(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Me got half-an-hour bladder leh... go to toilet every half-an-hour during the day. At night better, cos I force myself not to drink water after 9pm

luving daddy and Jascmy: the bill will come up to 6k.. for c-section...

ytd when the nurse brief me i also get a shock sia....

1 bedded cost up to 8k..i was like forget it lah.. so exp


Am back from chinese physician... hee

Sleeping position> my bb no longer like me to lie right.

I am now slightly right and front as he seems to be lack of place if I lie fully right le.. so I put a small cushion on my right tummy.. Spine very tired after some time..

c-sec needs 6-8k??? really?


yes, pple say KKH is cheap, actually its not lor because your gynae is at Private Suite, so the cost is even higher even though u choose 4-bedder..and to make it worse, its even more exp for c-sec.

bakaholic: yup the amount is before medisave deduction...

i tink max can use up to 3.9k for medisave for c-section?

Ednique: i will be deliver at KKH..

ytd we paid upfront 1.7k.. the nurse say the bills cost up to 5k+ for normal c-section... if got extra thingy will cost up to 6k...

Sunflower, KKH cheap for subsidized patient only. Every half price leh.

Do u know the different between price of Clinic A, B and private suite? I know clinic A and B not under subsidized.

sunflower: i also tink KKH is not cheap lolz...

i already choose the cheapest liao 4 bedded and it still cost me so exp cuz i'm gg thru c-section.. haiz...


my baby is very active in day time every day. even now, she is stretching my tummy like nobody's business. she only sleep when i sleep at night. if i wake up for toilet, she will adjust then back to sleep again.


i also just heard from my colleague saying that c-section need 8k.. That is at Mt A.

ah nah > my bb's movement pattern same as cheekrene's.....i think the bb is v active now at this stage....squirming alot every hour...only quiet when i sleep in the nite.....the stretching is really alot n frequent.

luving daddy,

i duno about other hosp leh.


ya, only subsidized patients are very cheap at kkh.. someone told me her fren natural at KKH as subsidized patient, and only paid $900 ..so cheap!

private suite is slightly more exp than other clinics, but i dont know how much difference.. but your gynae is also factor, the higher level they are , the more money we going to pay..


4-bedder not the cheapest in kkh leh..still got 5-bedder etc..but its the cheapest for private suite patients because we can only choose either 1-bedder or 4-bedder. ,but still consider exp..hehe..

luving daddy,

it's abt that price....the price list they stated there is oni on the ward fees....no counting other fees like PD fees, nursing fees etc

let me go back get my bill tml i show u all my bill for last yr

SunFl@wer, Wah,price increase liao. My sis's 1st child subsidized, natural without epi only $500+, 8 yrs ago.


Initially I also wan to be in subsidized, but too many problems for my pregnancy so changed to private suite when I reach 2nd trimester.

luv daddy: u need to top up cash like 2k bah.. for my case i tink...

sunflower: i also tink delivery at private suit is nt exp..tmr u can let us know the charges for normal delivery for 4 bedded at priavte suit...

i duno wat the rank of my gyane leh..

winnie and jascmy,

i just checked with my fren who just delivered her twins - natural with epi and 4 bedder in KKH .

both of us, our gynaes are senior consultants.

her bill in total is 8k. one of the baby in special care for 4 nites.


my left wrist is painful also for 2 days liao.. a bit swollen.. i din sprain it .. i think those carpal tunnel syndrome or whatever.. i had it during my #1.. that one lagi worse.. for 2 months.. even acupuncture also cannot cure.. must wait till after delivery then will get better..

my friend who deliver natural with epi stay 1 bedded and she paid $1.8k cash... and her total bills is ard $3.9k...and her doc is same as me and jas gyane...

sunflower; wah lau gif birth to twin also so exp ya...

MVH, huh. I also suspect its not sprain cos I don remember I sprain leh. Jus sudden pain and then till now. Also swollen. So after delivery will get better ah. How do we know exactly what courses the pain?


after deduction everything i paid abt $500 in cash...w bb staying 1 extra day


it's like that....mi oso...coz bb now big liao mah n pressing on the bladder


i dunno what causes the pain. I remember checking with my gynae for #1.. gynae said might be pregnacy related so there is nothing much i can do.. unless i wanna go for blood test and find out the cause la..

I went to raffles hospital chinese medicine department then for acupuncture (din dare to go to these mini-shops, scare might hurt baby in a way).. did a few times of acupuncture and cold pressure, still the same.. but i realized if i eat seafood ("poisonous" stuff) it will get worse (swell even more)..

After delivery, it takes a few weeks (coz mine swell for 2 months) to recover la.. and amazing, it is back to normal lor..

i thought i can escape for this pregnancy.. since i m already 35+ weeks.. but these 2 days, my left wrist starts to swell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. massage only helps instantly.. but after that the pain still come back.. u can try apply cold pressure if your wrist is warm.. helps to lessen the pain la..


high five!! my baby also stretched too much. sometimes i can feel her little hand pushing my tummy... hehe! she's so cute.

Jascmy, yes I can carry my baby.. Maybe e labour pain overwhelmed e wrist pain lol.. Coz after labour, I think I m more concerned with e v-area pain rather than my wrist pain.. U got CL rite? If so, u only carry when breastfeeding yr baby else most of e time u will be resting n lying down..


hope activity is good. i ever heard someone say the bb is playing the cord ... scare he bite off the cord only.

Wow Lao ah nah, I feel cheated when I looked at e link u posted abt ntuc fair.. I bought so many pampers diapers during motherhood fair n now ntuc is selling it even cheaper.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MVH, newborn Bb can still bite leh. My niece bite my sis's nipples till she bleed on the very 1st feed cos she can't suck out any milk.

hello all,

just seen woody in the afternoon. still only 3cm dilated which is gd news cos that means there's now a higher probability of me holding on to my scheduled c-sect date on 15. previously, i was told to be on standby for labor & was feeling quite stressed up everyday/night, waiting for the 'moment' to happen... now trying my v best to tahan for just 1 more wk. *fingers crossed*

tdy, bb's weight came up to be 3.045kg @ 36wks + 4. i suspect woody's measurements to be running big again cos 1 wk ago, bb weighed just 2.635kg, hard to fathom bb gaining more than 400g in a wk. previously, bb only gain abt 300-400g in 3wks - 1mth lor. i din eat durians or other special stuffs leh.

me also taking c-sect with epi. wanted to witness my child coming out although i'm also scared to death abt the procedure. i've been having sleepless nights recently just thinking abt the upcoming ops.

i think TMC charges also ard there lah. my gynae's fees for c-sect is $1,600, read somewhere, there's a misc $300 that he add on to that amt (not sure for what). then, there's also additional $500-600 for the doc injecting the epi besides PD fees & other misc lor.


u r shifting house on 15? all the best ya. hope all went well for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mi back from woody's clinic liao....bb now 2.4kg


that 1 not call bite...it's coz bb suck too hard thats y bleed....

Angel: your bb's weight is very good... She helps you save on diapers cost cos she can wear S size diapers very soon instead of NB size which is more ex... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: going toilet

I find that I go to the toilet less at night nowadays. Very weird huh!! Few mths back, I used to go at least 3 times at night but these 2 weeks, I only need to go once and sometimes none..... weird..



i went for 4D scan before. She don't seem to play her cord. Her cord was all squeezed in 1 corner. When she played, she will just wriggle wriggle. Sometimes she can push my tummy super high. You can watch my video of my tummy in FB. Super scary. Haha. Nowadays she started to push my left side of my tummy using her hands. It's really "qi miao" feeling.

