(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


so far my girl is comfortable with hanamugari carrier. She automatically lean against my chest when sleeping. I do support her if she bend to her back. I dun have issue using it.


MVH, the diaper bag dimensions are 36cm(L)*15cm(W)*26cm(H). Let me know if the size is ok for you? If not I am lazy to bring the extra bag out as need to sarong the bb to take bus :p

ann, my boy still wearing the mitten too... I actually try to take out since his full mth time but he always scratch his face... end up bo bian still put for him lo...

saffy, i will bring a long ur NUK pacifier cover, pls remember to take from me just in case I bring there then bring back again...

suika, thks for taking the order.

BTW, wanna check if any of u have start bought the education plan for ur bb? I opened the CDA acc at OCBC bank few weeks back and recently keep receiving calls from their staff asking if wanna buy the education plan... any advice for those who has bought the plan? Or do u think we actually dun have to buy so early?

Anyone tried piccolo diapers?

Its new diaper selling at giant only. Its very costly. 40 cents per pc. The diaper is very thin and light. Tried twice and it only last for long hours on urine. If poo poo, super messy la.


i tried piccolo (sample) b4.. but it leaks for my gal leh.. but, ya, its really v light n thin..

think jap diapers r more to thin thin one.. nepia oso v thin

ducklingeshop, i brought education plan from insurance coy.

cheekrene, try to stick diapers if possible else bb might have rashes. I used fitti basic during the day (only 12 cents/pc) & Pampers during the night (ard 40 cents/pc). Pampers is light & thin & well absorb.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

X'MAS Party

Date: 18 or 19 Dec (TBD)

Gift for the babies - min $10

Location: (suggestions)

1) cheekrene - jurong

2) eeyore - AMK

3) lynn - Balmoral (near Orchard)

4) Cyn - Tanjong Rhu (near Katong) {but think can only b4 18th Dec}


1) ah bee

2) eeyore

3) MVH

4) lynn

5) Cyn {but think can only b4 18th Dec}

6) Charmaine

7) Starz8

8) Bakaholic

9) Henkitty aka Michelle- ah bee fren(cannot make it on Sun)

10) Chocochips

11) Saffy

12) Winnie

13) Nature Lover

14) mamyvelle

15) glamgem

16) Jasmine Goh

17) ducklingeshop (vote for 18 Dec Sat)

18) jascmy (hubby also joining in)

19) sheric (with hubby)

ber-mi and winnie,

leak? i am not sure about it as i let my girl use overnight. maybe i tried again as i still got 1 more sample for day use.. hehe!

X'MAS Party

Date: 18 or 19 Dec (TBD)

Gift for the babies - min $10

Location: (suggestions)

1) cheekrene - jurong

2) eeyore - AMK

3) lynn - Balmoral (near Orchard)

4) Cyn - Tanjong Rhu (near Katong) {but think can only b4 18th Dec}


1) ah bee

2) eeyore

3) MVH

4) lynn

5) Cyn {but think can only b4 18th Dec}

6) Charmaine

7) Starz8

8) Bakaholic

9) Henkitty aka Michelle- ah bee fren(cannot make it on Sun)

10) Chocochips

11) Saffy

12) Winnie

13) Nature Lover

14) mamyvelle

15) glamgem

16) Jasmine Goh (vote for 18 Dec with hubby & #1)

17) ducklingeshop (vote for 18 Dec Sat)

18) jascmy (hubby also joining in)

19) sheric (with hubby)

agreed with ducklingeshop, mummies with #1 can bring 1 more gift for the toddlers to exchange.


i tried the samples before. cannot tahan too long as compare to mamy poko. and too tight for my boy's thighs.


i still let my boy wears his mittens cos he will scratch his face even though i cut his nails already. i will only take them out when i'm playing with him and "teaching" him to grab things (my finger or his toys).

Duckling.. E diaper bag too small.. I want bigger one so that I can go out wif my 2 princesses.. Yr bag I think similar size as e one I m using, free mt a bag.. Anyway thanks!

North gathering at Alibaba's house - admiralty link

date: 26th Oct

time: 12pm onwards

Lunch : Macdonald (any objection? or preference)

latest update (including FB attendee)

1) Alibaba

2) winnie_gal - PS

3) ducklingeshop - PS

4) MVH

5) Cheese (winnie's fren) - PS

6) eeyore

7) QQ - PS

8) sunflower

9) Saffy - PS

10) Mandy (iceappletea) - PS

11) Cheekrene

12) suika

13) Tikey -PS

14) Angel (the_gift) - PS

15) Jastina in FB - PS

Maybe going:

16) dreamz

17) Jascmy

18) dreymin

19) fifincash

Above who are going nv bring maid hor? i will only order for those who confirm coming. Pls let me know by tmr 10am if cannot make it.

duno how to order for so many.. tink i will just order 7 filet o fish burger meal & 7 mac chicken burger. & 20pcs nuggets. if drinks not enough , i will provide packet drinks. any special order or add on pls tell me hor! hee..

or ur wan mix with KFC?


u got fren gg Bangkok? i tink the naraya bag are good to use leh.. ahaha.. they got small,medium, big, ultra big size and many design lor... when i went bangkok last time i bot a few bags .. now i miss gg there.. duno when can i go...

ber-mi, i am using avent

RE: mittens

i also dont let my girl wear mittens. she scratch her fact sometimes esp when she very hungry struggling for milk. she sometimes start to suck on her hand... anyone's bb started to suck the hand? i hope it doesnt become a bad habbit for her.


i hav 2 brand new Avent bottles 260ml to let go. And a pack of Avent variable teats also brand new.. Cos now i letting my gal use NUK bottles.. u interested?

by the way, my gal oso sucks on her hands.. till her hands all wet wet...


i m not sure if gg tmr coz my hubby took leave for today and tmr. i will drop u a sms tmr morn.

if i m coming, will bring #1 and #2 and maid.

rgd the spree organiser, i bought a lot of stuff from her before, she has v gd quality small towels which i m using since #1. thumbs up!

hope to see all of u tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shopping spree at my place

pls pm or sms suika wat type of tings u want to see so the lady will bring along.


i'm confused lor. The cd still with him ah? ok Will pm him to bring.


ok let me know Tmr am if u Coming. Then Will order ur makan portion.

The rest do let me know special request for Tmr mac delivery else ur Will hav to eat Wat i order. Mac Chicken burger or filet o fish. :p

I tried piccolo diaper. Didn't like it. The poo like spread all over and somehow, either we fasten too tight or what, my poor boy got a ring of rash around his thigh. Didn't bother to use the 2nd piece anymore.

Me now daytime using nepia. We liked it very much. Will consider to order direct in bulk.

Anyone wants a piece of S size piccolo diaper? I will bring on sun gathering.

Cheekrene: i tried piccolo before it leaks.. The diaper gets v soggy and urin flows out easily. Tried 2 pcs n both leak.

Mamyvelle: i cfm with u again for the gathering.. Still not feeling quite gd... But ur latex disposable teats are with me. Dear, so u wan this.. I threw away a big bag..

seem like every1 have issue on piccolo diaper. i still got 1 pc m size. still hesitate if i should let her try again.


is nepia cutting big? i heard its too small on m size.


X'MAS Party

Date: 18 or 19 Dec (TBD)

Gift for the babies - min $10

Location: (suggestions)

1) cheekrene - jurong

2) eeyore - AMK

3) lynn - Balmoral (near Orchard)

4) Cyn - Tanjong Rhu (near Katong) {but think can only b4 18th Dec}


1) ah bee (vote 18 dec)

2) eeyore

3) MVH

4) lynn

5) Cyn {but think can only b4 18th Dec}

6) Charmaine

7) Starz8

8) Bakaholic

9) Henkitty (vote 18 dec)

10) Chocochips

11) Saffy

12) Winnie

13) Nature Lover

14) mamyvelle

15) glamgem

16) Jasmine Goh (vote for 18 Dec with hubby & #1)

17) ducklingeshop (vote for 18 Dec Sat)

18) jascmy (hubby also joining in)

19) sheric (with hubby)

mummies with #1 can bring 1 more gift for the toddlers to exchange.

majority prefer sat, 18 dec... shall we set that date? whose function room is big to accomodate like 50 pax?

lynn ur function near mrt?

i rmb some1 can help w food? who ar? hee u all wan cater or potluck? need halal food i guess.. dono edah joining n maids too..

need decor? maybe i can help out.. i gt balance small balloons frm my gal full mth..

can some1 create event in fb or fb inbox? i scare i lost track here...


The lady Elaine selling nanny milkbag has a client name Sally who is willing to give away her bm

U can contact her at hp 98437509

Can I confirm with east side mummies.. anyone coming up to my hse on the 28th? if yes, do let me know okies...

gathering on the 27th, i cant make it..

Mamyvelle: i do bake.. i use philips.. to me its good enuf to bake my cakes.. =) my fren will but meyer...

Ann - i use file for babies one. my boy loves his mitten, must wear them when taking bath, if not he v scared and will cry and will grab anything he can reach for. also sometimes when i try to remove them, he will grip onto his mittens, refuse to let go.

just now MIL took my #1 handkerchief (which i use for cleaning his mucus bcos he having the flu bug) by mistake and use it on baby, hopefully baby didn't catch the bug!

Alibaba, can I have green tea instead? I dun drink coke.. Thanks!

If Xmas gathering set on 18dec evening I can't go le.. Coz got wedding dinner..

Cyn, my gal also love mitten when bathing.. So I remove 1 mitten n keep e other for a few weeks.. Then now I remove both.. She is ok.. But I have to wash her hands last coz she doesn't want to open her fist..

Thanks all! This afternoon, I cut my boy's nails very short and let him wear only 1 mitten instead of 2 so hopefully I minimise 'risk' of scratched face by half. Till now, his face no scratches yet.. phew... but he's been sucking his hand like so yummy....

Nature Lover: I'm going to your place on 28th... I think Cinderbelle & Starz also going right?

I force my gal to take pacifier today.. 'fighting' for 10mins or so.. Then she gives up n suckin now to sleep.. Tired sia.. Else she will be sucking her hands Liao..

suika - i'm interested to buy some items fr the link u posted lei (for tmr shopping spree) but i can't go tmr.. how? she will b giving discounts? Possible for someone to order for me and get the seller to post the items to me? I will tt $ the person who take order for me or tt the seller direct.

North gathering at Alibaba's house - admiralty link

date: 26th Oct

time: 12pm onwards

Lunch : Macdonald (any objection? or preference)

latest update (including FB attendee)

1) Alibaba

2) winnie_gal - PS (mac spicy burger - plain)

3) ducklingeshop - PS - ice milo

4) MVH -green tea

5) Cheese (winnie's fren) - PS

6) eeyore - mocha_frappe

7) QQ - PS - mac chicken

8) Jascmy

9) Saffy - PS

10) Mandy (iceappletea) - PS

11) Cheekrene - double cheese burger only

12) suika - filet o fish & green tea meal

13) Tikey -PS

14) Angel (the_gift) - PS

15) Jastina in FB - PS

Maybe going:

16) dreamz

17) dreymin (#1 & maid)

18) fifincash

the rest no sms me, have to make do with wat i order hor! haa.. pls let me know by tmr 10am if u cant make it to my place or special order... tata.

nite nite..

ello,dun mind me doublecheese meal bt w green tea?xie xie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah haven slp ah?


North gathering at Alibaba's house - admiralty link

date: 26th Oct

time: 12pm onwards

Lunch : Macdonald (any objection? or preference)

latest update (including FB attendee)

1) Alibaba

2) winnie_gal - PS (mac spicy burger - plain)

3) ducklingeshop - PS - ice milo

4) MVH -green tea

5) Cheese (winnie's fren) - PS - double chees burger meal with green tea

6) eeyore - mocha_frappe

7) QQ - PS - mac chicken

8) Jascmy

9) Saffy - PS

10) Mandy (iceappletea) - PS

11) Cheekrene - double cheese burger only

12) suika - filet o fish & green tea meal

13) Tikey -PS

14) Angel (the_gift) - PS

15) Jastina in FB - PS

Maybe going:

16) dreamz

17) dreymin (#1 & maid)

18) fifincash

the rest no sms me, have to make do with wat i order hor! haa.. pls let me know by tmr 10am if u cant make it to my place or special order... tata.


airing my frustration, dun mind me

I am sick of yr constant reminder that my milk is so little n that u have to remind me so many times a day.

i know u n yr daughter has so much milk to go round that instead of needing to boost supply u need to take medication to stop the supply, thx for the constant reminder as well

thanks also for saying it only infront of me only so that u can always have an angel image infront of yr son

but what i can tell you is.. what u r doing, heaven sees and justice will be served n i will wait for that day no matter how long it takes.

just u wait.

