(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Angela > Don't give brown rice... somewhere i read.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if ur baby is having "constipation"


hi clueless and angela, the pears that you are feeding ur bb...wat type is it? Those green 'pear-shaped' ones? Not the shui jing li (yellow rounded shape) ones rite?

May I oso know if it's ok to start feeding our bb porridge now?


Jin Ong - I have tried the brown type (longish one) and the green type (pear-shaped one). Haven't tried giving her the shui jing li as puree but gave as juice. The shui jing li don't really appeal to her. =(

It's ok to feed bb porridge now. Use new crop rice as the porridge will be easier to cook.


I feed my boy solids first before his milk feed. Sometime i replace the entire feed with solids only. Key is to feed in morning, before baby is too hungry for they have no patience if they are very hungry and yet hungry enuff. I normally feed solids like 30 mins before the actual feed time. My boy likes his food and water warm.. maybe you try to heat up the food to 40 degrees?

Angela, try giving ur baby prune or plum puree.. it works for my boy. Pooing is no issue if he ate prune or plum. BTW, what is new crop rice??

Jin Ong

I have started feeding my boy porridge since last mth. So far no poo problems.


Try giving water. My now coming 7 mths, she eats 3 solid a day. Brown rice porridge + DHA + veg or root purée for breakfast. Oat meal cereal for lunch. Pure fruits purée for tea break in late afternoon. In between, I give her water. Her milk intake is 3 or 4 times. No constipation. Oh. She can drink up to 100ml a day ESP. So when weather is hot.

Hi mummies!

I think my boy must be eating the most! He just turned 7 months yesterday. Having 3.5 solid meals a day. But he's only 7.8 kg, difficult to gain much weight cos' he's super active.

Breakfast - Oat cereal + fruit puree. Lunch - Mashed Potato / Porridge (Fish/Chicken + Vege Puree). Afternoon Tea - Baby yogurt + fruit puree. Dinner - Porridge same as lunch.


My boy had a lot of constipation probs when he first started on solids too. Like the others advise, give more foods starting with p - pear, peach, plum, prune, papaya, pea etc. More water too. For cereal, oat is better than rice cos' it has more laxative effect.

Banana and Apple

Hm, these 2 are double-edged sword. Overall, they are very good but when baby is having constipation, banana and apple may worsen, contrary to popular belief. For constipation, you must avoid the BRAT diet - Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. See the following info at the wholesomebabyfood page.


Baby yogurt

For my boy, what really worked for him ultimately is baby yogurt. Yoplait brand, the 6m onwards one. But when introducing yogurt, must monitor closely for cow's milk allergy.

Hope this helps!

hi mummies

Thanks for sharing your advises on feeding pear and porridge. :D

For those of u feeding your bbs more than 1 meal of solid a day...May I know how do u balance this with the milk feeds? E.g. the milk tin states to give 4 feeds a day of 180-210ml. So how to fit this into 3 meals of solid (breakfast, lunch, tea-break and dinner)??

I'm currently giving my boy just 1 meal of brown rice cereal a day @ lunch (12pm) and on some days, add a teabreak of fruits puree oni. In addition to this, he's given 5 other milk feeds @ est. 6am, 9am, 2pm, 5pm, 11pm.

Is this OK?

now that most mummies are giving about 2-3 solid meals per day, how much milk is your bb taking per day? mine is only about 600+ml if I give 2 solid meals, seems very little.

My boy takes 2 solid meals a day. Lunch and dinner or lunch and tea break. His meals are either

1) porridge (vege with boiled rice and ikan bilis powder)


2) 4 - 5 tablespoons of cereal with milk and 2oz of root/fruit puree


3) 2.5 - 3 oz of root puree with 2 oz of fruit puree.

You will notice that i cut out the carbo a lot. PD says he is 90 percentile in weight.. so can just feed more vege/root/fruit puree plus milk for nutrients and less carbo.

My boy drinks enuff milk cos i am so "lucky" that he don't sleep thru. Drinks at 8am,8pm 12am, 4am = 800ml in total.

Agree with haiza.. i haven't gave my boy any apple or banana yet. Cos he is super constipated. Eat payaya also can poo out one hard ball of payaya poo.

I think 600ml is ok, the minimum once they start solids. Try to sneak in milk powder half a scoop or so in the meals? Wish i could start 2 regular meals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mum in law believes in solids at 8 mths so only offering on and off now at 7.5 mths. I giving her two meals plus snacks on weekends n whenever I can..

I'd like to noe...for mummies who r giving ur bb pears or papaya, how do treat it before puree? Like, do i need to steam them like how i do for apple before puree?



I steam before giving when she was 6 mths.


When can we stop steaming fruit like peach, pear and apples?

Pomme - can porridge be cooked the night before and then put in the fridge (at least the rice)? cause in the day time nicole super sticky (must be carried by mummy), don't think i can cook! How do you cook your porridge? What ingredients to put in?

How is a full serving of porridge/baby cereal? Nicole is having: Lunch (11am ish) - 2oz of vegetable puree + 2tsp of bb rice/barley

Dinner (5pm ish) - 2oz of fruit puree + 3/4tsp of bb rice/barley

When you say poo is hard - is it like the adult type of poo? cause nicole's poo is like the consistency of puree now and the colour changes according to the puree she had the day before! is that okay or not?

mummies - how to make bb drink plain water? nicole hates it! will only take a few spoonful and she's now refusing the bottle (she's been mostly latched on all these while). Anybody using the trainer cup yet?

Jin - I think papaya don't have to be steamed after 6 months. others that don't have to be steamed: banana, avocado.

Ange - I think after 8 months is save. But see if your bb is able to digest the steamed fruits well before moving on to raw fruits.

Oh I'm also facing this "problem":

Nicole doesn't nap well in the day, now only taking 2 hours nap in the afternoon. She has dropped her morning nap but then by 11am ish, she'll be so tired that sometime it's so difficult to feed her solids! Same thing with the 5pm feed.. very rushed.. otherwise she'll be screaming from overtiredness. How ah?

ANy of you find that bb may love a certain puree today but when you repeat it tmrw, she totally rejects it? Should I still coax her to eat when she turns her head away or should I stop and respect her wish?


Im just back from malaysia...went to my hubby's hometown...thanks for all ur advises...i'll try out tml... update u guys how it goes oki?~ :D

Mummyliang: perhaps u can get a slow cooker? set it to auto mode.. Put the ikan bilis powder in and rice in and let it cook.. In this way, u do not need to watch the fire.. U can try adding pumpkin/ carrot/ spinach puree when the porridge is cooked and let it simmer and viola..

Just started my boy on porridge over the weekends and he loves the porridge that was cooked in slow cooker for over 10 hours.. yest, we did an express one for him and he refuse to eat..

Jin: pears u must steam just like apple. Papaya, just mash and serve.

Hi Yvonne,

If the porridge is in the slow cooker for over 10 hours will it dry up? And may I know where can I get ikan bilis powder & how much to add? Tks tks.

Good morning mummies

What i did for porridge is after cooking, blend them, add pumpkin or fish or brocoli or carrot, potatoes etc. My baby love it, initially, we did not blend it, she rejected, but now, she eat! We try to add fish hopefully she can absorbed omega 3 :p .

For fruits, I still steam them, but for those soft items, will just mash and serve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies are getting very busy with the little tots' meals... haha. Keep it up!

I would like to find out if anyone tried the new dryper diaper?

Thanks again mummies!

jynnsan, you mentioned you blend the porridge after cooking. How do u do dat? Cos the porridge is quite wet right? I've not started porridge, but i tot is to blend the raw rice into powder first, then cook? No ah?

then for Fish, also need to blend wif machine, or jus use fork to mash up will do? Wat kind of fish do u use?



Like Yvonne, my mum use slow cooker set to auto mode. Just get a small pot/urn, put water, washed rice grains & ikan bilis powder inside. When it is done, i will add my frozen cube of cooked spinach/amaranth leaves/ to simmer. I don't make vege puree but keep it as frozen leaves so to preserve the nutrients to the max when freezing them.

Once porridge is ready, blend. Separate into two portions, one for immediate feeding the other to set aside for dinner.

Full serving - read somewhere about weaning to slowly increase qty of solids to 6 -7 oz per meal. So i assume full meal means 6 - 7 oz.

Hard poo - any that has shape would be considered hard. Puree form should be the right texture now.


Slow cooker wun dry up de. Cos the water condense at the cover and drip back again. I pluck my own ikan bilis, wash, dry them in oven and then grind to get the powder.

Hi Yvonne/Pomme,

Thanks. I've got a slow cooker but it's big leh. Still can use right? How much water to how many tablespoon of rice grain? Thanks!

wkltay/ mummyliang: dont worry, slow cooker wont dry up. but FYI,my mum on it to high mode and forgot to turn to auto and we came back in the evening and tadah, my boy got claypot rice. The other day was a success cos we turn it to auto mode. I understand from the salesman that auto means when the temp is too high and to prevent it from drying up, it will automatically set to a lower temp.

And mummyliang, its big never la.. er.. u agaration lor. now my boy taking 50ml of rice.. then stock we boil and add in.. the ratio is like 1: 10 and by the time its ready, the porridge will be "kup kup". U got to trial and error..

Pomme/ Jynnsan: i never blend leh. perhaps can try blending. hehe.

Jin Ong,

I din blend the rice first, for my case is I either bought threadfin or codfish, boil or steam to soften, mixed together with the porridge + veg and blend them, they will become thick soup/yoghurt type to serve.


You might want to try blend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I am using Philips blender bought for #1 till now.

i also blend my porridge to get a smoother texture since bb cant chew yet, but is not that good to blend food too often as pulverisation creates lot of air, not good for bb's small tummy. Especially when porridge contain so much water.

Pomme/Tiger Lily/Haiza - Thanks babes for your advise.

I give Jessica prune juice and water quite often, especially now the weather is really hot and I just give her her mag mag cup whenever I see that her lips are dry. I gave her banana this morning. Finished half of it. I hear her farting away after eating banana so I hope it will clear her bowels instead of giving her more problem. Since 3 mths old she already has poo problem. She can poo only once in 2 weeks. Hope that Enfapro and Happy Bellies cereals can help in her poo problem since they contain high pre- and probiotics.

As for the baby rice, I'm trying to clear stock, but I give max 2 tbsp only for the entire day, together with fruit/veg. I'm also rotating with barley cereal. Barley cereal shouldn't be heaty right? I'm trying to finish the current box so that I can start her on oatmeal cereal.

If apple also causes constipation, then I think I have been giving her neutral effect, coz in 1 day I will give apple and pear. So the bowel wanna come out, then go in again??? Alamak, so stress man. =(

Pomme, not too sure how to explain what new crop (新香米) is but it's good for cooking porridge coz it breaks down and absorbs water very fast, unlike the normal rice. But I find that it's quite hard to find new crop nowadays. So far I only see Giant selling it. One pack of 2.5kg is about $6.80.


Oh, pai sei, maybe miss out your previous message, if your boy can finish, defnitely no need blending :p

For my case is baby reject for few times, then we start blending and it works ^^

mummyliang - try to set a fixed routine for Nicole, if not, then just alter the routine a little if she oversleeps or gets cranky. For me, if Jessica oversleeps, I'll either skip her in-between milk feed and give her solids, or if it's dinner, I'll skip her dinner solids and give milk instead. I think so long as she gets about 4 milk feeds a day, she'll be ok. =)

Yo mommies!! Long time nv log in!! So busy with work!


My Zeynep dun like veg!! Scream like hell when give her veg. N recently dun like apples anymore. But she love pears like crazy! What kind of plum we shd give?

Mums and babes warehouse sale coming. Next wed to sun, mean work for me...

Wow... looks like the topic is about bb's food, sorry to side track...

Mummies with domestic helper, I need your advices.

My boy has been attending cc since Christy is born, so he has been SICK till now... We have decided to withdraw him out from cc and leave him to my mum. But my mum will be handling 3 kids, my boy and gal plus my sis's gal. So we will be getting a helper to ease her workload.

Most likely will get from philipines. But I don't like the idea to give them off days. Hb wants to give off day, he heard from somewhere, that fili maids now hv 14days AL and every year have to buy air ticket for them to go back hometown. Is it true?

Should get experience maid or fresh ones? Young or old? Most important is how to "control" them so they don't chu pattern to me? Anyone can advice me? TIA!

hi karen, mine is indo. If you want to get guai one, agency will tell u get indo cos they are more kampong. Fresh maid are more gong gong, so easier to manage, but also more stupid. For me, I rather get a not so smart, but guai maid than a smart and uncontrollable one. Young one may tend to be more guai, as you are like a big sister to her. If older than u, I find a bit hard to convince her. But is really luck at the end of the day too.

Hi Karen,

My current maid who take care of my 2 kids well is from Indo.

I had got maids from Phi and indo, luck is defnitely the most important factor, but from what i experience, indo maid is more willing to give in and they are able to bear hardship, unless you got those "rich" maid who just want to come to singapore to "see see look look" attitude. Till now, i do not give my maid day off, but we did bring her almost everywhere even travelling to neighbouring countries.

Experience maid got their advantages, which is they already know how to cook, what to do, how to manage, new maid definitely drive you crazy at the beginning few months. Seriously, taking a maid really test our patience at times, be prepare to be able to "tahan" them.

Most importantly their attitude!

Tracey, I actuali tot of the same. Porridge is quite watery liao, then if we blend it, it's like introducing more 'air' into the porridge, rite? Dat's y i'm confused to blend or not. :p

Angela, see dat u r giving ur bb Happy Bellies cereal. May I noe where do u buy them from? Currently I'm giving my boy brown rice cereal by Healthy Times. Tot of changing it, to try new brand.

And the prune juice u give ur girl, which brand is suitable for >6mth old bb? Or u buy the prunes and blend urself ah?

By the way, I'd like to ask fellow mummies...when we give those commercial cereal e.g. Neslac...we noe dat they have pre/pro biotics added, and DHA blah blah. So when we give our own homemade porridge, how do we ensure dat our bb can get the same kind of nutrients ah?


Jin Ong - I bought from iherb.com last month when they were having online sale and promotion on shipping. Each can came up to about $6. Some NTUC sells Happy Bellies cereals too but it costs $9.90 each.

As for prune juice, I rotate between Heinz Apple and Prune juice and those bottled organic prune juice for adults. Just add more water to dilute it as those tend to be very strong flavoured.

As for the porridge, I attended the weaning class at the polyclinic and the nurses advise that it's best not to add anything more into the porridge ie. DHA etc. Just let it be naturally. I personally agree with that coz those are fresh ingredients. Moreover the fm that our babies are taking also have DHA, AA and probiotics, so that should be enough to cover. =)

Hi Yvonne/Pomme,

Tks tks. Even this is my #2 I still very blurr. Dunno how I managed with #1. I think he is less fortunate during his times bah. :p

Ok, will try the overnite cooking using slow cooker & remember to set to auto mode.

Pomme, I really very blurr, for ikan bilis how to pluck & to wash how many times? Oven using conventional & temp @? & use what to grind har? & how much amount to add? Tks tks.

read from some mummies' post that apple need to steam before puree ah? oops, din do that and my gal gives a i-hate-it face...so stopped after one feeding....so steam and do puree liao, can freeze? quite leh chey to do it once every feed *lazy mummy* ;p how abt avocado? can dun need steam? sorry for toopid questions cos to confess, i cant cook (except maggee mee)....never cook for even my ang and now gotta prepare food for my gal...


my ang cookd it in slow cooker for my gal and she hates it...we blended once wuth steamed carrot and she able to finish 3/4. porridge plus fish (without blending), she spit out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] where to get the ikan bilis powder? or to put real ikan bilis in better? but will be saltish anot?


Just to share, for those who wanna save time and effort in cooking/blending porridge, can grind the rice grain into rice powder before cooking, many medical hall provided this service by charging ~$2/kg. For rice powder, u just need to cook for 15mins, you can get the very smooth puree texture le. For me I normally double boil it for 20mins, coz no need to watch the fire and hassle free (as in no need to worry the rice water will boil out), add in the vege puree and fish, ready to serve, very simple. I ground the brown rice + barley + si shen + pao sheng from a medical hall, cook with threadfin and vege, my boy loves it very much, can finish 1 baby bowl each time.

Hi phtanus,

The brown rice + barley + si shen + pao sheng to get from the medical hall too or bought separately? If not, where to get? What kind of brown rice & barley?

Cook using normal pot will do? Roughly how much amount vs water? Tks tks.

Ikan Bilis powder:

U have to de-bone, wash away the dirts/salt, dry it before u can grind it into powder. During my #1 time, lazy me bought the silver fish (get those less salty one from hokkaido, more expensive but better quality, last time no nuclear crisis of course), grind and sieve it. Have not do it for #2 this time, but will do so soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I get everything from the medical hall, the uncle/sin seh will "pei" for me. Brown rice can get organic or processed one (meaning has washed & oven dried), barley is those chinese one (think pearly barley is more liang), Pao sheng has diff grade, so for a kg of brown rice powder, cost ~$38-$50. I double boil using the "dun zhong", ~2.5tbsp to 3/4bowl water/stock. Must try & error, if ur bb prefer watery porridge, can add more water.

Hi phtanus,

Tks a lot! Will go medical hall & ask. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tracey, jynnsan,

thanks for your sharing. Yes, i believe luck is still the ultimate. Hope I can get one good one too! *crossing fingers*

11 april gathering

Checked w let. She is ok w us meeting there . She will pm us address soon

So VENUE: It will be at LETTY'S.

What to bring; more Bubbles if u have and any one ball u have for activity. Extra clothes in case.


Recall some of us asked an this. I can bring what I use to share what I did w my first boy.

Date: 22 Apr 2011 (Fri)

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central / suggestions?

Pls drop your name:

1) Clueless

2) Pinkyluv

3) Karen (either Fri or Sat is fine for me)

4) Yoshite

5) Kristelle (both dates are fine)

6) Chewy

7) Mango

8) Weiting

9) Rita

10)Angela (both days are fine)

11) Pat

12 bb dream


Date: 22 Apr 2011 (Fri)

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central / suggestions?

Pls drop your name:

1) Clueless

2) Pinkyluv

3) Karen (either Fri or Sat is fine for me)

4) Yoshite

5) Kristelle (both dates are fine)

6) Chewy

7) Mango

8) Weiting

9) Rita

10)Angela (both days are fine)

11) Pat

12) bb dream

13) dawned

