(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

i wan to recap my memory regarding the new ladies i met [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls help hor

I remember MamaG ( diagonally facing me), Cherry ( who early), Sweet Mummy ( with the nice pinky shawl), Jeslyn ( at my table next to bb dream)

Facing Cool is it Ebelle,

Starluster is Jessica's student learning the sling

Pat is next to Letty in pic

ccpet is sitting next to Optimus Prime

Chin I remember cos she said she dun go City Square alto she is Malaysian ;)

the lady with short hair in black is Brownrice or Chewy?'

did i miss out any new mummy i met today ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the detailed explanation regarding the eyelashes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nice meeting you all today..it was indeed rather chaotic, but fun. we certainly created quite a commotion. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica- thanks for the ride home and the CD...certainly look forward to meeting you again soon!

Pinkyluv- yeap, that's me. Good to finally meet you.


Personally, I think a sling is good for the initial few months. When bb neck gets stiffer, I'd prefer to use the Ergo sort of carrier. When my girl was 3+, 4+kg, I can still carry her comfortably in the sling. Now that she's 6.3kg, my shoulder aches after carrying her for a while. Earlier on, I almost wanted to buy another sling. So thank goodness I didn't. I'm now waiting for the day when I can use the Ergo cos it distributes the weight over the shoulders and hips and is more comfy.


We share the same thots, that's y this time I din even bother taking out the sling to use, went straight to the small carrier after she turned 2mths & now can't wait to start using Ergo next mth too, hopefully by then my gal will fit well in it.

Ladies who went to the gathering today, it was great chatting wif all the ladies especially wif those at the same table as me.

Forgetful me had actually mentioned to exchange numbers wif the few ladies at my table but a phone call came & I forgot abt it, so sorry.

Ladies who r keen to exchange numbers, pls sms me your nick & real name so we could keep in touch. My mobile is 90073277. Thanks in advance.


Got your tt. Thanks.


I went to borrow Gina Ford's book after the gathering. Will read & hopefully I could gain something fr there.

Dear Mommies:

So really happy to meet all u ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) I think I've finally found the confidence to go out on my own. It's a huge achievement for me and it feels gd hanging out with pp who have bbs cos most of my frens don't have bbs so I paisei to bring bb out in case she disrupts the outings.

Pinky: Yap that's me and thx so much for arranging this gathering.

And the pix, what a waste, can't see the faces. My hub was so excited to see our foto[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica: Thx so much for the cd and for being so helpful, carrying our bags[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tigerlily: Nice miting u too, ur mom and ur bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chin: So nice chatting w u. Bring ur bb next time. His cries will be drowned anyway[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cool: Thanks so much for the ride[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP: Ur boy is soo cute and well-mannered. I made a boboo. He was asking me what was on the label of my carrier. As he was pointing to the label that happened to be on my bb's 'backside'. I told him that it's 'backside'. He looked at me puzzled and said he thinks it's some kind of worm. Actually it's a caterpillar lah...hehe wat a boboo

Hi mummies nice meetg u all today but too many pple so

tink still got quite a number I duno :p too bad my bb v cranky today, so I hardly eat or talk much. Btw who pay for me, pls pm me or let me know in forum thks

chin: thks for the milk storage bag

jeslyn , thks for the ride

Leobb - thks to u n hubby otherwise I v hard to board cab w stroller

hmm first outg alone w bb - conclusion - I'm not ready for public transport yet ;(

Hi OP, Mag,

When can we start using Ergo? I am thinking of getting one? Is 3 month too early? Is it hot to carry baby in carrier in non-aircon environment?


Normally it's 4mths onwards when the neck is steady to start using Ergo but u can buy the insert if u intend to use earlier.

From my experience, using carrier is def warm if non-aircon but so far I din have any complaints fr both my children.


Motherhood fair on 26-28th nov.


Chewy is the one in black with short hair and I am the one sitting opposite of Pat's son. Starluster staying just a block away from mine. Further, our hub working in the same comp lol... Small world eh.


Those interested buying a Beco and Ergo, there's a bp goin on.


I think by 4mths can use Ergo. But neck must be stiff enough.

From now until before neck stiff, must use infant insert. Read this:


From the abv link, it appears that pple cam use Ergo w/o the infant insert when bb b/w 4-6mth.


You're too kind! He's at this kaypoh stage where he goes around asking what's this n that, and why and how.

Anyway, I was freaking out when he went ard "disturbing" the bbs in strollers! I can understd that he's curious and wants to play with the bbs. But he's like waving his hands and pointing pointing in their faces and that's enough to make me scream at him. He does that to his sis tho we've told him countless times to steer clear of her face and dont wave his hands or point at her. So far, hasnt poked her eyes yet. :p

Oh, you're v brave n did well to bring ur bb out alone today! *clap clap* Next buffet gathering @Hanabi so you shld go!

Pinkyluv: im ok with either one of d outlets of hanabi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The wt limit of Ergo is 18kg. My son is 4 and 18kg so technically, I can still use it on him BUT how can anyone tahan such weight?

Honestly, I won't be carrying my kid unless necessary. If they can walk -properly-, you'd wanna stop carrying them too. So I believe we use the Ergo until just over 1yr. I think by the time the kid is 10+kg (and u know diff kids grow at diff rate. My cousin's dau is 1yr 3mth n seriously underweight @8+kg) the weight will get to you big time! But men will hv a diff threshold. :D

Whether it's easy to put bb on, I think it's quite ok but I usu get help for the catch on top.

Sorry, made a mistake. It's not Cherry but Chewy that sat with us. Leobaby, thanks for letting me know. aii.. my brain is hopeless liao. So Leobaby and Tigerlily to pay me. Brown Rice, Sweet Mummy and Pat to pay Chewy.


Yah, not forgetting we are both also msians, #1 are dec baby, transport arrangement w hubby oso same. hahaha.. wonder what else.

Oh, confirm hubby different dept coz hubby's colleagues all Indians! My hubby is from Operations.


Were u from NTU?


I am Ma*** Chin! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dream,

it ok! I also dare not take public transport with my children alone. The mummies here are so gung ho! I think we can slowly get to learn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Tea,

Wah! The turnout was huge, looks like some conference was held!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies who brought their bb out for the first time alone. Well Done.

I took the public transport (bus) to Orchard Rd ytd wif my mum cos' my stroller is kind of heavy. When I alight from the bus, it starts to pour. I brave the rain in 10mins time when rain is lighter. Was afraid that the rain will get heavier.

Next outing - my challenge is to travel with my baby only. No helper n mum. - I won't bring stroller cos' don't think I can manage.

re: carrier

heard from hushlibb that theres a BP going on for Beco carrier and its going for $200 only! Quite decent price.. No need infant insert for beco and plus got nice prints infront.. Wanted to get that but d shop dont sell already.

Last nite was the first nite that my J'don was not with me.. I to

i could have a good night's slp but no lor! I kept waking up and look at my side forgetting that hes not slping beside me.

And im now preparing to go out to meet my parents for breakfast and to carry my darling.. Guess this is motherhood bah?

I read u gals posts on the meet up. Actually i very keen to go,sounded like so much fun.. bt i really cant pluck the courage to do so. my girl is so fussy,n doesnt sit stroller, n fuss all the time, dunno how to cope. sometimes me n my mum bring her out also cant handle. haiz,wanted so much to join u all.. hope i can do so for the nxt meeting.

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

hi jessica,

i added my name to the list alrdy,tks so much,pls let me knw hw to transfer $$ to u..=p

Orchard hi-tea

wow, thats a big group and seems like fun!

Yvonne, u got ur eyelash fr luxyeyeshop ah? Ever buy from them before and they v good service!

Jessica, PM you liao. Big thanks for the CD! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I add my name to the list. Pls advise on the amount to transfer. Thank you

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

Hello again to all mummies after the long MIA... So sorry abt it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wah... Seems like I really miss out on A LOTof stuff after delivery.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh.. Great to know tt u all have a fun time.. Although I really wanted to join in, a bit difficult for me to go out at this point in time.. Cos my mum doesn't want me to bring my bb girl out (except for immunisation jabs) as far as possible until she's at least 6 mths. As I'm currently staying with my mum (she's a housewife) who's gonna take care of my gal when i return to work, I have to try to 'follow' her bb caring rules n regulations for harmony sake.. was staying with my in-laws when pregnant as my new flat will only be ready next year..

Tot tt I could steal time to take a small break n meet up with the other mummies after delivery but things din really work out as originally planned.. My mum kena injured her left hand while doing my confinement (her right hand was previously injured during my preg but had since healed) so I tried not to go out as much as possible to ease her burden, esp when she will be alone caring for my gal when I return to work... I'm counting down the days tt I can bring my gal out finally n hope tt I'll be able to catch up with u mummies when tt time comes..

B4 i end my post, kudos to the mummies who bring their little ones out ALONE n using PUBLIC TRANSPORT! I dun think tt I'll be able to handle the chaos by my little terror though... :p

Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 1:34 pm:       


I add my name to the list. Pls advise on the amount to transfer. Thank you

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

Thanks Jessica for the DVD. Appreciate it. My hubby is now refreshing himself with all the nursery songs.

Chesed is such a good boy. Wilson is now super motivated to make Khloe sleep on her own and give her belly down training everyday.

Nice chatting with you and get tips from you. Catch up again soon

Nice meeting all mummies.

Starluster thanks for the ride. For the buffet I paid to Chewy. leo_baby and Tigerlily will pay you.

Tigerlily, Thanks for the nappy liner.

Jessica, Thanks for the effort to burn the DVD. I'm not sure if my girl like, but I loves the song.

Op, Nice to meet you at bugis too.

batgirl - Yes, it was really like a conference with so many mummies. I think all the hotel guests must be very shocked to see so many mummies with prams. And like hushlibb was saying, the pianist must be damn pissed (prob trying to play more loudly than the babies wailing haha). Hope to see u next outing at Christmas =)


thanks for the diaper.

today me n leo baby went to feast at starz restaurant & we attact the oyster. i had 2 rounds - really value for $$. too bad dun hav salmon belly...lol


thanks for the dvd. i tried a few songs randomly cos' too many liao. really great n it brings back lots of old memories esp. during my primary school days which is ages ago. so miss those time. hahaha....

Clueless> Thks for the lift that day. Wouldn't had made it there if not for you and of course Shermeen quick thots.

Jessica> Me so bz that had not paid you. Thanks for all the effort. Will pay u on xmas party.

New faces/ladies> Pardon me if I had not had much chance to chat with you but guess will have another opportunity at xmas party.

Paging for Chewy, Ebelle, Sweet Mummies & Jeslyn who had express your interest to join our xmas party. Just nice 4 to make our total to 38 mummies. Can u PM me your nick, real name, bb full name, gender, HP No.,email address, and no. of additional adults coming. Pls go buy the xmas romper at Taka.(call me for details or I order for you first but must know size). Your urgent response is appreciated. I will advise on payment once you PM me.


my kids love the songs fr ur DVD , and after 5 hrs..songs still go on

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PS: blur mummy here actually tries to play dvd using cd player initially..and still asking the hb how come no disc detected =p

I've uploaded my girl's pic in our wall page. What else I need to do? I have been accessing FB from iPhone so abit lost touch with these functions

Hi Jessica,

I add my name to the list. If you are staying somewhere in the east I can collect it fm u.

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

20. Brownrice

Calling for Chewy.... Do let knw hw much to tt $$ to u for the buffet yea.

Or any mummies here has Chewy contact? Appreciate if you can let me knw. Tks!

Calling out to shopaholics mummies..

Anyone keen to meet up with baby for shopping & coffee tmr (Friday) around town area? PM me ya =)

Hi Jessica,

Pl let me know amt to tt. tks

Mommies who have yet to recieve

1. Chris (By post)

2. Jacqueline

3. Badfifi

4. Twirley

5. aries mum

6. changi

7. Pommelow (by mail)

8. Skymom

9. Sabrina (by mail, had email Jessica my address)

10. BBL

11. weiting

12. tinkerstars (picking up today)

13. Gloomybear (by mail)

14. Twirley

15. Sugarong

16. Mummy82(by mail)

17. Phantus(by mail)

18. jrgal(by mail)

19. elle (by mail)

20. Brownrice

Hanabi gathering near cityhall

23rd Nov, Tues lunch buffet

1. Pinkyluv

2. Shinchan

3. Mango

4. Yvonne

5. BabyT?

6. Hushlibb?

This is alacarte buffet.. Order and u will be served.. But quite a small place so not sure can bring prams not.. Best is ee use carrier or slings n eat la hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i saw the pics on facebook! so happening! heehee, the hotel guests must have been very stunned! :p

i can't wait for the xmas gathering! :D

