(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


15% is also for non-member right? Then still more discount than my kiddy palace membership. Will go get it. Thanks.

you really buy the playmat? less choices for boy's clothing?


But the mat is not big leh.. Small only.. Material not cleaning friendly .

Jasmine nothing much for boys


Go to the Singapore website instead of uk

Sunflower , but I already have 2 LG 2500x1400 at hm , plus the bumpermat is mOre den x4 the price leh. Definately nt as gd but ok la , I onli use to put below my ger mattress

Hi all, I'm busy taking care of my boy. He got gastric flu from ifc. Winnie and cheese's Bb also got it (we same ifc). Since yesterday evening, theres 5 Bbs and 1 toddler got it.

I tot I start my boy on solid thats y nvr poo and vomit on Tue. Now I know theres nothing to do with my solid. Its the ifc.


oic,..if for mattress,then not so bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Johnlittle having 20% storewide ma..if u r member, additional 5% rebate off the credit card..can get ur bottles and teats there

hi all,

oh no...jasmine, hope that your baby will recover soon. Winnie & cheese, take care too.

Monkie, me me, my baby loves oat & cereal and porridge. very tiam chek.

I remember there's an organic food shop at tanglin mall selling baby food. Anyone knows the name and which level?


metro at causeway point having 20% discount but dunno only causeway pt or same as others.

I thought JL sale also coming??

JL sale started last yday until 6 March. Got 20% off on most baby stuff and some coupons for discount if you buy up to certain amount.

I was reading one website n it talks abt the 4 days rule when introducing new food.. Is to feed the same new food for 4 consecutive days not feed one day n wait for 4 days.. Think earlier on we had a little discussion on this n some of us got different opinions..


ya i just feed the same new food for a few days and monitor everyday to ensure he's not allergic.

anyone started bb with yogurt? my boy just turns 6mths old few days back, wanna buy baby yogurt and let him try.

Cyn, my gal never sleep thru.. But now she can last a bit longer.. 5 hrs is e max.. So 3+am, 6+am etc wakes up.. Last need ard 10+pm.. Sometimes 1-2+am wakes up for milk..

Causeway point is having big big renovation works..

JL is closed, cold storage is gone. Metro 1st storey is under reno too.. So messy n little shops there..

I go search for the tiger food jar at metro yesterday.. Dun have.. Sianz.. Think need to go town to buy..

The food allergy test thingy, my pd told me to feed 1x for 5 days consectively and wait for allergy. But i read previously on the internet was 1x and wait for 4 days. Very contradicting.

I have been doing the latter until my visit to pd last wk so i guess i will follow Pd's advice instead.


i am going to order online from this seller which i got my thermoa brand thermo flask previously. It's slightly cheaper and saves me the hassle of going town.



alamak, CWP cold storage closed? haizzzzz.. every shop close..might as well the whole CWP close..


i already tot of giving my boy yogurt,..but went carrefour, cant find a suitable one for babies.. if you find something, share with me ok.


i wait 3 days only. anyway if there is a food allergy u don't need to wait till the next feed to find out. allergy appear v fast. once it appear, don't feed him that offensive food again. my boy display allergic symptoms when i fed him carrot.

i wanted to go to the mothercare sale leh ... but don't have the opportunity to go. no boys stuff ... sianz.

what kind of discounts are they giving? 15% is not attractive enough cos mothercare stuff are pricey.

wow mommyxuanx, how old is your gal? my neighbour's kid can stand at 8 to 9 months ... and started walking at 9 to 10 months. i thougth that was already very incredible.

my son is now still draggign himself ard. he is 6.5mths old, mommies how are your babies progress? do u think safety gates is a must? the parklon playmat is starting to seem a little small although it is the biggest size one... chiam... how? how? how? i think i got to get a job soon, cant really handle him liao..i need help!!!! calling out to all sahms!!!


got boy stuffs, but girls stuff more..haha..

ya, i also think mothercare stuff more pricey..




don't need to worry so much on baby progress, my son 7 mths already also still dragging himself...

he flipped when he was aft 6mo... unless the progress is really late and slow then u have to worry...

my girl started flipping when she was 4 mths old..

now reaching 7 mths and she's still dragging herself..

actually i'm quite happy as i dun have to worry about where she crawls to..

my fren's son dun crawl much but he started walking at 9 mths..

so i dun worry much about her motor skills progress..

last night i finally managed to get my girl to sleep earlier at 1130pm and she only wake up at 630am this morning..

she keep crying when she's trying to sleep..

the previous night, she slept at 1230...

worried about her not getting enough sleep..

hi mummies, can share what is your feeding amount & schedule for your bb? Ever since my bb started solid, her milk intake drop. Last time, she can drink 170-180ml every 3 hrs, but now, she always leave about 30 or even 50ml. Very long already. I started her on solid for about a month, her milk intake at each feed is not as much as previously. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my bb total milk intake also drop after started on solids. now per day drink 3 times milk and each time average is about 150ml.

how about the rest?

Eeyore, yes surprised that cwp b1 only got the Chinese medical hall n the shop that sell cheap stuff.. Waste my effort to go woodlands wif bb.. Intend to get organic food, rice cakes..

Bakaholic, according to the website(sorry can't remember the link) e amount we give bb sometimes might not be enuff to trigger allergy if bb is allergic to it, so consecutive for 4 days will 'force' it out if got la.. So more than 4 days also can..

The thermos jar can cook on the go like tiger food jar? Coz I already got one tiger jar that keep food warm but cant cook on e go.. Thou of getting one to save my gas.. Hehe...


Cold storage got baby yogurt.. Comes in 6 small cups.. 3 plain vanilla n 3 banana flavor.. Dunno how to spell the name but I remember only one type.. $6-7


I think I Noe which one u referring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk intake

Mine no change.. Same amt

Sunflower, mamyvelle mentions the name of e yogurt I saw at cold storage..

Eeyore, e ntuc at my place dun think got bb yogurt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oic..im quite surprised..


yoplait sold at ntuc leh..i saw everytime.. i used to eat yoplait during pregnancy becos gynae says its one of the best yogurt for pregnant mummy.

eelyn & CL, is cow's milk one of the content of the cereal? some bbs allergy to cow's milk and will have running stool, wonder if there will be different reaction to the different types of cows milk, i.e. only allergy to some brands since all these cow's milk are processed and i guess nutrients also slightly different?

weiling, your bb last feed at 11.30pm and wakes up at 5.30am for milk is considered good liao. i did hear abt giving water or diluted milk to discourage them waking up for night milk, but i personally think they are now still too young and is at critical growing stage, it will not be good to cut too much the milk else they may get insufficient nutrients.

my #1 last time waked up every 3 hourly for milk in the night, till i think he was 1 year old. my hubby & I took shift, he usually worked till very late, so he took the 12am shift then i took the 3am shift. no choice loh. my #2 now last feed at 9pm and wakes up at 4am, has been like that since birth. different bbs just have different needs.

try not to give jin feng san as it's still a medicine. i guess ur girl woke up to play, maybe too much sleep in the day? or simply due to teething. mine does wake up to fuss once in a while in midnight too and sleeps lesser in the day. if really want to give something, you may want to try gripe water instead.

cheers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

scooby2010 : my girl is coming 6months 2weeks old.

she can crawl, then from crawl to sitting position, then push herself up to stand up.

now she's learning to hold things and walk.

i'm a SAHM also.

several times, we stop her from climbing but she got angry and wanted to bite my face or neck!

so naughty!

MVH, I gave my #1 Redoxan Vitamin C for kids. I personally taking the adult effervescent ones and find it effective to boost immunity & prevent simple flu. my son is the easily gets "heaty" type, so other than vitamin C and multivitamins, i also control his diet. also dunno if he is getting bigger now, immunity does see improvement.

xpink, your girl is good leh. my boy so lazy, now started to show a little sign of moving only (not even crawling). already 7.5 mths. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haitang : but i sometimes cannot tahan her, she's too active!!! i think she's more active than my #1 and #2 lor, that's why she's faster than my #1 and #2.

Angel, i agree with you, actually different bbs have different development progress. my boy can flip 1 fr tummy to back at 2nd mth, but full turn only at 5 mths, sits up at 6 mths, but dislikes sitting and prefer standing, can jump actively in jumperoo, but cannot crawl at all, can even hardly dragging himself. just like you, i don't need to worry he is crawling everywhere, i only worry that he flips everywhere.


MVH, if you want those can cook on the go then should look for the Thermal Chef or they call it Thermal pot. Thermos is the 1st in that. the smallest size i came across and i bought one is abt 2L leh. Tiger and Zojirushi don't have this small size, i think Tiger smallest is 3L only, but made in Japan, good quality. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

