(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Linda;sure will let u know which ones he giving me...usually he gives multi vits only le....i remmebered the last time i told him i got myself....even multi i also didnt get


Weishy> i see he give other MTB the bottle one.. He gave me the blue box ones..when u going to scan?

linda;dunno yet heheheh hubby coming back on 1st feb so hv to ask him....probs 1 st week of feb bah...scared he go for holiday...any idea??? is he going naywhere?

do we sign the package now???or later cos the last time i went ot see him when i was 5 months liao....friend recommended me to him ,cheaper n mroe flexible (compared to my previous one...felxible too btu ex le....cant afford so much )

Adelynn: Sorrie to hear your symptoms so bad...hang in there ya. My gynae told me it will not get worser than 8 months.

Pinkyluv: For my first pregnancy I also had no symptoms except for bloatedness. I din even realised period late. so sillie right? when I saw my bloated tummy I thought it was wind and weight gain so I used osim slimming belt. Later when I found out I was pregnant I was so concerned whether the vibration will cause harm to foetus...

Weishy: thx for the advice i tink i may end up in Mt A too bcos of the charges.. cannot afford too expensive hosp.. hehe

adelynn:actually almost teh same but hor...they really charged everything

so first time mommies,u can actually decline those afterbirth sanitary pads/bed liner/diaper/wet wipes/cup of water in the morning to wet ur mouth(yes they charge for this le)

probs the 1st pack of everythign u can let him charge u...cos maybe u dun wanna carry so many stuffs to the hospital...but dun ask for extras cos chargeable....will be mroe ex than u buy urself loooo.

nothing to eat at TMC unless walk opp the coffeshop ( for ur hubby la )

mt A too though ehehheheh.but though mt A not as new but more peaceful.....TMC abit commercial

Phyphy: I know!! It’s very likely that I’ll vomit in front of someone!! Or worse, ON someone!! My standard response to questions will be that hubby and I are trying for baby #2. Then quickly turn the tables and ask them, so when are u getting married? Got bf? When’s ur next holiday? Etc. Hopefully will work, if not I’ll just excuse myself as I probably will be busy looking after my boy.

Pinkyluv: Thanks dear for updating!! As for the ADN, you’re not alone! Ha! U actually used my acronym!!

Linda: No point worrying, not good for u and baby. Just rest well and take care and wait till next scan.

Dear all, this thread kept my spirits high amidst my puking. I just spent the last 2hours reading thru n realised my puke is normal! As it is my 1st pregnancy, kindof worried if my symptoms r normal. Visited Dr Adrian Woodsworth on 9th Jan n scan to see thickening of sac only. Also did urine test. Didnt like him coz he didnt congratulate me! @#*^%& I had to hide my 'ecstacy'. Later realised he didnt tell me how many weeks i am n whats my baby EDD. And so I felt pretty lost n 'alone' - trying to hide my pregnancy before frens ask me questions that I can't answer. He asked me to return around 22Jan but I didnt want to see him again n dun wan to spend another $160.

Anyway, I finally source Dr Lawrence Ang from this forum n booked him on 1st Feb.

Hope it's the right time to see Heartbeat!

My last LMP is 29Nov n I suspect I ovulate late like 20Dec. What u guys think? 1st Feb is ok?

Laraine-can go bit later also oki but 1st feb also oki .

Erm dunno he will congradulate u or nt le......his style is fastforward type.gt quetions can ask as many as possible but it's chop chop .scan is 3d he will give u the photo each time also fastvfast one.be prepared la.

But when comes to the real biz....he's pro lor

my frineds all natural with him n stiches all nice n no problems on healing

my case -c sec also good cos 1st bb was abit painful but 2 nd done by him much much better.dun even need painkiller e 2nd day Liao.can walk/pee/poo I chk out "hotel " 1day earlier cos dun wanna waste $ since just sleeping there ma.n so boringggggggg

Hello Laraine,welcome~~

I think 1st feb can see heartbeat liao..

Jessica, I also wan to put on make up but too lazy..last time,I m those kind even go buy newspaper,also have to put mascara one le..now~I dun even put sunblock.(I m super vain..haha)

Linda,try to worry so much yah?relax...

weishy> Im going back next fri if it helps.. I never go TMC cause near novena somemore need to sit bus, might as well sit all the way to sembawang

Jessica> this isnt helping :/ i already had one miscarriage...

Luvless, clare> Thanks.. but if you all miscarriage once and tio this time.. dr tell u like this you all wont worry meh..

Cookiepig> Hey!! U went to dr ang right, did he give u a blue box of folic acid?

weishy> semb i just walk over,and i bringing stroller and baby so its more convinent for me.


im in the same case as u.

1st gynae visit (4weeks) - cant find anything

2nd gynae visit (6weeks) - sac irregular ,bb too small

3rd gynae visit (7weeks) - bb grow very well

it really mades a lot of diff. Btw 6 to 7 weeks.

I know some gynae are so cold n insensitive in choosing the words they use. Me too roughly know when i O,n i told my gynae but she insist to use 28 days to cal. My due date.anyway last week have proof that im right on the due date.

Relax n focus on resting

linda : I know how it feels like to lose a bb before.. but worry wouldn't help the situation like I had this morning..I m getting v bad tempered towards my husband,and it affects bb...my mil told me in the face must relax for the sake of u and ur bb,it is easy to say,difficult to do..but still have to try lor..*hugs*

I just went for a scan early morning coz' I was having bad cramps and hip/pevic aches last nite and was spotting suddenly.didn't really see much just a black dot coz only 5wk + 1 day,but now it seems my EDD is 1st oct according to the scan...I think I m in the middle of sept/oct..

Hello mummies.. Wanna ask those expexting no 2 or more... Hows yr 1st child reaction to yr preggy? Frm last week on, my son cries everyday when he needs to go sch.. And he sticks to my mum (care taker) like superglue.. Even like nw weekend my mum go back her plc, he refuse to follow me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feel v sad le... Haiss

yes i also having some ache at my hips sometime, wonder if its normal..


I dun even ve the mood to put on my skincare sometimes... Dun even need to say makeup.


I guess no matter how pissed/angry/frustrated we are, we must die die try to lun. Pple say if u always feel angry ur bb will turn out to ve very bad temper. I know it's hard (esp so for my case as my 2 kids are driving me mad almost EVERYDAY n my hb will play his pc games like there's NO TOMORROW). Haiz.

weishy thanks!

yup folic acid is impt to prevent/decrease incidence of neural tube defect. and rem dun drink green tea! read somewhere that the antioxidant in the green tea will negate the effect of folic acid...

Laraine, yah read in some forums that Adrain WW is chop chop kind, wun say more than necessary... so depending on your pref.. when i asked him abt the side effects of my med on my bb he also gave answer with a straight face, emotionless.. but my hubby told me it is good that he is so frank abt things lor.. good luck for your visit to Dr Ang!

oh, qn... have u girls told your frens/company/relatives abt your pregnancy? really must keep till after 1st trimester?


wonder is it just me, but I've been experiencing bitter taste in my mouth everyday! Which kinda result in weird taste in food in watever I eat. To me... Food taste a bit bitter to me nowadays.

Linda-oic better la.how old is ur bb now?

Adelynn-my girl was oki cos before she s not a siperclue type .after 弟弟 out more sticky looo.jeolous ma.

Me also 5 weeks now bah-wait till later then go chk.abit of spotting too n cramps.past 2 pregnancy also like tat but nothing serious .

So ladies just relax n rest really .leave everythig to fate n whoever u believe there la


when I was preggy with my #2, my gal was ok, however was a bit more attached to me. But when my son was out, her character seemed to turn 180 degree. She became v naughty and attention seeking.

Hopefully with my #3, I won't ve to go thru the character

change in my kids anymore (pray hard) else v v v siong. But I do feel they are v v attached to me again.

V sad le like tt my son v odd already totally dowan me zzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

No choice jus tk it as time off during weekend to rest ba..

Mango-ohhh think my #2 won't be bah cos too young Liao hehehe.who knows.#1 already know wat it's like so won't be bah.

Usually concentrate more on elder if nt sure very naughty

Linda, hang in there. We'll all keep our fingers crossed for you.

Mango, food is starting to taste a bit funny to me too. But I don't have a bitter taste in my mouth. I just taste something and suddenly I want to spit it out...

Actually, even my sense of smell is funny nowadays. Although I don't have MS yet, everything's harder to digest and I feel so bloated after eating. Then when I stop feeling bloated, it's time to eat again...

weishy: ya, it's quite funnie when I think about it now, but that time me SO worried I caused harm to baby without even realising! Gynae kept convincing me that because our womb offers quite alot of protection from shocks and stuff, my foetus should be well-protected. Thankfully he was right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelynn: how old is your son? Mine coming to 3. So far his reaction to my pregnancy is quite neutral. He din exactly welcome the news... but din show negativity whenever we talked about it. His daddy told him that he and the baby bro/sis will exchange gifts, and he was pretty excited about it. He wanted to get a birthday cake gift from the baby. Some days when he is in good mood, he will tell us how he will protect the baby and help the baby. He is now training to nap diaperless. We told him that once he is good enough without diapers, he will be a real big boy and won't need them anymore. He was happie to give the diapers to his future sibling.

Adelynn: Forgot to mention I'm a sahm without helper, so most of the childcare stuff still left to me. I think because of that I don see much diff in his treatment towards me.


wats ur son age? So far my gal also don give much expression when i talk to her abt the bb inside. Shes 18mths only. Her attitude towards me still quite ok,maybe cause i still bf her. I have already wash my hands off my gal daily needs.

I ask her before whether she wan to c the bb inside me,she shake her head. Acutally i find that it maybe too early for them to detect or feel anything esp now our tummy is still not shown.

Kate n phyphy: he is turning 5 tis yr.. He actually requested a sibling tts y i decide to try for 2nd one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can sense the loneliness in him.. But i can say my boy is v sensible as nw adays when i offer to carry him he will ask me "gt bb inside can? Wont bb feel pain if u carry me?" hehe.. But jus weird y he whining for my mum more..

He jus called me tis morn n ask me to fetch him hm n say he loves me. Going to b crazy cos of him!! Nw on the way to fetch him at west side of sg.. Zz

jessica: my hub didnt acc me during my 1st preg due to wrk commitment, but tis time round i m seeing gynae in the evenings he hv no excuse to avoid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When I was pregnant with #1, my mouth was bitter thruout the pregnancy! MIL said if bb boy, mouth will taste bitter, hence mothers prefer sweet stuffs to eat. If bb girl, mouth no difference. Hahaha... but my #1 is indeed a boy. Now my mouth has no any different taste, hopefully really a girl lor. =)


I have not inform anyone else, only hubby and I know about this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with #1, the whole world know coz we couldn't keep the excitement. Now, just don't see the need to spread the news so early. Wait till I go for my 1st gynae visit to confirm everything's OK then inform bah. It's really up to individual, see how pantang you're.


My son who is turning 3 said he don't want another bb in the house! Hahaha... but I convince him by saying, bb will give him Murdoch (character in Thomas the train) when he/she is out. With that, wahh... 360d change. Straight away say "ok, I let bb play with my toys too..." Now my problem is, I NEED TO FIND MURDOCH! Hahaha... but overall, no changes yet maybe coz he's very sticky to me all along since birth. I'm a SAHM.


My hubby seldom visit gynae with me. I don't mind him not visiting together coz I don't feel it's that important for him to be there all the time. He only visit with me during 1st appointment and during detailed scanning. Rest of the time, I'll rather go alone. Hahaha... even when I was in labour ward, he also not ard.


Don't worry too much. I know, easier said than done. Maybe you ovulate late, that's why foetus is still small.


u r just a super lucky lady, not silly lah =) i always very impressed and amazed with MTBs who can discover their pregnancy after 1st trimester ! all i can say is i wish i can share their luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, osim belt is worrying, lucky all turn up fine. heard the vibrating no good for womb, i scared to use even 3 months after confinement


wish u all the best , keep the thoughts positive k..


my hubby have not told his pals or parents , he said after 1st trimester haha, but i think probably CNY lah..he is quite a cautious guy..but as opposite attract, my character and his differ

So ever since i heard the heartbeat, i have informed my pals hehe..really very excited abt the whole thing maybe it is because this will be my last child

thanks for sharing abt green tea oh gosh, look like i better stop


actually i do fix appoint appointment to coincide with the days hubby has no meeting :p


my 3 yrs old gal tells me there is also a baby in her tummy when i tell her dun sit on mine cos mine has baby ! my going to be 2 years old son still kind of confused


welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update after u furnish us teh details


hehe, very apt , so can copycat to use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maternity bottom

start wearing liao..very comfortable ! =)


my carving is those kind that limit to only food that wun make me puke..today i m thinking of KFC mashed potato

actually every preg i crave that...beat me why


this is my #3, but my hb still offers to go with me and surprisingly he seemed more kancheong (asked my gynae questions) as compared to my previous rounds. Maybe more experiences thus now wat kind of questions to ask? Beats me. :p

Jessica> i already "very prepared" i already had a miscarriage before and almost took my life at that time so thankyou.

PinkyLuv,badfifi,clare,phyphy>Thank you

Frostee> I know when i ovulated cause i used OPK so only hope is that implanted late.

weishy> My baby going 1 year old in feb.

phyphy> i truely hope my case is like yours..Im already "prepared to see no heartbeat.." if this time still a loss.. i think if this time is a loss... i already dont know how.. i really feel terrible..

Linda: Don't worry too much. Try to think positive or not think about it at all, though I know it's easier said than done. Sorry, didn't really remember your earlier posts so not sure what your problem is, but just be hopeful.

Me also had my own problem. I went to see gynae today, and was informed I had a blood clot (that's the reason of my bleeding last weekend). This week was ok for me so far, no spotting anything. Doctor prescribed me 1 week of mc, and advise me to rest. He said hopefully the blood clot would go away, or when the baby is much bigger, it won't affect so much. When i hear this, really feel very disturbed. It's like a ticking timebomb. Also, I had sugar in my blood, tho this is not so much a problem yet at this stage.

Good thing is baby seems quite healthy at this stage, I'm almost at end of week 10. Bb is 2.93 cm, hb 120+. From the scan, I can even see baby's hands moving actively, like boxing. Was very relieved to see it's active.

Anyway, may all the MTB here be blessed with a safe pregnancy journey.

Kate-ur boy very 懂事 which is a big relieve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda-ohhhh so u are sahm?will be tough wor cos bb still young

My girl is 26 months n nearly 6 months old also very tough

Phyphy-so are u in Aug 08 thread?

Jessica-well 2nd one I already always go alone Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Linda-yup good luck.wait n see

Dreamz> At least ur bb got heartbeat.. Mine totally no heartbeat yet..Only next friday then know.. if dont have heartbeat.. really dont know how im gonna cope

Weishy> tough early but behind will be alot better.. thanks..

Dear Linda,

I completely understand and of course it's natural to worry. The first time I was pregnant, I also had a miscarriage. Hubby and I were devastated. But we didn't give up and tried again after 3 months. Then was pregnant again and thankfully all went well and so we now have a 20 mth old son. Then we tried again and I was pregnant again for the 3rd time. But yet again got a miscarriage. It was yet another blow to us as we never thought that it would happen twice. But again we didn't give up and tried yet again after 3 months and now we found that we have 8+ wks twins. Jokingly we said that God is making up to us. But I want to share with you my experience because I don't want you to give up. I know it's very worrying for you now but think positively. There are many people out there who love and support you and I'm sure you hubby is one of them. I hope all goes well for you. Take care.


oh,urs is a big boy liao.must really be careful when dealing with him n bb. He is also quite sensible boy to ask u all those question.


im from july 08 thread


my hd is with my for all my appointment for no1 n no2 not too sure as i can c that his workload is heavier now. Anyway i will try to make those evening appointment.hopefully he can join in.


all i can say is gd luck n we will pray hard for u.

Luvlee> Thanks alot for your story and encouragement. I here no link of twins.. haha.. I really feel aLone at times because my husband doesnt show the excitment that i share. My family side is not very enthu or rather supportive of #2.. so i felt really horrible..

Phyphy> Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda-arrr hubbys support very impt.but guess 家家有本难念的经.

Yup diff at first but hope few yr later can relax abit.....

Luvlee-I'm sure if it's urs ,it's urs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Some things we can't control n not within our control.But this time round a big surprised [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weishy> feeling alone feels so horrible.. hes not really keen on a baby yet is ok with another baby..

Jessica> When i was preg with #1 and before it, i almost killed myself as i overdose myself with pills, slice my wrist, pain was my joy.Until i met hubby.

Hubby also has depression and been to IMH before. He changed me and we keep living on because of each other, i cant imagine if we are without each other..

Whenever im unhappy i used to puff puff at least 4-5 boxes of cigars and slice slice wrist.. now i look at a positive light.

Hubby didnt really like to have another but is ok with it since that i want. sighs.

Jessica and Linda

sorry to hear abt what u gals have gone through, stay strong ok..there is always a rainbow at the end of the bridge..

When there is life, there is always hope. Dun ever give up !

Hi Ladies,can I ask whether preggies can drink barley?my mil says cannot,it is true?I had been drink lotsa..

thank you~

Jessica/Linda- 加油 we can do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Guess my mother's era was worst.our children still needs us .whether rain or shine we hv to stand there smiling when we see them .

After being a mother I learnt to tahan more.my temper nt so good ma.

Hubby also nt keen on this bb but...then how abort meh..not for me lor.

Living in sin dun make these type of situation better.stressful lifestyle n costly


ladies take care n let's await for our little ones tiny heart beat他的心跳令我也"心跳"

