(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


i check with gynae, he said better follow instructions and take two..alto i heard fr GNC can take up to 9 a day..

and my gynae said he never see that b4 also :p



So what binder is good for normal delivery? Corset from the lingerie department?? I saw some yesterday on sale but only bought the girdle for my butt and thighs.


ya, i think my gynae gave me the same binder as yours - 3 layer type. I find it very uncomfortable leh, cos the last portion will flap up easily and the folds oso pressing into my tummy..

Will check out the Dale binder that Nigella is talking abt tmr, since I'll be bringing Denise for blood test at MAH.

Ya, me stop ginger liao and all sorts of chinese herbs, wine, etc. Tried sunning her in the morning onli, no evening sun at my place leh. U sun her at home or bring downstairs?


sound like soon there will be good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you and enjoy watever u can ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sigh* the clothes r mean for 0 to 3 months lor..but she is so Teeny Weenie.. i think i will nick name her Teeny Weeny ..


was ur #1 c sect or natural birth..and how many kg did u gain then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am pondering to open up my binder or not ..still intact in box

size m is what the salesperson told me to buy that day ..

alto i self measure is size s lor

the measurement are here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i mange to struggle into my Nu Ren Wo Zhui Da largest size fr westmall pushcart ..think not bad leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the pushcart is outside G2000

pinkyluv> newborns will grow very fast, so don't worry, her clothes will fit nicely very soon and then she'll outgrow them! :p

jynnsan> i remember mag told me to start on the fenugreek only when my milk supply is machiam dwindling and i want to keep it going etc. i think of it as when engine weakening liao, then turbo-charge :D


think both kyra and denise are too small for their clothes eventhough they are NB size.. Denise's hand can even slipped out from her collar.. and her pjs are wore in a hip hop style, super baggy lor.. LOL

Btw, I nicknamed Denise - 小不点.. :p

pinkyluv> thanks for the sizing info! i go check with my gynae this sat morning then sms you, can? i know they provide one binder liao, but i'll probably need another so i can rotate and wash...

In anticipation of D-Day H-Hour

My out-of-office message, pasted on my computer monitor:

[my name] will be working from home from 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2010 in anticipation of D-Day H-Hour....

She is contactable via office email, MS office communicator and mobile phone @ 9XXXXXXX.


I read your "fantasy labour" and really laugh until peng!!!!

My boy asked me how will mei mei come out. I told him need to use magic wand to hocus-pocus and mei mei will come out of mommy's tummy. So this will be my "fantasy labour"... or rather, "fantasy no-labour". :D

Or maybe this other one: I wake up one fine morning and discover that I can lie on my back without pain and my tummy is flat (right! flat! dream on!). And suddenly, a stork fly in through my window with a pink bundle and smiling, cooing baby that doesn't cry/poo/pee. How nice! Now that's my "fantasy baby"!


All your Swensens ice cream mooncake just make me feel like I want to march over to Swensens now to buy some and eat before I have to "fast" (from goodies) for 1 month!

OP> my fantasy was always to have my baby magically teleport himself/herself from inside my tummy into the world... :D then within a week, he/she can also express his/her needs and desires so i know what should be done...i think mine is more fantasy :p


yes, i regret not doing tat, now neck long long to wait to 1 months


no worries, take ur time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Out of office

hehe, i think my women instinct not bad, i set out of office since 27 Aug, the day of my JB trip..emailed my colleague that nite just in case I go into delivery ..28 Aug go SGH .

anyway, i set until end of the year..my last day of ML is 18 Dec..will continue with 10 days of Annual leave bah..see how it goes

or go back on xmas eve cos my wedding anniversary on 23 Dec

PA: so sad no extention of ML during rally speech ..

FENUGREEK: Wong BB from TMC told my friend with twins can take up to 6 a day. Also, can take actually week before birth. If wait till MS dwindling...then erm, u wait longer for it to build up. It's a herb...not medication. Meds like maxi-something are prescribed by docs to increase MS but i rather take something natural. Btw, docs normally don't comment on natural/herbal supplements as they don't read up or research or believe much in them.

OP: Hahah...you very farnee. Stork? That's not really fantasy...more like Fantastical liao. haha.

Badfifi: Teleportation. Read too many sci-fi books liao la u! hehehe.

shinchan: Hi hi! nice to see u here! Hope Denise's jaundice clears up soon. My PD told me to sun anytime before 10am, and after 5pm.


oh! don't worry...i had natural the last time but took ages to find a masseuse i liked. so started only 4 weeks post birth. still work miracles! if u breastfeed and don't eat junk after birth...sure can lose! only thing is stretch marks is harder to rid off!

haha, Sarah May & Op

if all ur fantasy can come true, i surely wun mind having another baby lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just super glad the torturing moments at labour ward is over


Can take a photo of your nu ren wo zui da and share? Can't picture what is that leh.


So i can start to take feenugreek now? I am scared scarly i got lotsa os supply and end up with engorgement. My colostrum has come in liao..


i got the member card as well..think got some discount..u can get from me and go & buy..or u ask them whether giving them card number is okay



personally i suggest u wait and see after birth at least 3 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] regarding fenugreek

pomme: you can afford to wait too. else if u want, u can just ring TMC parentcraft to ask? hehe. for me, i don't see any harm in taking once u have popped. cos for me, i was induced the last time...my milk really took like a week or more to really kick in.

pinky; but u can be kinky still in your final stages! that's amazing lor. told my hubby but he is just not sold on it.


the nurse will help to remove and put back my binder everyday when my gynae came to check the wound. i think cos i kept reminding them, even in the OT, this time i don't know whether they will remember cos i'll be under GA.


i had c sect for no. 1 and i gained 14 kg for my 1st preg.

Now doing last min packing of stuff to my dad place . Contraction get worst when I rest or sit down.


Gd luck to u too. Keep telling hd that I don wan to go hospital so soon

sarahmay> thanks so much for the article on fenugreek! i didn't know there was a potential risk if it is combined with heparin until i read it. phew!

jessica> abt dangshen as a no-no, no leh, i don't think so. i've been on dangshen for years and i'll most probably be drinkng dangshen water during confinement also... i can't say for danggui lah, cos i don't take that usually...


Last time when I took fenugreek (abt 6mth after boy is born), the BM got weird fenugreek smell. Some bb not used to it may not like. :p


Ya, agree with SarahMay, you go hosp still pattern many many! :D Trying to role play Doctor n Patient is it? Hahaha!

Doc: Come, I do VE for you... *snigger* *rubs hands in glee*

Pat: Doctor.... Oh Doctor.... Don't..... Don't..... Don't stop..... *moan*

Doc: Oh, only 2cm dilated. I know just how to speed things up. You want? *snigger*

Pat: Oh Doctor! Anything and everything! Give it to me! Give it all to me!!! Now!!!

Okie, the rest of the plot, Pinkyluv can continue...

Hehehe.... ;)

help ... pinkyluv, adelynn/ others with experience... i'm at day 2 with no milk... leaving tomoro. what should i do... have to formula feed from tomoro? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

diamantz: i only got milk on day 5.. so beginning i give baby formula. took some bottle formula from kkh when discharge.. then go home buy a tin of Friso for baby. don feel sad, milk will come in slowly. cheer up k? hugs


I'm not experienced mum but jus to share that I oso gave FM to baby till supply kick in on Day 6. Dun be upset, jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diamantz, for my case, even no milk on day 2, I just keep latching baby on. Babies have ebough reserve for 1st 3 days. By day #3, abit of milk shld kick in, which shld be sufficient to satisfy baby. If it doesn't, just keep on latching baby on. That's what I did. by doing that, ur milk supply will kick in a lot faster, although you wilk get sleepless nites for at least 2-3days.

Good luck!

Numb hands: any mummies experience this during confinement? This is my 2nd confinement and its happening again. My mum told me its because I touch water... Sigh, but how to NOT touch water? Any remedies?

Wow...lots of mummies have just popped! Congrats to all mummies who have just popped! Have a good confinement.

Jiayou for those on her way and on queue!

Talking abt BM, milk also got nothing during my stay at hospital even though they brought Medela Latina for me to try to pump out something.

But my BM finally came in on Day 6. Now, already Day 12 but still only 20 to 30 ml added from both sides every 3 hours. Very pathetic! Haiz...

So everytime has to add FM for bb. Demoralising.

As for Fenugreek, I haven't started taking becos I tot couldn't take during confinement. Also, I m now taking one medicine subscribed by gynae to help me to boost up milk supply.

Just want to share that I have bought one bottle of Fenugreek from this seller before my delivery. And have received the order.

This is the link that i ordered from


jacqueline, congrats!

phantus, ur boy is so cute!

lsb, u power sia.....induction pill in u still can shop ard!

nigella, how much is MAH selling the dale binder? if buy now, buy what size? our size now or 1 size down?

pinkyluv, i keen lei...but ur place too far for mi le...anyway, saw that badfifi keen too and she live near u...so better let her haf it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

phyphy, seems like u due soon......dun think will see u at ESH.....haf a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm up at 1am. Sigh...still no sight of bb!!!

OP: u change career la. where got admin work? think u better suited to write tv dramas man.

badfifi: phew! check w ur doc?

jessica: acmamall? they're pretty good. have you tried bookdepository though? it's uk-based but free shipping internationally, and books are slightly cheaper from there even after conversion.

LSB: anyone has any updates?

autumnkumiko: wow! ur pumped out amount more than mine after 2 mths lor!!! hahah... do u oso latch?

diamantz: don't be upset!!! my ms really pathetic for long time i rber when i pumped. u can cont doc's meds or fenugreek. just don't get upset w urself! cos that can affect MS. u're doing ur best for ur bb oredi.tt's what matters. oh! are u having malay massage? can ask the aunty to help massage ur breasts. really helped in my case cos i had blocked ducts that interfered w milk being expressed. milk waas produced alright but not having exit. so what i did was to continually massage breasts as i fed n pumped.


think safer to play safe to wait till after bb is born? tho i rber some friends telling me they started just before being due.

i dunno abt weird smell...but my boy never complained. my hb never complained abt my BO oso. from the article, it's suppsoed ot have maple syrup smell....tt's sweet leh. dun mind!


hmmm i took like MONTHS to get 30-40ml from BOTH sides pumping la. Anw...took comfort in tt if i latched, he was satisfied and everyone just told me suckling gets more milk out than pumping.

Btw, i nursed for erm close to 23 mths despite my v lou-ya expressed MS. guess with expressing just have to be more hardworking and xin ku.

All Expressing Mums - JIA JIA JIA YOU!


don worry , ur turn will come soon

bb Travis pop out on 2251 hr n is 2.99kg,39 weeks shape. Gynae est weight off by 0.01kg

admin hospital at 9pm with 5cm diluted , HD n me was thinking wow that fast .

Nurse called gynae and she's out in town happy hour Liao. She say she will rush back .

Gynae bk n chk ve 6 cm Liao n she brust the water bag and put ne on drip to speed up the process. Indeed it is very fast, nurse keep asking me got poo feeling or not n . Finally got Liao n nurse say do ve chk n gynae say no need . One scream n travis is out with 2pushes.

But after that the drip effect contiune making my tummy contract and it Lasted till 12 mid night.

Horrible feeling .

Ok continue tomorrow

Congrats phyphy! Ur faster than me! My bb girl's out @ 2354 hrs (still 2 sept) n think she's so far the heaviest born @ 3.65kg! Hahaha... :D

Gynae commented tt my GD condition has 'nourished' her well..

Tried BFing her @ 0145 hrs but she's more into catching her beauty sleep than my breast.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] gonna try again 3 hrs later

Oh ya.. I did it w/o EPI.. Only had laughing gas (my LIFE SAVIOUR! So mummies who r gg for natural, pls take note!) Wohoo!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gonna catch some sleep b4 i post more... Jiayou to the other mummies in waiting! U CAN DO IT!


Wah seh! 3.65kg! You're power! Congrats! Tell us more abt ur story tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats again!


nice weight. Yes mummy got GD ,bb tend to be on the bigger size.

Bfing now n bb travis is pro in sucking and now my hands are free from Travis . We are in the laying down position

eyes almost half close n still got to bf for another 15 min. My bottom part is in a mess now

Need HELP... Any mummies here have experience of having bad dry cough during advanced stage of pregnancy? My baby is due tomorrow but I have been experiencing bad dry cough for a week, esp at nite and cause urine incontinence, sleep deprivation and stomach really hurts. I barely close my eyes for the past 3 days. I consulted doc but the medicine given does not really help. Anybody has similar experience and how u deal with it? I m exhausted and really cant imagine keep coughing during delivery process....

jessica, diamantz

I totally agreed with you on NUK teat. Yes, Parentcraft advisor told me that even no milk is ok, just let bb suckle and suckle, slowly the ms will kicks in.

In tmc, they use nuk teat, and bb drinks well. I was csec, so day 1 cannot even sit up to bfast bb, so use FM until day 2 when I can sit up, let bb suckle on even when I know there is no milk yet. Then, abt end of day 2 the milk slowly kicks in. I even borrowed manual pump to pump something out, in hosp only got 5 to 10 ML only.

NUK teat

My bb doesn't like pigeons teat, went we got discharged we couldn't feed her well as she kept fussing ard, hubby run to kiddy palace to buy various teat but bb doesnt like them. Only when we realise that kiddy palace also sell NUK from hospital nurse when she was admitted for sun tanning. We rushed to buy it, and bingo, she drink from bottle well.

So is impt to find out which teat suits them.

lsb and phyphy

Congrats! Both your babies are of very good weight. rest well ya.


Where are you? Have you pop? jia you, jia you!

Looking forward to hear from you.

And yes, it was nice catching up with you... Thanks for waiting for me to at the clinic, very sweet of you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Shirlynn - I had very dry throat and nose any a week plus before delivery... I think it's caused by hormones cos the moment I delivered, all these were gone almost instantly... Don't worry... Just remember to drink sips of water during ur labour and don't scream too much... U can do it...

Any mummies awake?? My girl's last feed was 12plus almost 1am, until now she wake up but never cry for milk, she's playing with herself.. Should I go and kiao her to bf?? Ydae was day 2 and she had 3 diaper changes of poo poo... And I'm in between giving her bm and also bottled fm (cup feed)... She's been drinking abt 5mL of fm, bm she will keep suckling cos she's dreamfeeding, so I let her latch 30 mins instead of 15 mins...

