dare to acknowledge me as his wife!

First time, i went shopping at mango( cos i never wanted to spend more than $50 on clothes last time). This time, i bought 2 dresses from mango and a cardigan. 1 dress and cardigan from cotton on plus 2 maternity support bra. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hands are still itching for more!!!


Don't be sad k...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheer up ! Tickle tickle ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my HB travel very often too ! When he is away I'm like a devil running around meeting friends but when Is home I'm a good girl !

Find something to occupy your mind, will that help? My HB going for a long trip first week of June! He has lots of shopping to do for me cos he is leaving for States! I'm busy listing dwn items I want! You can too!!! U are a SAHM rite?


you go girl ! Hehe..... Shop shop shop! Iove to shop!! Who don't?


ngiak ngiak ngiak! I dun have any measuring tape at home la..measure with wat le? Anyway I'm wearing hb's boxers at home The waistline is abit tight! Dome more I wear below my tummy! Waist ? Where's mine? Can't see ...Lol


Yes ma'am!

I will report back after my check up! Hey so far all those scans posted are all boys eh!

No girls scan ah? Maybe I ll b the first one... Heehee

Ya Emmie, dun be sad. My hubby also frequent travelling one.. jus stay +ve lor, like Princess said, now and then give him a shppg list to shop for urself. Have smething to look forward to when he comes home. heehee.. tht's wat i always do. ahaha..

wahaha.. the pic tht your hubby tying her hair is so sweet! rare to see men doing that for their daughters...

Raw food, heehee.. i jus broke the rules and eat some sashimi last Thurs but only for the kick of it. shiok!


lol..daddy's girl...when daddy is at home,she only wants daddy to do this and that..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HB will changed her...bring her out to buy candy,then,shopping,playground..n blah blah blah..hahaha,

im the fierce on at home,so that's only time to manja with her father!LOL


Just as i guessed...sms HB to buy me the tape!

This is our smses: hahahhaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HB :what for?There's one the tool box!

Me:those that use by the tailor,duh!

HB:WHAT for?

Me:measure my backside..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HB:forget it..yours is bigger than mine!No point!hahah

Me:you buying?

HB:Nope!worried for you,don't want you to faint when measure!lol

Eh he so rude ah!hahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhah![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess, your hubby is damn humourous la! your conversation is damn funni lor. Can't imagine that he suggest you to use the measuring tape in the tool box. wahaha.. :p

princess d,

your hubby very funny! lol! i think he probably has NO IDEA where to buy the tape from lor! hahaha! ask your maid to go and buy lah. easier. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babydes,teoong n starry,

so should i be angry or wat?LOL....

he super duper rubish!trust me...he will come back with the tape!!!!!!!!hahahahhahahaa.


received my pediped shoes !Fwahh,,this organizer very prompt with his service!Thanks again!

My girl told the postan is her presents!now modeling around with her shoes at home!

Re: baby movement

I tot I feel e baby but last week nothing much again leh. I tot 2nd time mummy should feel baby movement faster? Haiz, I oso think I got too much fats in my tummy. :p


I felt mine very often now..daily!

Im at week 20 today!,Whenever i sleeps on my back and esp after a glass of juice!CONFIRMED move!

Slowly,maybe your baby resting le...mine just like my girl la...moves alot inside!lol

princess d,

just now i purposely drank juice so that baby will move, move, move! hee hee!! if i estimate correctly, it rests every other hour right now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] regarding your funny hubby, think it is good to tease each other like that. life is more interesting! sometimes hubby and i also do that, but not via sms, we do it face to face at home! love those moments.

have you girls started kick-counting? i am using the iphone app "babybump" to count those kick sessions already. think it is useful to keep track of baby's sleep-wake patterns.

baby movement:

mine moves alot too. but never notice if it's after any sweet stuff. must try and take notice. have not started kick counting yet. this little fella seems to be kicking all times of the day! haha... definitely kicking more than my ds...



we have never talk seriously even form the day we met(of course when time to be serious,we have to la)!We love the way it is and became BEST friends...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We teased each other all the time!We have no time to think or suspect anything from each other like some couple does!We both are independent adult!

I can't say i love those moment cos it is happening daily and every seconds!He never leave me in "peace"!wahahhahahahahhaaahha......

many more funny things that even friends were laughing at it till today!What to do?

Even on our solemnization day!Our JP were laughing out loud looking at us and couldn't continue his speech!

you must enjoy each other company otw it will be boring!

Babydes, me going 20 weeks too, still cant feel much movement.... I Think i m not that sensitive too?

Starrymommy, was away on thurs evening for a road trip. Thé super eventful thing i Will share later is something tt happen during thé trip. Just finished My therapy session, goingback then start using My computer.

Princess Diamond, i m sûre keen on a meet up after My princess darling is born. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


today just went for my detail scan. all measurement on bb is within the range n bb weigh 313g. sonographer said bb not shy, open leg big big till can see the birdie so clear. I had a big laugh inside the ultrasound rm although my gynea already confirmed it is a boy last mth. kekeke



Wow ! Congrats! !!! So happy! More shopping to do eh! The mystery will be solve tommorow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too can't wait to c bb![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

