(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


david's rate is this =)


Birthday Party Photography & Videography Service

* 2-hour coverage

* All images taken returned in CD / DVD

* 80 4R photo prints with white border in hardover slip-in album

* 2 DVDs containing edited video footage

Price: $620 (Weekdays) / $720 (Weekends)


Hi guys!

Haven't been reading lately [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The group gathering must have been really fun! Saw lots of photos on many mummies facebook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Something went wrong at the grp photoshoot? Keke saw yvonne complaining about the photog..


I'm Kym...!!! I am here too~~ i didn't know Joan's a sept baby!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Group Photoshoot-

Wow 20 babies!!

I am going to suggest..... hmm lets hold our party at the studio!! What do you think?

Haha... I can do the shoot for our babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But.. hold your horses first.. i need to find a large enough studio.. this is my website http://www.bluebambino.com

Jessica - oh..maybe he was having a bad day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My son was rather sleepy that day during the studio session (this was abt 3 years ago), I recall, and David was busy coaxing him to smile.. took some effort. No worries, i am easy on the photographer anyway...... it should be fun..

Thanks, Pinkyluv..... i am not good with the sums, numbers..so will leave that to you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But now we have a much better solution.... LETTY! Yeah!!!

Jessica....so u are at ave 3...would be nice for playdates, except that i am shifting to novena area in late dec...still not that far though... btw, do u know when the NEX mall is opening?

hehe, i think i dun email ricky liao, will count on letty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Letty: pls dont say that, i m not complaining, i m giving feedbacks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I stay in the west too, I think nobody can be more west than me already, I stay in Jurong West, near Pioneer MRT station. But I have always been a easterner before I got married. So the east is still very close to my heart. Been staying in Tampines for more than 10 years.


Is this yours?


This is where I first saw the netted sarong baby, and I was like, how the heck did the baby get suspended in thin air just like that - magic! Under galleries->new arrival, or here:


The "blooming flowers with babies" on tne website reminds me of your full month card. If the website is not yours, then I can only say, the style is quite similar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Visited your site! Lovely lovely pics!!!

I think letty's suggestion is good... Best of both worlds... I LIKE!!!! but will there be a time limit on the duration of rental of the studio?? Letty do let us know what are your own charges gonna be... We will split the studio rental and buffet accordingly...


You shifting to Novena! Drool sia! You be my son's godmother so that I can put his address as yours. Then have better chance of getting into SJI Jnr!

(Just kidding... :p But I do like that school.)

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


Letty, yeah yeah!

Baby fair

so fast another one in Nov? The one which just past CMI. Hope this is better.

EQ wipes

anyone knows where to buy this?

OP: hey compasspoint sounds great. it is the most ideal place cos so near. when when? hee. emmanuelle is such pretty and angelic name. let me guess r u catholic too since u mentioned baptism and 2nd name. my gal gg to get baptised in dec. my #1's name also similar to hers. she is joan annabelle, his is john andre.

talking abt photos, i am not such a pro. i just have a simple set up with backdrop and all at home. i make use of natural light and simple props to create the effects that i like that's all. thanks for all the compliments on the shots, i am still learning by gathering experience as i go along. just enjoy shooting babies and tots, so innocent and lovable. will be happy to take if u guys dun mind just simple setup.

batgal: dun worry u r not alone. my gal also having pimples and heat rashes that kind so now v ugly and even go out also abit paiseh cos her face so red n patchy. just keep ur baby face clean and dry whole day will get well on their own. some pple say is due to maternal hormones dats all.

kym: long time no hear from u. how is scott. yes joan is sept bb, 11 sept. scott was born in aug right? hw is scarlett taking to didi?

Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 12:45 am:       

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin

19) sugarong

20) mango


u r v humble [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur skills r v pro, would love to learn fr u during the forcoming gatherings

i love taking pics but my skills is no good

it is really rare to have 2 talented photographers in one thread

i tink someone mentioned sth abt mummies wearing black and with naked bbs. i hv some pics to share





pinky: i am really still learning, nothing compared to letty, she is really good! hey cant wait to meet up wif u guys soon. can share tips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


just curious, is the lady in pic ur friend or urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looking forward to ur tips =)

PAT: very nice! perhaps u can take indoor shoots and letty can take outdoor ones for us? i saw lots of nice outdoor shoots by letty of scarlett and the greenary.


You winner! Are you Roman Catholic?

I was telling my HB that there are limited private properties in Novena. And being so near to SJI Jnr, the properties sure damned braddy hot and ex one.

I have a penchant for SJI. Just look at their mission statement:

"Enabling youth in a Lasallian community to learn how to learn and to learn how to live; empowering them to become men of integrity and men for others."

One great leader who was posted out of my organisation a year ago came from SJI. He epitomises "servant leadership". Impressive guy, impressive character. Rare breed in gahment sector! That's what I hope my boy will be - someone of good character, someone who will be of service to others.

Unfortunately, me and my HB bo-lui one. So we can only drool every Saturday when we send our boy to United Square for music. As to which primary school to put my boy, well, I'll leave it to God's grace and providence, though I secretly suspect my son has an affinity with the Marist Brothers. But for practical reasons, it'd do his sis good by getting in to Holy Innocents Pri cos it's co-ed. Sigh... I really don't know....


Hey yes, I am RC! You attend mass at St Anne's? I was there until March this year cos I shifted to Seletar from Punggol/Hougang. Now I go to St Vincent de Paul though I do come back to St Anne's once in a while. I used to lector at St Anne's until my 2006 when my #1 was born.

I've called St Anne's to enquire on infant baptism for Dec. Had wanted to get my dau baptised there for sentimental reasons - my boy also baptised in the same church in the month of Dec back in 2006. Unfortunately, it falls on the same day as my friend's wedding lunch *sigh*. St Vincent's infant baptism is on the 3rd week of November. They have theirs on odd months. So I'll prolly just go for it...

Interesting names your son and dau have! Joan is the feminine of John! God's grace! Absolutely beautiful! :D How old is your boy?

As for tea @compasspoint, see next posting.

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm

(Let's see how many pax b4 we decide on Toastbox, Ya Kun, Starbucks, etc. Ya Kun/Toastbox table a bit small/cramp for big group)

1. OP

2. Yvonne


ur hubby is also v pro...ur kids r so lucky to have parents who can capture such nice memories for them

i love ur second picture

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster


Yes, long time long time, to think Scarlett and john's not even met ..that's how long I haven't caught up with you! Will you be coming along to any gathering? This friday's or thursday's?

Babies photoshoot:

Hmm, how do you ladies like to organize this? I do mostly natural light work, only studio work occasionally if clients asks for it. Though my studio isn't large enough to accommodate 20 babies and 40 parents :p ..

Pat, would you like to undertake this task too?

Keke i don't know.. I'll leave it to you ladies to decide..

If in anycase, we'll only need to share the cost of the studio, buffet lunch and perhaps the cost of equipment & props and peripherals- DvD, wide angle lens (for extra large grps- I don't personally own one)..

Morning gals,

Our ideas are really moving fast.


My grandma is teochew.. so my paternal family side all speak teochew though we are Heng huas. I understand what you said. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I din know there is a 2nd part to the teochew saying. So crude lor.


Glad to see you in forum again. I was just discussing with SHinchan this morning about you when we we thinking of changing photographer for Christmas shoot cos i love the pictures you take for Kimberley.


Thanks for sharing ur photos. I like it too.. YOur poses look pro leh... you took all these urself ah??

Studio shoot and party

I like this idea!! so onz but 20 pairs of bbs hard to coordinate.. maybe got to split boys and gers for group shoots liao.

I still like the water babies with mum idea.. Shall we have two gatherings? ONe for studio christmas and the one for water babies outdoor shoot?

Bikini mums list (any more mummies onz??)





West mummies gathering,

I also want to lim teh in afternoons and shop around.. Any west mummies keen?


How come you are in CCK on fridays?? Tot only weekends only. I don't mind sharing cab with you though i am not bringing Gideon along. From ur house (Yew Tee) or my hse nearer to KJE??

Mummy princess,

I think we r so near each other lo. I'm staying at JW st 61. U?tat time I was asking if anyone in the west is interested in doin the PS at my hse Cos I miss out the one at pinkyluv hse and I dun think I can join the Xmas one~


shall we meet up soon???

Op: hi five! Know wat? We wana send our boy to sji. I was convent gal n hb sji boy. But we also dun stay novena lor so i guess our chances not high. My boy born on 1 jan coming to 2 yr and we sending him for pre nursery nxt yr in catholic kindergarten which is run by the Marist brothers. For the benefit of mei mei so he can take care of her in pri sch, we intend to send them to holy innocents cos co-ed! Same same huh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm attending st annes now. Hw often do u go there nw? Wow lector u must b v active. Sad to admit I m Sunday catholic, worse always late...hehe. We planning to go for first wk of dec baptism in ihm, #1 also baptised there, in fact myself too more than 10 yr ago.

Letty: I dun mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let's discuss again how tis shld work out ya?

Yvonne: no prob indoor shoots can b arranged

Pomme: the water babies theme sound v interesting!


Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm

(Let's see how many pax b4 we decide on Toastbox, Ya Kun, Starbucks, etc. Ya Kun/Toastbox table a bit small/cramp for big group)

1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat


Phew, i thot my girl had some eczema or something. My brother will be getting married in Dec, hopefully by then she will be pimple free! And you and your hubby take such good pictures!! =)


I am for the idea! But yes, 20 babies and 40 parents does sound daunting. Probably have to split the group? Or we just have picnic and use the surroundings as the "studio" so we wont have the space constraints thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am a west mummy BUT i dare not bring baby out alone yet. But i will try to see if I can make it for any gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phyphy, it's ok. Do have fun on Thurs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica, I would like to join the Serangoon PS.

Haven't had time to come in. Went to see sis Kang on Monday as I was having blocked ducts. She advise on full latching rather than pumping & bottle feeding. I've been trying to latch baby since Monday but I can feed baby for 2-3 hours, she falls asleep but shortly after I put her down, she wants milk again! I think it's becos my latching is incorrect but I can't seem to improve it.

I've seen sis kang & lc in TMC. So far they will teach the theory, help me latch on baby, then say no problem baby can latch well & rush me BUT problem is, I can't replicate it at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

According to sis kang, exclusive pumping without latching can cause block ducts. Anyone faced the same problem? I'm so tempted to feed EBM via bottle as I've successfully done it for 7 weeks until the block ducts problem came on. Really feeling demoralized & would cry while trying to latch on baby in the middle of the night.

Btw would love to join the X'mas PS & meet up with other mums staying in the east.

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) manago

think manago was left out, possible to have more than 20? if yes,then i join in.

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm

(Let's see how many pax b4 we decide on Toastbox, Ya Kun, Starbucks, etc. Ya Kun/Toastbox table a bit small/cramp for big group)

1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. phyphy

yes,i need a big area cos will sling the bb n maybe bring no.1 along


really sry abt the ps date.

where u stay?if don mind,i c if i can help? we can meet at century sq nursing room that is if u stay at tampines

Phyphy, so nice of you to offer help! I stay at Kembangan so Tampines is fine for me =) When would be good for you?


Jeslyn - I had the same problem as u.. I broke down n cried for 15 mins... I saw sister kang n I regained my confidence... Firstly u need to have confidence that u can do it... Then u have to keep practicing ur latch... Now I bf totally n only express to feel comfortable... Jia you... You can do it de...

