(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Gymboree Trial class

** Each baby has to pay $40 per trial class

*** If after trial, u decide to join member, membership fee is $50 (inclusive of 1 free trial class & 1 Gymboree tee)

please choose the date you prefer. First come first serve 

Learn & Play (6-10mths): 4 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am 

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Rachel 

3) Glamgem 

4) Joyce Ng 

5) Xuan 


Learn & Play (6-10mths): 11 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am 







Music: 12 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm 

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Fumiko 

3) Rachel 

4) Susan Lim 

5) eeyore_03 

6) Glamgem 


Music 19 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) dsqyvonne 

2) Winnie_gal 

3) Cheese 

4) Joyce Ng

5) Xuan

6) sheric


Hi sheric,

i dun mind joinin 11 jun class..

but i would prefer to join Learn & Play 3 (10-16 mths)

the difference btw them is if your baby is still a crawler but have been standing and can walk when supported..they will b more suitable in Learn & Play 3...

Current jas org is Learn & Play 2 (6-10mths)

anyone mummies interested to join Learn & Play 3 (10-16mths) for bb who already know standing and can supported walking?

if yes, maybe we can ask gymboree if they can change us to Learn & Play 3 for 11 jun at 1pm or 4pm...

Jas, if got mummies wanna join, would u b able to check with gymboree or can i contact the person u liasing and i cal to check myself..paisei to trouble u oso??

Musikgarten free trial @ Woodlands (Home studio), 29 May 2011 Sun 4pm. Max 6Bbs per class

1) duckling

2) QQ

3) alibaba





Any more mummies interested?

Fumiko, can u help to call chin chin to cancel tomorrow class as Alibaba is not gg too cos she nt feeling well. Thank you so much for ur help to organize the class n coordinate all the times! Sorry ya!


I have enrolled my boy in My little skool today. He will start on wed. So u brought ur boy to the ifc check his reaction? Did u carry him when he cry or u left him somewhere in there?


Should be no prob if you wanna change 1 class to learn & play 3. Just be sure bb is 10mths old. See which mummies want which class.


Can I put in the waiting list for music class first?

Gymboree Trial class

** Each baby has to pay $40 per trial class

*** If after trial, u decide to join member, membership fee is $50 (inclusive of 1 free trial class & 1 Gymboree tee)

please choose the date you prefer. First come first serve 

Learn & Play (6-10mths): 4 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am 

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Rachel 

3) Glamgem 

4) Joyce Ng 

5) Xuan 


Learn & Play (6-10mths): 11 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am 







Music: 12 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm 

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Fumiko 

3) Rachel 

4) Susan Lim 

5) eeyore_03 

6) Glamgem 


Music 19 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) dsqyvonne 

2) Winnie_gal 

3) Cheese 

4) bakaholic

5) Xuan

6) sheric


Waiting List:

1) Joyce Ng

The first time I brought him there he wanna cry, soft sobbing even when I'm carrying him. The second time I left him with the caregiver, teacher and a4 yo little boy to entertain him while I spoke to the centre's manager and do the registration. He was crying loudly most of the times haha. The third time he also not too happy but there's a lot of toys there and a huge play area. So slowly he began to explore and crawl around. I guess can't be help since he can recognize people now so it's unavoidable that he has separation anxiety.

mine was ok cos we were carrying him. He even smiled to the principal. Not sure how he behaves when on his own. I have 3 days w him next wk when he starts and then he is on his own. Feeling so guilty for putting him thr the whole thing.


I guess if we can be SAHM that will be the best, if not, then IFC is also not a bad choice if the IFC is gd. For me, grandparents are out unless they are at their early 50s. Mid 60s are really too old to take care of Infants. The last resort is to get a maid with an elderly overseeing. I got a maid who is doing pretty well, but I still want to try putting him in IFC as I

believe he will learn to be more independent there. another

reason of cos is to prevent my overzealous mil from doing

silly things.

Mvh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cya tml.

Jasmine, no problem to be on the waiting list. Just have time to login and read the posts, have to wait for bb A to fall asleep.


I will leave my boy there for 1/2 day first until he gets used to it. Then increase his hours there. Ideally, will leave him there from 10am to 430pm. I still need the maid just in case my boy is sick and needs to be at home. She is very occupied now with taking care of my boy. So housework wise, she did minimum now. With my boy going IFC she shd be able to handle more housework and also gets some rest. Now she is also taking care of my boy at night. So quite tiring for her.

If the ifc is good, they do get to learn independence and more structured lifestyle. Also, socialising skills will improve. But well, it's just heartbreaking to see them in tears during the transition process. Sigh..


which ifc are you going?

I'm sending him to a new IFC called life journiz. The centre is new and they put in alot of effort to come up with curriculum for infants at different stages. They hv also invest in alot of toys. I saw two large playmats, also a play yard. And many educational toys. The high chair they use also better brands as they believe in safety first. I don't see all these at CH which I put my boy in for 2 weeks when he was 6mo.

This new centre currently only has 6 infants and two are 16 mo, so they will promote to playgroup soon.

aiya, very sorry, overlook the gymboree timing... I can't make it as my gal got class, can't make it in time bet. harbourfront and bishan...

Gymboree Trial class

** Each baby has to pay $40 per trial class

*** If after trial, u decide to join member, membership fee is $50 (inclusive of 1 free trial class & 1 Gymboree tee)

please choose the date you prefer. First come first serve

Learn & Play (6-10mths): 4 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Glamgem

4) Joyce Ng

5) Xuan


Learn & Play (6-10mths): 11 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am







Music: 12 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Fumiko

3) Rachel

4) Susan Lim


6) Glamgem


Music 19 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) dsqyvonne

2) Winnie_gal

3) Cheese

4) bakaholic

5) Xuan

6) sheric


Waiting List:

1) Joyce Ng

Jasmine , can help us check wit gymboree the L&P 3 timing , which slot can they give us cos there are 2 classes , one is at 1pm & 4pm..

Or u wan to give me their contact , I can liase wit them

Gymboree Trial class

** Each baby has to pay $40 per trial class

*** If after trial, u decide to join member, membership fee is $50 (inclusive of 1 free trial class & 1 Gymboree tee)

please choose the date you prefer. First come first serve 

Learn & Play 2 (6-10mths): 4 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Rachel 

3) Glamgem 

4) Joyce Ng 

5) Xuan 


Learn & Play 3 (10-16 months): 11 June Sat 1pm /4pm  

1) Fumiko 

2) jesho





Music: 12 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) Jasmine Goh 

2) Fumiko 

3) Rachel 

4) Susan Lim 


6) Glamgem 


Music: 19 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) dsqyvonne 

2) Winnie_gal 

3) Cheese 

4) Joyce Ng

5) Xuan

6) sheric


Waiting list

1) Joyce Ng

Gosh.. JL 's teeth growing, 5 at a go and in different speed! Sob, his milk intake very little today, appetite very little too! sob...

at times he cranky and dun noe what he wants. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheese... 5 teeth? Goodness.. Must be super uncomfortable.. Give him cold teether.. My gal's top 3rd n 4th teeth took 2 months to come out from white-ish bulging gum to rough edges.. Dunno why so long to come out.. Her 1st 4 teeth takes only 2 weeks to come out each time leh..

cheese, 5 at 1 go with different speed can be very irritating, prepare more cold teether and the teething gel n just apply whenever he cranky n crying..

My boy's top teeth also took him very long to come out, now finally can see alil' bit of the pearlie le..

my boy 2wk le e top 2 teeth stil c a bit nia n bottom 3rd teeth 1day nia already growing faster than top 2!he dun reali like teether eh.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then e tooth beside the centre top lagi short. He juz slept!normali 8plus 1.juz apply gel 4 him 2 help him smoothe his pain..


Thought your wife applied uob card already?


The music class is for 6-16mths old. Babies above 10mths can still join play & learn 2.

Xuan, Rachel, Joyce, Glamgem,

What do you think of Little Gym Class? I think I prefer it over both Kindermusik and Musikgarten. More fun & activities. Can tell my boy really hates tummy time and not interested in crawling at all. But he totally surprised me by standing without support for a few sec. Maybe he will be like his jiejie, skip crawling.

My gal having fever at 38.6! Just fed her paracetamol & using wet towel to cool her down. Suspect due to teething. She had fever when she was teething her 7 teeth but not as high as now. Any mummies encounter this?

Jasmine, I talk to xuan juz now briefly.. She said little gym is more fun than jWT.. Sigh.. Miss the trial.. My gal cranky whole day n din nap much in morning n none in afternoon.. Juz before the class, manage to put her to sleep.. So give trial a miss.. Maybe will go for trial next time..

Strange thing is I thot they will organize a class for us only instead of mixing wif others..

My gal recently super lotsa pattern.. Now reject yaolan when dark falls.. 4days Liao.. Argh.. Bedtime struggle 2 hrs at times.. Even when she is super tired, keep yawning n 'eh eh Ma ma', somehow she cant fall asleep herself on e bed.. Now day time trick her to sleep in yaolan wif toys (nite doesn't work), she sleeps for less than 30mins.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] usually she can sleep at least 1hr or so.. Super cranky.. Hopefully it is juz a passing phase..


Yup, I prefer Little gym too. Can see that my girl enjoys it. Agree that there are more activities and the instructor is very encouraging too. He will walk ard and see how the babies are doing.

Will go for gymboree before deciding which one to sign up. Thanks MVH for organizing this trial.

mvh, sorry for nt able to attend the little gym trial u organised. Hw's the trial, fun? Better than JWT?

I found blood in my gal's diaper then realise e bleeding came from her v area, e bleeding has stopped and I'm still monitoring. She's nt in pain and everything is normal..Dn know wat causes the bleeding there...worried[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Any mummies have acknowledge on this?


So she napped for very long? Yup I thought it's a private trial but saw my 2 other friends there. Thanks for organising! Think can organise again cos quite a few mummies didn't go in the end.


Yup he's very encouraging. Let's see if Gymboree is more fun.


My gal has got 3 tooth coming out at e same time nw, so far no fever.. But starts to drool quite abit. Sponge ur gal often, hopefully her fever be gone soon.

Snowy55, thks. Been monitoring..poor gal having bad flu too. Hope she gets better tomorrow. Hope yr gal is ok. Maybe u shld call yr pd to chk on the bleeding?

Jasmine / Fumiko

Thanks for organising the trial class. Am interested in the Learn & Play 3. For the Music, is fully taken? No more new trial class?

Gymboree Trial class

** Each baby has to pay $40 per trial class

*** If after trial, u decide to join member, membership fee is $50 (inclusive of 1 free trial class & 1 Gymboree tee)

please choose the date you prefer. First come first serve

Learn & Play 2 (6-10mths): 4 June Sat 12nn - 12.45am

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Glamgem

4) Joyce Ng

5) Xuan


Learn & Play 3 (10-16 months): 11 June Sat 1pm /4pm

1) Fumiko

2) jesho

3) snowy55




Music: 12 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Fumiko

3) Rachel

4) Susan Lim


6) Glamgem


Music: 19 June Sun 2pm - 2.45pm

1) dsqyvonne

2) Winnie_gal

3) Cheese

4) Joyce Ng

5) Xuan

6) sheric


Waiting list

1) Joyce Ng


My gal had running nose when her 1st 2 tooth popped out and it took ard 3 weeks to recover. I would suggest you bring her see pd if her flu worsen or didn't go off after 4/5days. Although too much medication is not gd for them bt it does relief their discomfort.

As for my gal, shld the bleeding persist, will bring her to see pd..Pray that she'll be fine tmr.


She applied online, give document and email call her back asking for more docu. She fed up with those Philipines n terminate the application. So looking around for road show to sign up instantly


my boy recently has high fever 38.5 too and my mil claims that its due to teething. My PD told us not to blame teething for fever, flu or diarrhea. Teething will cause the gums to be uncomfortable and babies will be more fussy. If encounter syptoms like fever, flu or diarrhea, it is most likely due to unhygenic, as they tend to bite on anything to ease their gums, sometimes they also lick the floor.

My boy has 5 teeth, the fifth one is visible but not out totally. He started teething around 5mo and he has no symptoms of fever, flu and diarrhea at all.


does your gal has constipation? If it is not due to constipation, better to call your PD, if you don't want to bring her to see the PD yet. I know UTI will also cause bleeding due to infection.


my boy also fuss alot at the trial.. haha.. my hubby blames me for waking him up.

Recently he also has a lot of patterns. Very difficult to put him to sleep. My helper just let him play till he is tired. He is such a cry baby now. Not sure if my helper has spoilt him. At night, she will wake up and feed him milk, if he wakes up in the middle of the night, instead of forcing him to sleep, she brings him to the play yard to play for a while. If im to take over i will surely die of exhaustion.

snowy, yup, UTI also will have bleeding. I personally got it before. Got a shock that my urine is all red then hospitalised due to that and it cause by UTI.


ask her to call in uob n get them to fill in the form for her n send courier service dwn to ur plc to get her signature



I haven't been to Kindermusik and Musikgarten so cannot compare, but i think this is more "gym" than JWT.

My boy hates the parachute, both times at JWT and LittleGym, he just refuses to sit on it. What is it for har?

I think he is the most cranky baby at the trial hahaha... i hope it's because i wake him up from slumberland, and not becos he hates gym.

If gymboree he also don't like then i think i wont sign him up for gym classes already.

I don't know why he hates to lie down on his back and also change clothes. Every time change his diapers must give him something to distract him or else he will be screaming. After bath, put him on changing mat, he will also scream. My helper has to give him his favourite toothbrush and pacifer then he will stop crying.

For changing clothes, even i put him on sitting or standing positions also no use. Why like that?

Then some of the exercises require him to lie down.. he hates it leh.

Maybe baby J doesn't like to crawl.. hurts his knees haha.. he is such a gentle boy.

