(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

mamyvelle : btw give meur acct no. and i transfer u the mac $$ for the last time gathering....

chochochips: 3 months for frozen EBM if kept in freezer compartment.

mamyvelle: I think Charmaine also going to yr place. I'm ok with the swimming or without swimming...

V shack. Tmr then count the mac lunch. No hurry la. As long ur enjoy. But seem like the babies were emo today?

north gathering whose house next?

Now Wanna go or or liao..

haha became a thread to complain abt mil liao!

nature lover

i used to have weekend domestic helpers..they charge 10 per hr..n 2 comes at the same time..so very gd as it will save time..all will be done in 2 hrs..u can still go jalan jalan on sundays..

let me know if u are interested..pm me.

how ar?my bb like charmaine;s start to reject frozen BM....i Got a freezer of it!!dunno wat to do....if someone can find a way to let bb drink the frozen BM..will idolise her/he man...hiaz...

really enjoy today's shopping, thanks suika and alibaba...


btw did u see additional name card with adeline's acc in your house, i seems to lost mine.


can help to give me her acc for transfer, also her hp nbr or email to inform her.

X'MAS Party

Date: 18 or 19 Dec (TBD)

Gift for the babies - min $10

Location: (suggestions)

1) cheekrene - jurong

2) eeyore - AMK

3) lynn - Balmoral (near Orchard)

4) Cyn - Tanjong Rhu (near Katong) {but think can only b4 18th Dec}


1) ah bee (vote 18 dec)

2) eeyore

3) MVH

4) lynn

5) Cyn {but think can only b4 18th Dec}

6) Charmaine

7) Starz8

8) Bakaholic

9) Henkitty (vote 18 dec)

10) Chocochips

11) Saffy

12) Winnie

13) Nature Lover

14) mamyvelle

15) glamgem

16) Jasmine Goh (vote for 18 Dec with hubby & #1)

17) ducklingeshop (vote for 18 Dec Sat)

18) jascmy (hubby also joining in)

19) sheric (with hubby)

20)nekowong (vote for 18dec with #1)

Nekowong, can e domestic helper come all the way to north area? I want the contacts leh.. My current one very headache.. Can give a lot of excuses n fly me kite 4 times in a row lor..

Suika, thanks for e link.. So SMS me again on e time to meet on mon? I think I will take bus 962 there n will be alighting at e small road beside e mrt station..

Alibaba, thanks for opening yr house.. My gal loves yr piano man! When is e next gathering? I can open my place during weekday la but I thought most of r mummies going back work Liao? Me anytime also can since I m at home all e time..

Hey I m interested to get e playmat horse type T-01 Suika posted.. Anyone interested to get another set so that we can enjoy e promotion 2 for 1 price @ $199? PM me ok?


Bring ur gals to my place lor. Can play with my boy. Ha. Me start work in Dec. So i'm still free for Nov. See anyone keen to gather at ur place cos Tink alot start to work soon. The playmat look cute and now got promotion. Can buy lor. But i already got the small small world one liao. Haha. So end up u took a bus or cab back?

Alibaba, thks foe hosting us ytd n pls let me know how much was my meal. Suika, thks for arranging d shopping spread n ps. Had fun ytd.

MVH, u oso opening ur hse huh? But too bad I will b bk to wk next wk liao. Anyway, I will take 1 wk leave on 22-26 nov as my nanny will b goin for holiday. Let see if u could arrange that time then... Keke

Nekowong: thx thx for the info.. i will ask that particular prson if she i still helping to find.. cos up till now no action...

Starz: 12 will be steep... hee

Ann, Starz.. only the 2 of you coming right? i need to confirm with cinderbelle again... we order pizza or any recommendation?

too bad i cant go for the gathering at mamyvelle's today..

suika : if referring to that tampines medical hall one ... Sengkang also have.. but is it cheaper than NTUC FairPRice at Hougang Festival Market ?

Running toilet yesterday night.. Now still bit weird.. Dunnoe wat I ate le..

Ahnah, saw urbubble tea post on facebook.. Scare me le

looking forward to Sunday swimming[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gal start to drink freeze ebm oso reject.. she rather don drink.. but we still feed her w it till she v hungree n bo bian hv to drink.. then she slowly accept it n nw she ok to drink it.. some mummies say cos freezed ebm gt a metallic taste n i find it more yellow n oily compare to fresh ebm. if my gal din drink finish i juz throw away, i personally don like freeze ebm too.. but nw my freeze ebm using up le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so many gathering.. envy envy!! im free on sat.. hee but my mil hse v small, 3rm flat.. cannot squeeze so many mummies n babies in my rm.. my mum hse big but nt convenience, nt near mrt too.. but if u all take cab/drive i don mind u all come (but wkend cos wrking... unless the bb yoga confirm le then tt day after bby yoga can come over)

alibaba, thanks for hosting us yesterday.

aiyo i almost wanna faint last night. ah boy cried so so loud le. cranky.. humbin is it?

then how, midnight also cry cry..

so hb helped me a bit from 4-6am. otherwise i am a zombie today liao.

he has a bit of stuffy nose too... maybe he really dun like aircon? but i already bao1 him until like a dumpling when he was sleeping.

hope today is better for him.

many babies were cranky yesterday, hope photos turn out well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had fun!


probably he was slping directly below the aircon la.. blowing on him. u nv tell me, i can pass u thick blanket.. kaka.. but last night was a cold night lor... rain midnight.. this morning my boy oso stuffy nose.. now better liao..

btw i have FB PM ur on the Mac meal.. Paiseh. too many mummies, i cant treat ah.. haa.. and i just realise actually Mac is so exp already hor.. last time used to be less than $5 . now $7.. kao.. soon $10 per meal liao..

ah nan

cAn get it anywhere like ntuc or medical halls..if u wan fun patches frm korea can get it frm sprees.


ok pm me will send u the info

Cyn. its ok.. anyway my invitation is still open, I'm SAHM for now, so the months ahead are still ok for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just drop me a note if you all need a central place for gathering

cyn here,

u can email her at [email protected]


her acc is POSB SAV 107-36711-0 OR UOB SAV 2011-587-668....email is [email protected]


i oso got the mat liao but ends up oso bought this again....giving him as present for his BD


we mit 3.30pm....u let u know her add, u might b alighting at the stop near her blk so no nid to walk over MRT mit us


nope....my price is $14

the mosquitoes patch i noe guardian n watsons all got sell


I have enough liao. Ha. Mil sure nag if i continue to buy. I got a mini sport car for my boy in the storeroom occupy a big space.

I am still wondering shld i meet ur on Monday. Haa. U saw my boys wardrobe right? ha. Cant imagine if i got a girl.

if u dun like lemongrass then it consider as smelly. The smell is quite strong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alibaba.. I also got a playmat fr small small world.. But I like e riding horse one leh.. So only intend to get tat thou e flower one is nice also but my pocket already got a big hole Liao.. Not working for e next few months so must control a bit..

Aiyo my elder gal needs to nap man else she is cranky at nite.. Last nite kanna caning from me again coz keep disturbing e younger one while she is sleeping.. Then she concuss after crying.. N sleep from 9pm till this morning 8am..

Yesterday took cab to my mil place.. cannot tahan my elder gal la.. Saw playground wanna go.. Whining.. Dun wanna go.. In e end I hold one side of her hand, dreymin hold e other side.. Cannot wait for bus n later got difficulty handling 2 when alighting.. But silly me.. I should have ask dreymin to tompang my cab to mrt.. Got pass by.. Sorry dreymin.. Din think of it at the moment..

MVH: I wanna buy but scared later I kenna "kill".. buy tub for swimming, buy clothes, buy this.. muz really control.. but I so like the rocking hse!

I think parents' $$ are the easiest to earn.. =S

