(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


good choice, he is a very steady and skillful gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He delivered my son and i will def go back to him..best of all his stiches were skillful and i din kena infection, unlike after my 1stborn


i went to Dr Yu Su Ling cos i was a 1st time mum and dun feel comfortable with a male gynae ..but seriously, male gynae are ok !

she is really busy, i have to keep asking for her when i was about to deliver..imagine all i see were nurses and i was panicking!


@pinkyluv - so glad to hear that!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My doc fren was under him when she went thru training... and she strongly insist I shud change my gynae to him. Thanks!!


u r in good hands =) and ur pal is a friend indeed ! it is not often that we dare to ask our pals to change gynae, cos it is such a personal choice


Haiz, my hb also dun wan mi to have a male gynae. i shall wait for my next appointment and decide again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everybody,

Today is my wk 10 liao. time flies. May i know who is the moderator for our fb website?

Pinkyluv, did u try honey water to see if it works for u. Today breakfast instead of my usual anmum i drink honey and do feel good too. Took Anmum last few time and throw out.


which is the lady that goes to yoga? Pregnancy memory issue kicking in liao i totally cannot remember. Pls advise what u found out abt the fee. Thank you

Good noon ladies, how is everyone today?

Big welcome to new MTBs!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was mia for whole of yesterday due to being really sick and on MC.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] vomitted 4 times and had so bad gastritis.. now start to lose my appetite already.. haiz

my EDD was brought forward to 10Sep2010 as per the scan yesterday..

inspired by Jessica to post up this pic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Leo_baby-can fly till 3 months.I'm still on unpaid leave after my 2nd boy.he's 6 months old now.

Hv to go back again yo declare preggy again then do ground job.after think no time in sin looo except sat.if I can get on e airplane [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yoga-I go to pure n already ask if u ladies can hv free 1 week trial.just hv to give me ur name n contact no.so I can pass it to them n u guys can call up n arrange the timing urself.

Registration feed will be waived if join.($108 registration fees)

1 week trial will commerce from the date u go.they hv pre natal yoga (for us) n we can do restorative /hatha/yin to. Certain period.

Pre natal is in the afternoon think 2x a week .can go into their website to hv a look.(taka n chevron hse)

Parentcraft too hv yoga for prenatal dunno e pricing though.

btw i have added some of you and joined the group in facebook..

anyone received my request??

I wanna join too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wats the group name? My name's under Christina but not accepted yet leh..

oops... I'm already Accepted... I didnt get the notification... Sorry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wayne's mummy:HI hi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica:erm...hw sep the posts n pictures???me no idea how to le

maybe each mommy post a discussion only on themself....then only their posting... everything all about this mommy in one discussion?can or nto har

jessica:hummmm hv to search lol......think the % is super duper tiny.....i mean those who would join in n chit chat about babies????cars/cameras/phones yes bah

Didn’t contribute to the thread cos last night was very tired and felt esp pukey. Sucks!

Welcome new mummies! Congrats!

Kate: Maybe you’re right. No wonder my son keeps on wanting me to carry him. I try to distract him as much as possible or get hubby to carry. Maybe kids do know something that we can’t.

Karen: my boy’s nipples both protrude in, don’t tell me my twins will be boys!!! I want to close shop liao!

Tinkerstars: why is it not advisable to do mani pedi? I just did both yesterday!

Mango: I dunno if it is due to this but my son’s skin is very good. My mum advised me to eat coconut flesh during last trimester and she also cooked white fungus with coconut I think for me to eat. His skin is so good that even my confinement nanny said she had seldom seen babies with such good skin hardly any “white pimples” when he was a newborn. Maybe can try? Haha! Your story abt ur boy looking gal cracked me up!! Hilarious! Yeah I have learnt not to ask for sex just wish that they are healthy and can be delivered safely!

Chris: Your son is adorable! I burst out laughing when I read it! Must record these moments so that all can have a good laugh in future!

Pinkyluv: Woo hoo to you and hubby! But what I meant was why is it that you were so determined to have a bb in sept this year? Is it the same month as ur bday or something?

thanks aussie bb,I go check it out..

wayne's mummy,sooo good...I m still waiting for my apt to finish reno then decide where to go...

ohh nooo,,adelynn,take care yah?gastric v serious le..since now we cannot take any medication..really have to take care..I added u in facebook liao (^-^)


pinkyluv,I got no option..I need to go see husband and I need to go back and see my parents..so I have to sit plane lor...holiday,I comfirm will wan to go ...keekee

I agree with Jessica,white fungus is better and cheaper!

Jessica,hmm...is it safe to do so?will constrict the growth anot? I think wear a girdle,not so obvious,don't think have to bind bah..hmmm....

Tomorrow going for ultrasound.. kinda expected to hear baby has no heartbeat again kinda drama.. f it..

Jessica, I think shud jus let it 'loose'.. maybe wear a beggier dress to hide the bump? How many weeks r u at currently?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am only at 10 weeks and it's kinda big... I cant even tell if its the bump or its just my fats...

jessica> how old is ur baby at first scan? Mine was 5wk6day at 2nd scan but no hb

hi ladies.. wah.. this thread is moving real fast! lol.

went for my 3rd gynae visit yest.. i saw the shape of my baby! and he/ she very naughty lar.. one of the hand raise up like waving to us.. haha.. so cute..

jessica> my appt is tml, when is yours? im kinda giving up, my #1 hb was found when 5wk6days

Hi Clare,

My new house is under renovation also and I cannot go see them do work liao. Last thur before I know i preggie, I still move house and carry boxes.

Most of the reno is inspect by me, now got to pass to hubby liao.

Linda & Jessica, next week i also going to scan for heartbeat. But not sure can hear liao or not as gynae say my menses irregular, my number of weeks might be lesser.

Btw, any one of you sign package with your gynae, I signed on my first visit leh.

Wayne's mummy,yah..once u know,better not go and see.I was also there when my house was renovation..now I think I will avoid..

I haven't even decided where to give birth yet!haha..either in taiwan or singapore..but most prob in taiwan,coz they got confinement centres.so..I haven't find a gyne there yet..


I do heard alot of ppl saying tat female gynae is not tat sensitive. haiz. i also not sure how le. my hb doesnt wan mi to have male gynae and i also feel uncomfortable . But after hearing all those comments make mi so troubled.

Jessica:even hair dressers i also dun like female...dunno why :p

bird's nest:child may hv sensitive skin if u consummed too much.

binder:no need bah...got bodysuit???should do the job liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]just few hours oki bah.

oh, i already sign cause he give me discount and is quite cheap. $650 for all visits till delivery and include vitamins. 1st visit already cost almost to $200. So I sign on the spot and no need to pay for that $200.

But touch wood, if anything happen, he will do partial refund lor.

Hi mummies,

Been down with bad MS yesterday.

Reg Water birth:-

Dun need to be naked, u can choose to wear a top if you r more comfortable with it. I choose to be naked la. There no needles at all, i dun even do a dip or anything. Is a very gentle birth and i really enjoy it. Acutally wanted to opt for homebirth this time round but is too expensive, so willl stick to NUH.

Reg, My son,

Haha, that the way he is, he loves to talk and is alway full of expression. If we have a chance to meet up, i will bring him along. But he super like to whine.. sign

Hi Mommies, yesterday was another puking day. Thankfully I was on mc so could sleep most of the day away...

Betw, my mom cooked some pork porridge for lunch yesterday, and she boiled the porridge w ginger which helped. At least i was farting instead of feeling bottled up w gases. The longan w red dates drink also helped! I drank it when its nicely heated up.

Cravin for Bak Kwa now...

Anyone if u done blood test on the 1st visit to the gynae? Wat do the gynae normally check on the 1st visit?


i have male gynae for my #1, have only good things to comment on him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Dr Paul from TMC. honestly, nothing to feel pai seh, just treat them as professional - job! btw, any reason why your hb doesnt want u to have nale gynae?


oscar test? so fast need to confirm? tot is at week 12? i went for baby #1, will also go for this bb,think is really good cos you get to know the bb 'condition' at such early stage. but nt sure how is done in aussie.

morning ladies. had runny nose yesterday, so took half day leave to rest at home. suspect it's the lack of sleep.

anyway, i am going on 7th weeks and today, i think i am feeling more of the morning sickness kicking in. the chest area like stuck with something. not pukey yet... but the feeling is terrible.

xiaopang, thanks for the recommendation. i think i shud start drinking ginger stuff (although not too much cos may be too heaty...)

will normal GP give MC if not feeling well from pregnant? I think next time i should do that if really unwell. Don't waste leave cos may need them in future hor..

Aussie BB, not sure whether e plums were from China or Singapore, simply grabbed one bag from NTUC n started wacking. Last nite wacked one bowl of mushroom soup, 20 minutes later all came out...

Wayne's mummy: I signed my package with Dr Adrian on first visit.. cos v cheap S$580 for unlimited visits till delivery inclusive of scan every week, and medication, urine test, etc.

Weiting: Yea i agree that male gynae are better. my first son was delivered by male gynae who is now in raffles hosp.. very gentle v good with stitching, i was walking immediately after natural labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne: i asked my gynae he say i no need go OSCAR test, he just sent me to TMC to do some down syndrom test at 12 weeks..

Linda: Jia you, don b so pessimistic.. i only manage to see my baby heartbeat at 7weeks. when i first visited gynae at 5-6weeks totally see nothing only waterbag.

aussie bb,

I guess its juz the so called "man issue" and i juz told him abt the changing gynae topic and he insist tat he dun really wan mi to have a male gynae. And tis is the onli time when he is so firm in something. Most of the time he will juz give in to mi.

weiting, my 1st visit to gynae was when i was 5 weeks. Just normal check to see if the bag and sac is properly in tact and Dr did a family history check with me - plus blood pressure to make sure my blood pressure level is ok.

other than that, i did not do urine/blood test although i read in books that 1st test will have urine/blood test done. maybe i am stil early stage of pregnancy? not sure lei...

Hi Clare, my cousin gave birth in Taiwan and she told me the bill is quite cheap and the rooms were big. Your hubby is taiwanese or he was outstationed there?

Mummies, do you think is safe to do pedicure. CNY coming, hope to do nice nice leh.

tinkerstars, i also done my 1st gynae visit on monday and they onli check on the blood pressure, ht and wt. Than use vscan to see my sac and also the heartbeat(pretty heng to see the heartbeat at 5-6weeks).

But i'm not sure whether blood test shld be done or nt.

is the heartbeat heard from the same machine? how to know if the heart is beating?

i am going for 2nd visit next week. looking forward to the hearing of heartbeat.

heex....i told my hb to start cookin porridge for me w ginger...ginger tea abit too strong for me. I'm on one week mc due to sudden heavy bleeding on Sat, and in view that I just had a miscarriage last Aug, Gynae wants to be extra cautious.

We quickly wacked a bowl of DIY chicken essence on Sat to boost the HCG level. Fortunately bleeding went down to spotting, now almost all ok.

tinkerstars: from the scan machine can see the heartbeat.. cos it is blinking on the screen


Adelynn, your package is really cheap leh. My boy that time is $550, but now he increase to $650 for unlimited visits as well with all the vitamins, scan and urine test.

My hubby insisted on not doing the oscar test leh. First one also never do, but i quiet worried lor.

Cause i vegetarian, cannot do abortion one. So he say know liao also no use..I really worried lor and can only pray.

