(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


tks for encouraging words. hope i can get her into a routine soon.


my grl will behave like that ard evening time.. but will be ok if a familiar face is ard to carry = me. :p


mummies starting cereal.. a friend of mine is considating orders to get her friend to bring back from australia. do PM me if keen.

- http://www.raffertysgarden.com/breakfast_cereal.php

the last time she bought for me she charged me $3.80 for normal and $4.50 for the organic range. my #1 loved them. may be just abit higher cos of high AUD now. let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my girl is fine going to my parent's house but go pil's house, she will cry and become cranky. dunno why. so far she is very friendly with anyone but whoever related to my mil, my girl dun like. haha... maybe she is same as me, dun like my mil.. oops.

RE: FEBM grow in water

i packed my FEBM in the lansinoh milk bags and squeeze out the air first before i zip it

must leave space? as in som e air? am i packing it correctly?


me oso... sometime when hubby & me go out on sat then go back to pil place for dinner ard 8pm, the time just nice tat after we eat have to chop chop go home liao...

cos usually we go out after 1-2pm after her feed, then i will only bring 1 bottle of milk out which she will take ard 4-5pm... then next feed will be ard 8-8.30pm... heheeh



my boy n girl both ok with every1 including mil. Sometime really pek chek y they nvr reject her. But my mom say heng my son (take k by my parent) still ok with mil else mil might thought n blame my parent taught him not to b with her.

My hb oso same same. I dun wan to go back batam wif him during cny. I told him me pregnant, baby young so not suitable to travel tat far. Somemore mil come to my pl during cny eve n at my pl chu Yi. Why should me n baby suffer travel all the way to batam just to meet his stupid sister?! He yet dare to tell me it's same logic as I go back my hometown during cny! Same distance same long journey n he even comment me selfish nvr think for him! ##%%%#% I m so pissn ask him y I cannot go home c my parent during cny? In the end we did go batam, he, stupid mil n stupid sil happy, me n my boy suffer cos wait abt 5hour for ferry n sea sickness, my boy vomit all the way there. Somemore insist wait for stupid sil for dinner till over 9pm! Hungry till dizzy, gastric n vomit. Who selfish?

hahaha...i oso blocked my FIL etc off my fb....oni my bil can see coz he's not the KPO type

was forced to add them in....haizzz

My pils are her main caregiver after I'm back to work. So far no major conflicts with their methods of babysitting. Hopefully this will continue.

Sunflower, cheekrene & eelyn,

sometimes even me or my hb cannot coax her. she recognise place. She will stop awhile, look ard and start to cry again. Headache.

Told my parents that if you want to carry her, maybe have to come over my place on saturday to let her familiarize with them first. At least place is not an issue. Then i will bring her over to them on sunday to know the place. Wonder if this will work. But it's kinda troublesome. My parents stay in hougang and I stay in bukit panjang.


my girl's bedtime is between 7.30-8pm. She will cry for home!!!


your hb never think carefully. Seasick is terrible leh. Aiyo your poor boy had to suffer!


i got no choice, add bil, sil n his cousin. I block his cousin as i dun even who she is. Never let her see photos. Haha! Wah your fil in fb!!! Wa sek!!!

Mm.. I think most man r not thinking for their kids.. Sometimes weekend ask my hubby 6pm go buy food coz might have crowd as my elder gal dinner time is 6+pm.. He always tu tu till 630pm or after then go buy.. Then come back 7+pm.. My elder gal starves for 1hr lor..

Good morning, everyone !!

Today is my last day of work for the year...

I wish everyone can have a nice weekends.

New Year New Resolutions


same. its my last day of work for the year too.

going to handle my naughty little girl for next 5 days. tiring.

morning everyone.

Hi eelyn,

I saw this thread the other day too...

I'm interested to share.

I remember some mummies here getting it also, how is the comment for this playmat?

Hi Eelyn / Pink_piglet,

I bought the playmat, it is quite good, thick enough for my boy as he is learning how to flip, so will not hit his head on the floor.

But i find it a bit small to my expectations... hee hee, think is 2mx1m only. If u want bigger and yr house have space, maybe it is good to set 2 sets to join together to form a bigger play area.

anyone knows where to buy caps/hats like in this picture ?

I want to buy a cute hat for my boy, so that it can block sunlight.



Nice! Let me Noe if u manage to get the source !


Yalor.. I'm still waiting


I have it .. Share with Mvh .. I like it.. Material Alot better than the abc mat..

Hi karenthk..u can get it from this person..go to FB n look for shopperslove..she have this cap!I got it from her too..but the blue col is not exactly this blue in pics..its darker!The price is $12.90+$1(Postage)

Hi mummies...

Bittersweet day for me today.. Started supplementing with fm cos supply dwindling.. Think won't try to boost it again.. The fm at night really helps with my sanity.


tks for the review. Will get it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pink piglet,

cool which one u keen to get? I wanna get t001. I will help u order ya?

Hi,my son today moved quiet a distance and fell off from bef ,was quiet worried but he seems to be quiet ok.

Was thinking whether I shld get a playpen to put him during day when he is awake,but heard some times the playpen can topple down when the baby tries to stand , is it true?Don't want to get cot as he usually sleeps near me.ANy suggestions for playpen ,can use till how long.And any promotion for playpen currently..


Ya i wanted to get T-001 too, just nice.

cos this design like more animals lolz.

Please help me order, thanks.

I will PM you my mailing address, let me know how to transfer you the money too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I have 1 tin of Friso Gold 1 (0-6mths) expiring March 2012 to give away.

Self collect @ bukit panjang.

PM me if you are interested.


as of yday still haven receive. tonight i see if i got it anot.. how bout urs?

today is also my last day of work for yr 2010. hehe


i didn't get the beanie in the end. cos i transferred the $$ already but the seller said another mummy paid before me so she sold it to her instead and refunded me.


guess probably the mummy is me. haha. cos i rem we spot the same design beanie. u nv preorder from her?

anyone bb start to scream ah?

my bb dunno y now not just cry but scream also...

so loud type !!

i wonder hw to stop it..

my ger today dunno y.... at the IFC dun wana drink milk...

morning 6.15am latch on, then bring down IFC ard 8am...sleep the bath @ 10.30am then they feed her milk... drink 20ml only then dun wan alr... put the milk in cry.. then put her down to play she ok... headache leh...

but everytime i feed her she ok leh...


Teething? My baby had the same prob 2 weeks ago. Then sudd fine again. Dun worry, just monitor for a while n try feeding when sleeping if u really want more milk in her.

mine i nowadays got to feed when she half-asleep

but will IFC do it? or they just dont bother...? if bb dun drink then they will throw the milk away ah?

anyone interested in these?? about $125 per pc...



ange, ya.. she's teething... but when i feed her she ok leh...

monkie, usually my IFC will keep in the warmer for about if she nv finish then try again later within 1hr... if still have then they throw away cos cannot keep to long...

