(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

I really have starfish memory... I can pack all my girl's things... But I forgot to bring my pads!!!! Sian must go watsons later... Grr why I total bf but still got period!!!!!


Sarahmay> I just hear some mummies who have Ergo commenting about their ergo and in the end buy sling lah. I am sure ergo has its own advantage for u. As I research ergo and beco before I buy therefore I conclude what I wanted is more of beco as can transfer easily.

Twirley> Any form of carrier that can shade bb from direct lighting should allow bb to sleep easily since close to us.

op - pls bring Jayden leh so i can tease him again and i'm very jealous of shinchan, also want him to come and hold my hand - will promise not to tease him about gf if he holds my hand! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarah - no lah, lucas not that big - baby chesed already 6.3kg at 8wks which is lucas' weight at 14wks hahaha!!!

sab - i googled but just can't find the list of nannies at north-east area - can pls share?

beco carrier - actually i also just bgt mine when hb was in states recently cos thot spore no longer sells but just happened that now there is a bulk purchase thread on it


i bgt the gemini cos supposedly can use for front carrier which was an attractive point for us but was advised against it by the shop person cos it apparently is no good for the spine development or something like that... unlike the butterfly leobaby has, it's not as easy to transfer though... if you are scared of wide open legs, the gemini can be adjusted to make the leg area smaller so baby no need to spread out legs too wide... it's also easy to put on - actually, what i heard is no matter which carrier, better dun use too long especially for boys like shinchan mentioned, cos can be no gd for the crown jewels...

hanabi gathering

if going shopping, will bring stroller also so like shinchan, eat with carrier if no space then shop with stroller, which means have to cab it liao... no need to be hero anymore hahaha!!!

leobb: if i had money to spare i will buy a beco too! sooo convenient to b able to transfer. plus prints arre super pretty.

babyT: u r v brave. i m cab queen!

jessica: do u know to go about joining sc alumni?

Ms colorful: u r cool! Hahahaha. But d prob is my hub dont really agree on me taking public transport.. He scared i cannot handle bb bah. Lol.

Twirley: haha.. Tts becos bb can hear our heartbeat and smell us and also d motion makes them sleepy gwa..

Hi hi mummy,

Im using BECO (butterfly series. I used for my boy and now on emilee on off.

There a infant insert for baby so i start using on emilee when she is less thaN 2 months old. But at the current stage, im using Baby Bjorn on emilee as my HB prefers (he will never use BECO on himself).

Baby Bjorn can use as front carrier and i used it facing face for my elder boy when his neck is firmer and emilee enjoy front facing as she can sees more things. But it never use it throughout a outing, front facing is for max half hour.

I dun like to use pram or stroller that why i use a carrier for my boy till he is 2 year old... and i like this kind of bonding where i can talk and interact with him compare with a pram.

Hushlibb> the BP for beco is good and cheap got so many selection some more. I only had one option then which is fully black with slight print(guys colour) at least my hubby will use lah.

I youtube the beco gemini and conclude that its similar to ergo carrier except can front facing so if ppl considering ergo might as well buy beco gemini. Notice the youtube demo are mostly done on dummy dolls except the eariler one I posted, done on her own child. Back carry for ergo and beco gemini would definately be a challenge.


It is not me who is scare of taking public transport lar.. Denise has been on MRT several times with me liao. Ytd I took her on her maiden trip on bus.. think she feels very shiok on board cos bus is more bumpy.. hee..

Huh.. u have your menses liao.. so fast. My lochia jus finished nia.. my lochia is so cheong hey..


My bjorn is also a hand me down.. which model is yours? I thgt bjorn oso have the waist and back support feature?


So happy, I'm having a short pak tor time with hb tmr.. we'll be catching Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. Waited for this show until neck long long liao..

shinchan - i also want to watch leh - in fact wanted to be hero like op and bring lucas to watch together - like op, my fr also went for a movie with her baby before in gold class and she said it was very comfy and manageable so i thought can try! hahaha!!! too bad my hb chicken out cos he super easily paiseh one whereas i more thick-skinned

leobaby - actually the butterly design also not a lot in the bulk purchase - your design is nice and unisex like you said. only the gemini a bit more design - andy bgt lucas for the simple reason cos our boy same name hahahaha!!! and you're absolutely right, the back carry confirm challenging though i dun see myself doing back carry - maybe for hb but doubt i will do it... only intend to use front carry facing in and perhaps front carry facing out when lucas neck stronger (so many pple using baby bjorn so front facing cannot be all that bad...) if only there's a retailer who sells all the brands of carriers then we can really make a good comparison else super difficult also lah!


lucas pooped on wed and again today without me doing anything - think i will win 4d liao...

Ms sickening - u never try u never know leh... There's always a first... It's ok... Hanabi day u will give ur first time to me... Kinky!!!! Haha...

sugar: forgot ur q...what kinda sling is urs?

got brand?

hushlilbb: but frm the gathering pics he did look big...and tt day in stroller too.bigger tn my son for sure lor. chesed ah...he is def big!

leobb:the beco butterfly is cool! wished i knew of it. don't think it existed when i was shopping for one 2 yrs ago. sniff sniff. my hubby sure won't let me buy another one.

baby T: my fren tbf had period in 3rd mth.


even tho my son is 2, i still don't think i wld feel safe w him on bacy = beco or not...cos i cannot tell what he is doing.esp now tt his hands are v fast, dun wanna be stopped by shops for him shoplifting!

Ms Colourful,

Then u gotta give Ms Sickening angpao since she gives u her 第一次.. LOL


Gold class is more ex leh.. If need to leave half way, so wasted. Luckily I have my parents to help me look after Denise, otherwise I'll definitely become a giraffe if gotta wait for DVD release.

Sarahmay> It was my colleague who had her boy 2 years ago that recommended me Beco. She loan hers to me and we then decided to buy. Like me she did her research then bought then from USA. My research was much easiler since she had already done most for me.

Hushlibb> If not for my colleague I would have bought gemini as I am a sucker for latest model.

Sarah: Thanks for ur kind words and for the link[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So looks like the carriers isn't recommended due to its impact on the spine. Sigh...it seems to be the only way I can bring bb out cos I am not v gd at using the sling and my stroller is too cumbersome. I m using Quinny cos my husband likes it but it's too heavy for me especially when using the escalator.My mom just asked if I could stop using the carrier for now and forgo outings unless with another pax[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Will discuss with hub again...dilemma...

OP: Bring ur boi. I like him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) He's so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today was a bad one for bb. There was a major reno going on. So noisy! My bb was in constant state of fright and couldnt zz. Was in tears and rubbing her eyes non-stop. I had to carry her thruout the day. Even now, when I touch her, she still 'jumps'. I was soo pissed when they continued after HDB's stipulated 5pm so I carried bb down to confront the contractors. Hehe...think they had a shock seeing a xiao char bor trying to argue with a group of men. Later going to call the boss of the company and warn them b4 I complain to HDB. Power of mother's love!

Hi everyone,

Have been missing for a long time cos i was away on course for last week. Din have time to come in. Can see a lot of activity going on and bonds being formed over tai tai buffet sessions.

I will be able to join you ladies in dec, so please have more outings then hor.. I haven't gone for any buffets yet.


Got to give Hanabi a miss liao cos and treating my contract staff lunch before he leaves and it happen to be on the same day. Maybe i should propose it at hanabi so i can say hi to you gers.

Using MIM sling,

Any mummy can teach me? I only know cradle hold (like yaolan) and my own invent upright position and i learn it from staring at some father carrying his kid lor.


Talking about retail therapy.. i have been buying online too. Bought clothes from old navy, gap and raulph lauren on my own (did not join sprees) cos i am such a heavy buyer. Think i spent at least S$300 liao. Luckily i just realised they accept international credit cards, think if i started buying earlier.. my bank account will be dry up by now.

Ladies, if any of you want to buy gap, old navy, banana republic or ralph lauren let me know. cos i may have some free shipping or extra discount codes from them. Also wanted to buy pumpkin patch cos i got fren staying in aussie.

For those small sized ladies..my size and smaller, ralph laren is having 40% off now.. Good to buy polo tees (girls 8 - 16 sizes, not women) cos it is cheaper. I wear size 16 or XXL largest size for girls. I got free shipping code. PM me if you want them.

Ergo.. can't wait to use cos Gideon is 6.5kg now. Super heavy.. got to coax him to sleep every night.

Hi mummies!

Can I join in your discussions?I had a baby boy on 23rd sep..my 2nd boy. How many of you handle a toddler 2.5yo and your nb baby?I find it difficult cos kor kor is jealous easily!

shinchan - let's see how desperate i get... super envious of you watching already tomolo can...

leobaby - dun worry can buy also lah, in preparation for your no. 2 heeheehee

sab - sorry to hear about your baby having fever - mine also had when he went for his 1st jabs - maybe can sponge baby? no rush, no rush, just email me the list when your baby fever's ok - my email address is [email protected] - thanks very very much - need to consider my options rather quickly now so a bit stressed...


Her fever is 37.5.

Must feed here fever med for 2 days? Normally, after jab, fever for how many days?

She is 5.2 kg now at 3 mths, is it consider very light?


Sent you already. Have you consider infant care? Nanny this thing, unless is thru friend recommendation, otherwise I will not be so comfortable. A good nanny is really hard to come by.


I m not using the ergo now so dun need the infant insert. i use the sling oso seldome bring bb out cos' everytime she goes out come back sure not feeling well for few days like wind in stomach n she doesn't take her usual feed after the buffet lunch at starz on Thurs. So my mum only allow bb to go out on Sunday and that is back to my PIL place nia.

Hi Jessica,

No prob about higher costs on DVD by mail, trouble u so much to buy stamps n envelope n to send out..I alrdy paiseh. Tks so much ya!

Hi mummies all,

Heard u all talking about ergo, tempted to buy also.I got a baby bjorn given by people..2nd hand,dunno if I shld buy another one cos dunno y my ger doesn't like it, she prefer sling,thinking is it because in carriers,her legs have to be separated..she doesn't like. In sling , her legs doesn't have to..

sarah, its pupsik brand...website got video demo but see like so easy...when do, i galang gabok....and web dun haf the way u carry ur boy (chest to chest)....they do haf front carry, which i tink instead of putting bb facing front, can put bb facing mi...but i cant even get the basic cradle style right, how to experiment? haa

pomme, mind to share the ralph webby? might wanna get a polo tee so that can match with my gal...hubby got same colour as her but i dun haf *jealous*

Yvonne, not sure what model is my bjorn, will chck and see. went to see manduca just now at isetan scotts. didnt buy cos not sure if bb will like.. shd have brought her along to try on. ltr if she don like, super waste $$

jrgal, if ur gal have a preference.. better let her try on the ergo first before buying. just in case..

my girl now refuses to sleep unless got pacifier.. haiz. is it a mistake to introduce it to her? now she liked it and cant do without it. scared will have side effects...read may delay speech developement, etc


Don't worry abt the fever. 37.5 is not that bad. Just give medicine every 6 hourly. If no more fever, then don't give. If fever come back, then give. Think it will just last a day or two. I think u shld be worried abt the fever only when it's due to sickness rather than vaccination. Mine also got fever from 1st jab. Next day I still bring her our. Tsk Tsk...

Menses n TBF

For #1, I TBF by latching during first 3 month except a few occasion where I express for someone else to feed. My menses return shortly aft confinement!

This time round, I waiting to see when my menses will return.


Wah... Hanabi so ex! I'll give this a miss. I don't eat sashimi and anything that's raw (besides veg lah) so super bo-hua. :p


Ur wrist better aft seeing doc? What did doc give u? Nerve medication?

twirely: I went to isetan too but it looks q worn out plus there wasnt any staff who could really explain how to use it. Go to the Square 2 one. The service is v gd and u get to try the slings etc.

Check out their website: www.babyslingsandcarriers.com.

I actually like the Manduka except the part that bb has to stretch her legs.

Shinchan: I paid liao. PM u.

hi ladies..

my laptop died on me 2 days ago - now using hubby's laptop while he reinstalls all the programs for me. super sian - my medela freestyle pump battery also died - can not be charged.. took it to service, now died again. i wonder if there is an issue with my power supply at home.

Anyway, need to check with you all - anyone knows where to get a replacement battery for medela freestyle pump??

Can anyone let me know also where I can get paper cartons/ boxes for packing?

Many many thanks in advance..

Will not join the hanabi lunch - got to do some serious packing..


Can train ur gal to take the carrier. During T1 time when I 1st change from sling to patapum carrier , she also don't like. I wear the carrier at hm so if she need me to carry her, she got to be in the carrier after sometime she's ok with it already. Don worry , Bb adapt very easily.


Bb fever should not be going to high. just got to monitor.

Lunch @ manpuku ( tampines 1) on 26 nov

Any takers?

ebelle: but tt article a bit dated n does say tt since it has been written more carriers hv adjusted design. while i love my ergo, i do try not to overuse. oh! btw u know chinese in china villages carry bbs w legs open wide also. their old sch carrier is called the mei tai. so dun think will cause bb legs to hv thei 'kah kui kui'...if really concerned abt waddling n opened up legs, better not let them learn ballet. hee

mag: oh yes. i so forgetful. u tokd me tt ctr name but i forgot. i fly next thurs liao. but be back soon!

phy: u hv papatum? good?

sab: 37.5 is low grade so no biggie. as long as bb feeding well n alert it's fine. hope u feeling much better!

sugar: oh pupsik dun hv the same positions as mim. go to shop like spring and ask for help they shd be able to guide u.

pomme: was just wondering abt u! for MIM sling, their webby has step by step photo guide on all positions.

trish10: i hv a tot 26mo n a 10wo. it is hard in the beginning. but give it abt a mth or so, tot shd be better w bb around. mine is def better. he is also q sweet to his bb bro. i made sure i always had time away frm bb to just be w him. also when two were crying at same time, i attended to older one first. this was wat a fren of 3 told me to do. really helped. now if tot cries n wants to nurse, i let him even when bb is crying. after 2 mins , i ask him if i can nurse didi cos didi is a bb n cannot eat all the yummy food he can. n he lets me go, sometimes pushes me off the bed too.


i was reluctant to use it but for this 2nd kid i gave in cos i dun want to be the live passy. but only give wen extremely fussy n abt to sleep.

confession: i sucked passy till 5. in my case, din affect speech but!!! cause my teeth to be misaligned lor. v ugly. anw w careful use tt won't happen la.

Hi ladies,

Here's the shopping sites.

Old navy & gap same website... can check out together as one


Carters & Osh Kosh bgosh


Just realised they got $8 PJ sets

Raulph Lauren


Click on the sale label hor


My wrist better liao.. got some pain med from cck poly clinic. though i haven't seen the orthopedic dept doc yet. Seems like rest and don't carry bb can liao. Last week on course so i din carry bb but fully express out the milk. So write condition improve... but seems like coming back again.


Hope to catch you when you are back, cos by that time, i should be on part time liao. Can meet up with the SAHMs.


I also want to sit down and lim teh jia cake. you all going for the fair?? Wonder got what goodies to buy

Bb went for procononis jab and last night had fever 37.56 using pigeon termometer... One night didn't sleep.

Mommies do u still bath ur bb after jab?


I bath bb before the jab yesterday, today have not bath her yet. Same, last night kept checking on her. Did your bb appetite reduce? Mine did.

Also have been bottle feeding her, but yesterday she refused to drink, she prefer the breast. Do you have the same problem?

I forgotten and bath her on evening after her jab so don't know is that the cause of fever...

Yeah appetite reduce by a bit and I was bf her with a bit of fm top up. But she still can smile during middle of night. Her fever med say give 1ml but I just Gave 0.5 ml. I think her body warm up after 8 ish pm then around 11 pm she wake up and I find her having fever. But my aircond was 26 degree so don't know is it the room too warm... Hope no fever anymore. How is ur bb this morning?


The carrier serve me well but of coz can't compare with ergo n beco.

The mim instruction online didn't show how we should position the Bb leg when put in sitting position.

U given pacifier already? I'm hesitating whether to give not.

By looking at my sil teeth look quite ok , just that she got rabbit tooth front teeth.heard from my mil that she too use pacifier for quite sometime.


Aiya, c how forgetful I am. Totally forgotten abt the fair

Ok, let me put the name list down

Bb fair outing 26 nov

1. Phyphy


3. Pomme?

pomme: p/t? cool! btw which service do u attend? last week i was at audi for 9am. was nice in the nursing room

clueless: what is procononis jab? if she is smiling then no prob. the gen rule of thumb for fevers is the alert level of child. temp can be below 38 but child is listless and lethargic , that is more a cause of concern than if temp is above 38 but child is v active.

phyphy: MIM doesn't show leg position but i think it describes...but hor i think written is v chiong heh. i rber tt time i had to read and read and watch video many times before i got it. passy i gave a few wks back after nursing was estb cos i noticed at nite esp he is fusys, nursing doesn't calm him down. so i tried using passy and it worked. dun use it all the time. i use nuk. oh! my teeth is VERY bah-gay lor..but i didn't do braces . haiz. but then like i said i really super 'sucker' lor . sucked for 5 years!

sab - My gal had a bit of fever when she did the 5-in-1 jab. Did the clinic give u panadol for bb? If so, you can feed her that, and maybe give her some water after feeding and dress her lightly. Think within 2 days, it's ok for bb to feel feverish so long as fever don't exceed 38deg. If still got fever after that, may need to seek pd consultation. Per KKH, above 37.3deg C is low grade fever (which is still ok).

chin - u moving house? U can try NTUC, ask them in the morning for some carton boxes to tell them u need it for packing. I got some from them sometime back.

Talking abt Bah Gay, sucking thumb also..my boy suckle thumb for 2 years and it is really jialat

got this nail biting lotion fr guardian and finally the bad habit is kicked..recommended by doc, place some on thumb

but only safe for kids older than 2


so sad i am going to miss that gathering, cos will not be in s'pore


glad ur wrist getting better


hope Charlotte's fever is much better now!


how's the show ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Root Canal for lower molar

anyone has done it ? any recommended dentists for me


Glad to hear wrist is better. Cont to rest wrist more where possible.


My sympathies. Mine was done in 2000 but think my dentist no more. But was so so only. Hope yours is painless and rem to do your best for your kids teeth. That's what I tell myself to do. :p

Y won't u be in sg for the fair? U going for hols?


Sarah > paiseh, it is Pneumococcal vacine hehe its a big jab and the nurse at tmc did the jab and i felt she did it quite rough.. do u think we can swab to another PD for the 2nd and 3rd jab?

