(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

OH YA speaking of flipping, my gal flipped when she was 3months 2weeks+ and my relative didn't believe me.

She said, 'aiyo my son 6 months already still dont know how to flip. Your baby is you flip one or what? Hmmm maybe yr baby too light so can flip, my one too chubby liao. Think he cant support his weight. "

I was like -.-"

. After that conversation i quickly took a video of her flipping and posted to fb. Grrr.

N_g, that's what happened last nite.. I keep waking up n check on my gal.. Really scare she might suffocate...

Sunflower, I put her in yaolan, she also wanna flip.. But not successful, so sleeping sideways in the swing.. Alamak.. Then she pekchek n wake up easily coz stuck at one position...

Realize when she flip while sleeping, her hands are tucked under her chest.. So when she wanna move her arms but can't, she wake up crying.. This happens today while she naps.. In the end, woke up every 30-45mins rather than 1-2 hrs nap..

Mandy, lol.. My elder gal flipped herself @3 months.. And I remember some mummies here mentioned their bb flipped at 2+months...


talkin abt introducing vit C food to bb to absorb iron..

so if now my bb is on 100% bm, can give apple juice for her to drink?? then will affect the iron absorption?

hi mummies,

been a silent reader.. read that most bubs are drinking n growing very well..

my girl drinks 120ml ebm every 3-4hrs.. but her body clock is upside down.. likes to sleep in the day and is a very light sleeper at night.. any tips on how to change it? have tried to keep her active in the day instead but she gets real grouchy when she's sleepy and is kept awake.. and then becomes really restless and fidgety at night..

my #1 had no such problem.. ppl say cos she was a formula baby so kept full and satisfied.. dunno true or not? am very tempted to give formula at night to try but hesitant to give up total bf.


i knw she'll outgrow it.. just that while she's outgrowing this.. my eyebags are growing.. :p

n yes u can add fm to bananas.

my bb like drink very little leh... she drinks 4 time a day only. usually 150ml-160ml. some of the feed she take only 110ml then refuse to drink

just went to see a breastfeeding friendly doctor. May need a day surgery for my mastitis. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Fumiko, I think if u wanna give apple juice, dun give during feed.. Give in between feeds ba.. If mixed wif bm, apple juicE consider foreign food, so might interfere wif bm iron absorption..

Do dilute yr apple juice if not too sweet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eelyn, maybe u can try bringing yr bb out in e day? Let her listen to the surroundings n know it is daytime? My gal can't sleep well in stroller n very kpo to look ard..

My gal is a light sleeper too.. I keep complaining in this forum.. Lol.. Last time she can only sleep 1-3 hrs at nite then feed..and then repeat the same procedure again. Sometimes doesn't wanna sleep n play! Now she is better.. 3-4hrs.. Sometimes I make her cry before sleeping (make her lay on bed) she can sleep 5hrs straight.. But xin tong..

I guess as they grow older, they understand their routines better and can sleep better? This is what I hope for my gal.. Sleep well, grow healthy. Jia you! You r not alone...

Remembered some one selling / organising BP for happy bellies brown rice cereal right ? Can't find the link can reshare again. Thanks

i do believe that baby can flip as early as 3months. cos my #1 can flip over when she's 1month++. and my #2 can flip half way when he's few days old.

now #3 flip over at 11weeks old.

Now #3 at 4months old can crawl already.

I'm gonna video down her crawling.

I feel that its ok if others dont believe it.

Doesnt really matter to me.


aiyo, my ger nose got one pimples..wat shld i do??

sigh...i tink it started wti a blackhead..but i dun wan to squeeze out..nw bcome red pimple..

hw ah??


tks for the input..

there were a couple of nights she slept 4 hrs.. but those nights have not returned for a long time.. fingers crossed she'll find a routine soon.. also gotta blame lazy mummy for not enforcing routine la.. when she sleeps in the day i do get my free time too.

mummies starting cereal.. anyone keen to try rafferty's garden? a friend of mine is considating orders to get her friend to bring back from australia. do PM me if keen.

- http://www.raffertysgarden.com/breakfast_cereal.php

Fumiko, most websites will recommend cooking the apple first n then purée to give to baby.. Scared too sweet or too sour? And the texture is different.. But if ur gal likes the raw fruit, then I think it is ok ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eelyn, it is never too late to intro routine n baby loves routine once they learn it.. Day time free time is excellent! I love it too when my gal sleep alot in e day.. But it is terrible when she wakes up in e nite n play n worst is sometimes I can't keep my eyes open.. Get frustrated easily.. More she is more or less in tune wif our sleeping habits and juz hope things will get better when she grows older.. I still prefer my nite time sleep than daytime free time... Jia you!!

Fumiko, I think just leave the pimple alone n monitor a few days first? If squeeze, bb will feel pain leh.. Somemore their skin very thin...

Mvh thx for your advice.. I will get my on law to add some water to make it not too sweet..

hopefully e pimple will go off itself.. Sianz

i think some babies can flip v early, it is ok mah.. some flip later, like my ah boy. haha!!!!

anyway someone asked about milk intake?

my boy drinks around 110-130ml each feed, (bm), every 3 hourly. sometimes stretch to 3.5-4hr. so one day around 700ml-800ml.

cannot sleep through yet.

hi crescent and rachel,

me also thinking of getting baby cubes but not sure good or not.. haa...

rachel, u ordered from which BP? how much per tray?

Can ask if febm will 'grow water'? Recently start to defroze some of my febm n realize the amount is slightly more than the amount I freeze.. Abt 5ml more.. For my elder gal, it is my mil who give febm so I din notice..

Issit becoz water condensed and freeze again since our fridge got auto-defroze system n does defreezing every now n then?

Has any of your babies start to recognise ppl and place? My ger start to recognise ppl when 3 mths plus and now places too. She will keep crying when I visit my parents and friends house but she's ok with shopping. Have been gg back to my mum every weekend since she's 1 mth. But still she doesn't like that place. Needless to say, my parents and siblings cannot carry her too coz she will cry non-stop until I carry her.

Will they outgrow this? If by CNY still like this, I no need to go visiting le.

xuan, my bb start ard 2 mths... especially at nite from 8pm onwards... day time still ok...

so at nite she will wan to look for me...in a way it's good for me... so tat her stupid yeye & mama (PIL) cannot carry her...

taking abt them damn irritated... last sun we came back from JB ard 7pm (my mum place) then hubby wans to bring her out to meet them for dinner 2gether wif mil side siblings... then pil & the aunties see her alr keep ask her to call them... then fil once see kept looking at her & say 'yeye, yeye' so irritated! like my ger name is yeye like tat...

i alr told my hubby dun wan to go cos she going to be cranky & wans milk ard 8pm the will sleep.. but he insist going say they eating now ard 8 will be back alr, wah Lau! the food ard 8pm then come lor! he so 1 kind one! so angry wif him! my poor bb got to suffer bcos of him! then i show him 1 face tell him 'told u not to come alr!' he kept quiet... i tink he know i angry... reached home ard 9... then my poor ger so sleepy but too hungry to sleep, drink milk 1/2 way fall asleep...

he have nv put bb as 1st priority lor! everytime just tink of wanting his parent/aunts to see/play wif her... sometimes when bb crying & i'm bathing or bz doing sometime cannot attend to her... he oso go take his own sweet time... damn pissed!

told him i wana go back tis sat to my mum place... then he say sat holiday mil ask him to go travel agency to help them pay using card 1st... then after tat go food tasting/booking for cny menu... i dun wan to see them so many times tis wkend lor.. if nv go my mum place, sat lunch time eat wif them, then dinner most likely they will da bao come up my place, then sun oso the same!

sorry ah... got to rant abit here to keep my sanity....


my boy also can recognise pple and places at 3mth plus.

usually its on a monday after a long weekends.. when i sent him to my mum's place on monday, he will cry and weep whole day till we pick him.

then he will be very happy the moment he saw us..

as in going to other pple places, he is ok so long as me and hb are there...


i understand how you feel. my hb is also like that. want to bring my girl to my pil's house. scare she recognise places and people. problem is my girl is fine with everywhere and people but whenever go their house, it will be a problem and i will suffer at night. my milk also like to show off her grand-daughter to her colleagues and my girl start to cry like she was being tortured. i even rant on FB saying my hb want to bring her to see my mil when i am working as i forgot he was off on 3rd jan. i fed up and had to take leave. or else it will bring trouble to my mum as she take care of her on weekday night.

