(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Sigh.. my princess Zeynep alr act like queen for a month. Alway wan to cry. Most of the time when not carryinging, she is crying. n not juz cry hor, its cry like being tortured! Bring her up she v happy le. n when at changing table oso v happy.


Am feeding Zeynep fruits using 'the wean machine' I bought. so far so good. but seems like she poop abt 2 times a day, is it alrite?


2 weeks is too long right?? Though i heard before of babies not pooping for a mth.. But v rare leh.. Could b constipated wor

Poo frequency

My girl seem to be poo-ing less frequently, sometimes once every 2 days. N the poo consistency is not as watery as before. Should I be worried?

Baby rejecting water

My girl refuse to drink water. Actually I only started giving her at 15 wks, when I notice she nvr poo for 2 days. Think I started too late, regret nit starting earlier. Any of u mummies got any advice on how to let her drink more water? Btw how much water should we be giving per day?


1.Can try massaging ur baby's tummy in a clockwise circular motion.

2. If on FM, try changing brand

3. Move baby's legs in a cycling motion to aid stomach movement.

4. Feed more frequently in smaller amts to aid digestion.

Just some suggestions after doing some research. In addition,

my mom is boiling barley water for her once every week, supposed to help so baby is less heaty, if on FM.

Hi mommies

I m dropping lots of hair. Going to be botak soon. How??

Randall used to be able to sleep from 7 plus to 4am.. These few days he has been waking up at midnight. Today even worse, woke up at 10! Wonder when he would sleep thru the night. Hiaz

Mummies..my boy has also dropped his milk intake drastically! My PD said not to worry as big babies tend to regulate their milk intake if they are gaining sufficient weight. But quite sad each time my helper (or whoever giving the bottle of BM) has to throw away the milk!

Brought my boy for his vaccination yesterday. Our regular PD has a differing opinion about my boy's rash. Said that it is just heat rash, and not eczema..tho it looks like my boy has rather sensitive skin. Was also advised to start solids later so that he has a lower chance of developing allergies...I reckon we are only starting solids closer to 6 months.

OP- how are you coping? It is very shiong for the caregivers..your poor mum!

Mag - thanks for the detailed research! Very helpful indeed.

Jessica - She's on both bm and fm. Now thinking whether to change S26 to something else. Anyone on Nan HA here? Heard that babies can digest that fm better?

mummy princess - Ok I will try your methods and see if it works. Gave her barley water too but still no poop.

As for feeding water, initially when she doesnt drink, I will put a bit of glucose in it, then gradually reduce the amt of glucose in the water. Maybe you can try that?

Hi angela,

by 7 plus 8, he is already tired n keeps yawning. Sometimes he would cry cos he waanna sleep. I guess no choice. He slept at 11 just now n just woke up at 4.30 to feed..

Good morning mummies


My gal is on NAN HA, at first we are feeding Enfalac HA, but somehow find out that NAN HA suit her better. Maybe you are right, it is better in term of digestion.

Now my gal is getting naughtier, she will start screaming whenever there is nobody beside her, oh dear, I am in trouble le...But she stick to my helper more

Hi, I would like to join too! I love the happy bellies cereal! Thx for organising this!

Happy baby food spree - buying for consumption nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting

17) haiza

18) einney

19) Vinee

20) Tracey cupidth

21) celia

22) Winnie Lok

23) BabyT

24) Mama G

25) Chris

26) wkltay

27) Jynnsan

28) Chewymartian


I can order the puffs too if u need but that is if u dun mind waiting. So far still no response fr anybody yet.


The cod liver oil can give directly if u buying Scotts. Childlife one is really oil & last time I fed to my boy directly he dun like that's y I add into cereal & even till now I add into his rice together wif the seeds.


U r most welcome. Your Christmas DVD still with me. Can contact me 90073277 to c how to pass to u? Thanks


Below mentioned mummies kindly please contact me for collection, thanks.





Someone mention before tat their bb doesnt drink frozen bm rite? Wats the problem huh? Jaron doesnt wan the frozen bm also le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


The frozen milk taste quite awful i think ( cos it smell really awful to me) ..at 1st kyra hates it..but now getting ok liao

the irony is just when she is adapting, now only left 2 last packs..

Gentle Reminder for the Chinese New Year Gathering this coming Saturday 15 Jan 2011 at 11am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


11am to Noon : Makan

Noon to 2pm : Photography

2pm to 4pm : Interaction & Chit Chat

Mummies & Babies pls do come in pink, red or gold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cya all on saturday

1. Badfifi

2. Jeslyn

3. Jacq Aktop

4. Chewy

5. Weiting

6. June Soh

7. jrgal

8. Pommelow

9. MamaG

10. Krishojw

11. Winnielok

12. Leila

13. Mag

14. Leobaby

My hb go n throw away some of my frozen bm lo. He say since bb dun wan to drink than no point keeping them~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm actually ok for him to throw away la but i wan to see if there's any way to let bb drink frozen bm than i can store more for him. If not, i store already also no use~

PInky: U forgot me lah:p

Chin:Just saw Pd yesterday. He said the same thing as urs. My bb has been drinking v little. He says it's ok cos regulating their wt. He says in fact we shld worry if they continue to drink too much. I v scared bb loss too much wt cos she's already been getting thinner.

Just took vaccination. So exp...$400++? Did all ur bbs take ''pneumococcus"?

Hi, I would like to join too! I love the happy bellies cereal! Thx for organising this!

Happy baby food spree - buying for consumption nia. Am buying now to stand by for 6th mth weaning. Interested mummies please add to the list. Please browse website for food range and variety http://www.happybabyfood.com/





5)Leo baby


7) Tigerlily



10) Diamantz

11) Chin

12) mango

13) Sugarong

14) clueless

15) leila

16) weiting

17) haiza

18) einney

19) Vinee

20) Tracey cupidth

21) celia

22) Winnie Lok

23) BabyT

24) Mama G

25) Chris

26) wkltay

27) Jynnsan

28) Chewymartian

29) cookiepig

oops, paiseh Ebelle, cos i copy & paste fr archive

but din forget u r attending cos i sms Mag right after the post asking abt u lah :p

Gentle Reminder for the Chinese New Year Gathering this coming Saturday 15 Jan 2011 at 11am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


11am to Noon : Makan

Noon to 2pm : Photography

2pm to 4pm : Interaction & Chit Chat

Mummies & Babies pls do come in pink, red or gold

cya all on saturday

1. Badfifi

2. Jeslyn

3. Jacq Aktop

4. Chewy

5. Weiting

6. June Soh

7. jrgal

8. Pommelow

9. MamaG

10. Krishojw

11. Winnielok

12. Leila

13. Mag

14. Leobaby

15. Ebelle

weiting> i think someone mentioned that baby didn't want 1 batch of EBM but was ok with another batch? tell ur hubs don't throw yet lah! at most u can soak ur feet again! :p

ebelle> my last PD bill was 400+ too but it was total for 2 jabs (pneumoccocal + 6-in-1 i think) n 1 oral dose (rotavirus)

Hi pinkyluv,

Is it ok if I arrive late,cos I end work 12.30,alrdy asked my boss to let me off earlier abt 12pm.then got to pickup my ger fr home b4 coming down. So might b there latest 1.30pm..


I give my gal fish oil directly n she love the smell. I don like to mix with their food as my gal alway can't finish her food.


Don throw. If still within 3 mths, u might as well give away

Hi ladies been such a looong time since i logged in. Esp busy now that #1 just started school, been crying n traumatised having nitemares everyday dun wan to go sch, quite stress! hehe. Can't join for saturday's gathering, have fun ya!

Mag: Sorry having been following thread lately, our xmas photos fr gathering r ready? how do i order a DVD?

OP: hey ur boy also started sch right? am or pm session? mine is pm session rush to send and pick him fr sch everyday. hope his crying gets lesser n lesser. wat hap to megon, missing u lots thats why crying when u bk at work? wanted update you my cny promo is up, u can take a look at my blog. includes cny plus v-day theme series.

badfifi> gt tooo much extra until the fridge cannot keep liao so he just throw away lo.

phyphy> i dun feel good giving away my bm cos i not sure the bb who drink it will be sensitive or nt cos i'm not someone who watch my diet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Are u sure is <$160? Polyclinic charged $160 for each pneumoccocal jab, the nurse at polyclinic gave me the price list leh. That's why I rather take at Healthway, cheaper and less crowded. So far went, queue only have 2 persons before my baby's turn.

Tracey - Should be leh. Coz that day I paid less than $250 for 5-in-1 and pneumoccocal. Nvm, next week I'm going back for 2nd pnuemoccocal jab. Will check again.

Hi Mummies,

Pat, my #1 also just starts school, so tiring handling her nightmares daily and when she does that, baby will wakes up.

Re: CNY gathering

Enjoy yourselves. Can't make it cos i'll be working :)


same same, i also never watch my diet even though i'm bfg so i won't give my bm away too.

Hello mummies, I was going through the X'mas pics. Any idea whose baby is it on right?

Quite funny, looks like "face off".


Btw anyone introducing sign language to baby?


Polyclinic also charge me $160 per jab and must take 3 jab for bb below age of 1 yrs old..so ex..

I am back to work today..damn sian..i miss my baby so much and i hate expressing milk in office.

I have to do it inside the toilet cubicle and its so warm inside..seriously not very conducive to pump my milk inside..milk supply drop..

And best part is i store my milk in a fridge with no power supply to the fridge..my milk wasted sia..280ml..so wasted..

Hi Mag I have excess EBM! Pls feel free to take! I usually freeze them in milkbags. Threw away d nov batch so giving away d dec batch. Let me know if you're keen ;-)

Sorry to intude,

I have tins of formula to let go..

Friso 2, 900gm - $18 (June 2011)

Mamil Gold 2, 400gm - $10 (March 2012)

Nan pro 2, 400gm - $7 (June 2011)

Nan HA 2, 400gm - $11 (March 2012)

Welcome exchange with vouchers too!

I also have BNIB Fisher Price poptivity table to let go at $35.

Pm me if interested! Thks.

Yeah gonna knock off soon..i miss my boy so much...

by the way anyone's auntie visited??

Mine not yet..but have this bad feeling that its gonna come soon..


I would like to share the brown rice that u mention. When will it be ready?


U'll might want to try the brown rice with si sen. As I've been giving to my boy since baby till now 2.5 yrs. As I read some somewhere that brown rice helps them to have stronger legs. And si sen actually improve the appetite of the baby.

I've feed Elise with Moon rabbit brown rice with si sien for the past 4 days, I can feel that there is an improve in her appetite. She is now taking 3/4 spoon of brown rice mix with 20ml of BM and after that with 50ml of BM. Where previously she straggle with 80ml milk.


If you want, i will have to buy the BR for you and just do up a share for you. Is 1kg enough? It will not be so soon. Weather is not good for 'sun tanning' my grains... haha.. i can only do when the weather is sunny which frankly i got no idea when.

Any mummies who want? I can do them together but you all have to collect from me after grinding. I cannot confirm on the final pricing, as the price of chinese herbs increases recently. But Si Shen r not expensive herbs like cong cao etc etc.

Phyphy: thanks so much! Where do u stay? I get fr u

Nigella: exactly! Supposed to b scared #2 wake #1 up but in our case is the opp! Lol. Sure hope the nitemares subside soon. #1 is super sticky now will not let me out of his sight n his fab catch phrase tis week is mummy carry mummy carry! Urgh.

Jeslyn: me! I taught my #1 Bb sign Lang and by 18mths he can sign more than 100 things. Joan I m starting little bit like milk, more etc.. Is fun! Get Baby signing time DVD. Can show u on sun if u wan is v cute


Where to get sign lang. book? Sounds like a good idea to teach baby sign lang. Share with me so I know where I can get the book is any.

Urgent Help needed

Pomme's Gideon is not well and they need to give tmr's gathering a miss

any lady who is attending can bring ur playmat along ?


oh dear just saw ur post.

The food is arriving at 11am tmr and as the food is not on warmers, best to consume within an hr

we will reserve them for u =)

But the photographer has been arranged to come at noon to 2pm.

we will start the 1st round of group shots at Noon

and have another round of groups shots at 1.30pm when u reach, k ?



I forgot abt the gathering and brought bb for jab today. Hope she don't have fever tomw so that i can bring her for the gathering. My boy is also down with fever. I try to be there on time.

