(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I also use the same pacifier, notice not gd leh. My boyalways suckle and drop out, need to stuff in again. I read online, this period they start to bite their fingers/hands, it's normal wor. Mine started to bite since this Monday. I also scare habit, always push in pacifier, but he doesn't want.

sunflower, teat 1 not fast la. so slow.

i wonder if we talking about the same type of teat le.

next wed we all bring one teat and compare?

MVH, when i go bcak work i wont be able to latch so many times. the most 1 time, or midnight (prefer to give bottle cause fast and can zzzzz then)

jialat. i monitor again.

i using avent NB teat (#1) but bb still choking leh...

i can hear her sucking on her tongue at times..

then i tested the few avent teats i got... i bought brand new ones but some seem to drip faster than others.. and its BN ! how come ah? anyone of u encounter this problem?

Cny, dun worry too much on yr #1.. like what QQ said.. Let him go thru e therapy n see if it helps? Does spending some time talking to him everyday helps?

Seems like alot of us use avent product.. My gal also using avent teat #2 at week6 but only once so far.. Mm.. Should I change e pacifier? Coz my mum said the pacifier like too big n seems to block e nose..

i'm also using avent pacifier..

since the day my girl started using it, she has been spitting it out as and when she likes..

think partly to get our attention so that we will rush to her when she cries out..

for the last 1-2 wks, she has been spitting it out so that she can lick her hands and mittens..

some times, her whole mitten can be wet..

dirty girl..


Not fast meh? One big and one small hole leh. My boy took 15 min to finish his milk, so I tot quite fast Liao. Sometimes get choke too. Hmm maybe I tried out teat 2 see how


jialat la. my teat #1 oni 1 hole.

#2, 2 holes.

how come yours #1 got one big hole + 1 small hole? salah liao la. someone go poke hole for u?


I think u should try pigeon pacifier, my gal got hook on it...

re: teats

my boy still using avent NB teat #1, he's ok with it leh, to me the flow seems fast...


if he's using teat #1, drinking 15 mins, got choke sometimes, that means the flow is ok for him, why wanna change to teat #2??

can't believe it. we are still talking about teat #1 #2, while our babies already 2 months old. haha!!! funny la.

sunflower, got one hole oni bah.

eeyore, #1 should be one hole, #2 two holes. #1 hole if too fast flow, maybe already enlarged during cleaning. should be ok bah. 1 hole oni ma


My gal is on NUK pacifier but thought of switching to avent brand but duno if my gal dun like pacifier or this brand not gd..sometimes like to suck sometimes dun like..

my boy also on Avent pacifier, he also will spilt out when i try to let him suck.. i tried tommee tippee pacifier, he also spilt out too.. what other brands of pacifier can we try ah?


I just double checked again, got 2 holes leh . One big one small, next to each other. I show u on Wednesday.


NatureLover > yup, i tried burping her. She just don wan my cuddle. I tried everything..she'll just kick & cry...

Alibaba > thanks. I will get my hubby to buy it from the medical hall. is the thing sweet or bitter, cos my bb very clever, will taste the thing with the tongue 1st before she open her mouth? its effective for phelgm?

my bb weight was bout 5kg...used the calculation for the milk supply, it should be 60ml/2hrs... but the doc told me too much... im at a lost...now she cries for milk, i donno i should give her 45ml like wat the doc says or 60ml....

Sheric > yup, my bb was sneezing the moment she came out to this world/in hospital. i wish i could do something to help her with the phelgm...its seems torturing to her....i wish i could suffer for her....the dr loke i went is at tampines street 81...she mentioned that bb has sinus as heredietary from family.. but the other doc says is jus normal cold... both are paedietrician...i donno who to believe...

QQ > thanks... i tried that cycling exercise, she just dont like that i grab her leg...

sunflower> i also using teat 2 from quite some time back le. still abit slow for my son sometimes.

pd>i using pigeon's one for my boy cos the avent one currently is still too big for him.

Dreamz, count me in for the gathering.

I have problem bottle-feeding my ger. Not sure if is due to the position that I hold her. I hold her at 45 degree angle. Is it too upright? She only takes 40-50mL from bottle and will cry during the feed. I believe that she drinks more than that when I latch her on. Aft she stop, I try to burp her (usu she doesnt burp) and feed her again but she dun want to drink anymore. I fill the bottle with 80mL everytime and really hope one day she will give me a surprise by finishing it.

pd> they got for newborn size which is smaller. my parents help me buy one. can find in ntuc


ooohh.. okok, will go find n get one to let my boy try..thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

are we talking about the same teat? i tink there is one variable teat which is faster flow also for thick liquid. i start using teat #2 when QQ highlight to me becos my boy really take ages to finish his milk.. maybe too tired to suck teat 1.. now tinking to upgrade to #3 when he turn 3 mth old.. cos he still take a long time to finish his milk.. and he always need to burp in between the feed.. ermmm.. how come still so much gas in the tummy.. am using the white btl with a ring... suppose to reduce collic right.. how about the other yellowish bottle? i also gonna upgrade his btl.. the yellowish without ring btl can reduce air also?


i didnt taste the huo ning san myself. i tink not nice lor.. cos i just use finger and apply into his gum and tougue.. his face turn "sour" only can give v small amount. den give water to let him rinse down.

u sure the phelgm is causing discomfort to ur bb??


someone poked ur teat? hehe. but anyway ur boy is fine with it right. so let him be la. unless he drink too slowly like mine.. or u try upgrade teat #2 and see if he can take it anot. but must be prepared for him to get choke for the 1st few feed.

Hi gals..

so long nv log in liao...

re: teats

my gal oso using Avent #2 teats.. the flow not tt fast i feel.. still she's taking a long time to finish her milk.. somemore she always fall asleep while feeding de... my hubby even suggest letting her use #3 teats!!


i oso same problem as u.. v difficult to bottle feed my gal.. she always fall asleep halfway thru.. burp liao then sometimes don wan drink oso.. worse till, sometimes, half way drinking she look for pacifier...

so no choice lo, i let her sleep awhile 1st then after 10-20mins or even 30 mins will try feed her again.. like tis she will finish her milk...

sunflower, bring your teat ah. we will study the teat a bit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1 hole oni la. anyone else in your house? someone go poke another hole is it?

the centre hole is not a hole one, there is oni one hole poked open.

hm.... mystery.

alibaba, the white bottle or yellow bottle also same same la. it is the feeding posture. feed with his spine upright, and the air can come out easier. sometimeds it is just our milk, no worry. will outgrow de.

my gal was also like that. my ah boy now also slightly inclined to that. when i feed it s better cause the posture is better. my maid still need to learn on this.

Wow, north mummies gathering got good responsponse ya, more n more ppl joining [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think I shd empty up my living room n just put some mattress on d floor for babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Guess what, I m now in the hair saloon perming my hair! My youngest sis is getting married on d coming sunday n I felt I really look ah soh if still dun makeover myself :p

Re: teat

My bb also using avent teat 2. Actually I had bought him few teat 3 last week but tried already seems too fast for him. So change bk to teat 2. For my #1, she has been using the avent variable teat all along as her FM were those very thick type. I find that using variable teat got 1 advantage as no need always change teats. May b I will let my ah boy to try out too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm, so many of u already using teat 2, haha I try go study my teat 2 , compare with teat 1 . Mine like so strange


I feed my boy with white bottle with the ring adaptor. He ok leh.


my boy too.. lately, he always drinks halfway then falls asleep n refuse to finish his milk, so sometimes i will burp n wake him up to continue.. hahah..


wanna ask u hor, the method u use hor, did u wake your boy up for the final last feed or u feed when he make noise?


u not the only one.. me also gettin lazy to pump.. but i really need to continue pumping, else no bm to give to babysitter to feed my boy.. ;p


sometimes he's asleep, sometimes he's awake but as long as he's not in deep sleep, he'll finish the milk... so far gg 2 weeks milk-less liao...


its really tiring right?

during the weekend, my hb and baby will take nap..

den i will be alone pumping and feeling tired..

feels so unbalanced some times..

but luckily my hb quite supportive..

after i pump, he will help to wash and sterlise the pump..

and at night when i'm pumping, he will help to change diapers and take care of baby..

if not, i think i will give up long time ago..


Can you set a date so that we can go to your house? Let me input the list.

Mummies & babies gathering

Place : dreamz's house at Bt Panjang

Date: ???


1. Dreamz

2. cheekrene


ohh.. but so far u only feed him with BM right?


yeah, sometimes la but usually i latch my boy fully but now i gog back to work soon n my boy will be taken care by nanny, so have to pump n store more BM le..


Agree w you that you certainly need help when it comes to bf. Else, you would be latching on exclusively cos I'm also put off by the washing of bottles, pmups and sterilizing...sigh, so much for BF.


Care to share yur contact for the audio therapist? I may wish to bring my no. 2 for an assessment too cos he just turned two and he can only utter Daddad, Mama, gor gor... n very few other words, single syllabus. I suspect that he has short tongue too. Can give me your contact? Else PM me also can.. thanks ahh.


I'm using the pigeon step 1 pacifier. Think that has worked well for all my 3 kids leh.


I agree w you that I also prefer to give bottle cos my girl finish faster and I can rest while others take over the feeding. The other thing is that she tends to choke when she's on my breasts. Think my flow is too fast for her leh.

Mummies & babies gathering

Place : dreamz's house at Bt Panjang

Date: ???


1. Dreamz

2. cheekrene

3. suika

tue can? i'll most likely take tue off for the nxt few wks

suika> no prob, which tue? 12th or 19th? 13th u taking leave already rite?

oops used the wrong account to post. dreamz here.

Suika, I dun have ur number, pls pm me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, Susan, cheekrene, sunflower, can pm me ur Hp number too so that I can SMS u my address, d rest I have d number...

On d gathering day, U all wan to eat the 鱼片汤for lunch? My downstair coffeshop got sell n I think if we have 10pax I will ask them to delivery to my house? Or wan to order fast food or pizza? Suggestion pls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: teats

avent got variable and non variable teats? variable is faster flow ah?

i giving my bb 100% EBM so i should buy non variable teats for her because it flows slower?


the fish soup nice ah? if nice i dun mind. my maid will have to tag along if i bring #2 along. so i will bring #1 , #2 & #3(my maid) along.

Mummies & babies gathering

Place : dreamz's house at Bt Panjang

Date: ???


1. Dreamz

2. cheekrene

3. suika

4. alibaba (12 oct not available, 13 oct to ducklingeshop place)

