(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Hi Monkie,

My bb ger oso screaming when she is happy. When we played with her, she scream too. The other when she was admitted to KKH, I did check with the doctor bout BB shouting/screaming. She say its alright one as long as you know her screaming is not becos of pain or uncomfortable. The doctor mentioned that she's just trying to talk/communicate with us...

Hey mummies,

Check with u ladies.

Those mummies, whose parents are helping to take care of the bb while we mummies are at work, do you all give some $ to the caregiver?

Crescent, most prob is teething.

I realised when they contacted the teats, they are playing with it. My girl was like that for the past 2 weeks, then i checked her gum i saw a tooth. I can't believe that a 4.5months baby start teething already.

Hi Sheric,

Care to PM me, how much u give...

Thanks for sharing.

Cos recently me & my hubby had some arguement on the $$ issue.

He mentions that Y mus give them $$ since the milk powder & etc all we buy.

I don mean the $$ to be like salary but some sort like aprreciation.

How do I get him to understand?

Regina, we also give extra $$ for my mil to take care of my elder gal.. Especially after bb can eat solids, mil will go market buy fish n veg n cook porridge.. We can't possibly go market every day to get the ingredients ourselves mah.. Somemore need boils water to bathe, drink, make milk etc.. Extra electricity used, fan etc though little but these r extra leh.. Outside nanny charge $600 per bb leh..


We only give $100 to our parents every month. He argues that $100 not enough? Pampers, milk powder & etc, all we buy. Why not enough? Why need $300? Then he says, his mum look aft bb, nv ask for salary.

U r rite lor, outside nanny charge more than that.Sterilise, boiling water, bathing & etc all need water & eletricity. He thinks his $100 is bigger than cow's cart wheel.

Very distrubed with his reactions.

Regina, u dun accept pm.

As u said it's a kind of appreciation to them. Nothing is free in this world. I had this prob a month ago.

I Tell my hubby to check out wat's the market rate for nanny? Explain to him the differences btn mum n nanny to take care. The love the care that they given to baby. The trust that u have on them(mum) knowing that they will take good care of ur baby.

I was in the stage that i ask my hubby to look for other sources like maid, even infant care centre. All these money are so much more than they can imagine.

After all, He nvr mention any issue abt it anymore.

My mum helps to look after her at night


My mum looks after my boy but I give market rate. I also dun expect her to buy anythings as i supply diapers, milk etc. She says just give a minimal amt but we insisted market rate. bcos we feel that its tiring for my mum to look after bb alone. Once he started solid food will top up extra. Parents help us to take Care but we shouldn't take them for granted. Both hb and I take care bb at hm already feel tiring, don't even say our parents whose already old. Giving them money is not bcos we treat them as maid but wana thank them for helping. Imagine no one wants to help, u gota look for IFC or nanny or even maid , which is not the ideal solution we want. Anyway u giving money to Ur own parents wat, don't need to be neow.

U have to tell him taking care of a bb is not easy. Needless to say old pple taking care of an active bb or even cranky bb. Ask him take care ur bb 1 full day and doing hsewrk at the same time, then he can understand. Do ur parents still need to cook for lunch or dinner? That's even worse. Really very tiring for old pple!

Morning all !

Today 1st trial to bring my son to my mother place for her to take care 1/2 day ... so tired.. and my mum haven't wake up yet.


I gave at least $800 to my mum leh... used to give her lesser when my dad still around as I need to split the share to dad as well, but after dad passed away, all i gave her... only up no down.. i also consider she feed us until so big... can give her more but part of it goes to my gal's cc already...

My hubby sometime cannot think thru. Thy always tot they are our own parents still get market rate etc.

Regina, have a gd talk to him.

regina > i give my mom extra $300 over and above the mthly allowance....not alot but like all the rest of mummies said, it is a form of appreciation....my mom no ask for extra...in fact told me not to give....cos it is only right for her to take of grand-daughter....my hubby was supportive that we give a token mthly to her...

it is not easy taking care bb at our parents' age lor...

hi hi,

happie new year to all of u!

i sneak in for a while again.. have been busy at work and at night also. ah boy still cannot sleep through ah though slightly better than before! so still stressful for me ... sigh!! *panda eyes*

I agree, giving parenst $$ when they take care of our kids is v subjective de. it all depends on our financial arrangement. can be from FREE to very expensive depending on the need of our old folks too. this one can write a thick book also cannot finish writing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as long as both sides happie, baby happie then it should be a good arrangement.

regina, so you can talk to your hb bah. if financially ok, should give more because they also helps to buy things for the young ones. most of the time they do.

when my girl was with nanny, i give nanny extra too because she buys things for my gals on and off. i feel paiseh..

when my mil was taking care of my #1 for 3 months, i give her $400 per month, she stayed with us. i can see that she feels happie and quite relax, especially when she feels like buying things for my gal, she will just buy them. i know that she is not those who luan4 luan4 lai2 with money de, so ok.

Hi all, I explained to him. He don wanna understand.

He keeps comparing his mum with mine. He say his mum dont ask for salary. He dont understand Y mine have to? He thinks that $100 is enough.

he keeps thinking that the $$$ is salary for them. He dont understand what I meant as appreciation....

regina, guys r like tat... they r very practical one... especially when comes to $$ they need to see value in it (i.e physical stuff, etc)..

Fashion caps..

Bought 2 fr e bp website.. All e 4 buttons cannot go thru the button holes!!! Somemore the quality is very poor.. After washing, it appears to be torn as some of the threads come out Liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My dad n mom full time help take k of my boy n girl. I dun giv them mthly allowance cos they refuse to take! My dad always told me he got $$$ n my mom told me they stay at my pl, eat my food is very gd oledi, no need $$$. Sometimes wan to giv them some $$$ to buy watever they like n buy food they oso push here push there. When angry I will told my dad n mom "working ppl (like us with mthly income) always complain no $$$, how come u 2 (no income) always say got $$$?". I understand they try to help reduce our burden. Cos there is time when they ask how much is my son sch fee n how much it cost if send my girl to IFC, my mom will come out withlots of excuse to keep my child fr going sch in order to save $$$! Wat I can do is only get my sis to pass them a lump sum of $$$ during Chinese new year before I go back (so they got no where to push back the $$$ to me), n pay for some of their trip (like genting trip, kukup trip) via my sister. I m really bless to hav them as my parent, n hav my sis n bro to help out whenever they r not working.

Today office knock off at 2pm & come in to wish everybody Happy New Year 2011!!

I also bought the Fashion caps from bp & same like mvh, bad quality & 1 button even drop after I wash... the cap size also very big than expected... even my 3 yr old girl also cant wear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ah nah, eeyore

Found the brand of the bean bag. It is doomoo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rachel n sunflower, hope yr fashion caps r better than mine..

Regina, my hubby gives extra $300 to my mil who take care of my elder gal.. I give $100 to my mum who always like to buy food/fruits/toys for my elder gal.. She said no need to give but I still give la.. They old Liao n still spend n spend on my kid..

Anyway, discuss wif yr hubby again or when my bb starts solids n drink lesser n lesser milk.. Then maybe need to top up for real food..

Btw, though we provide diapers, milk, all clothings, cereals.. My mil still buys home clothes for my gal...

Regina, if money is salary to them, ask him if u wan him to take care of ur baby n just pay him $100/mth. Will he be happy? Honestly speaking, $100 is not enuff to pay off electrical n water bill..

I try to give my parents some token but they refused to take. Just the usual few hundreds allowance which i gave them every mth previously.

But since they are staying w us on weekdays, i gave them a lump sum of household allowance for marketing and whatever they/baby/we need.

Sunflower, I bought it from e same link crescent posted.. My elder gal wears it.. Can adjust e tightness at e back but realize doesn't really look good coz the cap is too shallow Liao.. Aka the side of the cap is too high up.. Ard 2 inches above e ears which makes the cap 'moveable'.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And way too big for my bb gal even I adjust the back to the min Liao.. Mmm...

My mil keeps telling me to give my gal potato as first food.. But I feel like giving her rice cereal first.. My elder gal I also give rice cereal n she thinks that it is not nutritional enough.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sunflower, oh good that it is refundable.. Luckily the caps r cheap else really heartpain to spend $$ for a not so good quality cap..

Hi all, happy new year to u all.. May all yr babies grow healthy n well!!!

My gal keeps waking up juz now coz got a group of ppl countdowning downstairs, screaming n playing.. So loud sia.. Sianz.. My place here always got echo n can hear noises fr downstairs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rachel, wow u n bb stay outside till so late ah? My gal doesn't like to sleep outside.. Yesterday went to my hubby fren place for dinner.. My gal only slept for 20 mins in sling then din sleep till we get home ard 11pm.. Changed, fed her put in sarong to sleep.. Sigh.. A group of youngsters playing downstairs n screaming after 12mn.. My gal keeps waking up.. Till ard 1am then they left n finally have some peace..

