(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

MVH, to add on to my earlier post, the Thermos food jar cannot cook, but only keep warm, like what your Tiger food jar do. but if you fry your rice first before using it to cook the porridge, then it is possible to get the porridge done in food jar.


haitang : haha no leh. only breastmilk, formula and porridge. maybe its her character. i forsee i will get 'torture' by her. lol

My girl 7 mth Liao still can't sit leh ... N not crawling n I m hopping she don't crawl ... She sir in walker run very fast n she will go drag my #1 chair n walk around the house in walker like shopping ... Drag tissue box too . And everything she also want touch n put in mouth n I can't Stand lor !!! She is 100% different than gor gor, gor gor never put thing in his mouth n is Soooooooo good boy ... But my girl really tigeress !

N for those don't want to gave night feed , u can try to give plain water when they wake up or give pacifier , after few days , they won't wake up for milk . Be heartless a few night n u can have good sleep forever !! Worth !! Lol


ur gal really fast leh!! so fast wana start walking liao..


my boy same as u..7mths 1 wks.. still cant sit properly..at most 20 secs, then topple.. when in walker can run very fast, drag curtain, drag everything and also put into his mouth!


tiger food jar got one can 'cook'.. same as those 5L ones..just dump into the jar and it will cook on its own..so far, for food jar, only tiger one can do so

sunflower : ya, she's quite fast. even though i have restrict her on doing many things, she still manage to learn all this. think becos there's 2 elder siblings, she just monkey see monkey do. cos i don't really have the time to teach her how to crawl or stand or walking. busy with #1 and #2, i just want her lie down on the bed or playpen quietly. haha!


i realised playpen can aid their capability to stand..so i wana use it soon, but first of all, my boy cant even sit properly!

by the way, do u use baby walker..?

xpink, u mean we need to teach them how to crawl and walk?

i just leave my girl at my mum's place during the day..

at night when i go fetch her, she will show new pattern..

dun think my mum can teach her cos she's busy with housework now as the maid is gone..

but there's 1 weekend, i just hold her and let her stand in her cot, she immediately let how to do that after i walk away..

freak me out..

bakaholic, my girl is drinking mamil stage 2 now..

i also discover that there's a lot of bubbles..

i tot its cos of the milk bottle..

intending to switch to other brands after i finish the samples..


my boy on mamil stage 2 . as for taste wise i duno. i dont find alot of bubbles. am using NUK btl.


my boy 7mth today.. cant sit up straight always bend to the front to support with his hands.. izzit too heavy to support? but now my boy no longer sumo.. but when put him on the floor if someting interest him will squirm to reach the ting.. although on four but still dun really know how to crawl.. only move backwards cos he slide down = backwards.

talking about the tiger food jar that can cook. how much izzit? sound really convenient.. esp if we want to travel..

FM to exchange for mamil Stage 2

i have 2 tin of 400g similac stage 2 and 1 tin of 900g of Friso to exchange for mamil. anyone in north area keen?

alibaba, i think i still have mamil stage 2 sample.. keen to exchange for similac..

i pm u my contact den u sms me can..

cos i can't check my hotmail in the office..

i am using both avent and pigeon bottle (with nuk teats). Both have bubbles. I wonder if it's becos my boy suck too hard? Going to try with bigger teats tonight.

HI Aug Mommies with teething Blings (or those without)

Do you all want to get a matching/non-matching teething bangle? I am going to order more teething blings for some mommies so I can add order for the bangles. Please note that I most probably will not be keeping stock for the bangles so I will only order the specific design you want.

Check colours and availability here: http://www.smartmomjewelry.com/ecart/categories.asp?cID=11

Price after shipping will be $13.00 add 50cts for postage as usual (again, as a ballpark figure.. pupsik has it retailing for $23.90).

I will be sending my orders to US by the end of this week so let me know by then ok, i will not b able to add it in after that !!





i used to give my #1 similac, it also produced alot of bubbles that time i am using avent's btl. What worry u?? scare bb eat too much air? i tink they are already old enough to know how to expel the air out of tummy by now.

no need to burp bb already right? i didnt do it for awhile..


Similac got bubbles ? I started giving similac , no bubble leh. With Avent bottle too. The tiger food jar bout 59 or 69. Can't rem

haitang, good to hear from you again... miss u leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the advise... this morning when I looked at my baby, think she has lost weight, but she seems to be longer too ?!?!! Not sure is it cos of the stretching that's why she looks thinner.

xuan, your baby is really really fast man. Mine cant even crawl yet, just dragging herself.

Angel, i went to a baby yoga class before and the isntructor did say that we can help baby to learn how to crawl and walk faster and doing certain exercises. Her own son started walking since 10 months, i think. very amazing!


u got how many mamil to exchange for similac?


maybe they change ingredient liao. that time was 1.5yr ago. oh. not cheap hor. any BP on going for Tiger jar?

Anyone using avent bottle with the variable teats?

I find the flow too fast even for no.1 and i can see milk leaking out from his mouth

alibaba, i think i still have 2 mamil 400g left at home. can't confirm now as my hb is the 1 preparing the milk these days..

will check when i get home later..


i used that when my boy taking cereal milk at 5mths..but i stopped..its indeed very fast, not meant for milk..its meant for cereal actually

sunflower : yup i do use walker for all my 3 kids. walker may helps them to walk early but may also walk tip toe.

angel : some babies crawl the wrong way. my #2 son crawl using 1 leg at the side pushing him forward. it takes few months for me to teach him crawl in four.


Oh.. so it's for thicker feeds like cereal. I tot thicker feeds meant formula. ok.. i was still wondering that my boy dunno how to drink properly.

Anyway, I bought the 6m+ 4 hole teats for him to try. Hope it's not too fast for him.

Is tiger food jar better than thermos foogo? I am going to get one soon once i start my boy on porridge.

Do you all use slow cooker for porridge? Is 0.7L too small?


im using slow cooker...cant rem mine's capacity.

mine still teat 2 leh..im thinking of upgrading to teat 3, but so far teat 2 can finish 200ml in 8mins..so still thinking..

Jasmine, bakaholic

u bought organix rice cereal..did you try the banana porridge and also apple cereal? looks gd leh!


i'm using slow cooker too. thinking of buying thermos food jar from amazon to bring porridge out.


i bought the organix taster pack, have these 3 flavors, i started with the wholegrain cereal and my boy is allergic so i didn't dare to open the banana and apple packs. maybe will wait a lil' longer before re-introduce to him.

anyone using pigeon teats? is L size the biggest?

i tot most cereal from 6mths are wholegrain? if he is allergy, so he cant take all? or it depends on which brand he took?


ya so far, he's okay with bellamy's baby rice & hipp rice cereal. just now i let him tried healthy times barley cereal, hopefully he's not allergic to it.

sunflower, mine also on teat 2 but he seems to suck very hard till bubbles forming. He can finish about 10mins though. Maybe i should change to 3 only. Still thinking..

I didn't try the banana or apple cos i want to switch him to bellamy's as it has iron. Organix no iron.


Where to get small slow cooker? I can't find in courts and harvey norman only got the small one with no heat control.

I just bought the L teats. Yes, i believe it's the biggest.


your gal is fast leh. My boy is 6 month + 1 week, can crawl backwards only. Sit can only last for a few seconds and topple when he tries to reach things around him. He can also roll from back to tummy and tummy to back. Able to do push up then move backwards haha.

Tiger Food Jar

I tried to use it to cook porridge but the rice still grainy leh. How to cook those mashy type?


I bought Techno slow cooker 2L from Courts, haven't use yet. This one no heat control? I have no idea how to use also haha.


When your boy is allergy to certain food, do you just stop giving him the food and wait and see or bring him to the PD immediately? I'm starting to intro him new food, so far he is ok with avocado, organic pumpkin and carrot. Today he will start on sweet potato. What other veg can we give them? PD told me not to give too much orangey food, baby will turn yellow cos of too much carotene.

Btw, the purple sweet potato that you give to your baby is orange-flesh? I bought one pack from cold storage, the skin is purple and it says Japanese organic sweet potato. The flesh is orange.

Sunflower, I know yoplait is sold in ntuc.. But din find bb yoplait last yr.. Maybe now got sell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rachel - for sharing this is the porridge i cook using the tiger jar. is mushy to me lei.. very soft..somemore after a while it will turn a bit watery and i find the texture is just nice for my boy.



Calling for jasmine-goh. The experiment proves that raw grains need to be boil even though if u have eletric water flask at home. Tried putting it with 90degree hot water and cover inside the flask it does not cook at all -_-""

Last time my elder gal only knows leopard crawl forward n backward.. Lazy to lift up bum, n sweep the floor everytime.. We thought it is unhygenic as her whole body n romper kanna all the dust, so we teach her by lifting her bum n make her move her knee to reach her toys.. After a few repeated tries, she started to lift up her bum.. So can be taught!

sunflower: she jump and jump awhile, then she scream wanna come out.

sometimes cheese bb J also come n play.. so now is at there turing spider web..

unless u want this kind?



But I blend it.. some believe it will intro wind into the porridge so I stop doing so already..


can invite T2 over to try? i have one with my fren but i duno if he like it anot .. scurly i go all the way to take back and he dont like -_-""

