(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


i can understand u.im waiting for my boi n milk supply to meet before i stop pumping.im so sick of waking up in the mid of night to sterilise,pump,wash and store .

but ur supply is really amazing....



i m using tollyjoy food/bottle warmer. usuallly after warming up ebm, i find it too hot so either i take bottle off warme b4 warmer indicating up (ok) or after warming i cool milk on cool water.


thanks for replying, yah i'm afriad of driving with a brawling baby also, thinking of placing bb in the front seat so that i can attend but hubby scare i too distracted to drive like that.

re contraceptive

my gynae say can't do any hormornes related contraceptive if we are bfg, she only give green light for condoms.

re lochia

mine seems never ending...


im using the philips 3 in 1 , but prefer to just use hot warm to make the milk warm


its really true that u will get distracted if bb is place in front seat as i tried before and given a gentle kiss to the front car,lucky both car no scratches

Hi mummies

can i check if anyone using ERGObaby carrier? Thknking of buying that instead of sling..do not think my hubby will like sling...not sure if there will be any good offer during the coming baby fair...

Went for gynae apptmt last friday..initially had brown staining, after vaginal examination, stain became blood flow like menses..called gynae on sat, said menses cos i do not BF only pump...faint....no pap smear when there is bleeding...

Hmm I do not have good experience with Sealer diapers...tends to leak if you leave it unchanged for too long..not for overnite..sticking to Pampers..maybe will try mamypoko but am told ex...

BTW is it good to carry bb often? was told not a gd idea cos' bb will be "addicted" but books said never such thing as carry too often...


bought 1 pack of sealer newborn and after tat been using pet pet size s for kyra..not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got this diaper cake pressies n inside were all drypers ..dun noe wat size but also ok

Tigerlily & phyphy

thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


turkey is a place famous for kebabs?


welcome =) no worries my ss was also v low initially..not tat it is v high now, but better liao if i drink lots of water n rest well =)


in yr opinion, which diaper is better for nite use besides mamy poko. EQ Dry, Nepia or Sealer?

I have a carton of Sealer but find it too big for my gal at the moment. Considering to by Nepia. Saw yr post and u mentioned that EQ Dry is good - wetness indicator better than Nepia.

aries mum: i LOVE the ergo. i used that as well as sarong for my FB. but w ergo u have to buy special insert for NBs up to 4 mths. this is my review of both http://messangel.wordpress.com/2010/05/26/baby-carriers-sarong-sling-vs-ergo/

oh! my hubby , father and mum all prefer ergo to the sling. cos the sling really needs a lot of practice to get it right. of cos the alternative to sling is the pouch.

jac: wow! ur hubby is turkish! he must be a romantic! hehe. how did u meet? sorry so KPO but think it must be a romantic story to ur meeting and marriage!


depends on which parenting theory u subscribe to, it can be ok or not. but after my first kid i conclude that there is no right or wrong ...depends on u and ur bb. for mine, i didn't have to carry him all the time BUT i had to nurse him on demand for a long time.

some like Dr Sears say you cannot spoil a bb with carrying. in fact he and the other attachment parenting advocates say tt in human history bbs normally slept within arm's reach of parents....and sleepign in diff room etc only recent occurrence. also they cite examples of societies where bb is carried on mummy's back all day.

Aries Mum,

I ordered the ERGO Baby carrier during motherhood fair in June. Should be receiving it this month but I did not purchase the infant holder so can only use when baby is ard 4mths when her head is stronger. I ordered the sucking pad - is meant for baby to bite when they are teething (is organic) so very safe.


My ss is also low. I have eaten alot to food to improve ss but my ss still not there yet. Cannot meet my bb's daily intake. BTW, I am using Medela Dual Pump lor - Pump In Style which is used in hospital de. At 3wks my ss is only total 20 to 30ml per pump. And I pump every 3hr.

I had c-section so I just started my massage last wk. After massage, my ss sometimes can hit 60ml from both side. (BTW, my baby just full month on Sat so I am in my 6th wk)

Hi SarahMay,

I am using mendela pump in style, supposed to be a good pump but still i dont see results. I am at my wits ends. My baby always fall asleep during breastfeeding. I am wondering if i should just pump and not latch since latching is taking too much time and after that I still have to supplement with formula.. I have tried almost everything, taking medicine from gynae, fenugreek , consulting a lactation consultation from thompson medical centre.. nothing seems to help.. wondering if i should give it up.. it has been a very tough two weeks.. think i am going bonkers.

Hi Pinky Luv,

How long did you take before you see your supply going up?

Thanks everyone for your help! Much appreciated

Hi Tiger Lily,

Thank you for your msg. I also tried massage but also not much results..its comforting to know that I am not the only one around.. other people i have heard that they expressed easily 100-200 ml each time.. i wonder what's wrong with me.

I think i am too stressed. Its not easy changing from a working environment to staying at home looking after a baby..

rae: oh yes! forgot to mention massage for breasts can really help. for me i had a lot of blocked ducts. demand = supply...more u latch/pump more milk. latching is v much more time consuming but offers benefits bottle feeding ebm cannot. however no pt getting stressed if latching takes a toll on you. u can consider doing a mix of both? btw, do u wake bb up during feeds? my bb had v bad jaundice for the first few wks so he was often sleepy too.

Hi SarahMay,

I am just desperate to increase milk supply.. Yes, I wake baby up but its quite difficult cos he has jaundice too. I am not sure if this is the cause of his sleepiness but he nursed for just 5 mins and he fell asleep.. I hope the situation will improve soon


rest is oso impt leh. i see my ss drop when i don't hav enf rest. so rest when bb sleep.

oh. i hav papaya fish soap n fenugreek too.

drink alot of water too. after my confinement, my ss inrease a bit - i think is bcos i drink alot of water - abt 3litres per day. I do hear that some ppl drink up to 5litres of water each day exclude soap and other fluid intake.


my usual pumping time is 45mins per session to get 50ml to 60ml. after massage for 1wk, now i only need 20mins per session.

many ppl says ss = demamd. so the more u pump/latch, the more milk yr nn wil porduce.


Yup. Their kebabs v nice. But u stay there a week, u get tired of all meaty food, n from 2nd week, u will prefer magi mee. Lol


Surpisely we meet on a online chat. he was then workin in miami. Then he oso came Sg for holidays.then he transfer bk to turkey to work in bank. Then be ocs of me, he came to Sg to find job cos his bank dun wanna transfer him to Sg. Abit lame.. hahaha

Hi Tiger Lily

Thanks for your msg. I usually only pumped for 15 mins cos after a while the milk flow stopped.. Do you have continuous flow for the 45 mins session? In addition, do you latch or you express only?

I am trying to get more rest but cant seem to sleep.. think i am too stressed about it.. like today, i didnt manage to take afternoon nap though i was very sleepy and tired..

Really hope that things would improve..


Hmm... Thks. We were kinda long distance for a yr plus. But at least now we r together n married n have bb. Lol.. Tats life!


45mins session - i call that power pumping. 15mins pump break for massage 10mins pump break for massage 10mins pump (massage - using the c & u style on the nipple, aroela & breast. (10times)

For me, 1st 5mins always nothing de. My letdown is slow so I need longer time for pump to remove more milk from my breast.

During last wk's massage session, my ML cleared some block ducts for me - she push them to the aroela area. And every pumping session, after 15mins of pump. I need to hand express my nn to fully clear them - u wil know when nn not fully cleared cos' is not soft. hard like a rock.

This wk, although ss drop a bit cos' during my baby's full month party, I don't have time to pump every 3hrly. I miss about 2 sessions. But there is some improvement - no need to use hand to express le. I just tried using hand express - not much milk coming out le. The only thing is I need to do it 2hrly to bring back the supply. (My ML says is easy for ss to drop - just need to miss a or 2 pump session. But to built-up the ss again must be hardworking - either u latch and latch or pump & pump)

I don't latch my gal so often cos' if latch and pump sure no time to rest de. So most of the time I will pump. Only latch on demand - when sher cry and wants to suck nn for either more feeding or comfort.

I find that rest really improve ss cos' for 1st 2wks. I hardly rest all my time spend on pumping and feeding and cleaning my gal when she cry. Sometimes, she refuse to sleep so got to carry her so no time to rest. I dose off a few times while pumping n carrying her.

I make some changes - I will concentrate on pumping while my mum or hb will feed my gal during feeding time. If I m not pumping, I will do the feeding. After dinner, I will sleep abt 2hr cos' most of the time - I will do the nite feeding myself unless I can't handle then my mum will wake up and help me.

Hope my experience helps. Jia You - don't give up so easilier. BM is the best for our baby now, so press on.

Hi Mummies,

I have something to share - my sis printed this -Babies & Tummy Time for me last Sat during my gals' bb shower. Basically is baby exercise to help movement and development of physical skills. PM me if any of u wants - I have soft copy in PDF form. Can email to u.

Aries Mum

the ergo carrier is gd,it distribute the weight of the baby to ur shoulder and ur hip esp if u got big size bb.

u can try out the carrier in the fair.

for me ,i got the sling,2 normal carrier and one patapum which works the same as ergo/beco.

i use sling to put my elder gal to sleep during the 1st few mths and i cant live without it but as bb weight increase,i cant take it anymore and try out diff.type of carrier and finally found one that is gd and within my budget.

if theres a chance to meet,i can let u try out and u can feel the diff.

Hi Tiger Lily

Thanks for your lovely msg. It has been most encouraging. Think my problem is a mixture of baby slow suckler, low milk supply plus me not getting enough rest.. Would try some of the tips that you provided and hopefully things would improve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]).. if i manage to express more than 20 ml, would let you know!

Rae - why don't u join the sept 2010 mummies facebook page... There's a topic on increasing bm... U can refer to that to increase ur supply... Add me on fb, then I will invite u... [email protected]

mummies, is it normal to feel hungry every 3-4 hours when breastfeeding?? I just pumped and feeling damn hungry... Contemplating between sleep or eat...


Feeling hungry during bf is very normal cos the calories of the food u ate have been burnt to produce milk. Maybe u can take a hot drink or slice of bread or some biscuits to replenish.

Tiger Lily,

Mamy Poko is still the best in my opinion. Another 2 options u can consider are Fitti 360 & Goon, good for nite too. I love these 3 brands but a bit too costly for me.

Currently for my 27mths boy, I'm using EQ Dry for both day & nite. My gal is using Sealer both day & nite.

Mag - I buay tahan.. I dragged myself out of bed and cooked Maggie mee... Haha... Pat tor sibei Yao.... I've been awake for 2 hours plus, shall wait till my girl's next feeding, no point sleeping... Oh abt diapers... I notice that nb goon and nb mamy poko size is diff... Goon is slightly bigger, almost like pampers S size... To date (6 weeks) I have used one packet of Goon, and 5 packets of mamy poko... And goon has pee indicator that doesn't work... Never change colour...

BabyT - Can I join the facebook page for sept mummies too? Will add you on fb. Thanks...

Rae - Welcome. My baby seems to face problem drinking directly from me, although she latches on well, she seems to be having problem with the milk flow. So she tends to struggle and keeps pulling my nipple when she is drinking. Sometimes she will cry after she unlatch herself as she is still hungry.. So in the end, I ended up pumping and bottle feed her ebm instead, including night feeds.

morning mummies,

i'm awake since 4 am also, pumped milk, eat, do some work then went supermarket and back...CL leaving today at 10am, so went supermarket to stock up groceries and necessities before being tied down at home.


i love mamy poko too and fitti basic, fitti basic don't have S size, so can't use for bb yet, so in the mean time, i'm using pet pet for day and mamy poko for night.

rae: hmm ur situation sounds like mine. cos of hiss jaundice was so slee[y. so wat i did was pump every 2 hrs n feed ebm most times. but cos i wanted to direct latch eventually i listened to my lc n used only nuk teats. tt i think helped mk transition to direct easier when he was 3 wk old

mama G: cld it be ur flow is too fast?

babyT: u r lucky just 3-4 hrs. mine is like 2 hrly

nigella: shd try fitti 360!

MS dropping.

yes so easy for it to happen. i hvn't pumped like much in past few days i feel tt myboobs aren't as full as before. went out w hubby so much i din bring pump. i lazy. now if engorged i get my FB to drink. hehe...


travis also like this sometimes when he latch on or bottle feed.i still cant find the reason for his behaviour


fifi 360 is gd and i like it.

i don really trust the pee indicator as my gal only wet her diaper in front and my boy wet his diaper only the back.


You are looking for dermatologist? During pregnancy, my hormones change quite badly, the whole body itchy. My Gynea Intro Dr Ang Chee Beng in Mount Alvernia. With the items he intro for me to use, I'm able to control the itch throughout the pregnancy.


I like mamy poko, v soft. But seem like v fast need to change diapers. Abt every 2.5hrs leh. Cos the base padding too soft. But still i like it. I will go buy pet pet S. I used it for my boys, seem good. N tink v cheap. But my ntuc here oso out of stocks. Muz go other place to buy..

kris: hi! such a coincidence. my gynae also intro ang chee beng at mt a! who's ur gynae? i went to his website but it seems he is more into laser cosmetic dermatology than for preg related stuff. how much did he charge? i am wondering if i shd go make appt. my rashes are mostly gone.

jac: for pet pet, do u find that there is some strange chemical smell? and i worked out per diaper cost before and i found fitti basic cheaper than pet pet and somehow the quality is better.

phyphy: where do u normally buy fitt 360? i'm looking for L for my boy but NTUC and even carrefour is sold out!

jac: and oh! forgot to say...your story is very romantic! i can never understand how ppl can hit it off online and get married...cos i tried but never worked for me. hehe.

Sarah May: I think consultation he charge abt 80-100. Actually I have stop seeing him after a few times as when we're preg or BF, most oral med we can't eat. Except tt we can apply the med he give. So i jus went back to buy the med to apply as some contain steriods tt we can't get outside, which help us o recover faster.


agree with the rest, it is a romantic union that u can shared with the kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and next time if i go turkey, can ask u for advise on where r the places we must go for F&E..both hb and me intend to visit it one day and we r ok with kebabs for a week :p


Week 2 is better =)


bought mine from NHG Pharmacy, v cheap, $14.50 for 2 packs for 48s 2 weeks ago..b4 tat the promo was 16.50 for 2 n i bought too much so can't enjoy the latest one

Carrying bb or not

my 2nd son loves to be carried during the 1st few months..if no one carries he will really cries thr house down and his voice is super loud cos neighbours 5 doors away can hear even in daytime and asked wat's wrong..

we asked PD and he advised us that carry if he wants ..how long would u be carrying the child

i think he is rite =) alto it is really tiring for the arms..so i leave tat to the hb whoo has stronger arms

btw, understamd there are some people who buy 2 pumps, 1 place at office, 1 at home..anyone intend to do that

if my ss can increase, will do tat ..otherwise v troublesome to lug the pump ard hor

