(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

My #1 stomach flu , so stress , scare will pass to #2 ... stress ... Got to let #2 stay in room whole day cos dr say stomach fly will pass thru air ... Any mummies got #1 stomach flu before n how u handle 2 kids ?


pink piglet,

no prob, u r welcome.. similac nt suitable for ur bb? i oso gt 1 tin of enfalac only 1/4 used.. my gal constipate after drinking tt.. nw e tin still left at a corner.. don kn wat to do wif it.. throw away feel so wasted.. drink ownself (suggested by my mil), feel so yucky jus e tot of it... sigh!!!

inlaws -

haha! sound all so familiar!.. i guess it happens in almost every household.

my MIL and I couldn't agree on how to take care/upbringing of baby is part of the reason I decided to b SAHM. They were staying with us (they are not citizens but visit v often) when we at first thought of asking their help to look after my #1 last time once my mat leave is over. So much disputes and conflicts, till we had a volcano eruption at home! she pick on everyone at home, me, my maid, CL, even my mum! even make up stories to make me n hb fight. poke fire here n there. cannot ask her qns (let alone telling her to do this and that),ask her, she will jump to conclusion and always start to cry (can win grammy award!) and scream at me for being a bad DIL etc etc! constantly say to everyone "y do i ve to listen to a new mother? if i don't know how to look after babies, my children n grandchildren would ve DIED long time ago!!" she even said to my maid infront of everyone (for my ears actually) "u know who am i? i am ur SIR's MOTHER!"(btw, she actually didn't really look after them herslf, she merely supervised but she claim she look after herself but on the other hand, the moment baby cry, she panick and pass to FIL to carry! she don't even know how to burp, carry, bathe, feed, change clothes for baby etc!!) she ask me "y baby's buttocks bluish black??" every asian babies have them wat? if she so experienced, how come dunno? baby got high jaundice, she complain y bring to doc, so waste $, sun bb can liao! bb on FBM so poo frequently, she ask y poo so many times? sick? n yet she claim she BF her kids.. so unbelievable! my hb super-filial lor, daren't go against her, i stuck lor! I was so depressed n stress-out when i had my #1, always crying esp during confinement. so if depend on her is so difficult, i might as well make sacrifice n take care myself. dunno y no matter how, own mum will b more considerate than MIL one la, my mum when sick will not go near my kids, but my inlaws even deny that they r sick when they r indeed sick (n still carry my son until he also fall sick)! my hb stupidly believe them lor! i caught them red-handed once until they own up.

haa! ahnah... u director of "ur coy".. lolx


i ustd hw u feel.. i guess 1 target by mil too.. behind mi sure say mi hw bad, don let her carry bby wen im arnd..

ystd mrng heavy rain, she carry bby in living rm (windy) walk here n there.. im thinking y so pig 1.. bby sick still let bby in windy area.. bcos im mooing tt time, washing, n prepare bby stuff to go c PD etc.. if nt i will bring bby in rm.. n my hby slp like pig...


u hv to plan early if u gg intro fm in.. b4 ur bm run out..

this wat i did... for start, gv half feed fm each day.. eg my gal drink 100ml per feeding.. so feed her 50bm 50fm (2 diff bottles. don mix cos they say later taste diff.. wat if they like mixed taste.. v diff if bm run out)

ithen slowly intro into more fm feeding.. nw im feeding 50/50 then 100bm, alternate her feeding for d day..

if every feeding of fm ur bby puke out, means tt fm she don like.. tts happen wen i feed similac.. nw chg enfa, she gt drink le..

whose bby drink similac? i gt 1 400g stage2 tin.. i can sell $10 out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

white lady: Yes, stomach flu very contagious. My #1 had stomach flu twice since my #2 was born. The first time quite serious, puke all over many times so I let her stay in my in laws place for a few days so she don't spread virus to baby. 2nd time she kena again, I just told her not to touch baby with her hands and keep a distance and she sleeps in a separate room from baby and me. So far, baby is okay.


ur case like mine.. b4 i gv birth, she say she gt look after babies b4.. gt experience.. then i decided to do confinement at her hse.. end up after birth i realise her babies refer to her son n daughter which is 27 yrs ago!! sigh~~..


enfa will cause constipate ar? my gal frm last nite till tdy hvn poo.. dono is it due to sick or fm.. b4 sick she gt poo but nt often.. but ystd till nw hvn poo ley [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my hb parents - my hb handle

my parents - also my hb handle

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have no time nor energy to handle all the issues with our parents. I just look after my little ones and my hubby can liao....

Ann, then not easy you know ... your litte one won't complain but your hb will complain/nag to you when he can't handle both parent side.

ah bee,

my boy used to drink enfalac plus EBM and he pooed once everyday but after one month, my supply almost no more and he's 90% on enfalac and he only pooed once in 2-3 days (green). not so good. so recently i changed his FM to mamex gold and he pooed everyday (yellow).

Cyn, my mil talk also cry la.. She do wrong then got many funny excuses. Tell her y also cry.. Then instruct my CL also till she complain to mi..

Ann, many small small things can't wait for hub to come bac but then somehow become big and unhappiness are all over the plc lo.. So now I avoid talking. I hide in my room most of the time...

Ah bee, I will try tt out. U start intro this when u go work? Do u feed frozen milk?


Will not b able to make it to ur place tml cuz part time cleaner will b cleaning up my plc tml.

Re milk powder

Let my girl tried Nan HA, Nan Pro, Friso n Enfalac. Prefer Nan HA n Friso. Nan Pro too much bubbles n find Enfalac got weird smell. For all the milk powder, my girl poo every 3-4 days, mustard colour. Thinking of trying Mamex Gold 1. Anyone letting go?

Ann , mine also sleep different room , but I ask u , if we touch our #1 then touch #2 again, will pass anot? Cos I don't dare to go near my #1 cos I m taking care #2 ... If they r all in living room can ? My big one keep saying he is very sad cos he wantto see mei mei

ah bee,

for my gal, she drink enfalac will constipate lo.. her stools were those hard pellets kind one..

actually my gal oso don poo every day one.. she only poo once 2-3 days.. as long as the poo no hard hard one shd be ok.. my mom say to let bb drink water (abit) every day cos fm too heaty..

ahNah, bring your wife out for date ...

charmaine, u stay with your in laws? Come out to meet us for gatherings so u can take a break from your mil...

white lady, u have to wash your hands b4 u can touch your #2. Best is you don't also don't go near your #1 until he has more or less recovered.. at least for a day or two. Yah #1 will complain but no choice really.

MIL, I also want to complaint!

I'm going back to work on 10th nov. Since the day I gave birth, I have been waiting for a maid to be sent to me, so that I can sent maid n baby to their house everyday while I work (in-laws have friends who are agents). My Hubby and I don't have a say who we want... We don't mind since agent is their friend so won't anyhow give me any maid...

But for close to 4 months no sight n sound of a maid... Nv mind, so I arrange to place my gal with a nanny.. Means can't bring baby to their hse daily. Then suddenly got me a transfer maid starting on 8th nov...Says she worked for so n so before. Now they want me to cancel the nanny and leave my baby with a transfer maid!

Tell me, am I suppose to be worried?

WL: trying to get over it.. i should be seasoned by now but just dunno why each tym i just get angrier..

u betta check on the transfer maid.. why the transfer.. some old folks tend to be very last min.. u dun take action, they dun take action kind.. very buay zhi dong wan..

Ahnah, have been wanting to ask you cos only a man can answer my question..., did you go into the delivery room to accompany your wife? If you did, do you have any phobia "Ying yin" over what you saw? If you do, what do you think will help to overcome the phobia?

Nature lover, I always believe that things happen for a reason, so maybe in-laws are here to help us become a stronger and more patient person... Hahaha

Anyway, I called the maid on her mobile yesterday, and asked to speak to her employer, but she said her employer doesnt want to speak to anyone, just want her to be transfer out, form already signed and passed to me... Strange right?

WL: definitely!! muz be hiding something

yah everyone tells me to ren.. will be good for myself and bring fu qi to bb..

but patience can run out de right.

nature lover,

the auntie quite reliable, recommended by my fren. my fren even pass her the keys to her place for cleaning during weekdays. i can chk whether she is okay to take in another job. u prefer weekday or weekend?

Me too i want complain about my wil (witch in law)!

Same as all of you but most similar to cyn's one! Always say she look after her kids. But truth is, she never did! Old peoplr love to interact with babies, bathe them, feed them, etc.. But my wil, she only likes to carry bb. When bb cry, she will ask what he wants? Okie, if, i say if you have taken care of babies before, in your conversation you would have said, i used to bathe babies this way, feed them this way, etc.. Nah, wil talks like this to my hb (she doesn't talk to me, but always trying to talk to my hb in front of me, for me to hear that she is pro, shit, i spotted so many loop holes in her lies!), last time your grandma always do this to u, ur sis head got cradle cap, ur grandma do this, ur grandma is what she says. The worst came when she took the teat and said that is the milk bottle, folding swaddle into rectangles, claiming she had bad memory cannot rmb and so on... EXCUSES! My mum has also not touched babies for 10 over yrs as my bro is only 19. She is so pro in bathing babies and though she has not used cloth diaper b4 she still rmb how to fold them! Recently, we taught her how to make milk, and she's forgettin and forgetting or i should say she one ear in one ear out, still dare to say we make milk very slow always let bb cry for so long, she herself, cant be any better. Pro in talking only.

Of course, now is the flu season, she has a running nose, not washing her hands

ahNah, u buy for your wife branded bag as appreciation gift, she confirm won't complain. ha!!

Nature lover, can u sms me your address too?

Ann : but her money not mine .. not fair ! ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HAHAHA!! Think of it as "payment" for not going through labour pains...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamyvelle : I maybe not going tomorrow to yr place le. My boy just had his last booster jab, dunno will have fever anot. so maybe can't go yr place le.

Mamex gold HA is similar to bm and it taste a bit bitter too. I think HA type will be a bit bitter. This fm will give green stools though. It dissolves readily in room temp water so very good if you bb is the impatient type.

thks suika and Alibaba for organising the shopping spree and PS, so tired...

Naughty bb so cranky nid to carry all the time..


Alibaba, will trsfer u the Mac meal $ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for opening your house. how much is the mac? sms me your a/c number to transfer.


thanks for arranging the lady for shopping spree.


let mi know how much the MAC i trf u later

cheese & cheekrene,

glad u gals had a good shopping time juz now....mi oso very tired after that, today duno y my girl very cranky today....not her usual self


i got huggies dry comfort at cheaper price but u hv to collect at tampines, if u wan i can pass u the contact....u pm me


i'm also interested in huggies dry comfort. can pm me the contact as well? thanks!


shld count myself lucky then. other than she always try to take the bb away frm me while i'm carrying my girl, she is generally still ok. now my girl so close to her le, sometimes feel jealous and upset.

