(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

alibaba: no problem..see when u wanna bring him to my hse u sms me? hehehe..

how come u left it at yr friend hse?

maybe i can ask Jasmine and Jonas come along too..

playdate at my house.hahaha...


Rachel, I give my gal broccoli too.. Heard spinach also can give but I dun have a good blender to make spinach purée.. So maybe I will wait till my gal can eat mashy food instead of purée..



This is the one, mine is the smaller one.

I bot only like 30+? last time isetan private sale n w/o offer is like more then twice tis amt. have to wait for sale then buy more wo hua..

it save time but of course, still need to boil a while before dumping in the grains.. so does not thermal cooker, all need to boil a while then put inside to let the heat cook the grains.


Winnie, sigh taka very far for me leh.. Somemore it is a toil to bring bb to town.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wonders courts got sell or not..

MVH: no problem.. ok we shall fix a day ya...

bring angeline to my hse.. i wanna carry her..

Jonas always pop by anyways... hahaha...

cheese, yours look much mashy than mine. How long did you leave the porridge in there? I put the rice in a pot with water, wait for the water to boil for 10min then put in tiger food jar, 3 hours later still can see water and fatter rice grain.

SunFl@wer, the one i bought is the 0.7L one. See the link. http://www.usa.tiger-corporation.com/products/72

This one can cook?

Just saw cheese's post. I bought the same one as hers at Taka $59 comes with a free thermal flask.


correct ... cheese one is the ONLY one that can 'cook'..the rest of the tiger food jar cannot..


i put spinach into the porridge..i didnt use blender, i just chop finely until smooth (takes about 15min), then put into the porridge and continue to cook till vvvvvv soft..


i bought from harvey norman at parkway parade. it's takahi brand, $49. you go see my fb pics, the jerrenz tried porridge album.


cos his allergy reaction is just red patches. so i just stop feeding him that cereal and apply his eczema cream. didn't bring him to PD. he recovered after 3 days.

you can try fruits? apple, pear, banana. or if you want veg, can try butternut squash, broccoli, spinach (rmb to pour away the water after steaming), cauliflower, parnish.

Jerrenz tried orange fresh sweet potato, he loves it. I just did some purple fresh sweet potato puree but have yet to let him try. i also bought from cold storage, is from japan. they even cut 1pc to show the purple fresh.


i went to look for the tiger jar, v exp! $69 at isetan.. plus it's kinda too bulky for me to bring outside.. so in the end, bought a slow cooker..


but i searched online.. seem like Y is the same size as M just that it's leak proof..

Rachel: she dun wan to play.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MVH:i agree bring them go so far, very troublesum leh..

Alibaba: ok u let me know again..

Sunflower: im using the same food jar as cheese? can cook?

rachel, i also cook 10mins, then leave it for an hour or so can liao. turn out like that, if i put longer will be more nice,is soft can ask winnie gal she also did that.urs n in mine the same shld be able too?

i use fat n short grains, jpn rice.

Jasmine, i went to cold storage at HV but dont have the purple flesh one. Which cold storage did you buy from? I recall u mix milk powder in the porridge right? How many scoops are you using now? I'm still giving my boy Bellamy baby porridge now. Wanna switch to normal porridge soon.

cheese, maybe i use the normal rice. Shall go buy the jap rice and try..thanks!


I went to taka cold storage. Nope, my boy is eating baby rice not the porridge one. 6 scoops of FM & 5-6 scoops of cereal. I let my boy tried normal porridge but he didn't eat as fast as cereal. So I think I will feed more cereal (since it's easier to prepare & more nutrional).


Doesn't matter what rice leh.. Don't think the type of rice can make a difference.. U need very hot water in the jar.. More water too


6 scoops of fm and cereal each is Alot leh .. I always tot porridge more nutritional becos is freshly cooked with pork, fish and veg .. As well , they need more fats and energy food now, so porridge shld be the right choice

Jasmine, I gave my boy the baby porridge when he turned 6mo cos the baby rice out of stock haha. I am giving him 3 heaps of baby spoon and only 1 scoop of FM together with 40ml of puree. Looks like I have to give him more. Thanks!

The cereal is more nutritional indeed, maybe i should continue with another pack then.


Then I Duno how Liao haha. But for sure any type of rice will work

Urs confirm the same tiger jar ? Maybe check the model number if it's the same as cheese

SunFl@wer, its the same as the picture. Got a hole in the jar right? I got it from Taka few weeks back at $59 and comes free with a thermal flask. There's a metal spoon and a carrier too.


Yup I add a lot of scoops cos he likes thick cereal. Can give pork/chicken/beef/fish purees also. Cos white rice doesn't have much nutrients unless you give brown rice porridge. And cereal has iron.


You mixed all his cereal with puree?

Jasmine, yes i mix puree with the cereal. Do you give the puree separately? I find the pumpkin, carrot and sweet potato very sweet, so will only left about 10ml to feed directly, the rest all mix into the cereal.


Everytime I will feed him pure puree first cos I want him to try diff taste. If he likes it, will just continue feeding. If he doesn't want to eat, then I will mix with cereal. My boy doesn't like v sweet purees like banana, papaya, pear & apple. Somehow he prefers tasteless or very mild sweetness stuffs.

Jasmine, my boy doesn't like the apple puree too. It's a little sour. What kind of apple do you buy for him? My boy likes sweet stuff. Bland is also ok, but sour he totally hates it. So far, he rejects Heinz Pear juice and apple puree.

Sunflower, wat kinda spinach u buy ah? Those red ones or round ones or sharp ones or baby spinach? So many types.. Dunno which is suitable for bb..

My boy has two little teeth already, so im trying to limit sweet stuff to his semi-solid meals, so the sequence is juice then cereal+puree then leftover puree then water. I'm thinking of adding a pure fruit puree dessert, but dont know when it is appropriate to do so, brunch or tea time. Dont know if this will affect his milk intake, cos he is drinking lesser now. He used to drink 200-300ml at 11+pm, now his last feed is at 9+pm and only drink 100-150ml.

Does your boy has teeth yet?

Sunflower, I think if we put in alot of liao in e porridge sure more nutritious than cereal.. But now I juz start my gal wif fish n broccoli porridge.. Guess not as nutritious as cereal since only got 2 ingredients.. My gal doesn't like chunky or mashy food leh. Try to mash e fish but she juz split it out.. She still prefers her pear purée.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mvh,0.7l for me gd enough 2 cook 2 meal n stil can cook more 4 us 2 eat.haha!bt if u wan play safe,0.9cfm cfm can.Definitely gona take a space 2put in bag bt im ok w tat cos im a big bag person.lol.i hav 0.7 n winnie has 0.9.we let u c b4 u buy if u haven get urs when we met [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Check with u.. Where does ur boy eczema occurs? While body, neck , legs, hands? Big red patch or Alot small spots? My boy had rashes twice ard neck area..quite Alot.. I tot is heat rash, so just apply cream and powder (although I Noe no gd but it wrks).. I always look put for allergy in body , hands and legs.. Didn't know neck also can.. So now I Duno wat food I feed him that causes allergy ..

Cheese, ok thanks.. I dun have big bag.. Somemore sometimes need to bring my elder gal's stuff out if she goes along.. Dunno worth to go taka next week or not.. Any mummies going on weekday?

Sunflower, ok I go look for round ones.. My gal also got red spots ard neck, but I think it is heat rashes coz goes away after a few hours or after cleaning wif a wet cloth n awhile later


i didn't intro juice cos it's sweet and may lessen my boy's milk intake.


he has eczema when he's around 3mths+. mainly at his chest and tummy. at times will spread to his back, neck and a lil at his arms. sometimes is big patch of rough skin (cos he has dry skin). if at neck area, may be milk rashes? you intro him new food/s everyday ah? intro 1 type a day, if he has rashes appear after a few hrs, means he's allergic to it.

I thinking of buying a baby carrier . U all think it's worth ? CIA baby 7 mth Liao like abit waste ... Baby carrier which is good ?

White lady,

I'm using manduca since my boy was 1mth old. It is a v gd carrier cos i use it almost everyday and i won't feel my shoulder ache. It can be use till your bb is 20kg.

Sian my boy is allergic to HT barley cereal. So heartpain to see all those red rashes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hmm, yoplait yogurt seems to be for one year and above as stated on the container.. Can someone advise on the exact one for 6 mth old? Thanks in advance!!!

Bb development:

My girl is 7mth, she can sit but not crawl yet.

Her 4th teeth is coming out soon; cranky mostly during night time.

Slow cooker:

I got the 0.7l one & dump all ingredients that I want into it. It cooks after 1-1.5hr.; quite convenient.


do you intend to let your baby attend shichida lessons for training of their brain?

it seems very exp however got many positive feedbacks. do you all think it's useful?

