(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi Audrey,

Wow these breastmilk storage bags look good. Thanks for the lobangz!

BTW, if anyone is looking for more nursing bras, I found out that Carrefour sells this at only S$9.90 each! Only one design currently, but so far it worked for me. And I like the Carrefour one better than the one I got at Mothercare for S$35+..

Hi Rachoho,

I was initially following the Babywise "standard" feed-wake-sleep of 3 hr cycles... There's all this talk about how infants shouldn't be up for more than 45min, but my DS takes 1 hr to feed. And then he doesn't sleep, crying for someone to hold him. Hubby and I tried cry-it-out (CIO) strategy on our 3 wk old. It was bad, had to deal with gas problems thereafter. It was driving me nuts until I realized that most babies aren't textbook babies. Each bb will eventually hv their own schedule (so say experienced moms who comfort me). Parent-child's schedules will take time to integrate, and thankfully our maternity leave gives us the space to integrate these schedules..

DS is not sleeping this afternoon either. I'm alternating betw entertaining him, turning on music for him, putting him down to type part of this message, letting him cry/whimper and then burping him thereafter etc...

I'd rather he's alert this afternoon and sleep more at night. I think some infants just don't need that much sleep. I gave up trying to fit my DS into the average of 15.5 hrs of sleep a day.


rachocho, i take care of her on weekdays 8am-7pm on my own until my hubby and in laws come back lor...

ya, the crying for milk and fussing can really put me to tears at times. somemore so lonely at home. (although got a maid, but she got her stuff to do too)

phyphy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Accordingly to my lactation consultant and as what I am practicing now, balance of heated bm is good for the next feed. My girl feeds every 2-3 hours, so I used it but any balance after that have to be dumped. I am a 'kiasu' mom, so I will do the following :

1. Rinse the teat with warm water after feed and cap it. This is to prevent any bacteria growth.

2. Sit the milk bottle in warm water or bottle warmer if you have. It is to keep the milk warmth.

3. Rinse the teat again with warm water before giving the bottle to our dearest. Be careful of the temperature of the water...don't want to burn baby's lip and tongue.

Hope the above help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ccpet & Mag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got my milk storage bags from this website, economical and excellent quality. check it out:


pomme, u mentioned burping bb for 3-4times... issit after he finish drinking the milk.. or u do it midway the feed...

my girl dun burp much these days... just puke out milk.. issit considered burping?

see she puke milk, heart pain... like very xin ku

Tinkerstars - 6 in 1 costs $268... The rest are all add ons... So did u engage Jun as ur ML??

OP - I'm not sure whether got consultation cost or not wor... I let u know next week ba... When will u bringing ur baby for vaccination??

Ccpet - I'm using lansinoh milkbags... What I do is squeeze out extra air, seal tight, lie flat, then freeze... After frozen it's easier to stack or stand... Later I take pic n post here... Mine is bottom freezer...

Tinkerstars - khloe could be overfed... Puking milk most likely is reflux plus colic... Reduce her feeding amt, it will help in reducing reflux... And what I do is split the feeding... Feed half, burp twice, feed 2nd half and burp again... Then carry her for 15 mins then put her down... U can try elevating the cot mattress to an angle also.. That's what I did...

Tinkerstars, i also stressed though gt hb's ah ma n MIL to help, they also busy w housework n need take care of bro's grandson.. So 80% i take care of him myself..

Sometimes he cry im able to comfort him but sometimes he cry even harder, pass to hb also same.. Stressed.. So he only quiet down when MIL or grandma carry.. To add on to my stress lvl, MIL can still ask me " how come he dun wan u carry?" or "y he keep crying??" wah lao if i know e ans i wun be so stressed... Stupid rite

Hai really neef to rant man.. Tink i post natal blues...

So i wonder how u handle khloe all by yrself so gd i alr stressed out loh esp all e crying

rachocho, same... when my hubby's grandma came over, i also feel stress. she will ask - your breast like smaller... issit no milk etc... guess they are just anxious and want the best for bb.. although it's adding on stress to us.

we just need to perserve. i dunno cry how many times over doubts on my inability to care for baby (especially when she cry uncontrollably or fussing in discomfort)

BabyT, i didn't engage Jun yet. Cos i am taking care of Khloe on my own now... and i scare the massage oil will be sticky and i cannot bath - will be very uncomfortable and somemore need to touch bb...

so thinking do it after confinement...

Overfed ah? so when u split the feeding - do u still feed the same amount, or reduced amount?

Problem is, she dun like me to stop half way and burp her. will cry or fuss and struggle....

and i can pat her until cow come home, sometimes no burp from her one...

jessica, thanks for e info i also think its e way i carry but how to learn to carry e proper way?? Hai ya this is my first bb and tats y i super stressed n also kept crying bb cry i also cry with him hai

Tell hb he so insensitive no one i can talk to also hai


The way to carry bb the way they wan us is really trial an error but for 2 of my kid , the sling without fail will calm them down when they are in. I think is a sense of securely . Don assume that elderly will sure know how to calm bb down as my mother n mil both fail to calm both my kids.

Anything just come in n rant, my hd side also like to ask if my bm is enff for the bb or not.it is an unavoidable Q if u are bring.

Tinkerstars - same amount of feed... 80mL I split 40mL, burp, then remaining 40... How u burp her?? I find the sitting on lap, leaning forward to burp not effective... I put Germaine over my shoulder then pat her... Confirm will burp...

Jessica - I'm not sure which vaccines we will take... Have to consult with the doc first ba... I know MMR is important... Then pneumoccocal dunno how many dose...

(Strange that my reply to Audrey comes before her posted message that I was replying, sorry still new to this forum and figuring it out!)

Phyphy do you use the sarong sling at home? I find it very hot for my coming 4-wk old DS. And do you carry your bb around the house as you do your chores? if so, do you use the snuggle hold with his legs crossed inside the sarong?

Mama G,

YOur bb gek until red and then farts sound like hard stools. Gideon is also like that. I see liao heart pain. Dr say based on poo colour (like soil colour and not yellow like egg yolk) is dehydrated, so i gave my boy some water and am monitoring him now. Don't know why total EBM can still get constipated.


You can try telling ur girl that you are going to burp her and will continue to feed her after burping and wait for her to stop. My CL trained my boy.. so when he is ready he will push the teat out with him tongue for us to burp him.

I burp a few times within one single feed meaning.. feed burp feed burp feed (finish liao) and burp. Don't worry about how much to give and then burp.. i just agar agar depending on cue from bb. Sometimes they fuss halfway want to drink but after suck one two times on teat and start crying means got gas so 喝不下 but still hungry. Then got to pat until burp if not this vicious cycle will continue and bb cry more and more gas go in and bb become more kan chiong and gassy.

Frozen ebm

I use lansinoh milk bags.. i think cheapest in the mkt given its features. I usd that takeout boxes (buy from SKP) lie the milk bags flat inside to frozen status.. stack them up and cover and then use the next box.

I just open my first frozen ebm to feed Gideon. Cos freezer ran out of space. Currently have 72 bags of 180ml of frozen ebm. Tasted it after thaw and it taste horrible (sweet like fresh ebm but with metal+salmon fish oil taste). Wonder if Gideon will reject it. Fresh milk is still better. So try to give fresh if you can.

Anyone knows if can mix fresh ebm with thawed frozen ebm?? THinking if mixing can dilute the metal+ salmon fish oil taste).

Burping position

Shoulder burping - bb both hands should hang over our shoulders and we support bb on the bud with our arm and the other hand pat the back.


I can understand what you going through... *hugs* My bb also kept throwing up esp the first 2+ weeks, and its the projectile kind of puke, sometimes milk also come out from the nose. I am super heartpain and cry every time she pukes. :-( But the pedi says its normal and nothing to worry about. Now she is much better after taking RidWind. I use around 4 times a day, 0.2ml each time. She burps much easier now and the effect is instant. And after each feed, either have her sit upright or carry her upright for 20 mins to let the milk go down. My pedi taught me this and it really helps, esp at times when she just doesn't burp properly.


I only put bb in sling when he keep crying . But if go bl my own house most likely will keep him in sling when he need me to carry him which is was I do during my no1 time.

For me , I only put bb body in the sling and the head I will use my arm to support it as I don feel gd to put his head in and as for his leg will be bent but not cross leg.

Will take a pic tomorrow as bb is asleep already


It true that u got to get the hang of it

ccpet - this is the lansinoh bag that i bought from BP... first you squeeze all the air out.. then lay it flat in freezer...


once frozen, i stack the frozen EBM like that... but i might wanna try Pomme's method of using tupperware...


Previously i was using Playtex milkbags (the ones on the top layer, if u notice very messy)... but they take up too much space... bottom heavy and packing is a chore... though ziplock milkbags are more expensive, but u can store more and easier to pack....

Hi ladies

Here i am posting from kkh.. Jayden was admitted yday evening due to testicles hernia.. Everything happened so suddenly.. Pls help pray for his recovery asap n can b discharged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad to say he need to go for surgery to cure this hernia issue just tt tml is the judgement of whether need emergency surgery or not..

His full mth celebration tis sun.. Rewlly hope he is able to go home.. Cant help sobbing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hey Adelynn,

Hush hush...Jayden is going to be ok, he is in the good hands of doctors and nurses. It's a good thing that you know what is wrong and that something can be done to correct the problem. Stay positive ya?

burping - my baby also hardly burp nowadays. sometimes can pat her for a good 15 mins and still no burp from her... i will let her lean on my chest and try to burp her. Maybe she feels too comfortable there liao... so no burp from her...

Pomme - No leh. her stool still watery leh... like yellow egg yolk leh. just today alone she pooed more than 3 times... and once she pooed while drinking milk.

Adelynn - Dun worry... Jayden is going to be alright... you have to be strong yah. Will keep him in our prayers.

Been so busy with my little one that I have not had the time to log in for a while. My mum is leaving this Sunday..so the real test comes next week. But so far, it has been tough - he still has the night and day mixed up! So feeds a lot at night, wakes up 2 hourly, and cries and wants to be carried.

Adelynn- very sorry to hear abt Jayden. I hope he does not have to go for surgery..but if he does, hopefully it is a speedy recovery. Poor baby.

adelyyn: hugs! how did u discover he has testicular hernia? poor u and poor little baby. be praying for u and bb...keep us updated

cool: how is ur xavier?

windy: saw ur precious periwinkle pics. soooo sweet. can sms me contact for studio?

ccpet: welcome! sling - kangaroo hold. used it for my FB all the time cos he hates cradle. i used it till he was 4 mths and then switched to having his legs hang out.

pomme: wah seh. how did u get 72 bags?

babyT: u oso anoter super power pumper lor. soooo many bags. haha...now i only have like mb 8 bottles of 100ml in my fridge and i thnk q a lot for me so v happy....but think gonna throw liao cos bb not drinking. i rather latch if possible. so wasted.


if been in fridge for like 24 hr, can still freeze or not huh?

EBM storage

i found a korean one from this forum tt i q like. think 30 bags for about 9 bucks. cannot rber i go look for link and post later.


ladies, i read sev articles online tt says bottle liners not good cos fats in milk stick to sides and got nutrient loss. so my new box ofplaytex liners i got, used only one, and then i put aside liao.

also, u know that frozen EBM got nutritional loss in terms of antibodies so try to feed fresh as far as possible. oh even refrigerated is ok.


hmm i think i will end up going for 6 in 1 . tho the exp forum PD said tt separate better for bbs w family history of sensitive skin. but oh well...6 in 1 save hassle. oso read tt non-combos are actually more efficacious than combo ones. tho some PD and docs i asked disagree.


Rotarix is rec cos tt is against diarrhoea...i find tt v impt cos when we go out or have visitors, how do we knwo if they wash their hands clean after toilet?

prevenar is agst pneumococcal. many other countries like US and aust, macau have this on the compulsory schedule. i gave my fb cos of the region i live in. also rec if u have older chnd in the house or tend to bring bb out. BUT latest research show tt those w this vacc, will be prone to greater risk of respiratory illness like bronchitis.

Varicella - chicken pox. for later after bb is 1 yo.

MMR for 18mo and up. I haven't done mine for my 2 yo.

For me, i am not doing chicken pox. cos to me tt isn't like a fatal thing and doesn't prevent child from chicken pox. what i worry abt this vacc is not enough res for now to show tt it will not have long term effects e.g. will they be more susceptible to getting the chicken pox virus later in life as adults which will be more fatal than childhood chicken pox.

MMR + chicken pox vac: i wanna try avoiding combo shots for vital and optional vacs as far as possible.


hugzz to you, hopefully things are not as bad as what doc say, and if he need surgery, hope he has a smooth and fast recovery.


yes after the ebm has been in the fridge, it can still be freeze, it can be kept in the fridge for 48 hours.

BabyT / Pomme,

so envy of your ample milk supply! my milk supply dropped a lot due to my fever last week, i'd been trying to up the supply this week but still the same, taking fenugreek but think probably my water intake not that much.

re water

how much are your water intake? i wonder how much i should take for milk supply. i'm rather sick of the red dates water so not drinking enough :p i'm drinking soya milk to quench my thirst, what else can i drink? plain water?


hugz* really pray all will be well & Jayden can be discharged fast..u take care too


i think at least 4 litres of water, at least in my case..tat excludes my milo & fruit juice & yacult intake

during confinement, took 4-5 litres of red dates drink


wow ! it is really great to have a good ss..i wish mine is half as good..

Jessica, thanks for your post. I think my baby also has problems sleeping at night, like she will not sleep from 10pm till 2am! I suspect it is colic. Feed her like 10.30pm, 11.30pm, 1.30am and she still cant sleep. sigh. Her rashes seem to be a bit better. I will start to introduce her breast milk today to see if any reaction. I only took milo and bread this morning. I hope it will not be too much of cow's protein inside.

so your niece taking soy formula? any side effects? so calcium intake will be reduced is it? Is your sis giving her breast milk together with soy formula?

sigh... my baby was fussy again last night.. Was fussing from 1am to 5am this morning. gave her milk and she wanted more so latched her on... WHile latching she was also fussing.. then after that wants milk again.. so gave her bottle milk again but she like fighting with the teat like that... in the end i gave up let hubby feed cos i was simply too tired n slpy liao...

Really worried that she is confused between day and night... wondering how to rectify this. sigh.


My friend's baby had a similar condition and underwent emergency surgery too. The little boy recovered very fast, and seemed that he did not feel much pain after that. I know it's going to be very very tough seeing our little one in pain, but Jayden will be a strong boy , so be strong for him too alrite? *hugs*


Just sms-ed you the contact for the photo studio. ;)


Just to share a picture of my little Alexis taken few days ago at the studio.



Yes, I am very happy with our doc. Thanks for the recommendation. The whole c-sect session was interesting, with the anaesthesian, doc and myself chatting away. Time passed by quickly. Unlike the previous time, the whole OT was quite solemn and I felt like a lab rat helpless and being handled.

Good to hear that your boy is latching well now. If I go to LC, got to make apt that coincides with baby’s feeding time? But how to know in advance since my boy’s feeding is kinda haywire now?


Yes, sometimes Seth fart oso very smelly type.


My nn oso need to press in order for more milk to come out. And I also feel Avent Manual pump is better than my medela PISA. I can get a few letdown with Avent but don’t feel the same with PISA. But somehow the amt expressed out is about the same. But my hand hurting from using manual pump, so gg to use back the pisa again.


Hugs to you and Jayden.


One word : WOW!


Aiyo! Alexis sooo sweet!!


Think both oso can.

Nite feeding

I have been handling all nite feeding myself, pump and try to zz before the next 2 hourly feeding. My mum help during the daytime but I usually zzz in till 10am. But now am trying to latch at night coz really no stamina to stay up already. But that intro-ed another problem, now during the daytime, he wanna look for nn to zzz on. Then his feeding time also go haywire, coz after taken some from nn, next feed he taking less. Haiz.

CDA account

How long does CDA process takes? Been around 2weeks+ liao and no news from them yet.

adelynn - your boy is in good hands in the hospital so I believe he will be ok. I know it's hard not to worry, just pray everything will be smooth.

Mama G- maybe try to tell bb when's night and day. Somehow I believe they will slowly understand. Also, when night feed, maybe try not to switch on white light. Get an orange light and use it when night feed, so they will not be too awake.


Hope Jayden will get well asap.


Bought the ridwind today, the pharmacy lady said both also can, but she suggested to drop into the milk.

Thanks pinkyluv and sarah for your advice! Sorry to bother you ah, cos I kept thinking abt my milk when eating sushi. Craving for it for nine mths, plus hubby keep temping me! I gave it to my craving, good food but dam expensive. I treated my hubby ( cannot put this on fb, my aunties may nag nag me).

Oh, ladies, try not to pump for too long, I always pump for min 30 mins, nn very sore these few days, may need to cut down the duration.

CL going home next tue, today is the last dating with hubby. Hmm, we are still thinking abt going out later for chill out at some bar. Hmmmmm.....

my baby has these small red bumps on her face. my CL said is heat rashes, and applied johnson baby powder on her face, it helped. but seems like is getting more, and my CL has left, and I notice her face is really getting worse. i applied powder also no use this time. What can I do about it?? My sis said used drapolene cream. will it work>?

bb - thanks. usually i don't switch on the white light when feeding at night. will just bring bb to the living room to feed while i switch on the tv to entertain myself. haha. else will fall aslp. haha...

nowadays my baby's system really haywired. She don't really sleep after i feed her directly at night. So I have to resort to bottle feeding her ebm and/or top up with fm if she looks for more. now my girl @ 6 weeks is already drink between 120ml to 150ml ebm.. this is alot. i scared she will waste my ebm so will usually give her about 120ml ebm and if she looks for more milk will top up with another 30ml to 60ml of fm. so if she cannot finish at least not so xim tia.

sab - woah.. so cool.. go chill out at bar with hubby... it has been quite a while since i last went out to pak tor with hubby... envy.. hehe

Mama G

Haha, changed of plan liao. We concluded that we are tired, energy level no longer like before. Plus the idea that I got to time my pumping. Maybe some quite time together will be good.

sab - Hehe.. some quiet time with hubby is also good... Quality couple time. It has been quite difficult for us to spend couple time as we still have a toddler to handle. By the time she goes to bed, we are also shagged out liao. haha... and before we knows it, the little one wakes up for milk....

thanks Pomme and BabyT for sharing all your storage experiences! I was passed unused Playtex too but wasn't comfy simply sealing them with twist-wires.

Er, what is SKP and BP, the places where you guys buy the bags from? Thanks!

Pomme, I've mixed before to feed. But after that I read that you mustn't add fresh EBM to already frozen EBM to store, and I dunno what the rationale for this is. Well nothing happened to DS... Heard abt the fish-oil taste so never dared to try my own EBM!

Tracey - how old is your baby? What I understd is this: there are seasons of rashes for newborns. First comes erythema toxicum neo-something, which are red bumps. Then at 2-3 wks, "milk rash" appears, but actually it's got nothing to do with the milk they are consuming. some of these are apparently due to maternal hormones. They go away in a few days or by 3 mths, but our CLs may even recommend herbs to bathe with to help these "conditions," that will disappear simply with time.

Adelynn - keeping u in prayer. Let us kn how it goes...

Oh yes mommies, my DS screams/cries just before he pees sometimes. The CL says this is "niao4 ji2", apparently common with boy infants. Have you all heard of this?... Thanks!

Hi Mummies,

If any of u r willing to sell your Playtex Milkbags, please PM me as I'll be keen to get it fr u ladies, I dun mind if it's been opened. Preferably 8oz & price not more than S$0.12/liner. I can pick up any area. TIA.

Daily I'm currently using 5-6 bags of 120ml for my gal & 2-3 bags of 225ml for my boy.

Mummies using 4oz, what's the max amt u can store & tie wifout it leaking?

Currently am using 8oz liners but max can pour & tie wif rubber band at 7.5oz/225ml wifout it leaking.


Alexis looks so cute =) which studio is tat ?


no trouble at all ;)


same here, never dare to taste cos the smell of frozen milk is already very horrible


Just came back fr a wedding dinner without kyra

last latch on at 7pm, latch off at 720pm..and then pump inside the car at 11pm..quite easy with medela single =)

the moment i reach doorstep, kyra can be fed with the freshly expressed milk :p

PS: today was running late for the wedding dinner cos i was trying to wear this new dress which was ok yday but somehow today just cannot be zipped out despite hb & my mum both helping me for at least 20 minutes

already running late and when we reached the venue, the guards still asked, " wat r u all doing here"

hb replied " we r here for a wedding dinner..

Guards said " come back next year..

so naturally the hubby said, " r u kidding?"

and we were told to look at the signboard on our right which said ready by early 2011

in our haste, we went to the wrong place and i was the one who said yes when hubby asked me is it rasa sentosa..

Pomme & BabyT,

I think u ladies can seriously consider getting a deep freezer, dun waste cos can store 6mths. Normal freezer only 3 mths nia. If cannot clear in time, can consider using it as facial mask, hand or feet soak. Skin sure mei mei!

Super good supply!! I wished I was so kut lat like u two when I had No.1. This time I pump like siao until too tired to wash bottles so now all use bags.

Dun think I'll be freezing any milk since both my kids can clear off minimum 1.1 litres every day. Now I only pump 4-5 times nia. I really peifu u ladies.

Mag - today I soak feet and also let my dogs drink... Haha... Only my elder girl likes... My other girl dare not drink from bowl.. only when I dip in the milk then she will lick my fingers...


U so cute! Let your dogs drink. Supposed to be good for them too lor since so much nutrients then they also can be mei mei.

U soak your feet shiok boh??


Dear mummies

Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers. Jayden went thru a hernia surgery yday morn and everything went on smoothly! He was warded in high dependency ward after the surgery and thank god he will be discharged today! Still in time for his baby shower at 1pm later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

