(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


so cheap the insurance?! My agent's friend did not get back to me about this when i enquire. Can PM me your insurance contact?


Think if oversea u need to get an oversea insurance..

My son lau sai also can claim..80++ dollar..ahahah this star shield is gd..


I think i got 1 pink stamp, but i dont know if i threw away..i need to go hm find..will let u know if i found it..

hi BBL, why lau sai also can claim? the cause must be one of the 5 listed by clueless?

mummies, have u started on 2 solid feeds for your bbs? My bb is about 6 mths plus now, she don't like milk at all, my hubby ask me to give her more solids, but milk should still be a bb's main diet before 1 yr old right...headache.


Cos diarrhoea ma..diarrhoea can claim..

As long as it is deemed to be an accident can claim.. of cos u dont purposely eat unhygiene food to get yrself lau sai right..so consider accident..

phyphy> yup, its cover worldwide. As long as i get the receipt and a note/memo from doc stating the diagnoses and they would convert it to SGD currency, of course lose out a bit due to exchange rate but at least get back some [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i got it when she was 4 months old actually that time HFMD and dengue very "on" in my area and advertisement, so i worried and got it for this purposes actually.

Lao Sai if doctor write "food poisoning" then can claim but if write "Diaroa" cannot. Funny i tot it is the same thing but yeah, there is Key word u need to put to make the claim easy haahaa

My insurance contact is Jaime 91125509 and mention my name - I like her service, very prompt in response. I email her last night to collect my receipt and today she came already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha for insurance in my perspective is "customer service"!

there is other benefits too.there is 3 type of plan - i choose the cheapest one so the amount cover is the lowest but good enough at the moment for my little crystin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For comprehensive health/medical insurance, i choose Prudential for crystin. Thats decided by Hubby and he say prudential more better coverage woh..


Mine got it within 2 week time frame..super fast.

My agent also very prompt..came to get receipt from me n submit for me..dont know wat she write lo..but i got my claim..so happy

By the way my agent is Wang Shuang 81213506, just say my name Shwu Ling..

By the way not earning any commission..just to share this plan star shield its gd..

Get a hospitalisation plan also gd..

yeah she say usually very fast.. but thats a rough estimate.. guess she say longer better than shorter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah my bb hospitalisation plan is with prudential. Starshield is not good enough for hospital but good enough for the 5 items haha

so on yoru claim u wrote Diaroa or Food posioning?

haah yeah mine just came to fill in some basic info and then ask me to sign and the rest she fill it up but you don't need to provide doctor memo? what was writteon on ur memo?

hi yvonne and pommelow, yup the doc did give my boy some powder thingy dat comes in individual sachet. Said it's Probiotics. Am giving him dat twice a day, half sachet each time.

May i noe, if it's ok for me to give him Ridwind without any doc's prescribtion? He used to take this when he is much younger @ 1mth plus.

Oh by the way, my hubby called Abbott Spore earlier to ask for Isomil sample and accding to the snr consultant who answered the call, she told my hubby dat Friso (my boy is drinking Friso) contains Palm Oil which is not gud. And she recommended either Isomil (if he's still having watery stools) or Similac wor. Is it true about the Palm Oil thingy being present in Friso FM and not gud for bb??

Thanks again mummies!

Hi Jin Ong,

I never give my boy ridwind anymore. My pd advised massaging the tummy using ruyi oil to get rid of the wind. Divide the tummy int 4 quarters with navel as the center point.At the middle point of each quarter, massage bb's tummy in clockwise direction for 30 seconds before moving on to the next quarter. Been doing that for my boy till today.

Personally, i think rid wind lost it effect on my boy after he hits 4 mths. Give or don't give also make no difference to my boy's bloatedness.

Jin ong, not very sure about the palm oil thing, y don't u ask friso, their consultant should provide a good explanation to u. I use to feed my bb with friso 1, but change to other brand when she reaches above 6 mths. It is too foamy, I hate it, cause my bb to drink up so many foam n belch so much. I called up friso before, they said several mummies complained about it and they dare to advise me not to feed bb the last few ml to avoid the foam n said when bb drink, also creates bubbles in the bottle, so no difference. Is friso 2 foamy too?

BBL, really?! Thanks! Getting nearer to my target... hopefully they still have the stock. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies, anyone experience with their baby throughout the night is very unsettle? my bb last night wakse up every 2 - 3 hours, crying. Feed her at 10.30pm FM and then latch each time she wake up (maybe my milk a bit little) but usually it is enuff to put her back to sleep if she wake up middle of night. last night 1ish, 3ishs 6ish she keep waking. Eventhough i put her back ot her bed, she also very unselttle. Flip left Flip right. and take quite some time to go back to sleep.

phyphy> i didn't know teething is like that, i tot it is just drool and bitting fingers... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gosh hope this is once in a while thing like BBL ...

BBL > i really o ba kat now... backache somemore..sianz..


so teething affects slp? my bb oso unsettled...i manage train my bb to wake up only once ant night...but now a days he'll wake up about 3-4 times in the night and wake up extremely early in the morning!?


Whooo huge bb..like my son..i haven really weighs him..so i guess he is abt there ..10kg++..


Yes teething affects bb especially at night cos at night where the blood circulates ard the body and bb is sleeping without much movement, the gum will be super painful or maybe itchy..i dont know..they cant sleep well at night..thats wat i was told..so try the teething gel Dentinox..it works for my son..

now the got 2 lower teeth..the upper one coming one soon..

My son wakes up between 615-630am EVERYDAY even on sat n sun..


My daughter oso very unsettle on Tuesday (22/3) My mum found out that she is teething. Keep wanting to be carried and refuse to eat or drink. She apply a bit of teeth gel on her gum. The next day, she was better. Eat and sleep better too.

Maybe, you can check her gum. Wash your finger and run it around her gum like brushing her teeth.

Agree with BBL, teething does affects baby's sleep pattern. My baby sleep between 10pm+ to 11pm+. If her last feed is 9pm+, she will drink at 3am+ (about 6hrs gap). If her last feed is just before she sleep at 10+ or 11+, she will wake up for her milk between 5am to 6am.

Hello mummies, since a few mummies have mentioned abt some insurance plan, may I noe if anyone has compared the AIA's one to NTUC Income's PAID (Personal Accident and Infectious Disease) plan? Which is better for babies actually? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clueless, my gal does that lately too. Unsettled at sleep n delayed bed time. Cranky too. Mil says she is teething or teething soon. But we check Bo Lei. But shd be sprouting out soon

Thanks BBL and phyphy! OK I will take note of the processing duration. ;)

By the way, I've been seeing mummies posting abt their bb's possible teething thus being unsettled at sleep, more cranky than usual, no appetite etc...actuali my boy is the same. But he has one more issue - Lao Sai + lots of WIND which I posted my problem in here yday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wanted to bring him to seek 2nd opinion about his diarrhea, but the usual PD clinic i bring him to closed for reno until 1 Apr! Gosh. So meantime, I'm still monitoring him and giving him lots of water to hydrate him. At least from yday till today, his diarrhea frequency and qty has improved compared to Monday. I chg his diapers until I surrender liao. Use up almost twice as much as normal days! And pity his backside...clean and clean! :p

So far it seems mine is the oni bb in here who kenna diarrhea while teething. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Haiz...

By the way, does any mummy noe if there's any reliable spree for Healthy Times cereal?

HI mummies,

Teething is causing Chavon on and off fever for about 4 days, there was once shoot up till 39.8 which worry me so much. Luckily after given medicine, subsized but temperature fluncture, few nights insonmia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow, BBL/Yoshie,

Good weight lor, 11kg!!! mine only 9kg already buay tahan, luckily helper using their traditional sarong to carry, else if hand carry without sarong, i think tough lor.

So sianz, just called my boy childcare and spoken to the principal about the enrollment for Chavon next yr when she turned 18 months, but was surprise that she told me most probably no vacancy!!! I was stunned, I tot i feel abit pai sey for calling so early and yet she told me the next intake for 2010 is 2013...Now have to search for CC again cos helper leaving as soon as she turn 18 months..

Jin Ong,

U r not alone la. My boy also kanna when teething. but nw is better liao~ juz recover tis week~ also given the powder thingy but stop after i bring him to see the pd at sgh. he say its not gd as in will stop bb from passing out the "bad" things in their tummy. than after we stop giving it he's poo poo finally back to normal colour. cos tat time is dirty green~


Is Chavon feeling better now? Just to share, teething will only cause low grade fever <38 degC, this is what PD told me. From your description, Chavon probably down with viral fever, which temp can shoot up to 40-41degC, come on and off and takes 4-7days to fully recovered. Speedy recovery to Chavon!


Agreed that you may wanna bring ur boy to seek 2nd opinion, is there any other PD nearby? Teething will cause loose stool but not diarrhea (as in many times a day) lay. Glad that he is better now, continue to feed him probiotics, that is the only "medicine" for diarrhea, and can take up to a week to recover from that. Meanwhile you may wanna consider to feed him some "porridge water (in teochew, we call it arm)" and thinning his milk if he is on FM, or switch to soy milk, these help to stop the diarrhea. Hope he get well soon!


hope ur dear chavon gets well soon!


the powder, i understand, is probiotcs. Ur PD said it's not gud ah? aiyo, it's prescribed by my GP who specialises in kids one leh. (Dr Gwee @ My Family Clinic Pioneer Mall). My '2nd opinion' doc who's a PD - clinic closed for reno leh. So can't confirm this with him lor.

When my boy started such lao sai symptoms last Fri, his poo was dirty GREEN n mushy, but once a day. Then come Sunday nite, it changed into watery yellow seedy poo liao. And since Monday I fed him dat powder after seeing Dr Gwee, it was still yellow seedy poo lor.


the other PD is closed for reno lor. Of all times! Chey! Haha...

Teething related loose stools won't be many times a day one ah? Haiz...How about appetite ah? Cos my boy hor, sometimes can finish all the milk but sometimes, give him 150ml and he drink oni half. And refuse to drink liao. Oh, and how about WIND problems? He reali has a LOT OF WIND in him and I can see his little tummy so bloated leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


The problem is, this is just ordinary neighbouring CC. How to manage with 2 kids at 2 different CC, though might be too early, but still can't help worrying my future. Now must start searching for CC neaby my place liao :p


Oh really! Hmm, i think most probably she kena "REAL" fever. Luckily after few nights, she got better.

I also heard about this porridge water, I ever tried to give my son but he refused and rejected, I myself never eat before ^^, so dun really know the taste. BUt old folks said very good and effective wor

Eh, it's not really nt gd la but it will slow down the process of passing out those "dirty" stuff in their tummy so might take longer to recover. Its gd as it can stop them from LS-ing.



Since ur son is in then u should have priority.

The teochew porridge water is tasteless but got smell of rice

