(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Nigella: thanks! I hv bought rid wind and given to bb. Hope will b useful. Her tum so round and hard wif all the wind. Hb say she look like those african bb like that so poor thing. Dunno if need bring c pd. Pd also prob just prescribe rid wind right?

Sarah: wkd love to try tum massage for bb. Hw to do? Is it the I love u method that tmc nurses like to teach? Probiotics is mummy take or bb?

Leo bb: I hv been bringing bb out like go church or just downstairs supermkt. Mostly I sling and she likes it

Cool: really pray ur baby will b fine soon. U need rest too and take care

Re breast milk: I hv been giving some bm to my #1 to drink. He is 21 mths and n noticed his poo from normal brown or black color now like #2 newborn those mustard color stools again. So weird is it really cos of our bm? Any mummies also give to #1?


I've been giving my 27mths boy 500-700ml EBM daily for almost 3wks already, I dun see any difference in his poo leh.

If your boy's poo is not hard then I think it shldn't b a problem bah.

Sasha28 - we can leave unconsumed ebm at room temperature for up to 4 hours.

Treegal - welcome. I recently used KCK Food. Received feedback that the food is not bad. Started using them for my elder girl's full month 2 yrs ago and had been using them since. For cakes I used Sweetest Moments.

Cool - Hope that your baby's fine. U also need to take care n rest well too. Hugz.


The nose spray u recommend can be use for infant? Cause hd when to c , they didn't really put that it suitable to be use for infant.


Tried YLS this tine , the food taste so-so but quite a big portion but still prefer neo garden( smaller portion)

Bm for no 1

The poo poo for my no1 still the same no different. Sometime the food they eat will also affect the colour n the texture.


Hope everything turn out well.

Cool: I'm continuing to uphold u and bb in prayers. hugs.

Tigerlily: U mean ergo? Yes, but you must buy the special infant insert about $42 from this forum. I didn't so not using till he is older like 5 mths. I have 2 MIMs slings but not using this time round...dun thnk i can rber how to use. hahahah.

Phyphy: Yes! Sterimar can use for baby. they have a special baby one tt has a special nozzle. i have been using it. Even the so-called adult one...bb can use leh. It's just salt water = saline. Better than the usual saline drops tt most docs rec cos this one's design ensures u don't contaminate solution when use. So u dun have to throw away after one month. I got mine from UNITY. but am sure other pharmacies have.

PAT: hmmm...my son's poo also didn't change colour after breastmilk. but i didn't give him tt much. the most 200ml a day.

Sasha: It's room temp = 25 degrees hor.

Mag: Wow! You super super super production hor!!! Are u feeding EBM or direct?

Baby Massage: Got diff techniques. I use a diff one but found one online...http://www.makewayforbaby.com/massages.htm

Hi All,

anyone here is with Dr Lim Teck Beng at mnt E?

What is his surcharge for elective c-sect b4 7am?n the hosp also surchage? thanks.

Good morning mummies,

Sorry ..me again...

I still have 2packets (72pcs each) S size mummypoko to be sold. Deal at admiraltly Link only or sembawang mrt, lets accomodate a date and time.

Giving away 10odd loose pc of S size mummypoko.

SMS me at 93621700 for a reasonable price.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Hi All,

Seems like all have no success with pram yet. I am so call starting training on bb so that I can let him down and not always carry. Nowadays bb has been fussing once I put him down be it sleep or temp down for me to get somethings.

always Thot bb will like pram as its like car ride bumpy. was at IMM picking up something and he cried so much that my hubby and i quickly went home. as our hands were full we just pram him all the way to carpark. thru out the journey to carpark so many eyes were on us as if we didn't care for our bb. the most funny part when i pick him up and get into car, bb let out a sound of protest as he look at me as if like scolding me.

My hubby and I decided to bring him to park to try pramming him so that he can cry into the open space and no eyes on us.

We are also trying to let him sleep without us having to pat him to sleep. according to books it good to be done as it cultivates independence.

regarding pacifier> its good to give for 2 reason. My client child end up sucking his thumb (end up injured)and refuse pacifier even when his parent want change his habit. 2nd many bb use our nipples as pacifier when breastfeeding. my colleague whose child is already 2 still latching but not really drinking must be using it as pacifier. My CL also confess to me that when she was young and she stay with granny, she actually suck her granny nipple till age 7. when her mum brough her home, she cannot sleep and even when given pacifier also don't want. So if you notice your bb latching but already not gurping down milk, better pull out.


My girl was warded during Day 13 of her life and I know just how your heart aches and the anguish you feel! God has placed Xavier in the safe hands of doctors and nurses and in His Almighty power, He will see to it that all is taken care of. You and Xavier remain in my prayers!

Do keep us updated.

Latching as pacifier

My ger have been using mie nipple as paci.. Did try to pull out and gave her paci. Sometimes work. But sometimes she will cry like crazy wo latching on. And she is crying till the lower lıp was shivering. no choice gotta give in..

Amy mommies notice their bb breathing very hard..

leobaby: hmmm i think the pram is something they just have to get used to. ignore the stares of strangers la. asians tend to like to stare at parents of crying bbs. very rude and irritating. i learnt to ignore. how about trying a sling? those pupsik ones are easy to use cos prefit to your body, no need to struggle with adjusting unlike the sarong sling types.

jacq: my son breathes v hard and makes squeaky noises when drinking. last nite it sounded like he had stuffy nose.

mummy princess: i received sweetest moment cake box before (2008) but i didn't like the cakes at all!!! too creamy...not nice. but must say look pretty.


i learnt from DVD tt the trick is to gently tug it out as they are sucking so they learn to suck it back and keep it in their mouth,

i tried using it twice since last nite cos my nips cannot take it liao.

phyphy, am also using YLS catering for bb shower. U mentioned portion is big. Roughly how much excess? eg if 50 pple can order 30 pax?

Thanks mommies once again for keeping us in ur prayers.

One gd news...baby's spinal fluid result came back negative[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but urine came back got infection, so maybe its urine tract infection....now got to wait for blood test result to be out tomoro then it will be more clear wat infection le... pray pray pray!!!

Mama G,

I am using Sweeties Moment for full mth cakes - distributing the cakes on this wed. TMC FBI card got 10% discount.

Neo Garden for buffet this sat at my BIL place - function room so we don't need to do so much cleaning since I don't have a maid currently. Got 15% discount currently. I heard their food is not bad but portion not so bad. I also order the Nonya Laksa - heard is quite good.


that's great news!

I'm also ordering sweetest moments for cakes which are only a few as i'm ordering cakes for the buffet as well.

Eatz Catering for buffet as i wanted to try something new and different. Sick of asian menu and Eatz's international and Nonya menu looks not bad and not too expensive. I have 2 session too and would like to 2 different menus.


I order for 30 pax and got excess , I think for another 5 pol is no problem


Neo garden , the food is better but portion for finger food is just nice for the no. Of pax u order.

Morning mummies,

My CL is leaving today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

One man show starts this afternoon.. i am feeling the jitters liao. Last night din manage to wake up on time.. really struggling man. The most i can only wake up two times at night.


I used the MIM sling given by colleague.


Ur BM supply is really good hor.. So did you manage to freeze any?


That's great news. We will pray for the fever and the cause to fade away in Jesus's name even as the drs and nurses toll to find out why. Ur babe shall have only one healer who is Jesus.

cool: if uti, it will be easy to treat. y fren's bb also had it. like pomme says....Jesus has gotten healing for xavier at the cross. hang in there. know it isn't easy to see our little ones in hospital.

leo: bb only 1 mth old... think going out into the big world can be q scary for them esp if they hv no warmth of mummy/daddy. so if u really want to train bb to lie in pram, can start by taking short strolls near house. shake a rattle when start fussing, talk/sing as u push. these were some things i did w mine cos i was alone abroad n had to hv him in pram to do grocery shopping. but u must be prepared tt no matter wat...they will still cry for a while.

pomme: how do u find the mim sling? i only know one hold for tt...after 1+yrs still dunno how to do cradle. haha. oh for waking up at nite...tell me abt it. i oso hv hard time.

cool, thats great news....hope bb will be fine and discharged soon

phyphy, thanks...

pomme, next week my mil also gg back her own place liao...wondering how we could hope on our own too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] talking abt night feeding, i must say sometimes me/hubby cant even wake up ..we are bad daddy and mummy..


Hope your baby get well soon!


We seldom wake up for night feed, my cl going back next week, sure jiat lat.

Am thinking of getting a daytime babysitter for a month to help me. I cannot cope on my own.


Glad to know that all is fine. Remember to ask dr what could be cause of the UTI so that future can take precaution.


I agree that bb needs security. He is super alert and refuse to go into deep sleep when out. Even when I carry him around in the house and move into a dark room his expression change to fearful. Brought him out yesterday to park and this time put him in the pram position that faces us (I now know y storke brand is gd as its high and near to parent) He slept for a while whith bean bag on his tummy to ive security and when the lights in outdoor Mac came on at 7pm evening he woke. He is that alert lor. thereafter was fussing all the way... Got a little success lah. Glad also that he is the alert type.


Care to share where are some good plc that we can bring bb and have nursing facilities? I know of few plc... Takashimaya, BHG, Harbourfront. Anymore to contribute?


I latch my gal for 15-20mins n top up wif 90ml of EBM every 3 hrs. I dun know how long my this supply can sustain now that my CL has left.


So far my boy can clear my supply fast so haven't start freezing yet.

My CL just left 15mins ago, I'm also handling baby on my own, dun know how I'm going to survive tonite.

U planning to latch your boy at nite or bottle feed?


Great World City, Tanglin Mall, Vivocity, Isetan Scotts, C K Tang orchard, Plaza Singapura, Marina Square, ION Orchard have relatively clean nursing rooms.


Thanks for info. U don't feed the same amt for every 3 hr? I trying to give my boy 120ml but he sometimes finish all sometimes only 100ml. few so wasted my precious ebm. I have same qns as sasha28 how how can keep unused portion?


I normally pour away 1 hour after feeding has started in case of contamination.


My gal can normally finish her 90ml EBM. My CL said I can give 120ml EBM if i'm too tired to latch.

I hardly go Paragon but I think the nursing room is on 5th floor.


I used YLS 2 wks ago, and food was mediocre. Their standard dropped alot. To me, only their curry chicken n orh ni are delicious. Portion for main course (rice/noodles) is a lot, but for the side dishes is just nice.


My firstborn uses the paci and they oso have their own set of problem. For eg.. dropped out during the night. Left at home during outing (we had to u-turn home to get it a couple of times!). Dropped on the floor during outing and gotta find ways to clean them. And not forgetting the weaning off process. You gotta have a few standby and rotate in case they get too used to the same one (maybe got smell or what) and reject new ones (that's what happened to my gal when we changed her paci the first time)

I am still holding out on using paci for my boy, though I bought one for standby. ;)


Tats good! Hope no further test is needed. My gal had UTI @7mth, and had to go for ultrasound and the MCU/DMSA test which is really traumatic.

Hoping that's not the case for you.


I was thinking of getting the MIM sarong sling type coz still can nurse them while using the sling whereas the pupsik ones cant right? Sling types difficult to adjust ah? Is bb E latching on well now? Did u managed to get a LC? Is it too late to want to latch bb now (6wks+), I think i have enough milk for bb but he is not sucking deep enough.


Yes, me also sim tia to pour away those unfinished feed. My boy was a 90/100ml every 2hrly, was thinking to increase his portion but then pattern changed last week, he drinking less and inconsistent now.. 70~100ml.


Compasspoint at Sengkang has nursing facility. Vivocity also. They hv cubicles for nursing bb and I tell you, if you go there at the "wrong time", you'll be in a queue waitimg for the cubicle with a wailing, inconsolable bb!

I bought a nursing shawl, which looks like the usual shawl i use in office but longer and wider. I've nursed my girl in foodcourt, PD clinic n that's more convenient than searching for a nursing room. One thing about using a nursing shawl or even sling is that bb must like to be covered up. My #1 hates that so i can nvr coax him into a sling or use a shawl to cover him and my boobs up while nursing. Maybe too claustrophobic for him. But my bb girl is ok.

Nursing shawl...

I've got myself one... It's really convenience in the sense that u dun ve to search high n low for nursing room when bb is crying his/her heart out for milk. Also.. U dun ve to give up ur Q just becos bb wants milk. All u need to do is to pop the nursing shawl over u n bb... N u can latch on the spot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL leaving...

My nanny is leaving tmr noon... Hope I will b able to Gao Dim my little tigeress.

mag: wow! u really can express! hehe. but can i ask how come u dun latch and finish the feed all the way?

leo bab: u got the stokke??? drooool. it's very very good lor...but v exp. i dun think i wil invest now tt it's my second kid and i've got 2 strollers already.

starluster: nice to see u here!!! how are u? heard from our doc u were v happy! oh bb E is latching on well now...hardly bottlefeed. but i am left one drippy, sticky and smelly mummy. now i know what i disliked abt latching on. i leak sooo much! i didn't get LC but my friend came and helped me. mb u missed my post. it took me 2.5 hrs to properly nurse him. 2 hrs to try latching him. but tt marathon session did something good i guess. cos by day 2 of retraining he latches on w no prob.


care to share where u bought yours? contemplating getting another one.... and got this thing called BONCHO from this forum BP site. not sure if worth getting but it provides 360 coverage...but wonder if i look like lampshade.


if it's in the same bottle u used to feed, have to discard after 1 hr. tho online research did say can keep in fridge for next feed. i wldn't dare take risk. what i did before when bottle feeding is to have two bottles. use one for feed, and i keep topping up until full. v troublesome but at least it helped me save some milk.


nursing cover

I hav just ordered the Boncho nursing cover on Sat. should receive it by this wk. Let me check it out & feedback to u.

hi.. wanna check if any mummy feel painful nipple when not breastfeeding and just doing your own work? its like the feeling when baby first latch on... not sure if it happens randomly, maybe when baby cries?

cradle cap - i think my boy has it... can just buy those ginvera olive oil and put on his head for 2 hours?

may i know any mummies giving full FM now?

My bb is on full FM and drinks 100ml every 2.5-3 hrs, wonder if its too much or?


rachoho > mine 120ml every 3 hours, mamex tin says 150ml for 4 week old baby. depend on bb lah, i heard a 5 day old bb drink 150ml lor!

for mummies worried about handling baby alone ... if possible get support for first 2 days, esp if like me never handle the bb much during 1st mth.

the first nite without CL was terrible... bb keep crying and i got so frustrated. so tired the next day. 2nd nite was managable... i think by 3rd day will be ok liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

