(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

So xiant, really dun feelnlike coming to co. These 2 wk din on leave, dun know how to tahan 5 working days per wk. T.T

Monday blue!!!


n_g : Thanks for asking. im getting better liao. no more fever but still having painful boobs. Luckily i got left over antibiotics and fever medicine so this time not that 'serious' as my first time.

many times meh? I think maybe becos i didnt frequent pumping, thats y kena mastitis again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I thought pump too many times will increase ss? U hav oversupply rite? Saw ur posting on giving away ebm. =)

mayb u can try to reschedule your pumping, to pump less frequent so u hav more time to rest. Fr your pumping schedule can tell u will b damn tired, lack of rest time. It took time to reschedule n cannot rush. When your ss start drop think u won't hav such problem liao. I only try to maintain ngam ngam ss for both my son n daughter now. Pump 3x everyday.


Yes. I will get a job first. I really sick of this place. wasted my 8 yrs in this company and they dun appreciate it.


wah! 8 yr in same co oh. I found out the reality of working life (现实)after working for 1.5yrs at same co (my first job). No such thing so call "loyalty" now.

n_g : Not really alot of milk actually. my girl drink 4oz and i pump out 5-6oz each time. I used to pump every 3hrly. now i drag till 5-6hrly and still pump the same amt of milk. Until now, i have not started any frozen milk for her yet. So freezer got sooooooooooo many BM.

but if i pump less frequent, higher chance for mastitis to come back?

maybe i suddenly reduce the pumping times, thats y kena mastitis again.

was told that i cannot suddenly reduce. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yup, cannot sudden reduce. Wat I did was initially pump every 3-4 hourly, after tat drag to 4-5 hourly, n slowly drag to 5-6 hourly n finally to accommodate my working hour n sleep time, drag to pump only 5am, 12 noon n 8.30pm. If u slowly drag n fully empty your breast, think should b ok.

so maybe i suddenly reduce [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cos sometimes i drag till 9hrs den pump. :S

Morning all~~

My bb keep flipping herself last nite n sleep on her tummy leh.. 3-4 times.. Then when I flip her over to lie on her bed, she is cranky n wakes up.. Should I flip her back or leave he alone? I cant sleep when I leave her on her tummy leh.. Strange.. She never sleep on her tummy before...


recently my girl oso flip herself to sleep on tummy. My mom say dangerous cos afraid she might block her nose, but like yours, after we flip her back she will flip again very soon. So now Bo chap liao. Just let her b n occasionnaly chk on her to make sure no blockage.


my boy last time flipped alot during nite slp.. there were twice i woke up and found him faced down on his bolster..i removed the bolster, next time he faced down on the mattress..very scary..my heart almost popped out..had to check if he is still breathing.. ever since, i put him to yaolan..and then i sleep in peace..

but some pple told me not to worry as they know how to find space to breathe even with a bolster or mattress..they will tilt their head somehow...but i also heard of my colleague's friend whose baby got suffocated when faced down the mattress on the cot at 4-mth.. so for me, i dont take chance, rather let him slp yaolan(alot pple say not gd)..

Hi mummies,

How much milk does yr babies drink now. My boy is 4.5 months and my MIL is giving him 200ml (5 feeds) per day. Is it too much? Saw most other babies only drinking 120-150ml only. Scared too much will inflat his stomache.

mine is ard 100-120ml (5-6 feeds) for 4.5month

but at nite...can drink more than 200ml..like last nite..drink 260ml..but not one shot..is like over 1.5 hour timing

crescent, i'm keen to get bumbo. Wonder if JL still has 20%.

There's a BP for CumfySafe cot mattress protector cum sheet. I just ordered.

Ok, thanks for the info. Worried give too much milk, cos my colleagues told me her son, abt 1 yr is only drinking 200ml.

Worried that I over feed, sigh.

Overfeed also worry, baby don't want to drink also worry. Life of a mummy difficult.

Why not get 2nd hand bumbo cos they can sit only couple of mths? Try to find those lightly used ones. I got one at $35 with tray.

afternoon all,

been ages since i logged in. Super busy juggling with work and bb.

Ohya, some mummy frens of mine intro-ed this 糟米(brown rice)四神分 from EYS, works well for my bb. But for bm babies shld start from 6 months, that's what the TCM salesperson said.

Anw, Merry x'mas(belated) and happy new year!

