(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

regina, my gal also has the same problem with yaolan.. just only, she open eyes big big in sarong .. but i know she is tired le.. so i sing song to her and pat her bottom to sleep.. somemore once i stop, she wake up.. sianz rite.. but no choice lor.. this is her pattern... comtemplating of buying those motor to auto-swing.. but ex leh..


count me in!

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

Thanks for consolation mummies. I felt so helpless & my husband is as un-knowledgeable as me too...once BB cry, donno wat to do...

Mummies, can I check what is the colour of the BB's stools for those feeding BB formula milk? mine is green in colour? is it normal?


My son had lots of phelgm and resulting terrible cough at wk 8. PD says his lungs are fully blocked, have to do suction. He went thru tubings going thru his nostrils and throat, yelling like mad. I was tearing when I saw this, yet I have to hold his head firmly to calm him down. U have to prevent going to crowded places or mix with someone that is coughing, else ur bb will kena easily. That's way happen to my boy.

After I feed my boy, but he still struggling by kicking and punching and tongue kept moving, I Noe I didn't feed him full. So I will top up, then he can fall aslp. It tookme a while to understand this signal. But I don't Noe if it applies to ur bb as well. U can give it a try by giving another 20ml ?


12th is also not possible for me. Other day?

East gathering

Date: 08/10/10 friday

Time: 12pm

Venue: xpink_xuanx's house (Chai Chee Street)

1. xpink_xuanx_1987

2. naturelover

3. Penguin

4. mamyvelle

5. ann

6. ah bee (TBC)

7. cyn here

mummies, lets fix it at 12pm onwards!

Mamyvelle: i miss the east leh! Now i stay west n nxt time stay north whole sg i stay before liao.. I miss tampines!!

Pink xuan: okie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regina: my boy on fm green stools normal as advised by pd..


i checked with dr ang and he mentioned that spotting after pap smear is normal.

but i did not get to ask whether spotting for 1 week is normal or not as i dun even have a chance to sit down..

he always looks like he's rushing for time..


thanks for the invit..

i shld be able to join the north side gathering..

btw, can add me for the FB grp for aug mums?

hi all,

i came back from msia fewdays ago, but still tired and need lots of rest. i am oldliao.

ahNah, u should feel happie cause he can stretch to 6 hours. this is a good sign tat he can skip midnight feed if u can mnage the time well.

regina, jia you! she will outgrow the problems de. this is how i console myself when #1, and now #2.

sunflower, ur boy can drink so much? huh?

mine drinking 100-120ml, every 3 hr, or 2.5 hr. his stomach maybe too small?

how heavy is your baby now? mine doesn't follow the calculation anymore. he might b underfed according to calculation, but he is fat la. so i am ok


have a record book, then record all feeding info. then u should be able to see a pattern.

no worry. as long as dorje got good wt gain. how heavy is he now?

Duckling. thanks.


don't feel bad about yourself. There are mums out there who abandon their babies or try to flush them down the toilet right after they give birth. So compare yourself to those people, do you still feel bad?

Cut yourself some slack. None of us here are born knowing how to be good mothers. We learn as we go along. If you keep thinking this way, even if no depression you will become vulnerable to it.

QQ : got record his feeding time only, didn't state the poo and wee.

Last Sunday evening weight him, already 5.7kg at week 7. Born weight is 2.6kg.

Should be enough right ?

Sunflower, d date has been changed to 13 oct (wed) instead of 12, so can u make it?

Angel, u r most welcome to join us, more ppl more fun

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

QQ, tot u latch on fully? How u know how much is ur boy drinking? My boy has increase the milk intake to 150ml every 3 hourly now, n I m getting lazy too had change my pumping time to 4-5hr interval, each time can get 200-300ml depend on d pumping time, so now excess had already drop n just almost gnam gnam for his need!


Ya he drank this much. But sometimes 150ml. Just now I weigh him, alreay 7.9kg. Last 2 wk sick , only drink 90-110 but only lost 400gm. This wk catch up again. Before sick drank 140ml Liao.


I'm a full time working mum, can't stay at home to take care of kids kind. My two elder kids are in childcare now. I have a helper and my parents to take care of my kids. My dad would help to pick the two elder kids from school abt 4-5pm everyday and they would be at my parents place till I knock off. Else, won't be able to cope too. I think going to work is like going on holiday for me... haha...so I choose to work, :p

I'm not too sure abt inverted nipples though...my girl came out on the 24th Aug. Anyone here delivered on the same day? I'm determined to close shop now, cos had a really traumatic delivery this time. Till now, still have flashbacks of it at times. Anyone here had gone for ligation procedure? How was it?

Sunflower, I store abt 120 - 250 mls max in the milk bags. When you pour the milk in, you have to let it stand and push out all the air before you seal it. This way, you won't have air in the bags. The thing I like abt Lansinoh bags is its quality and double seal. It can also store up to max of 250mls n can be left lying flat position so dun take up so much space.


I do agree having a girl would make us broke... haha. I just went to buy headbands and cutie little hats for her. Gosh, so much to choose from?!

By the way, anyone here using the Avent BPA free bottles which have a light yellow tinge? Why is it that mine keeps leaking each time I tilt the bottle? The sales person frm kiddy palace told me tat I have to screw correctly but no matter how hard I try, the first time I tilt when I feed my baby, it would sure leak. I have to then unscrew and screw again. Its really frustrating. Is there some trick that I've missed out here. I miss the good old avent bottles leh.

Hi all..

long time never log in here for so long...been very busy with my bb gal..she has been very cranky...

well..my gal poos almost every feed...is it normal..at first, i thought there are problems with her stomach and brought her to KK on tue but doc said its very common..is tat true??

There is gathering for east side mummies..i feel like going but i scare my gal too cranky..

my wife told me to bring Dorje and maid to go gathering with you gals. and she wan to stay at home ... shy until like this .. how har ?

Angel, thanks for helping me to check.. He is forever busy.. I also din get to sit down last week during my pap smear.. Somemore today half day is war day..

Dsqyvonne, poo every feed is normal.. I guess not alot like e whole diaper rite? When they grow older, they can hold their poop longer so less frequent..

Ahnah, dorje already double his birth weight in less than 2months.. Already very good le.. Dun worry abt e milk intake.. They will makeup in e day by drinking more often..

Maybe u can accompany yr wife to gathering more often then slowly let her go herself when she is more comfortable wif us..

anyone wan gathering at bt panjang? i dun mind offering my place. can't really go out too far now without my mum or hubby cos just recovering from my op so cant carry my boy for too long.

ahNah, then u bring dorje and maid bah.

i am still training my maid to feed milk, the posture she adopt is not good enough andbb dun drink much. have to jia you!

bearyhug, there are two types of BPA free avent bottle. which one? yellow tinge or milky tinge?

the one with milky tinge got a ring adaptor de. dun get confuse ok?

the one with YELLOW tinge, means amost yellow orange colour right? that one dun need the ring adaptor.

QQ : har .. i scare n shy leh.

my maid was here together with confinement lady.

So she almost learn all the basic liao. CL say must know the bb's pattern then know how to feed.


use stroller? u rest well first, plenty of chances next time. and your place is quite to my house liao. 10-15 min drive. if timing ok, date ok i also join,


if bm, poo v frequent or no poo for days also normal de. dun worry.

QQ> my boy's stroller quite bulky kind cos we wanted something more firm & high. got buy baby carrier but my op is at the tummy area so abit hard to carry.

anyone has any recommendation for nice manicure & pedicure place? som

xpink_xuanx: what's your address?

Nature lover: How are u going there ah? By cab?

Sunflower: Your boy is really growing super well.... 7.9kg wow... Like dat, he will outgrow his clothes v fast....

dreamz...can try FE Nails at raffles city located at the new B2 level...i happen to hv a voucher for pedi n mani at $50....can give to u as i hv pkage there le....

i m staying at bukit panj at mom's place on weekdays...can pass to u...pm me if keen....


if FM then i heard poo are harder and not watery. u monitor and see. ok?

and FM bb more like poo once a day or twice.

unless taking nan. cause i heard nan is more like bm.

i am lazy to fb, seldom logon.

Nature lover, I can't confirm on the timing that i leave my house so I think I better don't share cab with u.... don't want u to wait for me sekali i am late.... But we can go home together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

