(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

ng... i'm the the healthcare sector, i was offered tis job in Jul, then the agreement was on tat for tat 1 mth b4 delivery is under contract, then after maternity they will convert me to perm staff...

ahnah... my position is IT exec lor.. heheeh



u r damn lucky! Going to giv birth liao still can get a job! Did they provide u full maternity benefit? U work in hospital?

ahnah, my position here is a new one... cos new department... so far only me, now i'm a owner instead of vendor (all my previous job)

the environment very nice... colleagues & bosses oso!

ng... ya lor.. actually i apply in mar when they post on the straits times recruit... then dun no why they drag until jun then call me go interview... after tat they offer me lor...

based on mom policies they cannot give me the maternity benefits... cos need to work at least 90days mah...

i dun work in hospital, but in a hospice... but the wellfare benefits are some as those work in hospital...

Rachel, the pharmacist told me cannot break the tablet to half.. Will cause the medicine to be unstable once broken. Each time use one tablet n throw away the remaining.. That's why it is super expensive lor.. U should check wif yr pd..


same same here. Lolx~

freeze increment on yr 2009, tis yr increment $50, not even enuff to cover transportation fee! N increment give cos too many stuff resign. Imagine our pay oledi below market rate yet hav tis type of treatment. If I dun hav family I will resign without a job liao.

MVH, is the pharmacist from Paragon? Gosh, I got the same info and was told that once you took out the tablet, it will dissolve in the air, hence to dissolve the entire tablet in 10ml of water then feed baby 5ml.

I checked with two pharmacists from Paragon Guardian and both told me the same thing. I called up my PD, he said for losec mups can break into half and keep the other half in fridge. I tried out one tablet, broke into half, kept in air-tight box and put in box in fridge, the next day, the tablet is still as dry and solid,no sight of melting.

The next box of losec I bought from Parkway Parade, this time the pharmacist there told me I can break it up and store in fridge. I have been doing this and no problem so far.

The losec mups will turn black if not consume on the same day after it melts.

Rachel, the pharmacist is at Mt A ( I spoke to 2 different persons), and another fr guardian. Tat time my gal dosage is twice a day.. One day need 2 tablets.. I ask if can use one tablet n break use morning n evening.. Both say cannot..I also dunno what they meant by unstable..

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, I have some items for sale:

1) BNIB AVENT Feeding bottle anti colic 125ml BPA-free type - $10 (retailing at $15)

> 3 pcs available

2) BNIB AVENT Airflex Teat for 3m+ set 2pcs/set - $4.50 (retailing at $6.60)

> 3 sets available

3) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic M sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 6 sets available

4) BNIB Pigeon Peristaltic Y sized teat 2pcs/set - $3.50 (retailing at $5.50)

> 3 sets available

5) BNIB Pigeon Breastmilk Storage Bottles 3pcs/set PP bottles - $10.50 (retailing at $15.50)

> 6 sets available

6) BNIB Pigeon Laundry Detergent 1 kg - $6

> 3 boxes available

7) BNIB Pigeon Bottle Nipple&Vegetable Liquid Cleanser formulated with edible ingredients 700ml - $8.50 (retailing at $12+)

> 6 packs available

All items are brand new and unopened bought this year only.. If you buy more, price can be negotiable.

Pickup location: Tiong Bahru MRT or Jurong East MRT (weekdays only)

Merry Christmas!

Did some research after QQ's advice on giving solids after 6 months for breastfed bb..


From this website, it states that the iron in bm is easily absorb 50% compared to formula or solids 7%.. but the amount of iron is not enough for bb after 6months..

It also states that bm has lactoferrin to bind wif iron. If we give extra iron n less bm, bb has not enuff lactoferrin to bind wif the extra iron n hence bacteria needs iron to grow somore prone to bacteria..

It also states that bm mixed wif solids or formula will reduce the absorption rate of iron in bm.. But giving bm alone is ok.

N if we give cereals that has fortified iron, good to mix wif fruits as vitamin C helps to absorb iron better..

Mm.. I guess I will delay giving solids till 6 months ba since my gal is on total bm..

MVH, u are so hardowrking, thanks for the research done. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will drag until 6 mths old too, unless he still cannot sleep through then.

a merry xmas and happy new year to everyone!!!

Suika, e idea is bm iron absorption rate is better than fm or cereal.. So no need to introduce solids so early if u r breastfeeding.. Can wait till 6 months.. E amount of iron in bm still sufficient till 6 months.. If cereal mix wif bm for a meal, that particular meal bm iron absorption is greatly reduced.. But will not affect other bm feeding.

So wait till 6 months, e iron in bm is low so mix wif cereal, iron absorption rate reduce also not much difference Liao coz iron in bm too little..

Got 2 types of iron, fr animals eg liver, red meat etc.. Another is cereal, dark green veg etc.. Latter is more difficult to be absorb by body but wif e help of vitamin C, absorption improves.. So good to mix cereal wif fruits..

I jus share what I understood.. Feel free to correct me if I m wrong.. Hope I dun sound like someone else who used to provide pro advice..


so meaning since bb on bm more then no nid to intro cereal so early har?

my girl likes to wake up at 4plus every nite ley..... how har? but i no feed her....juz duno y she wakes up at that time

Suika, try to delay first lor... My gal now sleeps at 1am almost every nite.. If sleep early, will wake up n play till 12+am then sleepy.. Dunno why also..

Maybe u can ask doc during her next visit?

I intend to ask pd on her 5.5months visit..

anyone got any recoomendation on GP who is breastfeeding friendly?

Im down with mastitis for the 3rd time in this 4months.

Guess nobody as unlucky a me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

did a search, if mastitis keep coming back, may need to do a day surgery to drain out all the infection.

so i prefer to see a GP who are more pro on breastfeeding.

anyone can recommend?

Hi everyone, i have a qn on feeding fm outside. I only bring a thermal flask of warm water and mix it with milk powder when i need to feed my gal. Seems like most if not all ppl prepare 2 separate bottles of hot and room temp water for mixing when they need to feed. Any advice on my method? Wont cause any harm will it? Thanks

Xpink, aiyo u really have to take care of yourself... Not sure about which GP to go...

Ange, I m not sure how hot yr warm water is.. Some formula cannot use too hot water.. My elder gal is drinking pediasure.. The tin states uses 35degrees of water... If too hot, might destroy some of the nutrients in the fm...

im using PISA.

My timing is morning 7.30am den noon time 1pm den 6pm den 10pm den 2am den morning 7.30am again.

cos i cant really regularly pump as i can only wait until my #2 nap den wait until hubby's back from work.

den do housework and look after the 3 kids den can pump. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sorry to intrude..

Have the following cereals to let go at low price.

Brand new boxes of Organix cereals -

1)Fruity Apple (Expiry: Aug 2011) UP:$8, Now:$5.50!!

3)Wholegrain Baby Rice (Expiry: Feb 2012) UP:$8.10, Now:$5.50!! Take 2 boxes at $10!!

Self collect at Yew Tee MRT.

PM or sms for fast deal 9022 6864.



hmm, im also total breastfeeding... but i have 1 feed in the morning that mix with cereal leh.. i heard we cannot mix bm and cereal together , the absorption rate is greatly reduced, so sometimes i spoon feed cereal for my boy 1 hr before bm feed.

hmm, maybe i will stop mixing bm and cereal since im total breastfeeding too..but will still spoon feed cereal to get him goin..anyway i only give 2 teaspoon mix with hot water, and not together with bm..

Sunflower, if u did not mix cereal wif bm for now, I think ok la.. Anyway, after 6 months I think mix or no mix wif bm also not much effect on the iron absorption rate..


The temp is ready for drinking. Just tt i premix hot n room temp water at home before bringing out. Just womdering since others mostly bring two flasks of diff temp water out...


my ger drink 120ml of milk. i will prepare normal temp water at milk bottle (ard 80-90ml) & bring a flask of hot water to mix when she abt to drink.


my ger had her first tooth when i checked on her yesterday ;)

is there anything that I need to take note beside her temp?


Side track abit, y u dun feed ur gal at 4plus ? My boy max can only tahan 6 hrs.. So usually last feed at 10pm, will wake up ard 3-4am.. He moves moves every few mins , so I just feed him.. And can last till 730am.. If I dun feed him, then I will have problem ard 6-7am when I'm pumping and getting ready to wrk. Do u feed her before u go off to wrk?


coz she dun nid to drink at that timing, she juz during this timing turns light sleep so keep eh eh for her 'tutu' i pat pat her she go back slp then awhile later eh eh again....at time i too tired i juz give her some water, she drink abit then will slp liao....coz she's not hungry that's y i no wan feed her, mayb last time i fed her at that timing she used to waking up at that time ba....haizzz


i oni bring 1 bot thermal flask w hot water then her bottle i'll put normal water in, when she wana drink then i add in hot water then fm...after that wash the bot n add in hot water till her nxt feeding time the water will b cold liao then add in hot water again to feed her....like that no nid bring so many bottles n flask out


Mine also Eh Eh , I pat pat and give pacifier , goes back to slp.. After a while Eh Eh agn.. I have to feed in order for him to slp thru.. I tot cannot feed water before 6 mth wor?

