(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

i confirm the most jialat among u gals..i have been latching on directly for quite some time liao every day !

once in a blue moon will pump once a day, maybe once a week

i thought of pumping to keep maybe 1 month b4 i go to work..

dun noe will be that Gu4 la4 in late nov or not

my ss not v good, so if pump out scared not enough for her..cos mine not on a regular basis, she latch on as and when she likes

and yes, i m also lazy to pump out, cos must wash & sterilize

pinkyluv: i am the same as u totally hate expressing! last 4 days i nv work i jus latch 24/7.. never even bother to pump out. and today my mum suffer cos he reject bottle in the morning =X feel bad but i am really lazy to pump.. and i cannot handle bottle feed, burp, hoax baby slp, then express n store cos by then i tink the time frm last feed/pump is 4-6hrs already. now come back to wrk have to drag my feet to express every 4hrly.. express 30min then spent like 10more mins to store milk and wash and sterilise with hot water. really fainted

guess where is kyra now as her mum types with two hands :p

lately din have time to do makeup b4 we set off, last fri latch kyra while hb drives and i use the other hand to put on makeup


I was also using the soft shield for Medela Pump-in-style, but I recently switched to the hard shield as the soft shield change shape and I find the suction not very good. So long as it is Medela part should fit.

Mums & babes sells the all the different spare parts for Medela pumps. Maybe you can go take a look, there's one in Tampines 1. My colleague told me other places like Mothercare u need to place order for the parts, but Mums & Babes have ready stock so dun need to wait. And the sales person there quite helpful.


First Few years also sell medala parts and I find their parts n service better then mums & babes. I visted mums & babes a few times but always empty handed out because the sales staff simply don't know how to sell me things that I need.


Zeynep now almost 10 weeks. For Medela 2nd phase breastpump, using soft fit will enhance the stımulation. Of cos personalfit work as well.

Sarahmay> wanna join us at orchard hotel so u can meet more mummies rather then just easterner. Come join us before u go back.

Leo baby

Which Mums & Babes you went to? First few years r parallel ımporters. Infact they din reali have much knowledge on pumps n stuffs. But some of their spare parts r cheaper than the local distributer as they import from US, n Medela Singapore from Switziland.

Leo_Baby: Jus got back from Kiddy Palace. They said to call Philips Consumer Care directly and get from their office in Toa payoh to get the sachets. Must call first cos they don't always have stock. Tel:68823999.

Clueless: Was told KK has most of the parts for Medela. I went once and they have most of the parts.

Sara May: R our babies suppose to zz thru now? I havent put her into a strict routine yet. BB still wakes up about once at nite then early morn about 6plus.

Moms: when can we stop sterilizing???

Mummies using Free style..

Y sometime i pump, i see like the pump leak air.. then i got to hold tight on the breastshield bodies, then i don hear the air leaking then the suction get stronger.. is it suppose to be like tt?

Sarah May,

i"m keen on bring the elder one to playground at east side. But usually i got to polliwogs as its more suitable for 2yrs. My boy don really like peek a boo as its too high.


When u pump, shdnt have any air leakage. So when u pressed to attach to yr breast with no air leakage u feel pressure stronger


Yes, I went to cinema - no kidding. It's not too loud so long as there are no sudden loud explosion/crashing sort of sound - you get what I mean...

Megon don't z through the night either, so you're not the only one. I don't have a problem with that since I don't wake up to express milk. So better that she wakes to latch or I'll a) be engorged or b) hv a decrease in my already pathetic supply or c) hv to wake up to express milk.

You're leaving for Macau so fast!?!?! Will you ever be coming back?


I think can stop sterilising once baby starts using cutleries outside (eg. coffeeshop, foodcourt, restaurant bowl, cup, spoon). If bb can tahan those, then I don't see why cannot tahan a unsterilised bottle. I think my unsterilised bottle is cleaner than the cutleries outside. :p


Kyra's so kewt! It's like she's thinking, "Oh dear... Mommy's doing the "Look Kyra! No hands" stunt on me again........"

Hahaha! :D

Btw, the pink thing above Kyra in 1st pic, is it boobs or tummy? And in the 2nd pic... the pink and light pink/beige thing looks suspiciously like... hmmmm........ ???

Jacq: is soft shields really better? mayb i shd try and get a pair!

Ebelle: i read that 1 yo then can stop sterilising..


We r suppose to sterilise the breastshield bodies? When i first bought, i pump already got leak air.. Thats y i dono if its suppose to be like tt. Mayb i should buy a new breastshield bodies to try.. But its such a waste.. as I jus use for 2wks only..

Sab> he is the one who decides cos I don't have strict schedule, depends on how alert he seems. But typically, he bathes ard 10am then naps after lunch, then sleeps at night. But when he nurses, he can sleep and suckle...I tried to keep him awake when feeding but he too power at sleeping liao...

Sarahmay> getting better but still doting. Yesterday I let Isaac swim in a normal diaper...wah lau, feel so dumb!!

Milk ss> I've been latching Isaac 24/7 for weeks and have no probs. I don't express cos pumps don't work well for me. I have no idea how much I have but since Isaac isn't fussing, I don't stress either. I used to stress a lot, but now, very zen. 1 thing the LC told me which might be useful: babies get more milk out from our breasts than pumps can


You mean the connector right? That connect the breastshield to the bottle? Anything interact with BM shd be sterılıse. u fit in properly. I have no prob while İ use them.


Softfit more ehancing but personalfit more durable wor. İf softfit discolor, can stil be use. as long you use the right way of sterilising. Cos the thing we apply on our body oso will effect the color change.

badfifi: totally agree with u don stress on anything. Jayden is my best pump.. only he can make my breast go soft.. LOL

Jacq: mayb i shd try.. i heard softshields are super comfy.. i only use hot water to "sterilise" my pump parts.. nv use any steriliser at all.

Pinkyluv, haha learn fr u.. DS lounging on my breast pillow which is on my lap as i type.

After the hospital stay last week, it's been quite difficult to use the bottle on him. And I keep falling sick myself (keep coughing), so I tried to delegate the feeding to my mom, hb, or maid. The first feed of the day that is bottle is really slow, then it gets better but when the day gets dark, Daniel will demand the breast again. I'm thinking this works well 'cos other ppl can feed in the day time while I'm at work. And when I get home, I can still latch on!

Sleeping thru the night > how do you all define this? Two nights ago, DS last fed at 9pm, then woke up once at 2am, then 7am. But I think that's becos he was still medicated and recovering...

Question on managing EBM> My freezer is very very full with EBM from 1 mth back. I wouldn't say the quantity is 1mth "worth" of EBM though. My neighbor said my freezer small, altho my hb and I thot it was quite big already... How do you all do it? Buy a new freezer? Rent? What brands do you all recommend for a standalone freezer?

Adelynn, gd to hear ur experience of going back to work. How do you manage if your main caregiver (your mom?) is ill too? Leave to your helper?

I'm latching on 24/7 today 'cos my mom not around to help. And I'm just manually expressing into DS' mouth too--he lost weight recently with his cough, so trying to help him put on weight. Wah, there's a substantial pooped diaper (or two) at every feed!

OP> you deem good leh can spot that thing. u must be champion in spot the difference game. Guess pinky will immediately go remove the pic liao.

Jac> Mum & bebes I go to united square the sales staff its not so good lah in my opinion. I bought all the medela parts from KKH First few yrs.

sarah, dun mind another east outg, pref not too close to the other outgs. Any venue in mind?

tampines or changi airport?

Went to changi airport over the long weekend and realised a lot of families with young kids,bb also like to go to changi airport. Can visualise myself gg there for more outings in future, cos not many places to go in Singapore ha (esp not crowded ones).

Went tampines mall today and realised it's so crowded even on a normal weekday!


The staff told me no need to sterilized the parts, I actually listen to her. Later, I went asking aroubd, friends told me need to as long as come into contact with body.

The soft fit breast shield, I do sterilized as well, yes it turn yellowish, I replaced them once they are worn out. I prefer softfit.

sarahmay, confirmed gg back macau liao? I dun mind another easties gathering before u go back....glycerin: im using this to wash bb mouth...apparantly shd be ok to swallow..can jus buy fr chinese medicinal hall...jus tell them wash mouth for bb de solution...

nigella, thx for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clueless, im using freestyle and haf changed fr soft fit to the hard one...can fit..and there are more sizes to choose from.....in my opinion, the hard one better cos can jit tao sterilise tog cos the soft one cant sterilise too long else will lose shape/spoil

decreasing milk intake and increasing sleep

tell mi abt it...i seem to have this problem all along....sad that i cant do anything to up her appetite...tried so mani ways...

pomme, karen, i haf the same problem of dropping ms after latching

ccpet, i haf the same freezer and EBM issue as u....i oso considering if wanna get another freezer...if i chance upon any good deal, will let u noe...


As long as ınteract with milk shd sterilise. Tradition way boilin water would be the best way, n of cos you can use steriliser but take note on the sterilising period. İn fact am using Steriliser too. Yellowish still fine, but u shd change them even if they r not yellowish after a period of time, lets say 6 to 8 mths but depend on how u maintain.


Yes, the "hard" type if I'm not wrong is the standard or personal breadtshield.

Y u say ur softfit is spoil? Out of shape isn't?

Sab, Jac:

Mine turned yellow within weeks. Was told that sterilizing in a steriliser would cos them to turn yellow so I bgt new ones from KK and then stopped sterilizing. I only used hot water but still turned yellow and the rubber seems to be wearing off again. Any solutions?


I suspected too that why u ask. My hubby feels so abt the sale person too. U should pretend to be customer and see how she service u.

leo baby, i cant act as customer cos they all know me lah. Lol. From my understand, they have manpower issue, oni the supervisor r more senior. US supervisor r on two mth mc due to surgry. I dunno who give them training. Sometime they came to office to hear on some new products, other than tat i dunno cos not my dept. But think some mommies might find me familiar if u did visit motherhood fair june or taka fair mar as i was the planner for the fair n i wad there.

Jessica, u r right. Currently my #1 is in pri 1, using STELLAR. N he had stage fright. But i alway train him n guide him at hm. N of cos if he forget abt the speech, i did give him a note to memorise at sch, teacher helps too. His cousin sch still have exams for p1 n p2. Actually i would prefer using pen manship method so tat we oso know how far our kids can go in theory wise. N i am oso concern abt my #1, he dun seem to like to go sch. He was v shy n warm up to ppl v slow.


Reg of breastshield turning yellowish, might due to differ factors, e.g the cream or lotion u apply on yr breasts. As it soft silicone, it norm to turn yellow, not juz for Medela softfit, as in other brands products which is made of silicone. As long as u r usin the right way of sterilising, you may continue to use for abt 6-8 mths, depend on how u maintain. Recommended to sterilise once a day in the morning. The more often u sterilise per day, the more often u need to change yr parts.


Leak air, u can try chk if the rubber white piece is torn or not properly connected? Hope u know which part I'm talking abt as I forgotten the name for it

Morning ladies,

It is so wonderful to sleep in today and i drag myself out to office. Really very tired.

Overslept last night and woke up late to pump. Sigh.. It would be wonderful if milk production stops at night,since babies can sleep thru the night after some time.

Medela breastshields

My softfit breastshields also turn yellow and out of shape. The silicon parts started peeling off too when i only use hot water on it all along. anyway, i have gotten the hard type (personal fit) breastshields and they work much better.

Cheaper to buy these parts online from Little Thinkies or Tan Leng Leng.


The pump output was based on exclusive pumping now that i am back in office.

So you are going back to Macau soon. Really wish to meet up with you before you fly, though i am not sure how cos i am working now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


very unfortunately it is tummy :p

oops, i din notice cos just latched on ..u r v observant !


thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the part of getting exam papers from other schools right now is really v scary b4 they bec extincet ..u r not refering to the 1st time mums with babies rite ?

this STELLAR system seem to work more for extroverted children ?


yupz, think i will use the rocker..better ..

lap only works when she is dozing..yday wan to capture her sleeping pose on lap but when i ask my maid to pass me the camera, she wakes up


oops, went to see and realizes her hands looks absent


yupz, think will be quite a hassle to express in office..r u using sterilizing tablets..can reuse how many times as in soaking the pump inside..

forgot wat i did 2 years ago..dun noe need to change to sterilizing solution ?

just realised the day after our orchard hi tea, it is a public holiday =p

so those mummies who are back at work maybe you would like to take half day off to join us on 16 Nov for Hi Tea ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leo baby: have PM u my contact.

Pinky/ sarahmay: bb seeing PD in 2 wks time.. She will be abt 3 mths old then... Have to be poked again... Lucky rotavirus is oral form...I am having a bit of cold now.. Hopefully I do not pass to her....

Mummies, help!!!! My girl reject bottle... Although she still drink, but very slow... And drinks lesser... And she still pukes... How to make her accept bottle again??

Baby T, DS also like that now! Help, I want him to be adaptable, then I can rest... And at the same time don't hve to bring bottles and milk powder when I go out with him...


Its everytime i pump i also hear that. and its one one side that leak.. so must be the breastshield body problem.

Today is the first day i started to even cater for lunch, is with empire and dinner with cafe in action. Save me the hassle of bringing bb out to buy regardless of weather. And don't have to worry that it might crash with her feeding time. Now after my meal and feeding her, she is napping while I typing away. Very good weather to sleep.

