(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

bakaholic, I actually don like the taste of unsweetened yogurt. But no choice have to try your method of eating tons of it. Will go buy it later.

Can't durians too. sob sob!



Jasmine, I asked my CL, she say its the same as the herbs but not easy to get it lah. My Mum keep for me since CNY and have been suntanning it almost everyday cos i gets moist and mole very easily.

I tried to keep mine 2 pamelos that I bought during CNY but cos my hse no sun to dry, it becomes moist and black and I threw it away.

Jasmine, so now know why my MIL don wan to keep for me liao. Cos troublesome to suntan the pamelo skin everyday just for me. I don trust her too thats y I called my CL to ask.

Jasmine, when is you EDD, if like me end of the mth, still have chance. Can buy now and dry till you deliver and use it immediately. Keep now for use towards your end of your confinement. Not like me keep for months liao.

Nature lover, I got dilate 1cm n got all kind of sypmtoms but I still not in labour yet le..

Really wait until got giraffe neck liao

jasmine, I will use 1 pail of water but don know leh. I told my CL liao, she will do it for me. I have about 5 pamelo skin now. Let my CL to decide on how many to use.

need to use pamelo skin to bath for confinement?

i only brought the da feng ai herbs leh... erm...

going induce tml morning 7am... so nervous, hopefully will be smooth and fast!

♥Mamyvelle♥, we are tooking abt what are the things that we can use to bath to replace da feng chao. Some ppl don like the smell or some even skin sensitive to the da feng chao.

Jia you! Have a smooth and fast delivery.

tink smell quite nice leh... like those cooling herbal tea... will enjoy today ... going to bring my 22mth ger to my mum's place , going to slp and slack at home .. eat eat eat , and drink cold water lolx

congrats eeyore_03...

mamyvelle : My inlaws want me to induce tomorrow too. But everything seems so rush for me, i haven't gotten my breastfeed accessories from the spree yet. Haven't mentally prepared for every 2hrs feed and so on...


so will induce on my actual EDD, 18th august.

hi all, i'm back!!! just discharge from TMC... hehehhe

here is my birth story:

2 Aug, 9pm plus: feels tightening coming at 5-7mins once... but sleeps thru the nite...

3 Aug: tightening continues to be at 5-7 mins once...

11.20am: sms hubby to standyby, call gynae, the nurse ask me to go down, say might be going to birth soon...

12pm: gynae check.. alr 3cm dilated!! direct admission..

12 plus to 1pm: the labour ward nurses check for bb heartbeat, contractions monitoring, put emeza, etc...

1.30 pm: gynae come to burst water bag....

3pm: 6cm dilated, starts to feel pain... when contractions at once every 2min... n ask for gas...

3.30pm: push to delivery ward...

4.40am: finally bb comes out after 3-4 pushes...

Congrats to alibaba and eeyore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xpink_xuanx: you got any dilation? i also thinking of inducing next week.. but no signs of dilation and baby not yet engaged.. wonder what are the chances of success in natural delivery...

hello all! i popped on 4th Aug midnight!!

Heres my little long winded birth story to share.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] --EDD: 10 Aug, ADD: 4 Aug, Natural induced with epi

31st July

-Clear Mucus plug dropped.. mild mild contractions..

2nd August

- A little more mild contractions and more clear vaginal discharge.. hubby worried and we went to visit gynae..

- gynae did ctg test ( 1 contraction per 7 min) and cervix test found 2 cm dilated. gynae says shd be within these 2 days.. we super happy..

3rd Aug


a little more painful contractions but bearable.. pain to the back.. slight aching


went back gynae. gynae told us to admit straight away. did a cervix check. STILL 2 CM !! gynae says quite slow since oredy 1 day passed. no point waiting. broke my waterbag and on drip.

says hopefully before 12am on 3 aug can settle. hohoho.. we happy happy cos tot only suffer 9 hrs..


- pain set in.. pain pain but tolerable.. no epidural yet.. gynae came to check.. only 3cm after 3 hrs!!!!

- Backache start to be intolerable and decided to go for epidural.. wahseh! epidural really the GREATEST INVENTION IN THE WORLD !! ( my pain mainly in the lower back cos my baby is posterior position so his spine against my spine)

- After epidural really feel nothing.. hehahha..


- a little pain at back ( asked nurse then she say its normal cos cannot totally take full numbness else cant push later)

-anxious to know how much dilated..so ask gynae check cervix again.. sigh 4cm ! gynae says very slow and difficult labour cos of his position. and at this rate... if by 3am ( 4aug) still not fully dilated, then i'll hav to go for csec!

- very sad..stressed and pain at back.. hubby and me kept telling baby to turn to anterior position cos i really start to feel the pain at back.. and i dont want csec..

- i really cant tahan lying on back liao.. so i tilt to the left side.. feel a little relieve in my lower back.. and can feel the baby in my left liaos..

- nurse asked me take the oxygen mask cos bb heartbeat dropped.. we super worried for bb.. and i kept breathing hard the oxygen.. really felt like crying.. cos v worried abt baby..


- contractions became closer and lower backpain start to be intolerable.

- gynae came to check again..9cm dilated !!! and baby turn to Anterior position!! we relieved!!!!!! and proud of our little boy cos our persausion and talking to the baby really works!!! he understand Mummy in great pain and want to save $$ for us cos if not gt to pay double chgs


- did another check. fully dilated! ready to push!!

- pushing for 1 hr cos of epidural effects.. cant feel pushing thats y so difficult..

- Baby finally out!!!

- Tears of Joy kept rolling down when baby on my chest..

Mummies whose babies are posterior.. u might really have v backpain during the labour.. but keep talking to your baby.. they can hear and understand you.. and i duno if it helps but cos my baby is right posterior at first, so i lie on the left side towards the end and duno issit due to that, it aids in helping baby to turn back to anterior,... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck to mummies who are popping soon!

sorry for being so lorsoh.. hehe..


alamak, u should ENJOY now before the nightmare comes. enjoy first! later u wont have sufficient sleep after bb is out.

oh, eeyore, congrats. i think eeyore sure go through natural without epi. cause she also no epi for her 1st gal. should b fast and steady one.

crescent, i think you got typo error. i got a scare, how come u already at 3.30pm, then bb delivered at 4am? waited for so long? so must be typo right? then the delivery sounds fast and easy. steady le..

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congrates CSY!!! it's all worth the pain once u see bb born....mi oso experienced the aching pain on my pain this time....

CSY, really stressful when u were in labour ward right? finally it is over. u must praise your baby more cause so good and guai guai listen to you too. so the oxygen is for baby ah? last time they give me oxygen but i dunno it is for wat, i just use for a while and stop liao.

now u rest well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The yoplait brand too sour and thick for my liking but i find the infection itch worst. So, i just take 1 big cup and swallow down.

QQ: yah.. nurse say oxygen for Bb.. cos of the contractions and positioning, BB heartbeat dropped.. and might lack of oxygen.. tats y i got to take the oxygen mask to breathe in for BB... super tired and pain.. but for BB health.. mummies gt to endure and brave it through the ordeal...... the most impt is BB healthy.. everything is worth it..

Hi mummies,

I've given birth on 1 aug, just wanna share the bill at TMC. Hope mummies will have a better idea of the cost. I opt for 4 bedded n free upgrade to 2 bedded n had emergency sect due to small pelvic structure. Total stay is 4 days. Total cost is ard 6k+ (inclusive of bb charges). After medisave, I paid 2.3k in cash. 1.9k is my bill, 400+ is bb charges.

Hope it helps some mummies to clarify their doubts.


I swear by cranberry juice. the one that is sold in GNC is good. It is a little pricey at $15+ but I think you will probably need just one or two bottles to tide over.

The juice does not contain sugar hence it is sourish but a one third glass does the trick.

scooby2010, i love sour food so I don mind sour. Heard of cranberry juice but not sure whether can drink during pregnancy so don dare to drink. Ok, I will go buy both the yogurt and cranberry juice later after work. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The itchy is getting worst!

anyone ordered from moms in mind before?

have order some things last time and have gotten the items le. but this time , the person simply dun answer calls and emails... and from last week till nw still haven receive my items , its registered mail. how ar?

giving birth tml le, so have ordered some nursing home wear clothes last week...


i ordered twice from them before.

their response can be quite slow at times. once i waited one week before they replied my email. just email them again ba.

congrats crescent.

i was talking to you on that day and now you had given birth. luckily you made a call and made it to hospital. have a good rest.

congrats eeyore and CSY.

The email response from moms in mind is quite prompt. I usually get a reply within 1-2 days. They even mail me my exchange (i bought wrong size nursing bra) with a return envelope to return the wrong size, with no extra charges.


Congrats to all mummies who hav pop.

Mummies who prefer not to use da feng cao for bath water can use lemongrass plus ginger instead. I think it will smell good.

Nature Lover, who knows we might be staying at the same room. =) how's the size of ur baby, if not too big , y not keep her inside to absorb more nutrients. I heard that the nutrients being absorb in one day when inside is equal to one week when out.

CSY, ur baby turn to anterior position at the last mins. So guai.

