(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

i maybe can go to d north gathering.. ducklingeshop, is ur hse near mrt? wen i bring my gal out on sun, she don like sit in my carrier, v cranky.. i wry tt day so dono wanna push pram take mrt nt..

can i bring my fren along? she also augmtb, silent reader here. her edd is mid aug but csect on 24 july, 2 days after my gal.. hehec


can pm me ur addy in fb

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok.

9. Sunflower - tentatively ok

10. cheekrene - tentatively ok

11. shay - can i bring my maid and a 2yo boy with me?

12. ah bee

13. ah bee fren - michelle


Hi Mummies,

Good morning. My cousin came to visit me yesterday & the baby. Hmmm...she mention that my baby's phelgm might be caused my the milk powder (Similac). She suggest that I changed milk powder. Can we just change to other milk powder when the baby had been taking the current one since birth?

Ng, yes pediasure exp.. Recently I bought 2 @$62 from e online shop xpink recommend..

Yes. Bb grows faster when they sleep alot! After first month, no need to wake bb up for nite feed le..

I remember somewhere in Canada, they ban using/selling/buying sit walker.. Read kk website too.. They also discourage ppl to use.. But I still use for my #1 for some months when she starts to cruise ard.. But limit to 2hrs per day..


Can, u can jus change ur FM.. i oso change 2- 3 times for my gal... intially, she's on Enfalac.. but gt constipation then changed to NAN HA.. She's ok wif tt now i changed to NAN Pro but abit regret cos alot of bubbles in e milk...

by the way, milk powder will cause phlegm one ah?

cyn: thanks for the advice.. that tym i so worried n checked the net, they say can just apply bm directly on the wound n air it.. it worked for me and i could continue pumping again.. =)

regina: u can change fm de but my gal oso on similac, so far so good..

Hi Ber-mi,

I told the symptons of my bb, she says that she suspect that the milk powder not suitable for BB. my bb has phelgm in her throat, the not pooing daily.like 2-3 days once. She says that Similac might be too "sweet" & that causes the phelgm...advise me to change... im still wondering to change or not?

oh.. ok.. my gal oso poos once every 2 days..

think its normal as long as e poo is nt hard one.. if those soft type, think don need worry too much.. at 1st i oso worry when my gal 1 day din poo.. but ppl were telling me its ok..

u can try changing FM.. mostly trial n error one c which FM most suitable for ur bb..

can try NAN if u wan.. cos this is most similar to BM..

yest my fren came to my hse to collect some of my EBM..

and i saw her son..her son only 5 month old, already 10kg and 68cm..

her son look like michelin..super big size..

she say her son drink Wyeth S26 which is well known to make bb big size..

regina, if u worry ur bb is small size, mayb u wan to try tat brand..

i tink similac is well know for heatiness oso..

my 2 aunts kids drink liao got constipation..then they change to enfalac..

but is still depend on bb ..my another fren bb drink almost all kind of milk brand oso cannot..until she tried GAIN..

so really have to trial n error..

u buy small bottle to try first (but small bottle is more exp)

Hmmm..does nan ha 1 has small tin?

I still have one unopened tin & a newly just opened tin. Wonder if I should wait for these two tins to finsih 1st then change? one of the reason that my bb not pooing,might be that Im not feeding her enough water. think I shall stick to similac 1st, feed her with more water & monitor the situation. see if the phelgm gets better.

my bb's poo is army green in colour & seems like peanut butter/beancurd type. is it normal?

NAN HA only has 1 size.. consider small tin ba.. my gal finishes 1 tin in 1w week plus 2 weeks time..

for e poo shd be normal i guess.. my gal's poo oso same.. recently jus became green in color, initially tot she could hav been frighten or wat (according to those old ppl saying la).. but i read from internet it seems to be cos of the iron in the FM..

Hi Bermi

What bottle teat brand are you using when feeding ur bb NAN HA? As NAN HA is watery, compared to similac, I find that using NUK Teat Medium size (meant for formula milk) abit too fast for my bb..TIA~

How much is one Nan Ha 1? i thought like Similac, got small tin, then can buy & see if my bb suitable for it... if buy big tin, if not suitable, a little wasteful.

Hi Mummies,

Anybody using HUGGIES here?

I got 4 of the HUGGIES HUG TOWN stamps to give away, cos Huggies cutting a bit too small for my boy, his legs seems restricted haha... so will stick to pampers.

is mamypoko cutting bigger?

Charliebrown, me using avent bottle.. Got try to change to NUK bottle but my gal don kn hw to suck..

Regina, NAN HA cost $41.75..

Pink piglet, ya mommy poko cutting is bigger... As compared to huggies...

I think I can also be considered as "North" mummy

North mummies & babies gathering

Place : ducklingeshop's house (woodlands near cwp)

Date: 13 oct (wed) 1130am onward


1. Ducklingeshop

2. QQ

3. Alibaba

4. MVH

5. Angel

6. suika

7. eeyore

8. スーザン (pd0513) - tentatively ok.

9. Sunflower - tentatively ok

10. cheekrene - tentatively ok

11. shay - can i bring my maid and a 2yo boy with me?

12. ah bee

13. ah bee fren - michelle

14. saffy - if nothing goes wrong this time

Regine, bermi,

Yes, certain milk powder will cause cough n phelgm.. My niece was on mamil n every 2-3weeks will have cough n phelgm.. Take medicine, recover Liao then come back again.. So I suggest to my mil to change milk powder.. N it works for her.. Now she is on promil n seldom cough.. So just try which brand suit yr bb ba..

xuan - hope ur gal recover soon. drink more water or dehydration salt or 100plus also can for dehydration. can give probiotics also, last time my pd give lacto forte (dunno correct spellin or not) to help build up good bacteria in intestine to fight the bacteria tat cause diarrhea.

Mamyvelle - pm u my fb contact liao

Beary hugs - pm u the specialist contact liao

east side gathering - haven't got time to upload the pics yet to fb. give me another 1-2 day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Quite pekchek wif my gal just now.. Sleepy, put her in yaolan after feed, then keep mouthing her fist till the whole mitten is wet.. Thought she hungry, Then latch her, she dun want, keep pulling away.. Put her back into yaolan, mouth her fist again.. Give pacifier, split it out several times.. Take out mitten, mouth fist n then rub eyes.. Cut nails Liao but still scratch e eye area red red.. Alamak.. Hold her hand from all these actions, struggling wif me.. Really dunno what she wants leh..

Mvh, I think it's normal for them at this stage. My boy keep mouthing his fist too till mitten wet like yr gal evEn when not hungry

if yr gal dun want pacifier good for you! Won't have orthodontic problem next time. My nephew was too addicted to the pacifier as a baby n now have buck teeth. My boy also dun like pacifier so I kinda glad.

gd mrng!! yawnz.. bk to wrk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] squeeze bus w others.. miss my gal le..

mvh, my girl too!! exactly like ur girl!! kip licking our shirt, arms, shoulders, her fist... we juz sway her hand away n "beat beat" her mouth wen she stick out tongue. she always live to rub her face till red red too.. also dono y [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] see le heartpain..

ducklingeshop, can pm (in fb) ur addr? or any1 can sms/pm me? kam siah!! ;>

Hi Bermi

My bb also finishes one tin of NAN HA in less than 2 weeks..keep buying the FM, wipes, diapers..shiong. do you intend to change back to NAN HA? I actually was thinking of switching to NAN Pro.


Mummies, which is better for nite use? Mummypoko or pampers? Currently using pampers as there is a wetness indicator for size S, but size M no wetness indicator. Do you all change diapers for bb at nite when they wake up for feeds? I am trying not to so as not to further "wake" bb up.


wow it's such an important thing yet u can forget... why not take half day home lor...

otherwise penguin is at tiong bahru can contact her...


tink it's normal la.. ur boy sooo cute lor!!


if u are at north area maybe i can help u.. how bout hand squeese out??? and tong til u knock off?


kaka.. ok la.. poo is not equal to notti mah... if no poo den u will start to worry! :p

seems like many of u gg to ducklingeshop's place.. ahnah, join us la!!

tot i heard someone mentioned once bb hit x2 of his birth weight, then the weight gain will slow down.. so far i only weight bb once when he went for his 6 in 1 jab.. til today duno wat's his weight.. am curious of his weight also... but no digital weighing machine at home...


slipped off my mind....forgotten to take [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


how can tong sia....it'll b 12hrs no pump wor


u've got ur maid liao?


Yah. The maid arrive when my wife give birth 5 days later. Lucky my wife can communicate with my indo maid .. so lucky them lor ... i'm the only one who can't communicate with her.


u overslpt ah? or monday blue? take time off to go back during lunch time. once i went out. prepare ev ting & bring pump out also but forgot to bring the parts! bb is with me. so end if he hungry just latch him on..


her simple english is very simple .. can't communicate with me. Only can communicate with my wife (can speak bahasa) and mum only.

hello, think a few of us are gearing to go back to work... want to do a poll:

1) What pump will you use? Leave at work or carry around?

2) How often and where?

3) How do you clean and sterilise pump parts?

4) Where to store milk in the day and how to transport home?


I switched from similac (cos very sweet) to mamex gold HA cos my boy has alot of phlegm. So far, mamex seems better and it dissolves more readily and more like bm compared to similac needs longer to dissolve. This is useful cos my boy super impatient and will cry the house down if he doesn't get his milk in 2-3mins times.


Since this is #2 so will be the same as what i did during #1 time.

The difference this time round is I'm using medela swing, I did consider the travelling before that's why i choose this pump.

It's easy to bring around as there's only 1 small round motor, the only thing i don't like is the power adapter, I guess this will happen even if i choose other pump, the weight of it.

1) What pump will you use? Leave at work or carry around?

Medela swing and I'll be carry it around, only a small round motor as compared to #1 is ameda dual.

2) How often and where?

Pump twice in office, 1 before lunch @ 11am and another before leaving office @ 4pm. There's a nurse room in our co, everyone goes there to pump.

3) How do you clean and sterilise pump parts?

My company has hot water, i guess is at least 90 deg C, I'll bring a rectangular lock lock container to keep my pump parts and bottles.

4) Where to store milk in the day and how to transport home?

There's fridge in my co so not a prob, when I'm leaving office, bring out the milk and store in the bag with ice pack. I used to have a colleague that use an extra big bottle, go to canteen, put ice in the bottle and milk bottle inside to transport home.

Lucky my mum's place is not very far from office, just 3 bus stops away so not a prob either.

Alibaba, go duckling house n use her weighing machine then keke..

Suika, hand squeeze ba.. This morning I also hand squeeze some for my elder gal.. Thou cannot clear all, but better than ren till day end.. Or just take half day lor..

Ahnah, I also can use up to 5 diapers at nite at time.. Coz when my gal poos halfway then sleep then change Liao, poo again.. Din finish her job n went to sleep.. I scare of rashes so I normally change every 3-4hrs, longest is 6hrs if no poop..

Just bought babyLand Clothes diaper for them to try it out. Damage is $8.5 per pcs.

Hope this can save some $ on paper diaper.


i woke up early today...i remembered but duno y ends up no bring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my girl now like no really like to latch liao ley....she'll suckle abit then start playing then latch again....i tried to latch her last wkend...everytime like that


tell ur wife n mum not to speak w her in malay....if not they'll not learn...ur indo oso rite?

my maid now chinese quite good liao...english still no good but alot better now....my case same like u...my hb n godmum does noe a little of malay but i told them no malay!


1) What pump will you use? Leave at work or carry around?

i using avent manual pump. leaving pump in the ofc

2) How often and where?

i pumping 10+11am & 3+pm...changing to 3times pump soon

3) How do you clean and sterilise pump parts?

i got a new water bot....put hot water in it, will rinse pump w hot water b4 n after pump n keep in a ziplock bag

4) Where to store milk in the day and how to transport home?

got fridge in ofc....use icepack n those cooler bags from daiso....good n cheap!


guessed my oni option is my hands....cannot take leave today coz i'm taking tml n wed for the gathering


I'm a local chinese, my wife is from INdo.

my mum spoke to her in broken mandarin / english and hokkien .. so word by word is ok for them.

but when i speak a bit proper english, she can't reply me back liao. So in the end . i learn a few words..

Su Su => Milk !

Tia Ban => SHIT !


Its normal at this stage leh. My boy also like that , especially after feed. He reject pacifier at that point of time , after that will still want . Slowly ba



oh dear, forgot to bring ur pump. Take half day le else how to 'dong' till evening? u go back to work so fast? u keep some of the ML for later?

I'll be taking 4 mths (from jul 12 thru mid nov) keep 2 wks ML for next yr but clear last year's leave of 13 days.


1) What pump will you use? Leave at work or carry around?

i'm using avent manual pump - bringing around

2) How often and where?

will only pump ONCE in office around 1-2pm

try not to pump so many times as i find it hard to cut down. want to mantain ss as 3 times a day (twice at home and once in office)

3) How do you clean and sterilise pump parts?

since i'll be pumping once in office, i'll just wash with tap water and keep in ziplock bag.

4) Where to store milk in the day and how to transport home?

either put in the fridge then transfer into cooling bag or put ice into container with milk bottle in it. haven't decided which method to use

