(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Yep, use Bumbo when neck stiff. Else neck wobble around v gang-kor.

Tiger Lily,

Red and Green sounds good! Can hv White also! :D


The group foto of mommies and bbs look good but not quite what I had originally expected. Too serious liao. Tot it's gonna be some stand some sit in different pattern and facing. Those casual ones. Can even be not smiling one. Then I half regret not asking John to help take a passport foto for bb. Cos I wanna mk passport fo her and now must ma-fan and take foto myself... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i interested in bikini shot but i still can't fit into my bikini leh. my ma says bb can't swim until 1yr old so if i m lucky can loose all my weight n tummy firm up, i'll take bikini shot with bb near pool.


Yes, pool will be milky and other swimmers who jump in later will really 赚到 cos free Milk Bath. When come out of pool later, their skin will be supple rather than 干干. :p

Swimming Babies

If ever gonna swim, I think 1130am is good timing. If too early, pool v cold. Plus now close to year end will be rainy season.

If wanna use sunblock for bb, can consider California Baby's. They hv sunblock too.

hello ladies,

nice shot of the babies, must be very fun during the gathering.

I'm very shy to meet so many mummies at one go, will give the gathering at Jessica's house a miss.

BabyT, you are so funny about the milky swimming pool...hah

ok... thanks tigerlily. i scared bb consti leh. that day he gek till his face so red, only 2 tiny stool came out followed by a mushy pile.

yvonne what brand you feed ah?

my pool here has one region extra shallow region good for bb. I see a lot of ang moh bring bb there.

If want I can book KTV which has a sofa. the KTV rm is big


Yes will contact sis kang again cos I scared the lump

become permanent resident then jialat Liao


Oh ya I heard abt Sara when I delivered my gal there... She is gd too ..will see if sis kang can do hse call if nt really got to dropby mt a which is nt very convenient frm my place


Hopefully my mum is free to help me jagar my #1 then will be able to sneak out if nt I dun tink I can handle 2 when out ... I will go crazy before I reach town lol

Interested to see the pics of the ps u gals taken yday ... $30 seems like a very gd deal


it best to wait till bb took all jabs before going to public pool


u can look at the content of iron(most likely to cause constipation)in the milk

OP - mwahaha... They can all become cleopatra of Singapore... Just that it's chlorine mix with milk bath... Supposed to go for swim and tan, sekali everybody come out fairer... Lol... U are so farnie....

Bubbleling - u try calling parent craft lor then ask for her... Anyway I think all their LCs are damn good...


Ur swimming pool looks fun wor... I'm interested to bring A2 to hwa xia for swimming but yet to check out their package price.


Mine is taking enfalac for last feed and usually she will poo in the wee morning ard 4 to 5am so I have to keep myself awake to clean her butts


Ya I guess they are much better than TMC ... Heard alot of complaints recently that they nt are nt so probfing nwadays nt sure true or nt since I dun give birth there so duno hw the service like...

Oh my tiring day jagaring 1kid and 1 baby ... Jessica and pinkyluv I really salute u gals having to take care of 3 kids.....

Hi Mommies,

Was busy las week so long time nv come in. Missed yest PS, but saw the photos, cute!!

Next coming PS

Would like to join the coming sessions.

PS @ Windy is it 28th this Thur? I cant make it as gotta visit my gyne.

PS @ Jessica (Serangoon

Am staying at Woodlands. But I dun mind gg to Serangoon, Please tell me the date n time see wehther I able to join.

Interested in Xmas theme Photoshoot on Friday 3 Dec 2010

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

Oh, must add, haha! =)

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

Tx Pinkyluv!

Pomme - i see what's the est number of mummies then I ask my friend to quote lor... No hard copy should be fine right?? Since this PG also not giving hard copy... Btw, is he giving low or hi res ar??


Previously gave my #1 Childlife Colostrum but found it to be quite costly so looked for alternative & happened to come across Nature's Way Primadophilus for Children http://www.naturesway.com/Products/Probiotics/6881-Primadophilus-Children.aspx & decided to give it a try.

I started giving all the supplements to boost his immune system cos after I stopped bfing him @ 13.5mths, found that he fell sick more frequently & took longer time to recover.


Thanks so much for your help.

Just to share a pic i took of my gal smiling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



that is really a v pretty shot. like studio !she can sit v well..how do u support that ?


agree with u, the shot is too serious...should do more fun shot hor..luckily diamantz shared with us the naked babies idea

next round xmas one muz do more fun shots


never cross my mind tat it is low res leh , assume high res, that's y send us a CD..otherwise, just view online can liao

Clearing Space

hehe, after yday gathering, and see the grannies enjoying themselves at balcony, i was motivated to do some spring cleaning, cos the balcony actually has bec a 2nd storeroom, just that yday morn, i threw everything fr balcony into the 2 closed rooms

OP: wow this app comes wif so many things len n flash etc? no wonder so exp. wats the name again? i try to search [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarah: ur headache could also be cos of the pain fr plugged ducts. i rem i had headache too. u need more rest now, anyone at home to help u look after bb? last week all i did was sleep, pump, sleep, pump all the way for 3 full days.

babyt: so cute ur baby is swimming alr! i cant wait to take bb swimming too.


a pic i took of bb at just 4 days old. they grow so fast. just not too long ago they were still in our tum..


Ya I guess they are much better than TMC ... Heard alot of complaints recently that they nt are nt so probfing nwadays nt sure true or nt since I dun give birth there so duno hw the service like...

Oh my tiring day jagaring 1kid and 1 baby ... Jessica and pinkyluv I really salute u gals having to take care of 3 kids.....

Hi ladies

finally find time to drop a note.

My boy was getting cranky aft his 6in1 jab.


I'm interested to join the lunch this fri. but provided my boy get over his crankiness from his jab today.

Normally aft 24 hrs if nothing happen it should be consider fine liao rite?

diamantz/pinkyluv: i actually stuffed her inside the basket. she's supported by pillows inside. at first she cried then after awhile she fell asleep and broke into a smile while i was trying to capture the shot. quite lucky.

this was a card i made for her man yue


pat: sooo nice the pics. are u a photog? dun mind paying you to do the shots!!! ur girl has such a pretty name! btw yeah i think mine is def plugged duct lor. haiz. read that can be without any lump or swelling just soreness which is what i have.

PS yesterd: Feedback on Photog John?

was it good? how did u girls like the shots?

PS @ Windy's

btw $40 includes how many shots?

PS for Xmas. Me me me onz!

Pomme, the bumbo seat hor might be too tight for ur bb coz he got chubby thighs. Ke ke ke. For my #1 when we tried at 4 months old when her neck was stiff, it was slightly too tight for her thighs! She was 7.2 kg at 3.5 months old.

Swimming cum ps, think can only do either one on the day la. Too tiring to do both together based on yesterday experience lo.

Sleeping at night, dunno why mine is haphazard. Sat night she slept from 12 mn to 8 am no feed in between. Sun was 12 mn to 6 am. Last night was 9 pm to 3 am -_-. how to make it more consistent?? With this kind of weird timing I also dunno wat time I should sleep.

Liz - Friday once u confirm, we be brave mummies, we take train and stroller k... Then we meet hushlilbb... Haha.. It's better that u keep monitoring his temp... I kept taking her temp for up to 48 hrs...


I think for now the sleep timing is inconsistent. have to endure... maybe by 3rd mth (hopefully) will be more consistent. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re jab maybe I am one of those few mummies who is very relunctant to go for jabs. ;p I so fear bb falling sick n becoming cranky after jabs... I haven even make appt for the jab yet.

Batgirl I think I was pampered by xun gal coz she slept thru at 2 months old!! I am still waiting n waiting ... Zzz

BabyT and Tigerlily,

Onz... i am trying to reduce the centre line on my stomach and 捏捏 my tummy whenever i got time to simulate blood flow to firm it up.

Anymore mummies on for bikini shoots? We can take waist up photos. With our mount everest now, the photos sure make our Angs nose bleed de.

BabyT and OP, both your minds really works in cute ways, always have such quirky tots. Milky bath.... than we should do it in jacuzzi pool than even best. jacuzzi milk bath..really like spa liao.


Huh.. too tight ah.. Sianz.. like that waste my money.. Then my boy should slim down to fit in to the seat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, you feed FM?? How come your girl can sleep for so long period? I'm envious.


How to train bb to sleep longer hours?? Or it is a natural progression for them.


Ur own photoshoot for ur bb is so nice. Are you in photography as a hobby or are you by profession? How about you take for us at the Dec christmas photo shoot? I like ur style leh, give us a quote lah.


ur balcony very liang.. my mummy loves sitting there cos airy and bright. Put a small table and few chairs can sit down to lim teh. I was also sitting there breastfeeding yesterday, got scenery to see some more, so relaxing.

PS @ Pinkyluv's place ytd

It was so choatic but super duper fun. However, muddle-head me forgot to bring camera.

Pinkyluv, thanks for hosting us.

Denise is so shag from ytd's PS that she KO-ed till 10-ish this morning, only waking up in between for her feeds.

Xmas PS

Count me in!! BabyT, can check with your fren? Dun mind changing photographer for a different style.

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

Wow, Leobaby's place sounds gd, still have KTV room. Although my place is centralised but I think I wld rather go to hers cos my function here is quite small and got no sofa. Need to come up to my hse if need sofa but my hse is pathetically small, maybe very cramped to hse so many mummies and babies.


Your girl's pic is very nice.

Lunch on Fri

Btw, Pomme suggested shopping after lunch. So ladies, if you are interested, pls bring along things that help you nurse ya..

PS @ Serangoon

Jessica, can I come over to kpo too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diamantz: im using enfalac for my boy. He usually poos once a day or once a day half.

BabyT: im keen in d bikini shoot.. But make sure lower half body in d pool and top above.. Hehehe. My Advan AD07 super thick. Hehehe

Shinchan: me bringing carrier bah.. I will try out later to eat withcarrier on me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shinchan - kk I'll ask my friend.

Yvonne - mwahaha... How many inch??? Lol... Wet or dry tyre?? Hurhur... So now we must 努力... But the "tyre thread" some cannot get rid leh... Haiz...

Jacelyn > u very lucky.. ur girl sleep so long. any tips? yesterday my boy sleep 5 hrs! first time, so shiok, don't know isit shag out from outing or nice weather.

thanks Yvonne. I don't know isit Mamex change the formula, become whiter and seems to cause consti.

Shinchan - I'll be bringing stroller too..

Yvonne - lol... My tyre Yokohama de... Dry tyre super many thread count... If can find track tyre good ar... Good grip... Ok I talking nonsense liao..

Friday's lunch

I m not bringing Athena. Can't do shopping after lunch cos' need to rush back to take over from my ma. She is having massage at 3.30pm.

I can help to carry baby if need.

Sarah/jacq/pomme/shinchan: thanks for ur compliments. I started taking pics since my #1. hv put him in costumes n props etc n found it v fun. They grow up too fast n if I dun capture is all gone. So now I snap a lot of my #2 when I got time. Can c more pics on my fb [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You must be PRO! The pic of your bb in the "sarong" like thingy, I saw a similar one in one photographer's website. Came across in the forum BP thread. Is that your website? Besides, your props are not the ordinary type of props! Quick! Identify yourself! :D

The iPhone camera app will be too chicken feed to you. It's call Hipstamatic. Suitable for people like -me-. Basic package US2.99. Add ons are US0.99 each.

Your girl's name is v pretty. I think girl's name ending with -EL and -NA is rather feminine sounding. I'm gonna get my girl baptized soon and give her the name Emmanuelle - Megon Emmanuelle, like her bro's - Jadon Emmanuel.

PS @ serangoon

1) jessica

2) elle

3) adelynn

4) chin

5) hushlibb's friend - nick: twirley

she will be logging in to say hi later!

Xmas PS

Count me in!! BabyT, can check with your fren? Dun mind changing photographer for a different style.

Xmas PS

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

Think we better get a different photographer like shinchan suggested - dun mind paying a bit more for nicer photos/more creative ones like PAT's!

buffet this fri

shinchan: i have to bring stroller cos i doubt can manage with just the pouch sling

babyt: you super stress me leh - today tried lucas on the stroller downstairs, cried shortly after, hopefully not cos reject stroller but cos cranky from no sleep and/or hungry...

babyt & lizzie: can meet on nel line but dunno how to bring stupid stroller and diaper bag up the bus with lucas (must take bus to station from my pl) so was thinking take easy way out and take taxi! how you and lizzie going to manage ah?

another poll: mummies who are bringing babies, you bf or feeding ebm?

Has everyone brought their bbs for jabs yet? Nw 6 wks is time for 6in1 alr is it?

Jessica: am keen to kpo too like shinchan.

Would love to bring bb out tis fri too but prefer gathering at someone plc can't manage my #1 and #2 outside together., let me knw when there is one in east or northeast. Btw my plc in punggol dun mind open up my plc too if any northeast mummies wan hold another gathering.

Hi Mummies,

am introduced to this thread by hushlilbb. She told me abt the PS lobangs tt u gals have. haha.

Brief intro: I was previously from the Oct '10 thread (altho not v.active), but my gal decided to pop out earlier, so i'm a sep mummy too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb girl 4 wks old now. Just finished confinement, so have been cooped up at home. NOw finally can go out!! Haha :D

Hushlilbb: I see tt u've included me in the PS @ Serangoon & Xmas PS list.Thks!

Am definitely looking forward to that. The pics posted from the previous PS looks so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I don't mind NE gathering. Think we hv quite a few mommies along NEL from Serangoon to Punggol like Jessica, Adelynn, BabyT...

Actually, I was just wondering who's keen to meet for tea and toast @Compasspoint on a weekday afternoon...

