(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

ann--> i also rarely go to toilet at night nwadays. smtimes whole night nvr wake up for toilet. i also puzzled why this is so. is it because of the position of baby? hw many weeks are u nw? hw was it like fr ur first preg?



I just realised I stop visiting toilet at nights. I used to wake up once since beginning of pregnancy. I thought the weather was too good for me to sleep throughout the whole night until you mentioned about it.

No ah nah, good that u posted here so that Others can benefit mah.. Just regret a bit that I was too greedy during e fair.. Lol...

Jascmy, that's not bite, is baby suck too hard Liao.. My gal also did e same to me on e nipple that has slower milk flow...

Wow... Angel..

Ur baby weight is good! But expect some tolerance as compare with e real birth rate la... Jia you!

Oh.. Forgot to update... My waistline remains at 42" @ 35w... Hehe.. Guess baby is moving down Liao..

Been busy with work that no time to come here.

Wonder if issit this thread that someone was asking abt the herbs for baby bath. My colleague passed me a box which is from Malaysia Eu Yan Sang. I supposed can get it from the Eu Yan Sang shops here.

Thks for the link to pigeon warehouse sale. Been planning to get pigeon baby liners, wipes etc from pigeon.

ednique, cheekrene:

For my #1 pregnancy, I went to pee 3-4 times a night at last trimester..... on my day of labour @ 35 wks, I had to go pee for 6 times at night and the last time was actually waterbag bursting. So for this pregnancy, thought a bit weird not to go for the usual multiple night toilet break.... I'm 35+ weeks now. Not sure if its the position of the baby ie not low yet or maybe I never drink enough water??

My waistline also no change for past 3 weeks... still 41 inches @ 35 weeks.. but I put on weight these 2 wks.. maybe the fat went elsewhere... :p

talking abt going to pee at nite....throughout pregnancy it has been 1x for me for the nite...currently at 36 weeks, still at 1x...i tink cld be cos my bb is breech and has not dropped, that's why frequency didnt increase....last few nites didnt even go toilet and slept thru the nite...i tink it is cos i was tired le.... :p

Jus heard the news on FM933. Theres a lady gave birth in the toilet on the airplane and tried to flush the Bb into the toilet bowl. Once the plane landed, the staff on the aircraft have to send the Bb with the toilet bowl to hospital cos Bb stuck in there. That lady got caught immediately the place landed too.

How come all this ppl can give birth so easily. They not in pain or take few hours to give birth meh? It like jus go toilet and poo, Bb out liao. Then Bb nvr cry loudly when born meh. Strange!

Jascmy: I am sure it's super painful for them to give birth in toilet.... Like what we watch in tv dramas lor... Frankly, I always feel heart pain to hear or read abt such news of pple abandoning their newborn babies...

Hi Jascmy,

wow.. the lady still can board the plane? strange.. i guess she has planned everything.. maybe she has already taken some painkillers..

well.. as for the baby, his nostrils are still blocked.. the doctor/nurse needs to insert a small tube into the nostrils so that they can breathe and then cry.. that's what i saw the nurse did to my #1.


haha wrong perception... bb dont cry when they come out...

they cry only after the nurse have suck out the mucus or phelgm that is stuck on the throat and nose...

yes bb suck too hard or wrong posture will bleed, I did bleed on the 2nd day when my gal suck the nipple.

as she got difficulty sucking initially or new mum dunno how to feed...

can still recall, it's rather painful as that area is very sensitive...

Hahaa... I watch too much dramas liao?? Really not cry immediately ah. Insert tube... hmmm... ok. Tot jus need to bit the backside will do. Hahaa...

Hi Mummies!

For those doing massage with Mdm Ida, I'm helping her to consolidate orders for the 3 straps velcro binder which we June 2010 mummies are talking about. If any of you are interested in getting one, email me at [email protected] with your contact no & address by 12pm today okie. She'll be placing an order with her supplier and if ready stock, we shld be getting the binder by this weekend. Payment directly to Mdm Ida when she sends it to you. Thanks!

Morning all,

Angel, thanks. Good luck to you too! Post your bb photo here to show off okie? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jascmy, wow, the story really damn drama man. Poor bb! The airline should also take some responsilibity for allowing the woman on board. Hope the bb can survive... On the lighter side, hope he/ she can grow up in a good family, be happy and strong and optimistic and enjoy lifetime free flight.

These few nights, I can feel like as if bb is dwelling into the V area. Everytime she does that, I feel a very strong urge to pee, but the feeling is gone very fast. What is that???

wl, for such kind of abandon Bb case, the mother not only give birth easily, they also have small tummy so that they are able to hide the truth that they are pregnant. Funny hor.

hey wl, i noticed that if i lie on my left, i have a super strong feeling to pee.. but when i turn to my right or flat, the urge is gone.. i think my gal is pressing on my blabber when i turn to my left..

wl, I also have the same feeling. I tot is Bb kicking our bladder. Cos the urine is like suddenly want to gush out but the feeling gone very fast. So in the end nvr go toilet.

wl--> I also have the same feeling as you. i feel like its the head that is brushing against the cervix when baby turns his head...

i duno if i ate somethinfg wrong or wat leh.. no appettie to eat this 2 days.. and after i ate i sure throw out my food.. any advice?

ahNah, the father also loh. They shld be responsible for it too leh. Why only arrest the mother and put her in jail. Mus arrest the father too.

if the father is involve this purposely giving birth on plane and flushing it to toilet, den arrest him.

but if the father is unaware. Den he is no guilty.

ahNah, I mean the father making the gal pregnant and don wan to be responsible. The gal have no choice but to abandon the Bb.

Such case have to put him in jail too.

Hi All,

My friend sister is shaving her head for charity. If you would like to support and donate to Children's Cancer Foundation pls pledge your donation thru www.hairforhope.org.sg/hfh/shavee/show/1106

The shavee has a great heart more than their self image especially the women. Pls help and pledge your donation for the children in need.

morning everyone,

i am dilated 2cm also during Wed checkup, at wk35 now. hope baby can stay in there 2 more weeks.

Has anyone start to take the coconut drink? Not sure is it ok for me or not since i am already dilated but haven't reach wk37 yet...

actually I pity the mother also. which mother would want to kill their own baby? esp. i think in india if her family is the super traditional kind, who knows what would happen if she were to go back as an unwed mother? will they kill her and the baby themselves?

lawfully, if the father doesn't wan to engage marriage with the preg gal, he is not committing a crime. So how to put him into jail.

Unless she is minor at the time of making baby.

Leo baby, I'm waiting for this leh. I want to shave for charity and for my confinement. Hahaa... but I jus have a new haircut leh. Don wan to shave off leh.

mandyn: wah u already 2cm dilated liao? i went for checkup on wed too..gyane check cervix too, she say normal no need worries.. i'm also same week as u... u also frm KKH?

Jasmyn, this event is carried in jul every year but i cannnot bear with my hair[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahnah, at town ok? Wat time?

