(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

QQ, Ann, ahnah,

Ya Alot pass down clothes cannot wear, end up gota buy new ones. He is also tall. From birth until 8wks already outgrown 10cm. Maybe bcos he kept stretching.


Mine also poo almost after every feed in the beginning. But now lesser Liao.



You have to screw really tight for avent bottles. I have both types and both will leak if i dun screw tightly. But hor.. screw too tightly the milk cannot flow also. Haha..

So i switch to pigeon bottle easier cos can use nuk teats.

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

i'll apply for leave tml...count me in (hopefully my leave will be approved)

how i loved the new freezer!! shifted all my EBM over n it's FULL!!



Suika, qq> great. When is a good day for you gals? I'm collect my boy's swimming pool with the neck float this sat, the babies can take turns to swim if u gals wan.

Pekkle> want to join us?


waaa... u really stock up alot leh.. im like getting lazy to pump le, just keep letting my boy to latch only... think i really need to be more hardworking in pumping to store my bm...


how big's ur pool? i've oso got 1...can fit in 2-3babies at the same time....if swimming then i'll bring float over


I think they won't get hungry lar, if yes they should have cry already... my boy don't wake up for night feeds already, sometimes in the morning i still need to wake him up for milk...


I've already stayed north, east and west liao, except for south, if i rich then i buy there, hehehe...


I should be able to make it...

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore


how i wish to store so much milk...

Wow! This thread has lots of hardworking mummies! Mostly pump n freeze so much milk. I v lazy to pump lei eventhough I ve avent duo pump n medala swing. They r collecting dust now! :s

I v sad today bcos we jus brought my #1 to a audio verbal therapist something like speech therapy for 1st consultation. She say base on wat she observe jus now n our inputs, my 3 yr old son has speech delay n his verbal langauge skills is like a <2yr old!! I feel so depressed hearin tat n also she say he might b abit autistic bcos of some red flags she observed but can only verified by a pd psychologist. N if he has short tongue (which she suspect) he may ve to do a small day surgery on his tongue. Now dilemma on wat kind of sch to send him for next yr. If he go to sch with a big class, he may b neglected n may hinders his development even more but with sch tat has low child to teacher ratio it will cost a bomb n the therapy session is already going to burn a hole in our pocket. Sigh!

Btw tmr anybody want to get anything fr carrefour? I won't b login again so perhaps u can let Xuan know? She has my HP no. Xuan - is it ok for u to help convey any request to me?

Also hopefully my #1 tmr don't scream when he hear babies cry. He get frighten n will cry too n he'll try to cover baby mouth, so I ve to ensure my maid control him or else mummies tmr will kill me!! Xuan - can I bring my son's lunch to ur house to feed him?

Penguin- where do u stay? Tiong bahru? If want a ride, u'll ve to come suntec lei. I still ve one seat in my car. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cyn here, of cos! bring him here to feed him lor. but my #2 saw food, he will run over and ask you for food too. i will have to control his mouth too. haha

How do I add aug2010 MTb group in fb as mentioned by some of u? I only has Ann in my fb n when I click on ahnah's link above, nothing happens except it bring me to my fb home page

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Penguin- forgot to answer ur qn on rotafene, think pharmacy offshelf dun ve. Ve to get fr pd.

Mamyvelle - both my boys pd is now dr cheng also. My #1 used to go to anothr pd at paragon but v exp lor!


North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok.

9. Sunflower - tentatively ok

Cyn: i just pm ed u .. Hope u can catch this msg..

See all of you later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can ask u all a question on bottles teats? it may sound silly..

my bb seems to keep choking on milk. I am still using the newborn teat. when i invert and turn a bottle or tilt the milk bottle, is milk supposed to drip out from the teat? when i tilt the milk bottle, the milk flows out quite fast from the teat (when bb is not sucking yet) is this what is causing the choking or is milk supposed to flow out from the teat?

nature lover , i use medela nipple cream apply it and air it openly for a while. apply it every few hrs to make it 'moisture' and will heal within a day or two.

east gathering mummies, see u all later! im going to catch some sleep after pumping for 1.5hrs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Suika> mine Is those really for baby type. Can fit 1 baby & 1 adult only. So babies have to take turns. 90cm in diameter, 80cm in height. Not sure can fit 2 babies a not.

Monkie> it is suppose to drip, but dun tink suppose to flow out.

Anyone interested in getting items from carter's, osh kosh bjosh, the children's place, ralph Lauren or bath & body works? I organizing a few sprees with my fren currently

dreamz > does ur teats drip quite fast? is it normal? my bb makes clicking sound when sucking like sucking on the tongue that kind of sound. once i hear this sound after a while then bb will choke on milk. anyone encounter this problem and how to solve it ?


i think your teat wrong le. cause not suppose to flow so fast for our babies, drip drip drip ok.

maybe u using one that is meant for thick liquid. u wanna check?

i am unable to join the meeting tomorrow (or today?) cause now packing to go pulai spring resort for the weekend.

mummies giving ebm and also latching. i have problem la.

i latch until lsat week then i started givingbottle cause wanna train maid for feeding. then i oni latch once per day. now my breasts are used to the pump, and when bb suck, he makes noise la. he has to use a larger force to suckout but he is unwilling to. so i am stuck!and jialatl i let him cry so lour last night.



I'm giving avent newborn teats still and yes if the cap and teats alone will drip drop by drop, but if with bottle cap on the milk will be like a straight line flow out... occasionally my boy will still drink till choke, don't understand why the flow is still fast for him...

mokie> mine dun drip very fast. maybe u try to lift bb's head higher so bb is more upright so the flow not so fast & see how. sometimes might be he suck but dun (shit forgot how to spell the word, my brain failing me) "tun", so after awhile he chokes, like my boy.

Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the MIA last afternoon. Was settling my bb gal. She is still fussing despite taking the 1st doc medicine, so i brought her to another clinic. I was ask how much milk I gave to her, 2hrs - 60ml..the paedietrician says its too much. It should be 3 hrs - 75ml? he asked me to prolong the feeding time by giving him water, i tried that b4, but its doesnt work. she wans milk mean milk... was prescribe med for expel wind & block nose. gave Bb yest, but doesnt seem to get better. the phelgm especially. everyone tells me to wait for the med to take its effect & wont b so soon...gotto take at least 3 days? mummies is it true? im exhausted form all her fussing... carry her, she dont kick, rock her to sleep she cry. give her pacifier she splits out...

any mummies knows beside applying oil to her stomach to expel wind, what else can i do to make her more comfortable...

I tried to go for north gathering if my girl dun get cranky each day.

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok.

9. Sunflower - tentatively ok

10. cheekrene - tentatively ok


I dun mind going to your place as i normally go cck to stay at my mum's place. let me know when to meet up.

regina: u can try burping her?

xuanx: thx.. cos yest nite i try latching bb (after a 2 week stop)n it was painful n i thought maybe because its a re-try so it hurts and I stop latching and gave bb ebm, when i pump out the milk later, i was really shocked to see the milk strawberry coloured! but i pressed on the nipple, the milk flow is still white.. cant find the source of bleeding.. the second pump i reduce the suction cos i scared blood might come out.. but did not.. but now a bit scared to pump.. =S

c you later!

dreamz: I am interested!


i do realise the flow is fast if the milk is too hot.. newborn teat shld be drip drip flow de.. am using teat 2 now.. cos my boy take ages to finish a feed.


wat's ur bb weight? i dun tink its a good idea for not giving bb milk if she want to drink.. like wat u say she want means want to drink.. hard to stop. probably u would have to burp her every now and then to relieve her gas in her tummy.. or give her gripe water also to relieve the gas. u tried this method before?

i do realise bb are all prone to have air in their stomach at this age... do u BF bb? sometimes latch on bb, bb can slp within secs for my case la... probably suckle for comfort...

for the han ning san tat i mentioned, can get from chinese medical hall.


i shld be ok to go ur place also..see when u organising it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and will try to make it if my boys are not sick


My girl having same prob as ur. I realised that her muscu harden causing her nose to b blocked. especially before dawn, the morning cool air worsen the situation. & u can hear that phelgmy sound; wondering frm nose or throat. It had been like this since she brought back frm hos.

I brought her to see pd to check jaundise. Pd heard her lung n claimed that it's fine. Was told that as long as bb drink n sleep regularly n is growth well, no prob. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Which dr loke in tamp did u see?

For the spree, details at :

Carters/Osh Kosh Bjosh - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4580956.html

The Children's Place - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4581071.html

Ralph Lauren - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4581419.html?1286423937

Bath & Body works - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4581480.html?1286424419

Those want to buy anything from any US website also can let me know then see if can combine to share shipping charges.

Gathering @ Bt Panjang> I'm ok with any dates for the next 3 weeks except 18th & 22nd. which dates you gals prefer?

Anyone gg for the baby fair at expo on 22nd?

Regina ... misplace the list le , or u wanna call up check with them?

oh ya suika ... the sales quite alot of things , but den mostly for toddlers. not much for infants de.

cny, read about your #1.

perhaps u can let him go through speech teraphy first then decide what to do next.

i went for attachment in an intrenational preschool before, there was a child with speech therapy. he is slightly slow, and cannot speak well at 4.5 yo. however, he did enjoy the class and slowly improve.

hope u find a good school for him.

alibaba, same here. teat #2 liao. sometimes drink v slow.

regina, take it easy. she will outgrow

de. meanwhile, if she is free and alert, then do the cycling exercise, can help to expel wind from tummy too.

once they reach around 6 month, this problem will be less and eventually no more.

dear all,

Mustafa is having a renovation clearance sale over this weekend. Merchandise such as TV, Hifi and Household Appliances are on their clearing list including their display sets!

Who is going ?

QQ, by rite it is ok to pump n latch.. Last time my elder gal when I go work (more than 12hrs), she drink bottle, when I go back I latch her fully.. Weekend latch exclusively.. Maybe once a day too little! Try latch 2-3 times at nite la.. Then u go holiday can latch fully..


I have a problem here.. My gal can't soothe herself to sleep in e day when she awake by noise.. Then now she resort to suck her whole hand.. Which I dun want her to make it a habit.. I try to give her pacifier several occasions n also force hold e pacifier in her mouth.. But she just refuses to suck.. How ah? What brand of pacifier did u all give yr bb? I use avent newborn pacifier..

