(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Jessica:me too i also chk....once the doc in hkg gave me anti allergy when i was very sick....dunno why so weak but no fever.....just sick....end up i go chinese medical hall....see the "sin sei" ...drink the medical once n oki liao.so....sometimes the GPs also....cant help much la......the best medication is antibiotics bah


Hi mummies,

just went for my 1st doc visit. EDD at 11092010. BB at 8weeks3days now. Can see heartbeat le.

Brought my son along and he kept on aksing the radiologist to take out the baby for him to see.... guess he still dun understand yet.


weishy,yeapz..Iknow Mona..she just gave birth.. (^-^)

Cheery,she is in office in sin dept le.hm...not sure what she working as..

Chris,guess ur son must b excited to see bb~~

took a quick glance and saw the scan =)

chris : ur son is really cute

anyway, just ask the hubby to buy me some bread fr the bakery a bus stop away..so pukey again

leobaby: i wish i can take mc for the whole of feb..sigh* just wan to kon out on bed for a month and by march is 12 weeks liao..i think i should be okay by then

look like this is going to drag for quite some time..

pinkyluv:erm.....think used to be bah...now already A JU MA liao le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


he has many "why" everyday. He enjoyed himself at the clinic today. Nurse offered him sweet, he drank lots of water there cos want to play with the water dispenser.

This birthing will be mine 2nd waterbirth and will be the last. Heehee

Jessica:can understand the frustration.....kids....are hard to handle at times ( many times a day...) my girl also irritates me alot...luckily i hv a capable n patient helper....if not sure she kenna beat up many times liao :p which she did kenna when helper went back kampong :p

lucas was only 2 months old then....so can imagine me alone with 2 months old as well as 2 yrs old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bikini:i went n took preggy pixs too ehhehehhe.ladie su guys should :p es if u gonna stop at 1 or 2 :p

MS;wished i hv it cos i wanna lose weight wakakkakak sorry but the truth la....cheer up babes!!!!! there's always "this " channel here to vent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Can join in? hehe Self introduction a bit.

Nick: bbhopes2009

Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng @ TMC

Hospital: TMC or Mount Alvernia

Baby #: 1 (first baby and clueless)

EDD: 4 Sep 2010

Currently i think i am in week 8.5-9, having night sickness and feeling nausea most of the time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and relatives visiting, trying best to keep it a secret becos haven't 3 months yet... anyone here also doing so? keeping quiet till 3 months...


clueless:hi there :0 dun worry u can learn alot thru mommies here in the forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do join us in the fb too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica> Mine is Dr fong c.w same as yours. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will be visiting him tmr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hang on there! men are generally bo chap. As long you have your lovable kids with you that is a very great gift!

Clueless, welcome!

What is waterbirth?


cos adelineLoo is our common pal on facebook mah , that's y i m asking

i just met up with her on sunday in fact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pls help add mi in too!

I have request to join the grp in fb too~

Nick: hwt

Gynae: Dr Yu Su Ling @ SGH

Hospital: SGH

Baby #: 1 (first baby)

EDD: 19 Sep 2010

Hi Jessica

thanks for helping with the chart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome Weiting, hehe, my #1 was delivered by Yu Su Ling 4 years ago, but after that i din go back to her for my 2nd child :p

who recommend you ?


hehe, yeah actually when i met up with my previous thread for a gathering on sunday, one lady was also commenting have heard abt my plans since so long ago..end up really bingo

anyway, what we did was to BD almost everyday haha in dec after my menses end


huh ?? she is sep mummy ?

i m refering to Adeline Loo leh

cannot be leh, we just met like 2 days ago..she din tell me she is pregnant

good morning,ladies!

Pinkyluv,wah...if can,should take the whole moth of mc la..can gyne give u a whole mth?Ithink no point working when u are tired.yesterday,I was in office and I in a daze the whole time for 4 hours..

jessica *smile* ok?cheer up..know it is tough to handle 2 kids..but must cheer up for ur little on in ur tummy.. now,I see I m fortunate that this is my 1st one and only one thats wat my hb says la..when fustrated,write everything here and release the stress here (^-^)

Chris,waterbirth?wow..so brave of u!!

Hi Clueless crystal!

hi morning everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiao pang, where do u get the preserved sour plums from? are they 'made in china'?

jessica, my first preg was quite different. craved for sour/spicy food in 1st tri, then end up craving for sweet food in last tri, end up having a gal, she's turning 3 in march [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weiting, i just had tom yam noodle soup las friday .....hehee....now i fee like eating fry fish with sambal...

aussie bb,me too!!I feel like eating fried fish!!w/o the sambal..haha..I had been smelling my neighbour frying the fish for the last few days..**sniff sniff**aroma..haha~~~

no le...I just wake up lor..and waiting to talk to my hb,because he is going to work..so waiting for him to call me thru' skype (^_^) I going office from 11am-3pm only today

Weishy,you look super cool in the bikini!!now I can tell my hb y I buy so many bikinis..hmm~~haha~~

clare, so nice, you only work 5 hrs per day? is it on part time basis?

there's a nice place for fried fish w sambal, you heard of Ivin's - peranakan food? i really missed their fried fish and itek tim soup....yum yum...how i wish i m in Spore now ....

aussie bb,nope..I m going back to office just to standby there to collect some stuff for a charity bazaar..I m on unpaid leave at the moment..not working..no heard of Ivin's..where is it?in katong area?

clare, they are in upper thompson and bt timah. The one that i usually goes to is in upper thompson, but it was > 1.5 yrs ago, hope the food standard still as good.I can hardly find such food in aussie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

checkout http://www.ivins.com.sg/


i have think of it before but didnt really went for it.got to go naked ,isnt?


when i have my gal,i hid in the office's panty for the whole afternoon.now not working can rest at hm but find the time pass tooooooo slow.


my hd also like that de loh,he happy he can just go out n meet his friend. Left me n my gal at hm. Then at midnight my gal wakes up,he expect me to bf her to sleep n at the same time wan me to wean her off.

Really envy those that don have ms.

Hi ladies,

Can I join you all.

I just tested positive last Friday and went to see my gynae last sat.

This is my 2nd pregnancy but I cannot remember a lot of things liao as it is a gap of 4 years.

Hope to learn and share with all of your here.

My edd is not known yet as doc say it is still small but i calculated my own, should be end sept.

Hi Clare,

In fact me and hubby is going to Japan in April. We booked the trip in Nov.

I think we will go as by then 1st trimester is over liao.

Is good to go relax. Once baby is out, no more rest liao.

Morning gals....

Wow finally finished reading all the postings!!


I felt the same as u....how I wish i could be on mc or on leave for tis whole month....my ADS started few days back n i really feel like dying.....can't wait for 1st tri to be over soon.


u're a pretty mommy to be[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe, i think my boss would tell me there is no need to return to office if i m really out of office for a month even b4 i take maternity leave :p


i admire u..if u ask me to go on a plane now..i will collapse..even in the car fr bukit batok to IMM is already a chalkenge for me

regarding cold drinks, hehe, i guess my family is not the very traditional kind..my mum said pineapples are fine (scientifically there is really no harm) even when i was expecting her 1st grandchild ..it was the hubby who was shocked

and i do shower every single day and wash my hair in confinement


time not slow leh, i can really spend many many hours sleeping..my fav hrs are fr 9pm to 9am..i can sleep and forget all abt the nausea, the puking, once i even dreamed i have no morning sickness..was so happy in my dream

Alas, when i wake up, it is only a dream


adeline's boy is 22 months =)

welcome happy mummy to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great to go japan in april, can see sakura. I was there not too long ago in april too..really love my trip. We went with Dynasty Travel and i love their service, good accomodation, good food..

and i agree with phyphy, i also envy those with no symptons, met up with my forum pals on sunday and none of them have when i asked..so lucky lor !


if u r a very close friend, i will frankly ask u to switch gynae =)

Hi pinkyluv,

Thanks for the welcome.

We purposely choose April to see Sakura also. I am going free and easy. Never been to Japan before, but i try to do research. At least a more relax trip.

Hi Pinkyluv,

Do u mind to let mi noe what r the things u r unhappy wif her? Can PM mi if cannot say it here.

Cos its my 1st one and i'm really clueless abt all this. Juz hope everything will be fine.


not unhappy lah , but i would say that personally, i feel that the 2nd gynae i go to at SGH for my #2 is more skillful and more you3 xin1

most of the nurses at SGH also went to him

just my frank opinions


i have been sleeping even in the daytime, only wake up to go toilet and for my meals. at nite also no issues even after such heavy daytime nap.

i think i am a perfect candidate for Hibernation

@ pinkyluv - I'm changing Gynae to Dr Tan Hiak Koon from SGH... cuz my doctor fren recommended him... how is he?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm seeing him on 20th Feb.



Oh, ya. i do find her like beri busy than no time also. but i'm not comfortable wif male gynae le. Sooooo many factors to consider!

