(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


according to PD solid is more stable in the stomach and not as easily backflow. My bb doesn't regurgitate alot, but i can hear him swallowing liquids, so i guess the milk still backflows and he just swallow back. So introducing solid will help bb to overcome the reflux sooner and I can take him off from motilium and losec. PD recommends to start with rice cereals. Don't think rice cereals will trigger any allergy.

My son is coming to 4mo this weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my son will only play with the teat if he is not too hungry, he either pushes away the bottle with his hand or tongue, or he pulls the teat out then put it back in repeatedly and laugh. You can try to feed your bb half hour later and see if she drinks.

I also notice my son screams for fun, though not so frequent. I reckon he is trying to practise his vocals haha, trying to make different sounds, nothing serious, dont worry abt it. I find it quite funny esp when he takes some effort to scream at high pitch and when he did it, he laughs.


Oic.. My gal swallows back milk, kanna choke during sleep etc.. Hestitate to start solids as scare of allergies.. Guess I wait for 1-2weeks more.. Anyway, I felt that e medicine not useful so stopped when she is 5weeks..


same here. my girl tend to play with her teats or distracted by something. sometimes she will stretch herself to her back when drinking. i got hard time feeding her. in the end, dump her on rocker and feed her.


ya, my bb will oso drink milk halfway then start chewing and playing ard with the teats.. then after tt, she will scream n refuse to drink anymore..

it's v difficult to feed her when she's awake cos i think she's busy kaypo-ing ard... only when dream feed she will finish the milk w/o fussing.

i tot of buying sippy cup for my gal, since she don seem to like bottle.. i saw tommee tippee got a weaning sippy cup for 4m+ onwards... don kn shd try nt...

i think for baby food .. go slow first .. dun rush .

even from stage 1 to stage 2 milk powder .. must also slowly increase the portion of stage 2 with stage 1.

Hi all, for those on full breastmilk, may I know how wil u gals start feed cereal?? I know for FM Bbs, Mum will jus add cereal into the milk together. We can't add into the BM rite. I asked my Mum (I'm a full BM Bb). She say jus use boiling water leh.

MVH, I just found out that motilium actually prevents vomiting, as our bb grow, the dosage and frequency have to increase. I'm hesitant to increase the dosage also. I was told at 6.7kg, bb should be taking 1.5ml of motilium, 3 to 4 times a day to be effective. Anyhow, PD is also trying to wean off the medication, so we will modify his diet abit to see if it helps his reflux.

If you are worried that your gal is allergy to rice, you can try to buy Enfalac A.R formula and mix with your breast milk to feed her. "A.R." stands for added rice starch. I will be doing that too as suggested by the PD.

ahNah, you are right, have to go slow when it comes to feeding new stuff to our babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm going to feed one teaspoon of rice cereal mixed with milk a day for at least a week before increasing the number of feeds.

Hi Mummies,

Im from the Dec 2010 mummies thread.

Can I check if any of you brought your babies to the polyclinic for the 1month Hep B jab? Can we walk-in for the jab?

My confinement lady is leaving on Mon and when I called to make appointment, they told me no appointment for Mon. And they kept emphasizing that no appointment = no jab (ask to go home). Im wondering what about those who didnt call their hotline to enquire.

Did any one tried just walk-in for the jab at polyclinic and didn't get turn down?

Rachel.. When I gave my gal e medicine when she is 3-4 weeks, it doesn't help much in preventing her fr vomiting.. So we stopped after 2 weeks of medication.. Somemore so ex!! $100+ per week.. After that she slowly get better.. Now so far no vomit for the past month. Just spilt more often after feed, frequent hiccups, swallowing of milk, choking.. Pd says let nature takes it's course during her 2nd jab.. So I m not givin her extra other than bm till now.. Recently I saw her watching us eat n swallow saliva.. Dunno issit time to intro solids.. Maybe will try rice cereal next week


both my kids r sick n my neighbour upstairs is doing reno (oni inform yest but i oni knew it when i came back from work....like that how to take leave) n in the morning after i left for work, my godmum told me it's way too noisy to even b outside the hse.....worst of all when i called in to HDB to ask they say once they approved for the works to b done, they just need to paste the permit outside the door....that's so rubbish! Neighbours shd b informed esp us having babies at home....heng my MIL not home, i got my godmum to bring the kids over their hse now if not i'll have to take urgent leave go back n bring them outside


just brought them see doc yest n today so sway cannot rest at home lor


u juz warm up ur EBM instead of FM n add into the cereal....as for the last feed if u wana add into BM u'll have to make sure it's warm enuff if not add in the cereal mix n leave it in the warmer awhile


ur bb on Nan rite? wan exchange? i looking for similac


oh dear, then they must be very cranky lor cuz cant rest n sleep well.. hope they can rest well at your godmum's place. u too, must take care ya.. try to rest when they sleep after their med lor..

Suika, 1-2months ago my neighbour also on Reno.. Bb can't sleep well.. Sat sun my hubby brought us go shopping centre to avoid the drilling sound.. Quite bad for kids esp babies. Glad yr godmother is helping out.. Hope yr kiddos cough get well soon then u can be more an xin.. Take care!


at least u ard can bring them out...mi now at work n w them both coughing i so pak chek that they hv no place to rest....they left in a hurry n my maid forgotten to take the sling along then now cannot sling her inside to sleep for comfort oso....haizzz


they're at my IL hse now....my FIL went for his checkup n heng my MIL working today so they went over there (we staying very nearby oni)


i will only introduce semi solid food to my girl when she is 6 mth old. For my #1, I warm up ebm for 1 feed, add abt half into rice cereal or fruit/vegie purée n feed him. After tat feed him balance ebm. Will do the same for #2.


oh dear, if I m u think I will gone crazy hearing those noise. Mayb during this period let them rest at elsewhere, probably your godmom hse? Take k.

Suika, sorry other mummies already exchange with me. They responded very fast. I have 1 mamil gold though.... If not the next time I go PD n take similac then we can exchange.

Me on half day... But market still operating. Sure have to stay back one. But anywayz... Merry Xmas everyone! It is really nice to have all of u here to go through the most impt journey in my life with me. I really cannot imagine how I could have survived the entire pregnancy and motherhood without all your advices and support and encouragement.

Can't give each and everyone of you a big hug and kiss but I can only thank u! *mucks*

hi all,

a merry xmas to everyone, and followed by happy new year!~!!

rachel, thanks. by the way my ah boyalso play with teat la. so i conclude that he is not hungry and treat teat as pacifier,usually i will stop feeding then. then i very cruel, i wait until he cries then i give milk, so that he knows i mean business.

when i am not around,my maid is not so hard hearted, so he still get to play with the teat sometimes.

suika, i also hate reno drilling and hacking. so noisy. however i still let kids stay at home, close doors, turn on aircon.. and probably music but also not much effect. poor kids.

monkie, my boy still using size 2, it is big enough for him. however, some teats size 1 is similar size to size2 (we compare before), so those size 1 can use for v long.

MVH, i intro solid to my #1 when she was 5.5 month. i kind of regret woh. that time i gave because lots of pressure from mil, from ppl etc.. all said give at 4 months old buti read somewhere 6 months then give. so i drag...

until 5.5 then i buey tahan liao, ok give!

afterthat i read somewhere that if they are on full bm, should intro after 6 months, because the absorption is close to 100%. however if they are on FM, can start at 4th month after their head/neck is strong enough.

the reason is FM is not BM, it is foreign food for the body, absorption is not 100%. bm can be absorbed 100% (close) but once cereal is introduced, a foreign food is also introduced, thus the nutrient absorption of bm can be reduced to less than 50%.

is it too confusing?

so this time for #2, i think i will intro around 6 months old.


i think for 1st visit, no appt should be ok. however, the priority will be given to those with appt. If you go on weekends, probably will be difficult. If weekday, i guess you can act blur and they will be able to give you a slot.

Wah, today got half day got buffet, so gd. Even force to listen to MD speech oso nvm lah. My co si be jialat. No half day, no buffet, no celebration! N no news on whether will b early release (last yr 1 hour earlier =.=), n best part is most likely no bonus n no AWS for this yr! Super lousy co...

ahNah, understood similac has 0-6mth and 6-12mth.

MVH, its good that your gal can do without the medication. Not good to give bb too much medicine. My hb is not comfortable taking losec off, as my bb will cry alot when the stomach acid backflow. I'm paying about $100 per month for both losec and motilium. Losec 14 tabs can use for 28 days (break into half tablet).


yup, time for new job seeking. End of last yr oledi wanna change job but found out pregnant. So no choice but to stay back. Now look look c c again.

ahnah, got bonus my colleagues told on 15 dec alr.... for me still on probation, so can only get it after confirmation in apr/may next yr (means next yr i will have 2 bonus 2010 & 2011 in dec...hehe)

for red package dun tink have leh...


gd for u. But cannot change job b4 got your bonus oh. =)

my co performance not gd for past 2 yr. Sales not working lah. =.= din pint much hope on bonus cos sales no gd n on maternity leave. But super xiant...



u oso looking for new job huh? Let's + u together. ^.^

btw, I thought I saw sometimes back aug 2010 mummy got a group on facebook? Can some1 add me pls. I remember ahnah(?) post few times the link but dun know y unable to access leh. Probably cos me using iPhone to serve net? Thanks.

