(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


ok, u pass to me i tt to Treasurer June lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am fine with causeway point..since got so many things :p

btw, PM me ur hp hor

Sweet mummy,

Tks.. He told me that the antibiotics r safe, curam 625, however I read online that there r no known studies done to knw the effects on infant

Jrgal, I read somewhere tat bm from mastitis can let bb drink cos it's the breast tat is infected. Not the milk.

Missed e posts on mothercare sale. When to when ah?


I have 3 tins of unopened follow-on NAN HA (400g each) for 6mths & above to give away. Am happy to exchange for similac follow-on, otherwise doesn't matter.

PM me if interested. Self collection at holland village or raffles place ORQ.

Hi ladies, i have Clarins Huile Treatment oil for anti-stretchmark to let go.

I too kiasu and bought TOO MANY, & realised I use too slow. Retail is S$80. I can let go at S$62. Bgt from DFS, not from dubious cosmetic shop. I hv 3 unused bottles to let go. Do a simple google, u will see many gd reviews abt this prodt.

It is actually v popular, but some feel that its a bit pricey, so this is a good deal!

You will need good anti-stretchmark cream/ oil to prevent stretchmarks, and have to apply diligently starting from 2nd trimester!

pm me if you are interested.

First-cum-First serve!

Pinkyluv, I used both Desitin Blue and Purple. Purple is "stronger" as zinc content is higher. Hence it can "stick" to the skin longer and protect the bum from the irritants for a longer period of time. Blue is more creamy and still good (and better) for normal uses. I use purple at night as my bb only pee and not poo at night therefore I change the diaper only in the morning, some 8 hrs later. Her bum is ok.

Can we vote from here? ust write beside ur name for preference better...

North Mummies Gathering

Date : 05/Mar (Sat) (?)

Time : 4pm or earlier (?)

Host : Northpoint/Causeway Point

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB) (Northpoint)

3) Leila (1A + 1BB) (Northpoint)

4) Pinkyluv (Causeway pt)

5) Weiting

6) Vinee (Me and BB)

7) Jacqueline Aktop

8) Pommelow

9) Pat

10)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

11) Mango

12) chewy (me & bb)

Clueless, yes spinach can be frozen... i just made spinach puree on Sunday.. 1 bunch makes about 8 baby cubes (30mL) each... FYI frozen puree can be kept up to 8 weeks.. but honestly less than 1 week can finish liao la... and a tip.. let her taste the puree first.. then after that add in baby rice or cereal.. Germaine doesn't really like baby rice taste.. so i added to oatmeal cereal instead and she accepts it better...

Hi Weiting n West Gathering mummies,

I cannot attend the gathering this Saturday cos need to work (last min request). Very sorry and hope you all enjoy ya!!

HI morning mummies,

North gathering:

Northpt is better since causeway (though nearer to my kampung) is undergoing renovation, a bit messy :D


Okok! Join in next time k~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm new to this forum but would love to meet more mums to get and share tips. I live in CCK but can I join the gathering in North/Causeway Point? I'll bring my bb along (she's about 5 months old)..



Can share how you make the spinach puree? You add water to thin? What type of spinach you buy?


Both myself, phtanus and chewy lives in CCK. Great to have another CCK mummy joining us.


Yah... causeway under reno super messy now. Think the crystal jade not there anymore.

I would prefer northpoint.

North Mummies Gathering

Date : 05/Mar (Sat) (?)

Time : 4pm or earlier (?)

Host : Northpoint/Causeway Point

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB) (Northpoint)

3) Leila (1A + 1BB) (Northpoint)

4) Pinkyluv (Causeway pt)

5) Weiting

6) Vinee (Me and BB)

7) Jacqueline Aktop

8) Pommelow (me and bb, northpoint)

9) Pat

10)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

11) Mango

12) chewy (me & bb)


Mothercare fair is from 3rd to 13th March. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]At harbourfront centre


How are you going harbourfront? Got bus there from any mrt?

Since majority thinks Northpoint is better so we take northpoint?

Mummyliang, i help u add ur name in?

North Mummies Gathering

Date : 05/Mar (Sat) (?)

Time : 4pm or earlier (?)

Host : Northpoint

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (1A + 1BB)

4) Pinkyluv

5) Weiting

6) Vinee

7) Jacqueline Aktop

8) Pommelow (me and bb)

9) Pat

10)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

11) Mango

12) chewy (me & bb)

13) Mummyliang (Me and bb)

Pomme - u go my fb see... I bought organic spinach from four seasons... Then just use the avent steamer and blender to steam and then blend... 15 mins gao dim...

Hi mommies,

I would like to exchange S26 Promil gold stage 2 (400 gram) with Similac 2 (400 gram).

Exchange place:

1) Tanjong Pagar MRT (Weekday)

2) Paya Lebar MRT (Weekend or evening)

Please PM me if you have Similac 2.



I look forward to meeting you then. How would you be making your way to Northpoint? Want to go together? Most likely I'll be taking the mrt or cab, depending on the meeting time. Btw, you have introduced solids to your bb? So soon? I'm pretty lost in this area so I'm dreading the 6 months mark... =( Help..


Thanks! I'm okay with Northpoint - a meeting time earlier than 4pm will be better for me but I'll go along with the majority.


Where did you get the avent steamer-blender from? How much did you get it for? Is it easy and quick to wash? I actually have a beaba cook (used only once or twice) that somebody passed down to me but seems that a lot of moms use the avent ones.. Should I buy another one?

Talking abt North

there is

a Baby Show at The Jeletung CC

Tel : 67556369 ( near Sembawang)

Date is 12 March Saturday 11am

Closing Date to register

28 Feb 2011

Anyone keen to join tog ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Harbourfront Gathering on 3 March 2011

Pomme : I think I will take mrt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] either that or bus 963

what is the preferred timing, i want to sufggest Dim Sum Buffet there which starts at 11 plus am but my colleague commented I am very fat..so thinking twice lor

Mothercare Fair


Time: ???

Venue: Harbourfront Center


2)Kristelle (yet to be confirmed)


4)Angela (late morning is fine coz baby got vaccination in the morning)


6) chewy ( after lunch is fine as I needa fetch son fr Sch)

PS: anyone know wat time fair starting ? i thin i may hav miss the post

hi mummies,

Mag and Leobaby have graciously agreed to organise another weaning sharing session for mummies who wish to share or understand more on weaning and puree making. As usual, venue will be at Leobaby's place - West Coast and will be done at Leobaby's house, not function room. Hence they are limiting the attendees to 6 mummies only.

Please note that this session is for SHARING of experiences, so both experienced and inexperienced mummies are welcome. Please add yourself to the list below if you are interested to join! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd








Important: Mummies who are coming, please bring along your baby cubes to tabao the food (puree) home.

wow.. so many gatherings going on.. haiz, seems like I cant make it to any of the gatherings.. guess have to give it a miss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U have get the avent blender/steamer from places like robinson, isetan, taka, etc. I'm thinking of getting this oso. But wanna wait for the various baby fairs in Mar to see if there is any better deals or bundle.


As usual, u are so on, wanna bring kyra to baby show. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm too lazy le cos I heard it is very tiring, lots of waiting and wat not..

I'd love to tag along but it depends on what time you ladies are meeting there! I prefer around noon like that... Thanks!

Mothercare Fair


Time: ???

Venue: Harbourfront Center


2)Kristelle (yet to be confirmed)


4)Angela (late morning is fine coz baby got vaccination in the morning)


6) chewy ( after lunch is fine as I needa fetch son fr Sch)

7) Mummyliang

Thanks shichan.. how much are they selling for in those places normally?

I've got a stupid question to ask - when you all go out with bb, do you latch bb on when he/she is hungry? I'm asking cause the last few times I brought her out I couldn't find a private nursing room and she refused to feed when I used a nursing cover leh... how ah? So now every time I go out... I have to be home by certain time just to feed bb... =( Very sian...


where u stay? alot of shopping mall have nursing room ma. I always try to latch on in the car or nursing room. If bo bian than use shawl, my fat boy dun like to be in the shawl also.


Yeah lo. Now alot of mall got nursing room liao ma. If not, u can ask to latch in a changing room. I believe the sale girls will be nice to let u have a room for awhile ba.

Mummyliang - No worries, for the 3rd March gathering, there's a very big nursing room at Harbourfront 2nd floor. All the mummies can even have a gathering there. If not, vivo city has many nursing rooms too. =)


u r not going for the below weaning ?

hehe, i think this is like a bb gatehring and i would love to join

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv






i am just coming to meet meet the rest of the babies ..so wun be dabaoing any puree back hor..is that ok ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Weiting,

I stay in cck - so far I only ventured out to places near my home.. lot 1, Jurong Point, IMM, Orchard only very occasionally.. I tried the car as well because I thought it's more familiar to bb but it didn't work...Maybe I should try feeding her with a shawl even at home.. maybe she'll get used to it...

Sounds like your boy is on the heavy side? Is it tiring to bf? My girl is 6.8kg (almost 5 months) and my arm cannot tahan if I don't use bf-ing pillow... She still takes like 20-30 mins to feed..

Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 4:43 pm:       


u r not going for the below weaning ?

hehe, i think this is like a bb gatehring and i would love to join

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle





I want to go but won't bring bb cos' I just want to go take down the receipe. Hopefully, I my leave will be approve.

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle





Hi all>

I think shinchan already include herself as we said max 7 mummies excluding mag and myself. The last round also 7 mummies with helpers and granny was quite packed. So mummies keen to come pls add soonest and do bring what ever containers if you decide to pack.

BBL> www.babyetstars.com is where most of us buy the cubes.

Gathering> I would not be able to join the harbourfront and north gathering.

I want to go but won't bring bb cos' I just want to go take down the receipe. Hopefully, I my leave will be approve.

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) Tigerlily




Wow I think this session will be great for a clueless mummy like me. I'm really lost on weaning.. but wondering if the time can be adjusted slightly to noon? If not, I'll try to make it at 11am but will be a bit difficult..

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) mummyliang




Wow I think this session will be great for a clueless mummy like me. I'm really lost on weaning.. but wondering if the time can be adjusted slightly to noon? If not, I'll try to make it at 11am but will be a bit difficult..

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) mummyliang

4) Tigerlily



For those who wanna buy bb cubes, i stay near www.babyetstars.com, so i can help pick up if u r attending the north gathering...actually, i sort of knw her cos been buy g stuffs fm her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

North gathering

Can mummies who r more familiar wid the plc pls help decide where to meet in Northpoint ok?

North Mummies Gathering

Date : 05/Mar (Sat)

Time : 4pm or earlier (?)

Host : Northpoint

Gathering Venue : (?)

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (1A + 1BB)

4) Pinkyluv

5) Weiting

6) Vinee

7) Jacqueline Aktop

8) Pommelow (me and bb)

9) Pat

10)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

11) Mango

12) chewy (me & bb)

13) Mummyliang (Me and bb)


m suaku when it comes to baby show....what do u do there? mayb i wanna go if it's fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw - do the feeding utensils (inc of tray cubes) need to be sterilized? any of you read and follow the recipe from the book "First Foods" by anna jacob?

Gosh.. i never sterlised the feeding plates nor bowls.. i just use adults saucer or plates ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha i use ice cube to freeze the puree..gosh gosh... hopefully she don't get any backeria! How forgetful or blur am i !!!!

Mothercare fair @ harbourfront

Any mummy keen to meet for lunch ?

Purée making session @ west coast

Mag: possible to give me a lift?

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) mummyliang

4) Tigerlily

5) phyphy


I am proud to announce the launch of my new online boutique for baby wear, Little Pepo @ http://little.pepoapparels.com/

* Pepo Apparels is a homegrown fashion company that specializes in the creation of unique adult and children apparel.

* All designs are painstakingly created by us and we oversee every step of the production to make sure that what you get is the best.

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You can also visit us at our Facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Pepo/154745854546654 (Do remember to "Like" if you feel it deserves your Like)


mummyliang - mine was a pressie from my good friend during my girl's full month.. and yes it's easy to assemble, disassemble and wash... very convenient and simple to use... my reference books are First Foods by Anna Jacobs and also Super Foods, the complete planner and another one by Annabel Karmel... and also another cheena book, forgot the author... call me kiasu, but i prefer to have more variety of recipes so that i can stimulate my girl's taste buds with various foods...

