(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


I also dun dare to bring out my bb alone tats y nv join any gathering or PS yet cos I'm like onli part-time taking care of my bb. Most of the time my mum is the one taking care of him.

I think the best place for gathering of the west mummies is JP liao~ my place is also available and my mum can cook some nice dishes for us if u all r interested~ :D


Jurong mummies, me me!! I stay at jw st 62!

Yvonne, my parents also stay at teck whye!

Ps for Xmas I am onz but studio party sounds restricted? As in we got to Siam the moment the hr is up right? Anyway just count me in!

Bbt, how did sis kang make u regain confidence? I have nv been confident of latching since day one ...


I was an exclusive pumper for my #1, I did not have any issues with blocked ducts. Before pumping, i used a warm towel to "warm the breasts" and push the milk from around the breasts towards the aerola. Then I will strap on the pumps. During pump i will continue the breast compression technique. For my #2, I am still practising the same method, so far so good, no issues *touch wood*. But I personally feel if you can do direct latch it will be better as it is very convenient. Like Jacelyn, I never had the confidence to do direct latching.


OK! but i may need to bring helper along, cos i scared i garang gabo. haha :p


So u all prefer to have the gathering at JP or my place? Than we can fix a date. Wan to have the Photoshoot?

exclusive pumping

it cannot empty the breast well but not sure if massage it before u pump will help.

baby is the best pump u can get


that photographer have increase pricing ,it double the price now

Pomme/BabyT/ OP

keke, ask my mum this morning, she said 2nd part is ti kor wu zi ($), ti kor bo2 lah..meaning people will "carry" the rich

i told her BabyT version and she laughed

my hubby is teochew too but he never heard of that


ur mum is v nice, i would love to sample her cooking..hehe, i m so greedy

Bringing out baby alone

this fri is my v 1st time, and i will be bringing my stroller along, see how it goes

direct latching

hehe, latching on directly saves me the effort of washing the pump and sterilizing..daytime still can ask helper to help but night time i will have to do it myself

so i decide that i will just latch on


I nvr hear of this dialect grp Heng Hua b4! Cheem man!


Hey what a coincidence! My boy is currently in Catholic Kindy! That's why I feel he has an affinity for Marist Brothers cos at that point when I was selecting his Kindy, I had a place for AM session @Nativity Church kindy but PM session @Cat Kindy which was not an ideal timing for me. Eventually, Cat Kindy offered me the AM slot so I was in a dilemma. Nativity Church Kindy is just opp where I was then staying. Well, in a casual conversation I had with a priest-friend, he said the Marists are well known educationists. I read up on the Marist charism, prayed and deliberated, and that was how I eventually settled for Cat Kindy and never regretted. Believe me, you've made the right choice. Joan and Megon may just become classmates in 2013! My boy is currently in Nursery and moving on to K1 next yr. And so I was wondering if I shld try my luck with Marist Stella Pri, but that would mean the problem of pri sch selection repeats when it's my girl's turn. Is your HB from the affiliated pri sch of SJI? I think back then it was St Michael's Pri and SJI Pri (?) b4 some merging took place? Old boy stand good chance too. If he join alumni, even better!

I go to St Anne's maybe once a month max. I was there 2wk ago @11am mass where Fr Ho mentioned his old carplate no n quoted some chp/section of the CCC - all 4 digits no but nvr open lor! :p

Oh you're going for the infant baptism @IMH.. Opps, I mean IHM :p Think IHM and SVDP infant baptism will not be as packed as St Anne's. When my boy had his in Dec06, there are closed to 100 bbs and the session was v v long... And noisy! :D

Btw, my boy outgrowing his Cat Kindy uniform. Still in good condition. Let me know if you interested to take over and recycle. I hv 2 sets (excluding PE attire). I'm recycling my friend's for next yr. Her son went to CC and no longer in the Kindy.

Than maybe we can just have the gathering if the PS is ex~

Weekday shld be better rite? 1st week or 2nd week of nov?

Pinkyluv: Come come, no problem la~

Any fixed date for this ?

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) manago

think manago was left out, possible to have more than 21? if yes,then i join in. :0

pat: love to hv u shoot indoor pics! where do u live again? i cannot wait for schristmas cos i will be gone. any chance for me to go to ur hse for shoot?

jeslyn: i agree w baby t. u must believe u can do it. u know i had hard time laching...bb was first bottlefed for almos 3 wks lor. plus initially i tried to nurse him...he kena dehydration n landed up in hospital for 3 days lor... but now i m latching ! so i m sure u can!

op: holy innocents seems q gd. was there to do some performances before n i thot the kids were rather well behaved and teachers were q gd...unlike some schools i step into!

babyT: do u think i shd go see LC to get plugged ducts sorted. it's not like v painful or v hard leh...wondring iu shd wait n see

Hi can I join the Xmas fun? If not possible, is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Weiting onz for gathering either at ur place or jp!!!!! Anytime next week is fine for me! Hippi!!!

This Friday anyone bringing bb in carrier? I am thinking whether to use ergo or bb bjorn. Logistic problem too. Where to pArk my helper... Dun wanna leave her alone at home


love yr photos. yes. please help to source the studio for our dec ps. i beleive all sept mummies will agree. keep us posted on the charges so we can split.


yr photo oso very pro - if u show ppl & says that is not taken by pro, many ppl will not beleive it lor. yr hb not bad hor can be yr assist leh. i specially like the little hand holding pic - so sweet.


ps in dec - pls add in the list. current date is set at 3 Dec.


I am on for west mummies gathering, though i stay in CCK. Can we have it on 1st week of nov? I am starting work on 2nd week of nov leh.

Ur place better.. JP super crowded even during weekday lunch. There got nursing room?


JP there is one nursing room at level 2 near Cerisi (cos i just check it out yday when i was there) simple room with a sofa

oh there is hot/cold water dispenser as well

Jacelyn: i will be using carrier.. dont wanna lug d stroller along.. go shopping afterwards also more convenient.

u cannot leave ur helper at home alone?

Yvonne, jacelyn - I tempted to use sling, but i scared sashimi drop on her... Haha... I think I'll be kiasu and bring both just in case...

Lizzie - of cos u can join the dec shoot la.. Bish... Need to ask one meh...

Sarah - if it causing u fever and frustration, yes u should see sister kang or any LC...

Jacelyn - after talking to sister kang, with her patience and guidance, dunno why got this renewed confidence to latch on... Probably cos I feel very comfortable with her... And she's very reassuring...

Yvonne I dun feel safe leaving my helper alone at home leh. Think i might go over to my mum place before that so I will be at teck whye! Can share cab with u! Ok will be bringing bb using carrier too. Will pm u my contact number easier to liaise.

Pomme ok I fine with gathering on first week of nov, which is like next week?? How come u go back work so early?

I am back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

got rid of the confinement nanny from hell...now trying to establish my own schedule... Super tired but trying to hang in there! Wah, xmas photoshoot sounds fun! But I don't know if can accommodate me and my wheelchair...prob hubs be with me too but he'll be happy to go walk walk once I'm settled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I want to go for gathering in the west too but gotta see if I can work the logistics...

BabyT: lol, i also scared my sashimi drop on his head. hahaha. but tt day my carrier shifu, miss shinchan, erm i meant mdm shinchan taught me how to use the carrier and eat.. thank u with much love!! lol..

kk.. im talking nonsence liaooo.

badfifi, u went to leo baby's condo before right? is it convenient for u? do join us! havent seen u in ages..

not coming this friday?

Bbt u bring both carrier n stroller? Wow steady. I think I can only do that if I go with hubby. Wrt latching at least ur supply alot ... For me, with the lousy supply, I keep thinkig bb not full even after latch which i think is why she will still be crying... Anyway she has to top up with formula after latching so I feel worst actually. The only time I feellike latchig is when I go out n when I am pumping but she is crying beside me.

Badfifi hi! I am kind of new in this thread so we haven met but I have read abit abt ur story. Hope to be able to see u during the gatherings!


Wow, u are back!!! U mia so long liao.. howz everything?


hi^5 my hb was from SJI too.. Did your hb join the alumni? If yes, your son stands a higher chance of entering as compared to staying within 1/2 km from school.


I will bjorn-ed Denise this fri. Thgt of bringing stroller too, so that i can eat more comfortably but scare she fuss and the stroller become white elephant leh.

Jacelyn, i havent practice yet.. tonight going to practice.. pls ask my shifu to teach u. ehhee.. if i master it tonight, i teach u on fri..


of cos u can !

Christmas Party on Friday 3 Dec 2010

location @ Leobaby Condo ok ?

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie


hehe, count me in , how abt morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] since all in west

less sunny to go out too


Thanks for the update on the nursing room. Now feel more secure bout going JP.


Since you are interested in the PS, we can gather in ur place to take our own DIY de. THe bb circle you saw on the brown mattress cover is DIY one, not taken by the photographer. Than proceed to JP for shopping and kia kia..

Hi Badfifi,

Glad to have you back. Why do you say ur confinement lady from hell? SInce not so convenient for you to come out, can we go ur place and than we can DIY bb photos with Issac??


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ordering a buffet next sunday.

can u face book message me ur card number

Yvonne - take kum por and cover j'don lor... Haha... I wanna see how u all eat cos with sling it's quite difficult... I got to 1 hand make sure I don't bump her head against table, 1 hand eat...

Jacelyn - supply alot isn't a good thing... Early morning I Kenna F by my hubby cos Germaine puke after latching... Then he say "u see la she puke cos u dunno how much she drink..." sick ass... Now I damn dulan... She puke cos after drinking she keeps squirming like a worm... Argh... What's wrong with men nowadays!!!!


not mdm, it is MS shinchan lar.. mdm sound so old leh.. *in self-denial state* lol


I have neo card, u need huh? u wan me to bring this fri?


no lar, not shifu.. i shy u know.. keke..

actually very simple only, jus loosen the strap abit, push the baby to sit on one lap, then can eat liao. the problems with this method are you cannot wear skirt cos need to kar kui kui and secondly u can only eat with one hand.


need the real card? i tot card number can liao =)

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shinchan ok steady! Then I can see how u eat n follow. Haha.

Btw a qn: dun u ladies think it is very siong on the shoulder if we carry a shoulder bag n carrier bb? I was telling bbt that day my right shoulder very strained.

Pinkyluv, Yvonne, Jaslyn

Yes i want to share cab, wun be bringing Gideon so i can sit in front. You 3 can sit behind with ur babies.


wow. eating wif carrier, must teach me. i don't bring bb on this friday. but is good to learn how to do it.


welcome back. didn't see u lately. hope all is fine and u are adjusting to it now.


yes. badfifi went to leobaby's hse the last time. i was there too. if in ktv room, should be able to take her wheel chair.


i think i have neo garden memeber card - probably under hb's name. we used neo garden for athena's baby shower party early this mth.

Regrading food falling onto baby while eating

hehe, kyra kenna many times by food


look forward to meeting u again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cab Pool

ok great

just nice 4 of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have taken a lift in leobaby's car so many times until i feel v paiseh :p anyway, until now, i have no licence alto BBDC is so near

i need to bring stroller .

NeoGarden Buffet

can u gals recommend the must eat dishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

