(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

alibaba, i already using two blankies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nevermindla. these few days will let him xiu1 yang3 at home. my maid said better dun bring him out anymore. haha!!!!

hb said i am too playful, go out go out, then left elder gal whine at home and refuse to sleep. plus ah boy sick liao, then he has to take care at night.

i bo hiew him.

oh yes. i just learnt that macchicken and macchicken spicy are different. i take mac breakfast usually, seldom take their other burgers, except buying kids meal for my elder gal. haha!! so paiseh eeyore.. makan your burger out of . hunger without checking.

ok , transfer to u later.

thanks thanks.


since u ate my burger then u pay for me as well lo since i never get to eat what i want...

hehe.. just joking la, actually i anything one as long as not beef burger, since she ask then i choose lo..

eeyore. haha! no problem la.

next time i treat u when we meet for kopi session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i bought from the same thread as cyn... but I bought Japan ones cos its not as strong smell as the korea ones (cos made with citronella oil v stink). I use on my baby... just stick 1 on his bootie... so far, no mosquito bites on him whereas I myself kena bitten many times......

by the way, what bubble tea post on FB that scare Charmaine ah?? I am drinking bubble tea every day leh...... very very addicted ....

nature lover,

pizza ok with me... I'll be there around 12+.. My photo shoot CD with u rite?

oh yeah, wanna ask if any mummies give Pediasure milk to their #1 to drink? Does it really help them put on weight? I'm thinking of giving to my #1... she's getting more and more skinny....... now I let her drink my EBM morning and night but dunno if EBM so diluted will make her even skinnier or not...


it's the diapers i mean....


seeing the clothes i feel my boy so poor thing sia....his clothes is like not even 1/10 of ur boy lor


juz to share....i've got 1 of the pics of yest's PS

Suika, Yah .. same topic wat. That medical hall got sell cheaper diaper and cheaper milk powder as well.

how come that pic so small ?


i bought at $14 it's from a supplier from her hse....not medical hall

coz he sends mi small 1 lah....actual 1 haven't get

wah, seems like the photoshoot at alibaba's house is better hor.... maybe the pg is more experienced in handling so many babies at one go...


i would say it's a diff concept he hv in mind at alibaba's hse....the props etc so the whole feel is different....that piano is the main factor!!! LOLx


it's huggies dry comfort (red or blue packaging) M66 for $14

nature lover,

more organized i would say....that time even missed out 1 mummy on 1 of the shoots....heehee but coz she came late oso lah.....i still prefers white background :p

suika, like this hor is 21 cents / pcs.

but the one I look for is $15.45 Dry SP Jumbo, 80 pcs.. which means each pcs is 18 cents only.


able to pass me the diapers contact as well. the shop also sells cheaper milk powder?

nature lover,

i'm ok with either pizza. =) can't wait for the gathering tml.. first time i bring my girl out on my own, hope i can manage wor...


both my kids poos in the daytime...both after bath ard 8pm like that wil last till morning ard 7am


interested u pm mi

nature lover,

ya lor...but my girl very cranky yest so no get much shoots ley

suika: true.. the piano is a good prop!! aiya, now I wish I have gone for the PS @ alibaba's place... white background does look better!

nature lover: I anything one.... u decide and order, I will sure eat! Thanks! :D

thanks starz! was complaining to the PG that i can't get a pic of her smiling coz my boy disturbing at hm....so he waited quite awhile waiting hoping she smile rather then cry coz cranky yest....din managed to capture alot of her but at least got this which is good enuff....heehee

mine didnt capture smily lei.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but still got some satisfied ones.

Wow.. Suika, nice pix! Much clearer than e one in fb.. Better resolution I guess.. Yes I like white background too! My hubby was commenting on e last ps that can't see our hair etc clearly coz of black background..

Duckling, then we make e outing ard that time u on leave lor..

I dun mind.. My place is 7-8mins walk from sembawang mrt station.. Anyone interested to gather at my place either 23, 24, 25 nov?


you took PS on your girl again. I like the white background and the piano.


i dun mind going your house. I can take my CCL. Hehe. Any day is fine with me =D

Eeyore, not start work yet ar..

Suika, ur gal's smile is so pretty[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nature, see u b4 1 then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya but no get much photos coz grumpy that day...that's the best photos taken that day


urs better liao mi oni got this best shoot

Nature - i can't go tmr, my #1 still sick.. flu not recover yet..

Charmaine - since u going tmr, can collect my PS CD (its with Nature)? I can collect fr ur place, but pls sms me ur addy in case i forgot how to get there. thanks!

Suika - the PS v nice! haha, mayb shld arrange another one! keke

Mamyvelle - how did today's gathering went? when u going HK?

Ann - my sis gave pediasure to her son, but still skinny.. but my MIL claim its gd bcos her other grandsons took them and were chubby, so i dunno, u can try!

